Collapsing ‘Independent’ Orthodox Church Of Ukraine Blames Russia For Own Problems

Collapsing 'Independent' Orthodox Church Of Ukraine Blames Russia For Own Problems


The head of the collapsing ‘independent’ Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) has started blaiming Russia for the inability of the non-canonic entity to overcome the ongoing internal fight for money and political influence.

On September 18, OCU Head Epiphanius (Dumenko) met with German Ambassador to Ukraine Anka Feldhusen complaining to her that Russia is allegedly allocating “large resources” to oppose the OCU. Besides this he also added that all christian property seized by the OCU from the canonic Orthodox Church was moved to the OCU voluntarily.

The position of the OCU head is a brilliant example of the hypocrisy of the current Ukrainian leadership. Since its very creation, the government-backed OCU has become infamous for its constnat internatl scandals (different groups witnin it repeatedly clashed over the control of money flow) and attacks on the canonic Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate). The OCU, backed up by the Kiev government, has seized a number of churches across central and western Ukraine using force.

However, these facts are intenionally ignored by mainstream media and Western diplomats that continue to pretend that the OCU does really have some mysterious ‘notable support’ among the Orthodox part of the Ukrainian population.


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The Ukrainian apostates are with the synagogue of satan, sold to the Jews cazars and against Christ. They are no more than a small Christian Zionist sect.