CNN Is Alarmed at Americans’ Soaring Distrust of News-Media

CNN Is Alarmed at Americans' Soaring Distrust of News-Media

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Written by Eric Zuesse

On Wednesday, February 15th, CNN headlined “Alarming new study finds half of Americans believe news organizations intend to mislead and misinform with their reporting”, and reported that 

On Wednesday, Gallup and the Knight Foundation released their annual report surveying Americans for insights into how they view the press — and the results were grim.

Only 26% of Americans hold a favorable opinion of the news media, Gallup and the Knight Foundation found — the lowest level recorded by the organizations over the last five years.

Perhaps more startling: the report found that 72% of Americans believe national newsrooms are capable of serving the public [the survey question on that was instead: “In general, most national news organizations have the resources and opportunity to report the news accurately and fairly to the public,” and 72% of respondents agreed with that], but that they do not believe they’re well intentioned [and the survey question on that was actually not one but instead two sdeparate questions: “In general, most national news organizations do not intend to mislead, misinform, or persuade the public”, to which 50% disagreed and 25% agreed; and, “In general, most national news organizations care about the best interests of their readers, viewers, and listeners”, to which 52% disagreed and 23% agreed]. Only 23% said that they believe national newsrooms care about the best interests of their audiences.

The actual Knight Foundation Gallup survey showed that Americans trusted commercial network news (ABC, CBS, NBC) the most, and only 17% distrusted them; trust was the second-highest in U.S. national newspapers (NYT, WashPo, WSJ), and only 30% distrusted them; third-highest trusted was public broadcast news (NPR, BBC, PBS), distrusted by only 33%; fourth-most was local newsmedia, distrusted by only 41%; and fifth-most-trusted was Cable news (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC) distrusted by 45%. All other news (the seventh-most-trusted category) was “Other” (presumably online) which was distrusted by 70%.

Consequently: whereas Americans distrust “most national news organizations,” the distrust is mainly of online news; i.e., news that can be verified or disconifrmed by searching online. Americans trust the most the types of news-media that cannot embed links to sources, etc. (Perhaps Americans confuse those media with “social media” such as Instagram and Facebook— which likewise are available only online.)

The Knight/Gallup survey found that “Sixty-one percent say the increase in information today makes it harder to be well-informed.” Furthermore: “Fifty percent say there is so much bias in the news media that it is often difficult to sort out the facts.” Of course, if the public distrusts the most the news they receive online in a form that can be checked via online searches etc., and if those news-repiorts predominate among “the incease in information today,” then the public will the most be gtrusting the old news forms: ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, WashPo, and WSJ. So, the mega-corporate-supplied ‘news’-reports will be the most-trusted.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Paul Citro

People are catching on to main stream media’s lies and manipulations and are spreading the word among themselves.


Government involvement along with documented bias is the problem. When opinion and bad reporting are presented to the public as ‘news’ there is a problem. ”People who dont read newspapers are uninformed.” ”People who read newspapers are misinformed.” Which is worse, reader beware.


”People who don’t read newspapers are uninformed.” ”People who read newspapers are misinformed.”
That is very bitter truth.
My girlfriend still believes in MSM crap (specially BBC) and we are not touching politics in our conversations just for safety of our relationship.


You can trust MSM…… lie. All you need to do is believe the exact opposite of what they say.

Erik Nielsen

All surveys are scientifically facts and present a true story. So you can believe in surveys. You can be confident that they are the truth………………LOL.

William White

The report is written very poorly. First it says only 26% believe in Main stream news and then it states that 83% thing Fox, NBC, ABC etc are trustworthy and the on line services are not? A horde of simpletons and a piss poor author.


Really? Liars alarmed that people aren’t willing to trust them anymore? No one could’ve seen that one coming.


CNN … the the communist nutbag network … LOL what a joke. They are one of the causes of the public distrust of the media. Their ratings are in the toilet. What a joke.


YES indeed…

Americans are distrustful of their own media but should have been much longer ago But we’re also distrustful of “alternative” news sources that mascarade as something that they are not that do the same thing by censoring alternative viewpoints that run counter to their own narratives like SouthFront that removes comment(s) that expose unpleasant truth(s) about the Russian Federation.

Like staying within an international organization that espouses norms for “the rule of law” to all it’s members with the H0$t of that organization being the biggest paradox and contradiction to those rules that are supposed to govern ALL it’$ members… That vilifies the Russian Federation and attempts to destroy it “as a member” perniciously over 30 years that has accrued enormous wealth and influence through it’s energy resources that buys at will land and other resources and commodities at the price that H0$t sets for EVERYONE ELSE at that organization representing the “rule of law” they RUN… And Russia continues to play by their rules at it’$ own expense and everyone else that is a member to it -no matter how detrimental, pernicous and dangerous that relationship becomes.

Say “WHEN” Russian Federation to leaving THIS H0u$e … And starting your own where market(s) set the price for your’s and everyone elses resources that gives equity to each and every investor instead of Central Bank(s) as a cartel!…

“Thus endeth the Le$$0n”!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

If this story is indeed true then the Russian people like the Americans and peoples of the “EU” should unite in taking down the source of the problem which is their Leader(s) and the Central Bank($) they OBEY!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
jens homo

I believe everything lgbt amerikan media especially CIA wikipedophile lies


Just half?
That shows how Americans have been dumbed down, in any normalcy it should be 100%.


russia propaganda is more trustfull


amerikan trailer trash suck mulatto penis


CNN who watches that garbage except airports employees whom seem to get paid for watching the crap which CNN counts in their ratings.


YES indeed…

Americans are distrustful of their own media but should have been much longer ago But we’re also distrustful of “alternative” news sources that masquerade as something that they are not that do the same thing by censoring alternative viewpoints that run counter to their own narratives like SouthFront that removes comment(s) that expose unpleasant truth(s) about the Russian Federation.

Like staying within an international organization that espouses norms for “the rule of law” to all it’s members with the H0$t of that organization being the biggest paradox and contradiction to those rules that are supposed to govern ALL it’$ members… That vilifies the Russian Federation and attempts to destroy it “as a member” perniciously over 30 years that has accrued enormous wealth and influence through it’s energy resources that buys at will land and other resources and commodities at the price that H0$t sets for EVERYONE ELSE at that organization representing the “rule of law” they RUN… And Russia continues to play by their rules at it’$ own expense and everyone else that is a member to it -no matter how detrimental, pernicous and dangerous that relationship becomes.

Say “WHEN” Russian Federation to leaving THIS H0u$e … And starting your own where market(s) set the price for your’s and everyone elses resources that gives equity to each and every investor instead of Central Bank(s) as a cartel!…

“Thus endeth the Le$$0n”!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Buford T Justice

You’ve got to be a genuine dumb fuck to believe that US / western media is legitimate and straight up . Unfortunately, there are many such people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buford T Justice

Just to put things into perspective, here in Britain, I do not trust the BBC, or ITV or Sky news at all, and I don’t trust the British national and European newspapers either as they are as bad and as disingenuous as the TV news is.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher
L du Plessis

MSM is 💩🤡

mike l hutchings

when you are being fed lies, it hard to think beyond the propaganda that’s shoved in your face every day, without background, without context, one word will cover it all. and there is where thinking objectively stops.

Butt T Justice

Nah…. It is not how it works.

Niggers, shitskins faggots, cunts and hicks outsourced everything to the government. That includes morality and truth. So now you have all the lying and conniving niggers, shitskin faggots, cunts and hicks up in arms how come government and agitprop is not moral and truthful, while outright refusing that on themselves.


DIfferent strategies for exploitation and something media conglomerates that will probably soon collapse should consider. Last days or normal private legacy media with mass communications before its squeezed out of existence financially and legislatively.

Slow tactic of eroding a brand by constant attacks in a media cycle that is all spin.

Critical story in an extended news cycle.

Like catching your wife coming home late every evening and not knowing to catching her in bed with another man. Stuff like insider scoops barely exist in real news cycles curated and edited by the CIA now with social media algorithms to ensure things go viral.

Hardcore people know you can break a commnity or an individual almos tliek poison pen and blackmail. Going after institutions slowly is easy. The…..cough……ethnic media control apparatus is skilled at it..

George michael – shoot the dog
The beatles -Paper back writer


ALgorithmic system and campaigns in schools as well as a frialer and mentally weaker core population of voters and home buyers makes it delicate. Hardcore elements know tey can sabotage campaigns with stng operations and even spread rumours that put companies out of businesses. WIder anti ethinc campaigns are disatsteful and morally dubious unless its hindus. Targetting a certain aspect of a culture you don”t like and valuing a part you do helps to balance things. Hardcore deep state elements are a suicide run for a career journalist but can happen. Hardcore cult activity is difficult to gauge since they know most 1st amendement and counter intelligence techniques. Gang activity is strange because they actually want publicity but again a grey legal area.

Here is the News – ELO
PIcus get to the funicular stress


My god seriously? When the mass media lie to you 100% of the time, and then act surprised when everyone think they’re a bunch of lying shits?
