Heavy clashes broke out along the border between Lebanon and Syria overnight into March 17 after three Syrian soldiers were killed in earlier clashes.
The escalation began on March 16 afternoon when four armed men, including three Syrian soldiers, reportedly attempted to cross from the western countryside of Homs into Lebanon near the border town of al-Qasr to steal sheep. The four were confronted by fighters from Lebanese tribes. All four were killed in the clashes, in addition to two Lebanese tribal fighters.
The remains of the four slain Syrian men were handed over to Syrian authorities via the Joussi crossing by the Lebanese military.
However, Damascus escalated later in the evening. In a statement to the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the Defense Ministry’s Media Office said that Hezbollah fighters had “trapped and kidnapped three Syrian soldiers at the border, west of Homs,” near Hermel. The ministry claimed the soldiers were taken into Lebanese territory and “executed.” It vowed to take measures in response to what it called a “dangerous escalation with Hezbollah.”
In response, Hezbollah released a statement “formally denying any connection” in the border clashes, as well as any incidents that have been recently happening in Syrian territory.
Overnight, the Syrian military brought in large reinforcements and shelled the outskirts of the Lebanese towns of Meshrefeh, al-Qasr, Kaouakh, Sahlet al-May and Hosh al-Sayyed Ali. The shelling killed a child and wounded four other civilians.
The Lebanese military said in a statement released in the early morning that it had responded to fire from the Syrian side and reinforced positions along the border.
It also announced that it initiated communications with the command of Syrian government forces to “maintain security and stability in the border area.”
Nevertheless, the clashes continued with the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a London-based monitoring group, reporting the death of at least four additional soldiers after Lebanese tribal fighters began to use anti-tank guided missiles.
The SANA reported that a journalist and a cameraman were also wounded in a missile strike near the town of Sad Zayta, again pinning the blame on Hezbollah.
In addition, Lebanese activists accused Syrian government forces of “slaughtering” two Lebanese civilians after abducting them from the town of al-Fadilah.
This is the second round of clashes on the Syrian-Lebanese border since the fall of the Assad regime last December. Last February, clashes broke out in the exact same strip of the border after Syrian government forces launched an operation against smugglers linked to Hezbollah.
The situation on the border will not likely stabilize any time soon. In fact, the uncoordinated operations by Syrian government forces along the border could eventually lead to a full-on confrontation not only with Hezbollah, but also with the Lebanese military.
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yugoslavia was wonderful, but for the sake of human lives and security, it had to be abolished. the religious war destroyed the nation, and if yugoslavia had not been abolished, the violence would have continued. jolani al-qaeda is waging a religious war. if syria is not dismembered, lebanon may also be destroyed. for god people commit war crimes. syria must be abolished and the crimes will be abolished too. like yugoslavia
yugoslavia was destroyed to serve us imperial interests. unless the zionist regime is abolished, its religious war will continue. israel must be abolished, and its crimes will be abolished too.
putler and erodgan reached an agreement and only the declaration of kurdistan as a state would save assad. but an arrogant person who has nothing but billboards is of course not capable of this. declaring kurdistan a state would first confuse erdogan, and secondly, it would prepare the kurds for the kurds to make a circus. this way he could buy much-need time to take action. many jihadists as possible to your palace and blow them up along with the palace.
a dead shapour bakhtiar would lead iran better. everything is threatened by a mentally ill ayatollah who has deceived the shiites into giving their lives for the sunni terrorists hamas. the basic problem is that no sunni would do this for a shiites. all these intrigues will destroy all shiites, in the end iran will also be destroyed.
the turds are quisling whores serving the interests of the zio regime and the jewsa. they stole syria’s oil and grain for years to starve the syrian people and sold it to the zio regime.
for one meeting in kazan within the framework of brics, putler give syria to erdogan. if bashar assad were a man, he would have died as a man – salvador allende. a moment ago, he would have read on television an order for the establishment of an alawite state and kurdistan. then, in the style of stevan sindjelić, he would leave as a man, as a leader, and not as a little mouse or a cockroach.
abolish israel and all of the middle east will suddenly become a peaceful place.
the traitors putler and the ass are to blame for everything that will happen in lebanon. and then jolani al-qaeda will destroy iraq too. these are the monsters that the traitors of humanity, putler and bashar the ass in their evil nature, released from idlib. and now they will destroy lebanon and iraq. can someone tell me the story of the frog and the scorpion?
more victim blaming. smokescreen blowing. put the blame where it belongs – jewsa, zio regime, erdogan, gulf dictatorships. they created isis, paid for it, armed it, orchestrated it.
so we have a woman who knows her husband will kill her but still goes back to him… and then they find her in his repository – dead. who is to blame? both. the same is true of the unfortunate alawites, who, according to greek sources, already have 10,000 dead. jolani al-qaeda will kill more people in one year than father and son assad did in fifty years, and if there aren’t enough of them in syria, he’ll go looking for them in lebanon.
europe will also come for russia. i hope putler and assad are alive when the europeans take karelia and crimea. a dead shahpur bakhtiar would be better off looking after the shiites and their interests, which are certainly not to die for hamas. this is a religious war. and iran has led shiites in other countries to their deaths. how many hamas members would die for iran? probably nobody.
your talking out of your ass. no one in europe wants this stupid war in ukraine to continue and alot of pro war parties have been voted out. new government coalitions are formed. so there is a chance for peace
bashar the ass and putler knew full well that genocide would occur against the alawites in syria and the shiites in lebanon, but they still took erdogan’s qatari money. the’re not so crazy as not to know that this is a religious war that will end in genocide. until el sisi brought order to egypt, copts and tomislav salopek were beheaded. now, because of sisi, female genital mutilation has been reduced by 90%.
russia fought for 10 years to prevent the zionist inspired genocide in syria. he leads the 4th biggest economy in the world. the idea of him being bribed with qatar money is ludicrous. sisi is a us puppet dictator who overthrew egypt’s first ever democratically elected government. “female genital mutilation” is a red herring. afghanistan was touted by western warmongers as a “war for women’s rights.” anyone concerned about genital mutilation needs to look at israhell.
or don’t boys’ genitals matter? sounds sexist to me.
i’m a sexist too. well, i’m a woman. bashar and putin are two prostitutes.
your probably jewish too. any leader who goes to the wailing wall wearing a yarmukle to bent down to their juu masters is a prostitute to the zog regime. putin did so and serves them, he didnt help assad or gave iran safe air passage to send reinforcements in december. but assad never served israel he is the only one who truely resisted israels expansionism.
the putler and the ass ad are faggots.нема више старог шанца, тамо постоји пуста река, нема више синђелића, али нема ни турака! two hypocritical prostitutes advertising their asses on a poster. they bow forward when the sultan enters the harem.
your delussional the jews own putin and that wannebe sultan and aliyev. what happened to syria was some kind of agreed take over by turkish/israeli headchoopers and backstab to assads government. israel is the only side who benefits from everything happening in syria right now and these headchoppers chopping heads of civilians
wonderful news: kill the syrian sunni terrorists, because the un (west, usa, eu) won’t stop them. on the contrary:
update (17 march 2025): german foreign minister promised the terrorist government another 300 million euros according to german media reports (this comes after their massacres against alawites!).
first post on that site.
h t tp s:/ /no rth-a fghani stan. blo gsp ot.co m /20 25/0 3/th e- mo st-im portant-afg
han-m ilit ary-me n.ht ml these are people and men. putler and bashar the ass ad are just images of false advertising. they were all just billboards. ugly pictures of a lying man, or rather ugly pictures of a false man, because the ass was an ordinary russian prostitute.
but no one writes how many billions germany received from qatar during the financial crisis. this is corruption and bribery itself.
“3 syrian soldiers” = 3 bloodthirsty isis terrorist thugs
“s.o.h.t.” = mi6..
three disgusting murderous jolani supporters. only erdogan’s prostitutes bashar the ass ad and putler are even more disgusting rats. without their betrayal, such a disaster would not have occurred. the day will come when the finns and ukrainians will return for the stolen land and then putler and bashar the ass ad will pay.
exactly the more israeli / turkey funded headchoppers die the better. i hope that syrians manage to rally around a more arab nationalist organization like ssnp and remove the zionist occupation government and jewlani from damascus
dogs as i always said they are. attacking lebanon because some of their dogs wanted to steal sheep and the dogs got killed. they think they so powerful when they attack unarmed civilians. but what about south syria? where are those dogs? not a single shot at israhell. not even harsh words! and that is what crowd dog do. from their highest leader to the smallest they are dogs.
peace for israel.
chemotherapy for the cancer.
what kind of peace are you talking about? its your country that had created all the wars in the middle east since 1948. and you kikes have covertly funded and supplied all kinds of militant groups to destabilize the middle east. used your influence in foreign governments you have sub verted to destroy many countries in the middle east and remove stable and strong leadership.
you zogbots clearly dont want peace you want to destroy everyone and steal their land.
there is a us base in the area to train and deploy agent provocateurs to create such incidents . the fog of war will hide these actors , but provide the excuses to pour money and assets to evolve the conflict . when are the new pipeline routes to europe to be installed .