China commissioned its first Type 055 guided missile destroyer – a likely candidate for the new generator – in January this year
China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has begun installing new turbo power generators on its warships. With four times the capacity of existing power plants, the new generators will enable new technologies, such as electromagnetic catapults and railguns, to be deployed as well.
The China State Shipbuilding Corporation’s (CSSC) 704 Research Institute has announced that its 20-megawatt power generators have entered service, the Global Times reported. That’s enough electricity to supply a city of 15,000 inhabitants. No information was provided regarding the purpose of the new generators or which ships they have been installed on.
The vastly increased power output could be used by a number of new technologies Beijing has been developing for its warships. Li Jie, a naval expert in Beijing, told the South China Morning Post the more powerful generators “will mean all these high-energy-consuming systems can operate.”
China has been testing naval uses of a railgun since at least 2017, a weapon which uses electromagnets to accelerate a metal projectile to extremely high speeds. Rather than relying on explosives, the sheer force of the impact produces sufficient energy to destroy the target, which is why railguns are called “kinetic energy weapons.”
While the details on China’s railgun weapon are not public, the US Navy’s experimental railgun has a power demand of some 25 megawatts, according to the Wall Street Journal.
The US Navy’s Arleigh Burke-class destroyers are only capable of a maximum power output of 7.5 megawatts using three 2.5-megawatt generators. However, the Zumwalt-class stealth destroyers can produce over 70 megawatts of power, making it a suitable platform for the deployment of a railgun or laser weapon.
The Global Times noted the turbo generators make it possible to use advanced integrated electric propulsion (IEP) technology, which would effectively make the ships hybrid gas-electric vehicles. The Zumwalt uses such a design, as do the British Royal Navy’s Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier and the cruise liner RMS Queen Mary II.
China’s Type 002 aircraft carrier will have an electromagnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS) for fixed-wing aircraft, which will also require an enormous power output. LINK
The Global Times report also noted that the new technology could be used for China’s 10,000 ton-class Type 055 destroyer, and that China’s new generation submarine could technically also use the new generator unit.
China is the only superpower left standing and it grows from strength to strength.
Russia is also a superpower.
To some extent, but China with 1.4 BILLION people and the largest economy and fiscal clout is the only real one. The Yuan is now a global currency and that is why China does not give a shit about the deadbeat Americunts. It’s economy grew by 5% when rest of the world is in shut down. Chinese exports are booming and they have accelerated the ONE BELT.
The historic game changing economic and military agreement inked between Tehran and Beijing is cause for great concern in Israel, believes a former Mossad chief because the money that will pour into Iran will stabilize its economy and eventually bolster the Islamic Republic and its attempts to challenge the security of the isolated Zionist failed state.
US sanctions against Iran to curb the country’s nuclear programme, considered a threat to regional stability by Washington and Israel, “will not be able to bring Iran to its knees”, the solidarity of his society helped the nation overcome the measures imposed by the White House. Now analysts believe that Iranian economy is at a rapid take off phase and huge Chinese capital injection kicks in.
Economically they are a superpower.
Militarily, its questionable.
But they will be in 5years tops.
I second your estimate completely.
Too soon. Some where between 2040 to 2050 is when China is expected to reach supremacy.
Those are insanely optimistic Western estimates.
US dollar is about to collapse and you talk about 2040 to 2050!?!?
Wake the fuck up !
You’re forgetting the Chinese military isn’t up to par of what is expected of a Superpower. I’ve been following their modernization effort for some time. Impressive but they still have ways to go.
Quite frankly, a Superpower requires one to be a leader in the following fields: economic, political, military, technology (non-military) and culture. Are you saying that China is a leader in ALL those fields?
If you read all my comments I never call China Super Power and I even explain why.
I have never said that they lead “in every field” (political, military, tech )
US had never any real “culture” so I do refuse that category” as necessary.
China has bigger potential than USSR had.
India also.
We will see what future brings
So you are putting your words in my mouth and arguing with yourself not with me !
I see older comments have been removed and or replaced with clarifications. And no, you didn’t explained why. Your old comment was addressed to Lone Ranger and it implied China would be a Superpower within this decade. And you did use the word “Superpower”. This is why I commented.
I am a bit confused by your earlier comment of _”Those are insanely optimistic Western estimates.”_ Are you saying Chinese supremacy at 2040-50s as “insanely optimistic”? I originally assumed that you meant _pessimistic._
In any case, 2030 is too soon for China to reach supremacy. As already mentioned, China is an economic “superpower” and militarily they’re just a regional power for now.
I agree with your statement of US culture, but things like pop culture has reached around the globe. You can’t ignore it.
YES, you’re very correct that both China and India has the potential to surpass the Soviet Union. Thus far, the 21st Century definitely belongs to China.
Lastly, no. I wasn’t putting words in your mouth. I clearly remember you used the term “Superpower” in one of the removed comments to Lone Ranger.
US squandered its brief opportunity after the collapse of USSR with too much gloating and warmongering. It was a guns versus butter failure, same as Soviet Union which focused on military might rather than provide a good standard of living for its citizens. They now want India to do the same, spend more money on weapons.
They have been served right !
I couldn’t find better example of poetic justice than this one!
They are defeated by non existing USSR (they are still fighting cold war against USSR in their heads even now) since they can’t exist without enemy, being sadistic maniacs that they are.
Their violent nature has destroyed them at the end.
Hubris is the beginning of every end
The Yuan is nowhere near being the reserve world currency as of yet.
The dollar is fading, thanks to the US policies of sanctions and embargo’s, but even that seems to be the US plan.
Even dopey Yanks can see that.
objective comment, accepted
On the South China Sea they will have supremacy in 5 years.
Americunts are hardly a “superpower”, the loser arseholes have lost every war they started. There is rather childish tendency to see weapons and military spending as a sign of military power. If that was the case the USSR would still be around and the Saudis based on their second highest weapons spending would be a top military power. China’s size, educated disciplined hard working population puts it in a class of its own. I have been visiting China since 1972, and have never seen such astronomical growth and development.
Your enthusiasm is almost comical.
You completely forget that China is not exactly Muslim friendly country (and you happen to be Muslim )
Of course China puts imperative now on business only but once they become world Super Power and Russia junior partner (which is not yet the case in my opinion) things will change lot.
So I think that your logic lucks perspicacity since only Muslim friendly country between Russia and China (from today’s perspective) was always Russia (that you do not like)
Do you catch my drift?
I would beg to disagree based on a life time of dealings with China. The Uighurs are Wahhabized arseholes and no Muslim nation, with the exception of big mouth Erdogan pays lip service. Paki ISI funded the Saudi encroachment into Xinjiang. The Pakis are double crossing everyone as their failed is on a perpetual begging spree.Why do you think China moved to Iran, it is big rich educated and moderate state.
The Uighurs “Wahhabized” or not are Muslims if not for you for me most definitely they are.
You can’t dismiss whole nation (ethnicity) on extremism!
That is bigoted propaganda.
Communist party is not most amusing government even for Chinese sometimes.
But we can’t choose everything in life.
China has “moved” to Iran because their MEGA project “Silk road” goes through Iran and because safety of Asia depends on keeping Zionists out of Asia.
China and Russia can’t do that alone they need Asian allay like Iran specially because , position of India is still not clear.
Stop over reacting;
there is nothing special or emotional in relations between Iran and China or Russia and Iran. It is strictly marriage out of interests.
China did that agreement for her own economic interests only.
Rest assured that Iran has paid them well with Iranian oil.
Agreement between Iran and China is built on “Silk road” mega project interests that passes through Iran as key hub.
There are interest of both Russia and China to preserve Iran from being invaded by the Zionist coalition and keep Asia Zionist free zone.
I personally am against any country having nukes (goes specially for Israel )
But since that is almost impossible (at least that nukes have only world powers only with written guarantee not to use them ever against non nuke country)
Are you waiting the Chinese Messiah to pour money on you? Lol
Nice, China managed to field railguns while U.S. failed at it, twice…
Never underestimate Chinese creativity…
What’s with all the pro-Chinese comments? Do you want them to destroy your country? I’ve never understood Americans like you. Wishing for their enemy to kill their own military forces, such a shame. It’s not only towards you, many other Americans or Westners on this platform wish the same, but they have no idea what it means for China to rule the world. The problem is, China has corrupted many politicians around the world, even here. Most of us are anti-Chinese, because we know the dangers of letting them take over your economy and eventually we will remove every Chinese ownership or investment. I guess that after so many years of hating you own country that’s what you get, goodluck in living in a world where Russia and China are the ones who call the shots.
Hush you little Jew TWAT!
It will be a better world dont worry.
Aside from that…
Who said Im an American.
Im not.
Im Hungarian.
Im also part jewish.
Oy gevalt…
Second where did I say I wish U.S. troops to get hurt or die?
I never did.
And I dont.
I simply enjoy high tech and creativity.
As for China they will probably only use it for selfe defense.
I never saw China invading countries killing millions.
Contrary to the U.S…
If not for Russia Syria and Iraq wouldnt exist today, the whole middle east would be one giant caliphate with Israel in the middle gearing up to vaporize it all with tactical nukes and U.S. backing.
Cost it what it will…
Im aware that was the plan…
But Russia outsmarted you guys.
It was still a genocide but a limited one.
Once the U.S. Empire goes belly up, hopefully this year, the whole World will be a much more peaceful place.
Dont worry about Israel, it will be safe.
With 2-3million Russians and more than a million Americans living there.
Plus that 500 state of the art ICBMs Jericho IV’s, guarding peace.
China is a lot more fair trade than is the U.S.
Do they force communism on you?
No they dont.
They trade, its called free market.
While the U.S. is trying to suck the rest of the planet dry.
Sanctions, invasions, arm twisting bla bla bla, they are simply boring.
You only like them because those fake Christian zio fanatics are supporting you with money and gear.
But lets be honest, if you wouldnt need them you wouldnt give two fucks about them.
Pardon my french.
No offense…
“Dont worry about Israel, it will be safe.”
I like first half of your comment your comment except most of the 2nd part.
I personally don’t believe Israel can survive alone (with no US protection) at all.
Many Jews will ESCAPE back where they came from (Eastern Europe)
once permanent war (true Jihad) against Israel start.
Also Israel will not be allowed to use nukes…by dominant world powers.
US after dollar collapse will not be dominant world power any longer.
Also US are not “boring” but huge parasite terrorist supporting country like Israel… Country of endless war crimes that has killed millions of civilians.
US is even now permanent aggressor, killer of civilians, just like Israel, sucking blood to the rest of the planet through dollar malversation’s and unlimited printing (inflation)
I know all that.
But its unrealistic to think you can evict 8million people when they have technological and military superiority in the region.
You say world powers wouldnt let them use nukes…
You think China would risk losing Beijing or Sanghai?
I dont think so.
Would they risk losing Moscow?
Even if they would win, it would mean the death of 3million Russians living in Israel.
It simply wont happen.
Im simply neutral and factual here, not taking sides.
Fact is if Israel wanted they could wipe out the whole middle east in a day, the only reason they arent doing it because it would be bad PR, aside from that they arent in a dire situation that they would only have that last option left.
“its unrealistic to think you can evict 8million people when they have technological and military superiority in the region.”
Not at all !
One doesn’t have to evict 8 millions to ruin Israeli economy.
Permanent war (to make them taste some of their own medicine) by true Muslim Jihad against this time a true enemy of the Muslims – Israel could bring permanent misery for all Israeli population and collapse of Israeli economy.
With mass emigration (return of emigrants to countries where they came from)
And who would threaten Shanghai, Beijing, Moscow ?
US you mean?!!
Why would they start Armageddon and self destruction to protect aggressive posture of Israel ?
You have seen too many Holywood movies. This is not 1945 but 2020.
Once US economy collapse NATO will collapse also together with US clout in Europe. US will become just one of the world powers and in fast decline.
They will lose interest in Israel and REFUSE to give billions to Israel for free.
They will dwindle into insignificance after collapse of the dollar and insteado of interventionist they will become ISOLATIONISTS the same they were before WWI (before they become biggest world power)
Israel will lose their support and be all alone surrounded by ocean of Muslim ENEMY.
Jews in Israel of Russian origin are not having even Russian nationality any longer! HOW CAN THEY BE RUSSIAN ?!
They dont need anyone to threat others.
They have advanced ICBMs.
They have dual Russian citizenship.
Same with Americans, French, Germans, Hungarians.
The most you could do is to force them stop meddling in other countries.
But thats it.
“They have dual Russian citizenship.”
Maybe they do and maybe they don’t…those who has it can go back to Russia unless of course don’t belong to group who has stolen tens of billions of Russian money and are now PROTECTED by Israel and out of reach of Russian justice.
So what kind of “friend” is Israel to Russia really?
Your mighty Israel is not even close to be any kind of threat to Russia or Hina.
So Russia will never be in danger (China also) from mini country like Israel.
Their “advanced” ICBM’s are always copy of US tech so nothing spectacular.
Israel is not the country that can threaten Russia or China under any circumstances.
If there was country permanently steering the shit in the region, that was always Israel (and Turks now).
Once they lose US support they will have to find their right place and top behaving like masters of universe.
“Same with Americans, French, Germans, Hungarians.
Iron Zion is up-voting your comments all the time now.
It seams that you have become his personal spokesman
Im only factual…
Like I said Im not taking sides in this argument.
The Jericho IV is lightyears more advanced than the venerated Minuteman III in the U.S. by the way.
Land based ICBMs in the U.S. didn’t see an upgrade since 1973.
Im not supporting the foreign policy of Israel, I think you know that.
But Im realistic.
Same reason I never pushed for a war with Turkey or the U.S.
But Im not worried, as things go the meddlings will stop soon.
“The Jericho IV is lightyears more advanced than the venerated Minuteman III”
I will not take your words for it since it sounds like unsubstantiated exageration of big proportions. “Iron-Zion” will up-vote you for that though (I HATE the fact that warmonger uses words of Bob Marley man for peace as his moniker)
“Im only factual…”
I am also!! (right or wrong) You are defending country that supports terrorism, terrorizes Palestinians, kills them, maims them, robbing their land permanently.
Country that permanently starts the wars always accusing others.
Country directly responsible of destruction of Iraq and Syria.
i must admit my disappointment in you.
And when you say that you “don’t support foreign policy of Israel” I can only say that I do not know exactly what do you support…or why.
Its simple, I support peace.
The sooner we get there the better.
But not at all cost.
Russia is on the same side I am.
So if you are dissapointed with me you are also dissapointed with them…
It will be hard but I will get over it.
I think Russia as well…
Not supporting genocide is not the same as supporting Israel…
I think there are a few shades in between the two…:)
If you put flowers on pig it will not make pig more attractive or the movie star out of that pig…
I will never be disappointed with Russia, I am not
false pro Russian like Zionist Evil.
I have lots of patience and wait that Russia becomes Russia and not only continuation of USSR in capitalist way.
Putin belongs to KGB mindset and new people are needed for those changes.
It’s oxymoron you know:
one can’t be for “peace” and for terrorist supporting country Israel like you claim to be…
There is powerful Jew lobby in Russia and I can only hope that they will get rid of them as soon as possible.
They are just parasite on Russian body, just like they are parasite in US,
fighting against the interests of those countries for promoting Israeli interests.
History of new Israel is history of INVASION from start, KILLINGS and taking other peoples land and starting new wars and now even supporting terrorism.
If there is country that doesn’t deserve to exist than that country would be most definitely Israel
Without Putin Russia wouldnt exist today.
Russia is a Christian conservative country nowdays, rebuilding churches, protecting Christians, Jews, Muslims wherever it can, hardly a second China as you mentioned, because that was the essence of what you said…
“A capitalistic version of the USSR”…
We agree to disagree.
If Russia would do as you like we would be already in WWIII with nukes flying left and right.
Thankfully cool heads prevail.
Aside from that I will never support genocide against anybody, except against terrorists.
Wiping out whole countries is a different story.
If we lose the moral highground we lose everything…
Germans and Americans already fell into this very trap which lead to their destruction.
Russia wont tho.
Russia rarely makes the same mistake twice…
Have a nice day.
“Russia is a Christian conservative country nowdays”
As far as I know Russia is multi-ethnic federation and above all not “Christian” or “Russian” officially. That why I see it as remake of capitalist version of USSR.
With usual internationalist communist dogmas suppressing everything Russian.
A one big nothing as identity.
No wonder that Donbas doesn’t have stronger popular support.
Conservative?…maybe but only comparing to decadent West indulging in plethora of perversions. But conservative really, not at all !
At the contrary i would say.
Russia is absorbed with consumerism and just less decadent country than the average Western country.
Russia will become Russia when they start to protect their own people wherever they are which is now not the case. And when they accept their own true identity and their true roots.
I hope that will change one day once all Soviet brain washed generations die and take with them that filthy USSR away.
If Russia was Russia, Stalin Georgian Soviet dictator, would never be one of the most popular historic personalities among Russians.
That speaks volumes about sorry state of Russia.
Yes Putin did everything you say but on ideological and spiritual level he is hardly more than ex KGB apparatchik administrator.
Jews from Russia, if say shorter – “russians”. Same with “ethiopians” falashi.
What is “falashi”?
false ?
I don’t understand your comment at all, sorry Anton.
Falashi – ethiopian followers of judaism. Ethiopian jews if shorter.
OK thanks, I didn’t know that
I must have snapshot of this comment !
Jew, Indian and Iranan agree on something together!
I have thought that Zionist Evil is fanatical anti jew while suddenly he turns to be pro Israel!
So maybe he is not Iranan at all …but just another undercover Schlomo on duty!
Ha ha ha ha! This is really funny.
I dont think so.
He is only realistic.
Older people have more experience than younger ones.
Thats all.
Not everything is black and white.
Some things are, some arent.
Dont get upset please, we still agree on most things.
I am far from upset.
It is very kind of you to have worries about state of my mind…
I find to many people double faced and treacherous.
Nobody cares any longer about basic dignity and
it is hard to find a simple honest person,
since nobody cares for morals or values of any kind..
So they speak double tongue like snakes
and they lie like they breed.
Betrayal is their nature
I betrayed nobody, if that was directed to me…
I simply told my opinion based on factual analysis.
3 million russians in israel?
They are jews and they should stay, where they are.
One can be both.
Russia has a 114 minorities.
I think most of them will stay there.
No worries.
“Plus that 500 state of the art ICBMs Jericho IV”
May be 50? 500 is too big number and too expensive for such small state.
It was paid by the U.S…
3,7 billion of military help is too less anyway. And its not free money, but hardware and research abilities.
Black budget…
Rumors cannot be discussed seriously.
So was Oswald a lone gunman…?
Not interesting. Kennedy wasn’t my hero.
But you get my point…
Of course. Though direct comparison is not correct.
Good enough ??
Have no wish to continue about this.
great for him because he has NO PROOF or anything concrete to say anyways!
pathetic enough
Are you angry at me?
Dont be childish…
I think that you are false and pretender.
Just like Zionist- evil guy.
Yeah, you are the only true guy here.
Should have known that…
Sorry about I havent realised it earlier.
Well I am many bad things but I can’t at least do double-talk like you two.
I mean what I say and it is not much but it is at least something.
So be my guest and do your irony number I don’t mind.
On top who gives shit what I think you are quite crafty and very popular with your litle slogans.
People unfortunately for them believe you…so I’m of no importance really.
On top, this stupid would be anti IsraHell forum, is just theatrics and empty talk anyways
I did no double talk.
But ok think what you want.
you have “no point”
Or you dont understand it…
sometimes I really wish I don’t ….because everything drops so low
was mosquito raped by Elephant….?
you have all the “logic” and ”proves”
So was he…?
if you know about Jewish secret “Black funds” than you must know the answer much better than I do because so well informed.
Most people know about it.
You only have to look into U.S. military spending/non discussed projects.
Its a U.S. “secret” by the way, since the money comes from Sugardaddy Uncle Sam.
Yeah how didn’t I get that !!?!
Now you have all the proves for 500 sooper dooper mega high tech terror of Bejing and Moscow nukes !
Problem solved!
Mighty IsraHell the only Super Power
Dont put words into my mouth…
Israel is not only threatening Russia and China by the way.
Their Samson option is targeting every major city on the northern hemispehere.
Their policy is “if we go under, you come with us”, not my words, theirs…
They talk far to much for their own good and for very long time already.
Their days are numbered once Islamic world resolves their differences and discovers who was turning them against each other all the time.
Just like Christians, as well, when they learn about super rich Jewish bankers destroying our freedoms.
Jews will be hated by millions again and IsraHell will be destroyed again.
he can he has Jewish blood !
ha ha ha just like your comments are “Black” humor…the same color
your comment on Jericho IV from numbers (500) to superlative description of would be highest tech by far that they represent is just pile of pure BOLLOCKS .
you have talked like Iron Zion usually does …
Its not my fault the U.S. paid for their arsenal is it…
So you keep endlessly repeating….
Serving generously your pro Israel publicity about mysterious Jewish might.
Maybe they have sold all their foreskin to China and have “secret foreskin nuke fund”.
One never knows and we can rest assured that we will not see any proves from you either.
Behold Moscow and Beijing mighty IsraHell has farted and globe is shaking!
Run to your bunkers you fulls!
Im not pro Israel.
Sorry if you cant handle facts.
I can’t care less about what you say any longer.
You have lost credibility in my eyes.
I don’t care what you are.
Oh that breaks my lil heart…
he has Jewish blood and extra ZERO comes with that
he loves Jews
yews possess , according to jimmi carter 120 nokes and probably they put one bomb on three jerichos.
In short…
I think people are fed up with U.S. Imperialism and their wrongdoings.
The past 30years were a bit too long…
If you get what I mean…
he doesn’t get it….
He is just a child and you gentlemen want adult comments from a frustrated boy who wants to play soldier and cut off fingers. Quite disturbing infact.
I do not know what makes you so sure about his age in the first place.
Ther are plenty of examples of soldiers with child like attitudes and lack of maturity.
That doesn’t mean that they are not adults capable of killing.
I do not know how old he is and neither do you
I am basing my observations on the vast one dimensional posts, glorifying death and taking glee at human misery. I have not come across too many soldiers, but if that is the trend in Zionist and western armies then they are doomed.
Should i post you some drunken soldiers photos to convince you that those things are not science fiction?
Soldiering is about “death” an important subject… And everyone of them if forced…. tries to find the acceptable answers.
War is nothing but violence, “human misery” and injustice.
Who thinks otherwise has never seen a war from inside.
Some NAZI’s, for your information, were cutting fingers, ears (even gauging eyeballs).
Some people become extremely violent and even insane in war.
If China was menacing us by patrolling in the Gulf of Mexico instead of us patrolling the South China Sea and making racists remarks like, ‘they can only copy our technology, they are unable to innovate’, I would be worried about China ‘ruling the world’.
The sooner we learn that we cannot break Russia into even smaller parts and send the Chinese back into the rice patties, the sooner we will develop technologies suitable for actual defense instead of bleeding money trying to rule the world.
What is defense according to you? the U.S had no war with Afghanistan till they decided to attack you, so is the war there justified or not?
Regarding Iraq, I agree you shouldn’t have invaded them for WMD without proofs, if they had any then just like Iran we would have taken care of them like we did in the past.
So today, we have Iran just like Iraq back them, but this time there are proofs they are trying to build a nuclear bomb.
So one of the two options:
The U.S can leave the ME, never return and lose Israel and other Sunni states as their allies in the region.
or, join us in the fight to take down the mullah regime and make the ME a safer place.
That is up to you, but when it comes to our security we will act even alone if we have to, whatever the cost may be.
Still peddling the Afghanistan attacked the US lie? Did you know that Canada had jihadi’s training in their country who later attacked US servicemen in the Middle East? By that logic, you are saying that Canada attacked the US which you and I know not to be the case. Just because the Taliban had piss poor governance, policies and control over their borders doesn’t mean it was intentional.
I notice a lot of people refuse to look into the mirror regarding Chinese economic deals. It takes two to make a deal. So, instead of blaming yourself for your idiot, corrupt politicians / businessmen, you blame the other party. Time to look in the mirror.
Lastly, “proofs” of an Iranian nuclear bomb will need to be much more than just a Looney Tune drawing of a bomb at the UN.
Zion is a fool–afghanistan did not invade …the USA invaded Afghanistan…USA, Israel cannot challenge China, not even North Korea
get lost.
jews are the evil.
chinese are wellcome.
It should have about 150-250km range with the destructive power of a small cruise missile.
But shots are much cheaper.
China’s rapid rise is the direct consequence of Bilderberg corporations lust for quick profit and greed. They wanted a cheap global factory to supply consumer goods and electronics to the insatiable western consumers and created their own demise.
Very true. I believe Western elites have gotten so used to failed “communist” nations that they don’t expect any different from China. They expected their leaders to be like the Saudis where most of the population live in poverty. Boy were they surprised when the opposite occurred; resulting in the Worlds fastest growing and largest middle class. LOL
Even during this virus that has devastated the US, the corporations are making more money while millions of Americans are starving and homeless. Worse than Saudis, as they have a welfare state, US is the land of the mean and nasty. And they want rest of the world to follow them into a hole as well.
Riesman described amerikans as “mean and bitter”
No, China is able to defend itself against Jews exactly as we all want to defend ourselves from the Jew.
Only fools support George Soros’ circus JewSA and Jewrope of no use.
You *may* be right, that is, if Donald J Trump betrays us. However, if you’ve ever heard of Q-Anon, the insights offered *may* help explain some of the dynamics that you’re witnessing within the international arena today. If you recall, Q has quipped, “It’s a movie. Enjoy the show.” What if DJT is only *playing* dumb, naïve, aloof?
Do you recall early in his administration, he was surrounded by generals. General Kelly, Mattis and McMaster are no longer in place. However, once he announced that he would remain in Syria, I predicted that he would pivot on Syria. A year later, he withdrew (pivoted) on Syria. How was I able to predict his pivot? POTUS is playing a role in an elaborate Information Warfare campaign that involves other state actors. This elaborate hybrid war has been ongoing for years. Your despair is understandable. If the non-corrupt wanted leverage against the Military-Industrial Complex, where would they find that leverage? What would you push against? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The world’s Deep State/Shadow Governments have factions. What factions exist? Divide and conquer.
You will also see POTUS pivot on a few more big issues. Shortly after the election, probably the day after the election, COVID-19 will magically disappear – proving POTUS’ prediction correct. COVID-19 is, of course, a PSYOP. Executed in an effort to destabilize, cause distress within the populace, it erased POTUS’ accomplishments regarding the U.S. economy, and it affords them cover for minimizing (marginalizing) this campaign season so people are less informed of their options (to disallow the momentum to build for a popular incumbent). Additionally, you will see POTUS pivot on 5G (his banning Huawei is the start of that pivot), NATO (his withdrawal of 11,900 U.S. troops is the beginning of that pivot), Israel (hence, your concern… this pivot hasn’t started yet.) I can’t say anything else, perhaps I’ve said too much. If I’ve talked too much, this thread will disappear. There are actually a few more pivots that I could’ve mentioned, but didn’t. Can you guess what they are? The truth will shock most. The answer will surprise you.
Too many words, likely another shill.
Not going to read 3D chess theories from the George Soros-controlled JewSA.
Anyway, Jews are wrong, and China is right – and the “why”, is as clear as the day light.
I can write this for free ten times per day.
I tell you kike shill, when your damage caused over here to innocent people in good heart (some even children) remembers me, I tell you one day you’re going to pay all disgrace you did.
Better you quit it soon because no technology nor money nor super natural is going to save your ass, much less repair what you did.
The whole shit is going to blow out wide open proportional to ALL THE SUFFERING you caused ON PURE VICIOUS, all the time we lamented and even CRIED you’re going to do this by thousand times.
Step aside while you’re able to step
Choose your future
May I stay on my own side?) I don’t wish to choose chinese men, because prefer chinese women, like thуse ones in pink uniform at parade. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfO5sAgNqC4
Fake “Right-wing” patriotism over night is just delaying the arrival of the Jew.
It’s China or the Jew – no third parties
With Jews you gotta be direct and confrontive – and if it means being marginalized here and there, but in the end all the rest fall and you make it somehow (of might fall as well as the rest but proud at least not on your knees like them).
since anglos cannot make connections or think dialectically they cannot comprehend the natural cooperation between Slavs and Asians….as Tocqueville observed individualism produces a self doubting, conformist, antagonistic, anxious fearful people