Chechen Forces Ordered Not To Take Prisoners After Drone Strike In Chechnya

Chechen Forces Ordered Not To Take Prisoners After Drone Strike In Chechnya

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue daily drone strikes in Russian rear regions. Most of Ukrainian drones are destroyed by Russian air defense forces but some of them reach their targets and inflict some damage to Russian rear infrastructure.

On the night of October 29th, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that seven Ukrainian UAVs were intercepted and destroyed in the border Bryansk and Kursk region. One of them was destroyed by Russian air defense over the waters of the Black Sea.

During the day, Ukrainian strikes continued. At least three more UAVs were destroyed in the border Belgorod, Kursk regions and near the coast of the Crimean peninsula.

Chechen Forces Ordered Not To Take Prisoners After Drone Strike In Chechnya

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Unlike during the previous attacks, last night at least one of Ukrainian drones hit Russian rear. Ukrainian drone struck the roof of one of the buildings of the Russian University of Special Forces in Gudermes in Chechnya. According to the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov the attacked building was empty, there were no casualties and no heavy damage.

This was the first attack in the region since the beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine. The investigation was launched into the incident to identify those involved in the attack and clarify the type of the drone. The official investigation is yet to confirmed if the drone was Ukrainian. Due to its destruction, it was not possible to establish its brand, but it is reportedly assumed that this was a Ukrainian UAV of the PD-2 aircraft type. The Russian Ministry of Defense did not report an attack on Chechnya, although Ukrainian drones may reach the region and the Ukrainian military launched drone strikes at a range exceeding 1300 km from the frontlines. The drone could be launched from the area of Odessa and, flying over the Black Sea and the Caucasus 1300 km, reach Gudermes. This was probably not the first drone launched by Kiev to Chechnya, but none of them reached the republic before due to Russian air defense.

The head of Chechnya vowed response. Commenting on today’s drone attack, Ramzan Kadyrov said that he had ordered the military commanders of the Chechen units not to take prisoners on the frontlines. According to him, Kiev wanted to intimidate Chechnya with this strike, but achieved the opposite result.



On the night of October 28th, Ukrainian drones also managed to inflict some damage in the Russian rear region of Voronezh. Two distilleries came under attacks. A fire broke out and two employees were wounded as a result of the drone strike in the Anninsky district and an outbuilding was damaged as a result of the strike in the Novohopersky district.

Chechen Forces Ordered Not To Take Prisoners After Drone Strike In Chechnya

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NATO patrons do not allow the Ukrainian military to launch strikes with their missiles on the Russian territory. That’s why the Kiev regime is using Western missiles to attack the regions it lost. On October 29th, NATO missiles targeted the industrial area in the city of Luhansk.


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Boris Orlov

nato morons. wollt ihr den totalen krieg? you’ll get it.


when ??invasors would already at moscow with nato on the ground…only a retarded may thought that the bs russian army with his n.korea friends can face nato…3 years

Fred Lehmann

russia should be smart now and not make a castle peace with the collapsing ukraine! ukraine will use any form of ceasefire to rearm itself, this terror will go on forever!

russia may only come to a standstill at the polish, romanian or baltic borders. anything else would be a death on installments

s n o w _ d e n

don’t poke a bear… and don’t piss off chechens,

The Iceman Cometh

modern day spartans, every last one.

The Iceman Cometh

i can read the west like a book. ‘larry the lemming’s great grand canyon adventure’, to be exact.

this’ll only end with a barrage of sarmats down some lucky ukrainian ally’s throat.


same same for israel…

The Iceman Cometh

what discombobulated language you trying to speak there, little eliot?


putin is playing with fire ! he ordered kadyrov to take part in illegal smo in ukraine. now war comes back to chechnya. so better think twice russia. two front war in ukraine and in caucasus is unwinnable. muslims from chechnya to kasachstan to dagestan and ingushetia and even in balkaria hate russia – and don t want to waste their brethen in stupid putin war against ukraine – but will fight for independence !!!

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki
The Iceman Cometh

what was illegal about it? it was just an r2p intervention, like the nato bombing of belgrade and a dozen other bogus western interventions..

The Court Jester

kadyrov just sent two gerans into ukraine’s uav control center. never mess with a chechen, unless he’s one of those john kerry sponsored isis chechens of course.


trying to provoke kadyrov to do something stupid which they can use again to demonise russia and get more international support are we?

Boris Orlov

russia has been demonized for years, so do you really think it matters? go ramsan go!

The Iceman Cometh

funny, i’ve been demonizing ukrainian nazi filth for at least a decade.


they’ve tried to demonitize it too but that plan’s not working out too well either.


they get it regardless

Shlomo's little weenie

nothing stupid about necking nazis and nato mercs. who cares what western joo media whips up. certainly not the chechens. they were the vanguard in the mariupol operation and should have necked those azov on sight, instead treachery resulted in the filth being cosseted of to “incarceration” in turkey.


taking no asov prisoners is one thing taking no prisoners when you know a huge part of the ukrainian soldiers are forced into service is another.

The Iceman Cometh

ukrainians have been killing russian pows and their own civilians in donbass for years already.

what will the west do, get their bought and paid for icc/icj to issue an arrest warrant for kadyrov? don’t make me laugh.


not taking prisoners intentionally is a war crime. stupid chechens.

Boris Orlov

wer wind sät wird sturm ernten.


nato trannies b.s. is a war crime too


maybe they just should follow the us rules and declare the enemies as “illegal combatants” who don’t deserve any war rules?

Huckleberry Finn

i don´t think the west can talk about war crimes anymore, after arming and financing ukraine, and now israel. this card you overplayed.

The Iceman Cometh

since when could they ever talk about war crimes? their own cup has runeth over ever since vietnam.


la guerra è guerra se non vinci perdi e allora si fa è si stermina il nemico altrimenti stai comodo e preparati a fare lo schiavetto degli ucraini. saluti


communists & kadyrovskis – it is their true beastly & pro-communist mentality coming out – they have always been beasts, uncultivated, judified russian slaves of their jewish bolshevic masters. and now this chechen traitor, this unholy enemy of islam, kadyrov, openly states that he is a war criminal and orders execution of prisoners. well done. russia at its best again.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

this behaviour of putin and his dog kadyrov.. that’s it. exactly this again proves 100% that ukraine and all of its supporters are fully right, to fight putin and his communist bastard armies of godless beasts from the east. criminal massmurderous hordes who try to invade foreign countries, rob, steal and murder. and now they have for the first time declared it even openly, before the ears of the whole world. congrats !

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

better that you talk less and be thought a fool than to blather on and remove all doubt.


that was a long word salad just to light a strawman on fire…(clap clap clap)

The Iceman Cometh

tell that to the banderite filth, dipwaddle.


field executions of war criminals is perfectly legit…

Tibetan monk

once their done with ukraine the chechens should go to idlib to skin al-qaeda terrorists alive and finally end the xionists illegal occupation of syria once and for all.


once their done with ukraine putin will have to make sure kadyrovs men are allways busy or they might turn to moskov. successfull commanders often in history crossed the rubikon.

The Court Jester

they could skin the tattoos off foreign mercs and make quilted prayer mats out of them.


chechen are true men. russian treated the nazis very well. k$$$ them all. ukrainians are not true slavs!


ask a true chechen what he thinks about russia, putin & kadyrov !!! you scum !!! kadyrov is nothing but a traitor – placed into chechnya by his jewish master putin. therefore he is also a direct traitor of islam. no true muslim will deny this. when caucasus rises all of you will stand here with ass wide open !!! mark my words you pisslings !!!

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

stupid ass ranting, made up bullshit, retard level wannabe troll bait…

The Iceman Cometh

the current crop of ukrainians seem to be some mongrel breed cooked up in western labs using recipes from mengele’s scientific endeavors.


i palestinesi non avranno mai uno stato israele ingloba tutta la palestina e saranno trattati come subumani, consigliamo ai palestinesi di andare tutti in russia dove saranno rispettati e potranno realizzare le loro vite e i bambini non saranno più uccisi, la grande madre russia è molto generosa. saluti


finally. kill them all.


kadyrov is another putin vassel


exactly ! and chechens hate russia, soviet & putin !!! putin is playing with fire sending chechens into war in ukraine will backfire horrifically sooner or later. that’s for sure !

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

exactly ! and chechens hate ukrozzz, soviet & zelens-kaaa !!! volod zelli is playing with fire to draw in chechens into war in ukraine will backfire horrifically sooner or later. that’s for sure the end of kyiv !


kadyrov’s chechens have a special hunger for revenge on the isis chechens that ruined their country, then went on to fight for isis in syria and now in ukraine. i wouldn’t want to be in their shoes, for sure..

if you knew anything, you’d know that but you don’t but still post your ignorance a hundred times a day here.


look at you 2 retards falling love with mutually confused hatred…


and you’re a blowfly hovering above a vessel full of odiferous feces.

The Court Jester

i have a sneaking suspicion that crocus and eliot are one and the same blowfly.