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The following article was originally published on social media by Alexey Zhuravko, who was People’s Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament) in 2006-2012. The interview that he cites was published in 2016.
Translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront
Dear friends!
I would like to bring to your attention an interview by an unknown journalist with a certain Ukrainian “patriot”, the head of the military-civil administration of the city of Krasnogorovka, Oleg Petrovich Livanchuk, from which it is clear what they are willing to do for the sake of “the idea of the superiority of the Ukrainian nation”.
Friends, please read to the end and ponder every word of it.

Oleg Petrovich Livanchuk
“Oleg Levanchuk: here people should be forced to love Ukraine by force, and I am ready to kill them for the sake of the idea of the superiority of the Ukrainian nation.
– Tell us how did you get here at all?
– How did I get here? I’m a career officer. I retired in 2006. I was retired for ten years. When the war started, I was called to the department. They said: “You have to go back”.
– And you returned?
– I returned. I served in the company “Sumy”, it’s a police unit. I served there for almost a year. And then I was called to the Presidential Administration. They offered to write a statement here (by the head of the military-civil administration of Krasnogorovka – ed).
– Have you ever been to Krasnogorovka before?
– No. I never went there. Even of the Internet, I couldn’t read anything about Krasnogorovka, except for general pre-war data – how many people, which factories… Because they don’t ask such stupid question in the PA. How many people, how many schools, how many hospitals.
When I arrived, I was met by a woman, Deputy Mayor for Social Affairs Irina Zhuravleva. By the way, I fired her later for separatist sentiments.
She met me then. She knows the locals. She used to work here. For three months she helped me well. She helped me get the team together.
– How did the locals greet you?
– They waited. It was a shithole. Schools didn’t work for a whole year, nothing worked. Just a little hospital. There was no light, no water, no gas…
– There weren’t any who were met with hostility?
– No. Then they were a bit afraid of the military. At first. This is now – so it’s chill, they can quack. And write in the social networks. They crap quietly, but it’s disgusting.
– What do they write?
– The government does not do this for the city. Not specifically to my address, but in general to the authorities. That “Poroshenko is a goat”. Do you understand? And we are also the power, you can’t get away from it…
– Does it affect the attitude of people towards the Ukraine here that they are being shelled from Donetsk during all this time? Is this attitude changing?
– No, it doesn’t change. At all. The Ukraine is shooting. They call us the “Ukraine”. They are who-knows-who, and we are the Ukraine.
And so – “It’s all the Ukraine’s doing. My windows have shattered” … I say: You went there, were you waiting for the “Russian peace”? They shouted: “Putin, come! Putin, enter! Putin help!” Did he help? Let him help you further. Don’t come to me!…
– You were tough with them…
– Sometimes we have to curse! My emotions are starting to go off scale. I’m already a sick person here with them. They’ve been brainwashed here for decades, you know?
– If there are enough people in the city who sympathise with terrorists, aren’t you afraid that those who write nasty things in social sites will start to lose ground, do something else?
– And they do. It’s all fake writing, they don’t write under their own names. All these cattle – they’re fake. Do you understand?
There are also pro-Ukrainian people here. There is. But in the whole city, maybe I know 50 people who are for the Ukraine.
– Out of ten thousand?
– Out of ten thousand. Simple. Here we are going to events – Embroidery Day, Flag Day, other public holidays. Ten people may take our flags, our symbols. The others don’t.
We need to re-educate them for a very long time. Our special services are not working. Here people should be forced to love the Ukraine by force.
– And how is it: to force love by force?
Very simple. Do you want to get a pot-belly stove? Love the Ukraine. Write an essay. Do you know how my school principals write essays about how they love the Ukraine?
– Seriously?
– That’s how I bring them up. I say, God forbid I hear Russian at school (although I speak Russian myself) – I’ll kick the fuck out of them! “We love the Ukraine”, — they say. Love? They sat down and wrote an essay.
The head teacher of one of the schools once began to quack that it was because of our soldiers that they were being shelled. I made her write an explanatory note. She wrote. I looked – and where, I say, in this explanatory note that you don’t like Zakharchenko? That he is guilty of this war and so on? I sent her back. Twenty minutes later she drifts back – Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!
And then she worked for me: she walked with a flag for two weeks. All the events – and all walks with a flag. Separatist. Tough. In the end, her nerves could not stand it, she resigned.
And now I’m going to school, and they all speak Ukrainian. I’m tearing them apart here for this.
There is a large percentage of the stupid population here. You look at the statistics for the sake of interest, which of the great writers, artists, actors are from Donetsk? There are very few of them. If we take it as a percentage, these are mainly immigrants from Western Ukraine. There is a little bit from the centre. A couple of people from the north, a couple of people from the eastern. And that’s it. Eastern Ukraine is Sumy region, Kharkov region. Sloboda. What is Sloboda? It is a neutral territory between the two states, where marginals and criminals were sent. And you can’t change the genes. Genes are where a lot of things come from. So much for the gene pool. It should be taken out, it should be mixed. Although it’s cruel, but you have to really look at things.
Well, plus the convicts. All the convicts were sent here. They were not needed anywhere in normal cities – they are here. This is where this generation was born. First, second, third, fourth…
– Yes. And now the veterans of that war are saying: there was a war. And this is fear, that’s it!
– But do veterans also blame the Ukraine for everything?
– They are brought up on those traditions. You can’t change their idiocy.
Today the operatives are not the same. The SBUs are weak. Very, very weak in these situations. First of all, the protection of statehood is their job, their duty. Identifying anyone who blurts out something unnecessarily – this is their function. There is no need to think, but to work.
– The other day, the first deputy of the OSCE special monitoring mission, Alexander Hug, visited you in Krasnogorovka. Tell me, how did it go?
– He first visited the other side, in Staromikhailovka. He talked there. He came here. The Ukrainian national channel asks him the question: who start the shelling? And he says: the Ukrainian side is starting. Do you understand?
– You appeal to the OSCE: they are shooting at the city – come fix it? Or is it not your mandate?
– It used to be that way. They stopped by my place, and then drove around the city. Now they drive themselves. They record and write in reports what they need. Not the way it really is. I have their human rights report. You can read it, study it if you want. But personally, I’m not interested in it, because it’s just a lie. There’s nothing interesting for me anymore. The Ukraine is to blame for everything there.
– Can something be done about it? Can the state do something?
– Nothing. This is an international mission. We invited them to assist in the ceasefire and monitor the situation, how many Russians are here… And they practically do not write that there are Russian troops here. Do you understand?
– Some of them are living better now than they did before the war. Comes in. Crying: now, there is nothing to eat. “Did you work before the war?” – “No.” – “And how did you live?” – “Somehow I lived…” “So, what do you want now? Did you go to the referendum? Didn’t go, you say? So, open the video, watch Krasnogorovka – There are a lot of videos where you shouted “Russia”, ran with flags, collected money for the “militia”. Bastards! And now they come to the authorities: give me!
– What do you think to do with those who went to the referendum?
– Only filtration. Only jail. Only through the courts. First, we need to change the judicial system so that it is objective. That’s all. Judge, judge, judge. Someone has a real sentence; someone has a conditional one. But so that it falls on them forever and ever.
– Is amnesty acceptable, in your opinion?
– Under no circumstances. How can murderers, secret, dormant sadists be amnestied? You never know who wants what! You can’t make all the agreements here.”
Here is the interview given by this policeman, a fascist of the 21st century. You can’t call it anything else. I have been thinking for a long time: to publish or not to publish this disgusting regurgitation. I want you to simply know the truth and be able to draw the right conclusion. How I got this material, I can’t write. But this person, that is, it is Livanchuk, is known. This scum often appears on social networks. Well, I repeat, you can draw your own conclusions,
Because of such scumbags, the country and its people disappear.
With respect
Aleksei Zhuravko
Ukroptrash like this worked for the nazis during WWII, killing their own people.
They are psychopaths and traitors.
After the war they were shot on site and run over with a truck just to go for sure and left in a ditch.
Same fate awaits this cockroach and his ilk.
Indeed scum with that outlook don’t deserve to live.
Winter is coming…
You will meet the same fate you did to the civs in Donbas, only a 1000times worse.
You will beg Russia for a bag of coal or a cubic meter of gas but nothing will come.
Not this winter.
You wanna know the weather forecast?
It will be a long, dark winter, bone chilling, never ending with all shades of grey…
“There is no need to think…” I Wonder if he ever experienced a true thought.
No amount of of propaganda or historical distraction can change the fact that the ukronazi swine systematically target children’s schools in the Donbass.
Sickness beyond comprehension.