For the second day in a row, the joint forces of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), Ahrar al-Sham and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) continued to shell civilians and YPG positions with mortars and heavy artillery in the villages of Basoufan and Bashmara near Afrin. According to Kurdish sources, the FSA is based in the village of Qalaa Samaan in the northwestern Aleppo countryside.
On 12 June, the YPG forces launched a large-scale attack on the FSA, Ahrar al-Sham and HTS in Dara Azza and surrounding areas in the northwestern Aleppo countryside after militants had increased shelling on civilians in Afrin.
As a result over 28 militants were killed in the attack, including field commanders of Ahrar al-Sham and HTS. From its side, opposition sources claimed that 35 YPG fighters were killed during the clashes.
The Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman for ceasefire and humanitarian issues in Geneva, Col. Alexander Zorin declared that peace in Aleppo is fragile, and terrorists are trying to destroy west and north of the city.
“The peace that you see in Aleppo is fragile. To the west and the north of the city, we are recording a constant and high concentration of extremists,” he said.
It’s believed that Turkey have pushed FSA and HTS to attack the Kurds in Afrin. Ankara is working to weaken YPG’s influence in the northern countryside of Aleppo, It’s also believed that tension between Kurds and HTS-led forces are not going to end anytime soon.
Ahrar al-Sham are Saudi reprobates, HNC people working with HTS the US has cooled up a devils brew with the Kurds as the worst ingredient.
Kurds = the enemy of my enemies is my friend. US now has five bases in KRG-land and at least two major ones in Rojava. Was German forces exit from Incirlik the signal that a new Middle East base strategy is afoot?
If the guys who are dying and becoming amputees can see that the analysis of Said K Aburish has been shown to be accurate, which is that KSA has always used Islam to practice prejudice, then they will cool down, Trump’s recent politicking with Salman didn’t really reference the Kurds, but Brazani backed it up with the referendum, and all this followed German abandoning Turkey, they have done this before though with their Patriot Missiles and nothing came of it, something came this time but if the HNC doesn’t go cold it’s probably a new lower level not a downward spiral, if they do the Kurds will take another decision.
Abadi already agreed to Kurdish referendum (with the usual caveat over Kirkuk etc) as a result of Mattis and Kushner visits. US goes all out on IS and arms both IA and Peshmerga; Baghdad agrees to constitutional referendum. Didn’t take Barzani long to set the date…
Trump was begged by Sunnis not to move US embassy to Jerusalem. He discovered he can delay for 6 months–as has been done for 20 years–and turned it into huge bargaining chip: I delay a key campaign promise but you make sure PA/Abu Mazen has the authority to negotiate for all Palestinians. They said sure, but odd man out is Qatar. Trump said that’s a GCC/Peninsula Shield problem–and then showed them in Brussels how to confront recalcitrant allies. Didn’t take the Saudis and Emiratis long to act. The kicker: agreement to support new Saudi base on SE border of Qatar. Take a look at Bing maps (not yet updated) and compare to Google maps in the area of Khafus. Moving sand faster than a haboob!
Cotton Statement on President Trump’s Comments on Qatar’s Support for Terrorist Organizations
June 9, 2017
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today released the following statement on President Trump’s comments on Qatar’s support for terrorist organizations:
“President Trump is right to support the Arab-led effort to change Qatar’s behavior once and for all. This situation is a strategic opportunity to seize, not a crisis to manage. Qatar’s support for terrorist organizations, especially Hamas, threatens the security of its neighbors and the United States, impedes progress toward peace in the Holy Land, and encourages malign activities by other Middle East nations.”
Senator Cotton is a castaway, I don’t know why anyone of significance would mention him, Qatar only ever supported good terrorist up till last month, look at Libya if you really want to know why Salman has signed his anti-Islam declaration KSA support the LNA , Tobruk’s Khalifa Haftar anti-Islamist, this can’t be hidden for long, my Salafist Brothers are on to it now, KSA is isolated and relying on Trump in person.
Abadi has to agree to Kurdisk Referendum it’s in the Constitution, but the Constitution was in the era of occupation 2005 so the Constitutional Referendum must come before a Secessionist Referendum, 2018 Abadi is up for reelection it’s not likely he’ll engage in treason a few months before.
SOHR backed ypg claim of 36 militants killed but no one supports fsa claims
Good. Kurds are the biggest threat to Syrian sovereignty. They try and create a second Israel right in the middle of Syria. if they succeed, they will treat the Syrians like they do the Palestinians, and the Syrian portion will get smaller and smaller. Turkish are smart now; they are doing what they can to reverse that. The Iraqis and Iranians are doing their best too. Assad needs to up the game and act like a president, and declare the SDF to be the enemy.
Paranoid schizophrenic mentally delusional tigbear?
No that would not bé Wise at the moment, not with Al nusra still sitting in Ghouta and Idlib. Finish Isis first , then Al nusra, at thé same time negotiate with thé kurds, Assad is still in a position of Strength, espicially with Russian and iranian help. The real Wild card here is Turkey. Assad couldnt just call Erdogan and Say hey, attack thé kurds à bit too get em off m’y ass. Turkey would love that…
Thanks have a nice day
It’s time to strike at the root of terrorism, the KSA. Iranian paratroopers, preceded by a massive missile bombardment, followed by landings of Iraqi and lebanese forces should do the trick. With Yemeni patriotic forces attacking from the East, Iraqi and Iranian forces attacking from the North and Lebanese strikes from the North West, Saudi Arabia will crumble. Then we can begin to build peace in the Persian Gulf . .
One can only wish we rid ourselves of thé scum that is the house of saud. They are fucking all of us in the ass and laughing about it.