Suhaib Salem/Reuters
On Thursday, representatives of Jaysh al-Islam militant group and Russian officials reached a new ceasefire agreement in Egypt’s capital Cairo, according to Reuters.
The new agreement covers several districts south of the Syrian capital of Damascus including Babbila, Beit Sahm, Yalda and Aqrba.
“We announced a preliminary agreement over the will to enter into a ceasefire and de-escalation deal for the area,” Jaysh al-Islam political leader Mohammad Alloush said according to Reuters.
The Syrian opposition was not only represented by Jaysh al-Islam but also by Aknaf Bait al-Maqdis and Jaysh al-Ababel groups. Moreover, Egypt was the side that announced the agreement, unlike previous agreements that were also reached in Cairo. This could mean that Egypt played a bigger role in the new development.
Egypt’s state information service announced that the Palestinian Fatah and Hamas organizations agreed to form a national unity government. The agreement was also reached in Cairo.
According to the source, the new government will work in Gaza and West Bank. The new national unity government will also be operated by the presidential guard of Palestinian president and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas.
The national unity government will be responsible for the Rafah border crossing in Gaza according to the Egyptian sources. This can be considered a major gain for Egypt that has been suffering from arms trafficking through the border with Gaza that is controlled by Hamas.
Egypt likely played a notable role in the Fatah-Hamas agreement. Over the past year, Egypt been has been pressuring Hamas to cooperate with Fateh again. Previously, the rise of the extremist wing in Hamas didn’t only threaten Egypt’s nation security but also Hamas itself that lost many its allies.
However, Israel is not happy to see the Palestinian reconciliation.
There is nothing we want more than peace with all our neighbors.
Reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas makes peace much harder to achieve.— Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) 12 October 2017
The two agreements reflect the growing Egyptian influence in the Middle East after it almost completely collapsed during the Muslim Brotherhood era. During the few years of Muslim Brotherhood role, Egypt turned into a country that worked for the interests of other countries, mainly Qatar. Egypt’s former president Mohamed Morsi was even charged with spying for Qatar in 2017. The 2013 Egyptian coup d’état for sure helped Egypt to stand again as a major player in the region, Bringing more balance to it.
ceasefire will hopefully be changed to the elimination of all terrorist groups in syria soon and as for mahmoud abbas, he is a zio lapdog and hamas was a question mark till today
Benjamin Netanyahu wants the elimination of all terrorist groups.
Including Zionists?
“Bodies of Palestinians massacred in Deir Yassin village, massacre by Israeli Haganah against Palestinian civilians”
Lest we forget what the Jews actually did Richard.
And continue to do every day, as they have for the past 70 years:
Some of these settlers are as vile as a human can possibly be.
Yes, they’re psychopaths.
The jewish mindset has little changed for over 2000 years. That is why they are disliked and distrusted in much of the world.
Even the brainwashed ( I use the term as a figure of speech only in this context) Americans that have been taught they are godlike figures are beginning to question who in fact controls the tentacles of power in the USA.
I agree completely. The Jews with their cult supremacist parasitical Talmud teaching. Have learned how to take over a society and have ridden Christianity’s coat tails in the US and elsewhere to put themselves up as demigods to be worshiped through their use of control positions in government, media, finance and academia.
The internet and sites like this that let the truth get out are helping to change that. And it’s becoming increasingly clear to people in Jew infested nations like the US that they’re liars and a huge problem who are misusing the control positions in society that they gravitate to and have gotten themselves into to exploit the host society to it’s detriment.
This photo looks like the bombing at Nordhausen Camp by the Allied bombers during WW2 for 2-3 days this camp was bombed and the slit trench photo where they are burying was taken here to cover up the massacre committed by the Allies.
Finding photos for the massacre of dead bodies are difficult to find 107 villagers were killed and 4 militia men were killed by careless use of explosives. The Irgun and Lehi(Stern) gangs were involved Yehud Feder was Giora in Lehi, they looted gold silver and valuables. This for many was the first time they ever killed an Arab and as some said they sprayed them with their machine guns as they ran away, some of the witnesses to the aftermath Mordecai Gichon said he had seen what was a pogrom when you go to a civilian locale.His impression of it as a massacre was a killing of civilians and only one way to describe it as one.
Yair Tsaban who was sent with members of youth brigades to bury the bodies the rationale if the Red Cross seen these bodies it would have damaged their cause. When he was going through the bodies he saw no fighting men but old men and mostly women and seen many had been shot in the back and the position of the hits denoted they were not killed in action. He witnessed in one room an old man and woman facing a wall and they had been shot in the back and knew no way they were shot in the heat of battle.
There were Photos taken by Shraga Peled who was in the Haganah information services the photos of the dead Arabs at Deir Yassin are still sealed just as Kafr Qasem in 1956 killing 48 Israeli Arabs. The photos were ruled still to be remained sealed in 2010, the court ruled they were to be seen it would hurt Israels standing in the eyes of the world. Neta Shoshani made a documentary about the Massarce at Deir Yessin.
This picture is from an official Palestinian government website:
Look at the bodies see what they are wearing, blame the idiots at the PLO for this picture , this was the one that the Jews had cropped for their museum.
Do you have a link showing that the Palestinians are using a fraudulent picture on this government web page? They’re representing it as prima facia evidence of Israeli mass murder.
this photo has more dead bodies and the photos they also use are the ones from 1982 massacre, the photos are still sealed by Israeli courts. Please read the why in my comment.
Do you have a link for this?:
“this was the one that the Jews had cropped for their museum.”
This was part of the the famous five photos that shocked at Nuremberg trials, look at the US soldiers in the photo.
Is this picture fake?”
“69 years ago today – The Deir Yassin Massacre Israel Forces Murder over 100 Palestinians Including Women and Children”
Das Deir Yassin Massaker – 9.4.1948
“68 years ago today – The Deir Yassin Massacre Israel forces murder 200 Palestinians including women and children”
“Archive for the ‘Deir Yassin’ Category”
These are Sabra and Shatila , trying to find the photos is difficult as the right one looks like the border area in Kafr Qasem another horrid massacre site.
I do ET contact work when I can. It’s not safe and there are a lot issues to have to deal with. This is a picture from a forest service road taken on a recon op looking for someplace in the wilderness that is sufficiently remote for ET contact. Either with a liason or small landing party beaming down for meetings. Bringing a probe in for holographic communications. Or locating a geographically suitable location for an LZ for a small ship for pick up and drop off. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60c8db7a030288501dfafbdf750384d5bed090edcd91757da0f39a10e7f435e4.jpg
This happens a lot with old photos people confuse them and archive them wrong, never seen Arabs in a camp with fences in Deir Yassin since it’s a village. Look at the Germans being made to walk around they were not much thinner than the camp residents.
I’m sure that period pictures are difficult to come by and authenticate. I don’t doubt that the Israelis may have some that they took themselves that they’re suppressing. But there are probably others that the Palestinians or other observers took as well. The Egyptians and others had intel and commando assets in Palestine before and after the atrocities. They may have pictures as well.
Human history before the photographic age is flawed or fabricated. Some of what exists today is true, some partly true and some false. The only way to determine what really happened is to access ET databases that recorded it as it happened. Or use a ship with a time drive to go back and watch what happened. As Billy Meier is reported to have done.
I’ve been to the Semjase Silver Star Center where he lives for meetings. And am probably going back for more. I took the attached picture at the entrance.
According to Wikipedia it’s from a German WWII prison camp. Maybe it’s the Palestinian’s way of saying that the Jews are evil like NAZIs:
“Aftermath of the British bombing raid of 3 and 4 April 1945 that destroyed the Boelcke-Kaserne (Boelcke Barracks) located in the south-east of the town of Nordhausen and killed around 1300 inmates. The barracks was a subcamp of the en:Mittelbau-Dora Nazi concentration camp. Used as an overflow camp for sick and dying inmates from January 1945, numbers rose from a few hundred to over 6000, and the conditions saw up to 100 inmates die every day.”
Have to agree that is what they are saying think they want the Jews to call them out on it and expose the lie. That bombing was tragic and the way the US army treated the people who themselves were even scarecrows,with accusations as they were responsible for the non stop bombing on the camp. They also dug a slit trench here and dumped the bodies into it , this is where that photo was also taken.
I’ve read enough material contradicting the Jew version of the holocaust to question the veracity of the current version of events. My guess is that the truth of what happened to the Jews, and much of what happened in all of WWII, is much different than the victor’s version commonly taught to school children.There have been dozens, if not hundreds of movies produced by Jews endlessly churned out supporting the Jew’s version of the holocaust.
This has always been the reality of the victors. The winners write history and the losers vanish from history.
Yes and no. The ETs have records of what really happened. And some of their ships have time drives to go back and watch what happened. There are projects here on earth working on time technology. Interstellar distances are so vast, that if you don’t have time management technology. You can arrive where you’re going at the wrong time.
It isn’t all science fiction.
Seems as if Israeli Secret Intelligence Service doesn’t want any stability in the region.
Are you saying that Benjamin Netanyahu should shoot himself and all jews in the Knesset Serious?
You surely cannot be serious ? :)
Well, both Soros and islamist thugs hate Netanyahu.
Any sane and fair human being either doesn’t like or plain hate him.
This is a rare instance when Soros and Extremists can be in a sentence with other humans.
They hate him because he is strong. Strong people are always getting envied.
Sure, whatever floats your boat.
I’m sure all the people who hate Bibi also hate the real strong people like FDR, JFK, Mother Teresa, MLK jr., DeGaul and Ayatollah Khomeini.
Did you like his drawings on the UN podium too? You know, the who promissed everyone that Iran is just one month from “DaBomb”, 10 years ago? Strong doodling, it was!
He is envied because he is winning. If Iran uses atomic bomb against Israel then it will be hated by everyone. These things aren’t funny.
We shall see how he wins his corruption investigations.
Where did he “win”? If by winning, you meant milking the Americans then you’re right. Other than that, not so much winning. He’s such a loser (and a sour loser) that he whines and throws a tantrum when other people work their differences and come to an agreement which helps the peace.
You’re amazingly unaware of the subjects related to Iran, and are quick to form opinion about it at the same time.
To use a bomb, you first need to have it. Iran doesn’t have any A-Bomb, is a signatory of NPT, didn’t peruse to get it and by religious law, it’s forbidden.
So it’s really funny when he shows his drawings which are absolute lies.
PS. Unrelated to this, but can you tell me which Greek sentence is correct? I’ll have a date tonight, if you know what I mean and I want to impress her. Thanks.
So now you hate Netanyahu or Israel? If Israel had a left-wing pro-Palestinian government would you support it?
Khomeini is not Iran. Khomeini has been much more dangerous to Iran than Netanyahu.
What Greek sentence?
I have a problem with Zionists. If they are Zionists, then it’s unlikely that I entirely support them, but such move is welcomed.
As an Iranian, I can say that your statement regarding Ayatollah Khomeini and Netanyahoo is absolutely false.
Blast! I asked in my last reply to you yesterday after answered you but now I see it got deleted. Grrr… >:(
I’m going to a date tonight, as a complement which one is better to say, after a nice home-made dinner:
“Einai fantastiko” or “Den iparchei”.
My support for Zionists is ideological and geopolitical. I don’t believe bullshit like “Jews are the God’s chosen people” and stuff like that. Nor I like hasbara trolls.
Are you Persian, Kurd, Azeri, Lor or something else?
Is that girl Greek?
You do whatever you do, for whatever reason. But sometimes you sound very much like Hasbarats in your fierce defence of anything Israel and wild claims about Hezbollah and Iran.
I guess you can put me in Persian ethnicity, if such thing exists.
She’s Cypriot. Sorry to bother you, I have no access to anybody Greek at the moment other than you
The problem is that you take everything so personally. Relax dude.
Persian ethnicity, yeah it exists.
And what do you want to say to her?
You have the nerve to call yourself “Serious Dude” and tell me to relax!?
A thank you, and tell her the food was fantastic, something like that.
I put that name because I didn’t have a better name in my mind that time.
Thank you = Se efxaristo
The food is fantastic = To fagito einai fantastiko
Thank you. Is the X pronounced as a Ch like church or as a Kh like Jose?
I put “Den iparchei” in google translate and it translated into gibberish. What does it mean?
The X is pronounced like Kh.
“Den iparchei” is a slang. The real translation of “den iparchei” is “it doesn’t exist”. It is so good that it doesn’t exist. It seems like that.
Israel is hated by most of the world now.
Because of misinformation.
No, they are hated because of what all too many of them do.
They have been mistrusted for over 2000 years. That suggests to me that their behaviour is ‘systemic’.
Harvey Weinstein for instance is in the spotlight of reality now.
Hollywoodies are atheists not Jews.
Its just Penis Envy Serious. Like two pricks out of the same pod. Seriously.
Jews often fall out amongst themselves over money and money = power.
There are good Jews and bad Jews just like in every peoples.
We can only hope he is serious ;-)
I do hope so .
“..should shoot himself and all jews in the Knesset Serious?”
Well, the Zionists anyway.
ANY Jew living in “israel” which is a FALSE entity, is living on STOLEN land which has been taken while murdering Palestinians.
That makes ANYONE living in “israel” a Zionist and GUILTY by association, if not directly, considering, ALL must join the IDF
Would you live on land stolen from someone else and possibly even murdered in the process of that theft???
So .YES, shoot them ALL, if they resist RETURNING to EUROPE, or America where they are from and thus belong. Those Jews have been doing that to Palestinians since 1947
Israeli JEWS being interviewed by Abby Martin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e_dbsVQrk4
They are THIEVES and MURDERERS, by default
Israel is probably the most legitimate nation in the world! It has been founded by the UN and it is for most of her territory the original land of the Jewish People, the kingdoms of Judah and Israel!
It has over 100 UN and other international law resolutions against it. And is committing mass pedophile rape every day. It’s membership should be revoked and given to Palestine.
‚Palestine‘ refers to the Roman name of a Roman province (Palestina) on the territory of today’s Israel and the so-called West-bank.
There never had been a state ,Palestine‘ in history. Any reference to the Philistine is erroneous since there was nothing like a Philistine statehood in history, the Philistines aren’t any ancestors of today’s ‚Palestinians‘, which are mainly Arabs and resettled people in the time of the Ottoman Empire. Thus since there never was a state ,Palestine‘ or a Palestinian People in history there shouldn’t be any of that in the future.
YOU gave me a laugh Stinky, if nothing else
I am always amazed at the Ignorance of Americans. I shouldn’t be though, as it is so common
This may help you a little: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/mapstellstory.html
Next time you want to give a History lesson PROVE what you say PLEASE with SOURCE LINKS. Your word, alone, is unacceptable.
Please note I do provide such proof, for what I say, so WHO ,truly, is “uninformed”
Happy learning
Your source doesn’t refute a word of what I‘ve said! After the UN vote to split the Mandat of ‚Palestine‘ the Jewish Leadership accepted this separation and the Arab side (with no ‚Palestinian‘ involved or participating rejected the UN resolution and the Arab side shortly after attacked the newly established Jewish state but became decisively defeated. Thus they original UN separation became obsolete cause of Arab rejection and conclusive aggressive nullification.
After 77 years of – to my mind not very successfully – trying to acquire knowledge you should at least be able to look up Wikipedia for ‚Judah‘ and ‚Israel (kingdom of)‘ and ‚Philistines‘.
Maybe another 23 years of acquiring knowledge will be a good first step to overcome your intellectual deficits but you should consider pausing with teaching till after that since your teaching may harm others
The 47 48 civil war was well under way when the Arabs intervened to stop foreign Jew colonial atrocities and ethnic cleansing operations against indigenous Palestinians.
You know, history isn’t personal fiction, how hysterically ever motivated
He is a ZIONIST TROLL who simply wants to keep an argument going. I ask for proof and he provides NONE. LIke a typical stupid Ashkenazi JEW, he says his WORD is better :-)
Do the same. Just.Ask him to prove his nonsense
Eventually he will disappear, like the cockroach, exposed to light, that he is.
You can’t reason with these people. They lie and spew disinfo habitually. When you run down their insanity with irrefutable truth supported by strong evidence they evade it, tell more lies, or yes, imply go away.
Then PROVE yourself please with Source LInks, Zionist
You,sir! Are already harmed, no cure, unfortunately for you.
That’s hasbara fiction made up by lying Jews trying to cover up their crimes. The Palestinians are by far the primary decedents of the areas original inhabitants, including Hebrew tribes. The Israelis are 99% descended from immigrants from outside Palestine, many from outside the middle east. Many of whom have little or no Hebrew or other indigenous blood.
The Palestinians are the rightful owners of the land. The Israelis are murderers, liars and thieves.
Your claim is soundly refuted by repeated DNA testing, which proved that with the exception of Ethopian and Indian Jews all the various not contiguously settled Jewish populations are significantly more related amongst each other than with the populations they are living together in vicinity. This btw is also one of two effective refutations of the so called Khazar hypothesis. There is no way that ‚Palestinians‘ are made up of any genetically homogeneous population they are rather a mix of the descendants of the various occupants of the region, including noticeably the crusaders, and various middle eastern populations, a certain Arab element, and to a significant part descendants of people (fellahin) which had become resettled to this region under the reign of the Ottoman Empire
They’re brain washed with these Jew lies from birth and repeat them like a broken record. I’ve seen it many times.
I , ALSO and many of the quasi pros who work specific sites, receive scripts from Handlers for them to repeat and then of course we cannot forget the BOTS.
In Israel they train many college kids how to TROLL and PAY them
It explains why they NEVER provide PROOF such as Source LInks
Jews own and operate Google, YouTube, Facebook and other sites. Trying to gain a monopoly on information is part of their modus operandi. Similar to what they did with newspapers, radio and TV in the US and elsewhere. They’re a parasitical political disease that attaches itself to the control functions of a host population like politics, media, finance and academia.
They’re raised from birth to lie to non Jews, gain control over them, and exploit that control to the detriment of the host population. That’s what the Talmud cult manual and cult leaders teach them.
Internet trolling is part of their media and public relations disinformation work trying to clean up their bad image that they justly deserve. Their evil cult should be outlawed to create a better Jew free future for humanity so that future generations don’t have to deal with this curse.
Where’s the proof? You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written. The Palestinian’s are far more indigenous to Palestine then Israelis.
Speaking about proofs:
Speaking about about your fictional history of a Palestinian People:
There wasn’t any ‚Palestinians‘ or ‚Palestinian people‘ known
before the 1950ties when they became invented in a reaction to the foundation of the Jewish State of Israel. There was no mention of any Palestinians in any document of the League of Nations who had given the administration of the territory of Palestine to GB. There is not one known document dating back to the Ottoman Empire mentioning any Palestinians. The same holds for the Arab Rule in the Middle Ages and the Roman Rule. There wasn’t even any mentioning of Palestinians in the UN resolution which led to the separation of said territory in separate Jewish and Arab (!) entities by the UN General
Assembly resolution which was the founding document of the state of Israel.
In fact as well the Arab States of Jordan and Egypt and the other Arab states then as the Arab population in the British administrated League of Nations territory had been strictly opposed to any notion of Palestinian People since they all had been Panarabian Nationalists then (even though that may have been a somewhat contradictory in terms notion)
No Palestinian can trace their lineage back to a time before the crusades, the majority can’t do that to a time before the fall of the Ottoman Empire
You’re evading the issue. The Palestinians are far more indigenous to the land between the sea and the river and have been there continuously since long before Judaism ever existed. The amount of genetics from the area that the Israelis have is minuscule or non existent compared to the Palestinians.
“The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece, when Herodotus wrote of a “district of Syria, called Palaistinê” in The Histories, which included the Judean mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley.”
Timeline of the name “Palestine” – Wikipedia
You aren’t understanding the issue, there was some mentioning of a territory ,Palestine‘ or ,Pelestine‘ et. al. as there was mentioning of the names ,Israel‘ and ,Judah‘ for the same territory albeit much earlier than the mentioning of ,Palestine‘ by Herodotus.
But there was no mentioning of any ,Palestinians‘ or ,Palestinian People‘ as I‘ve argued in my post. And there was a perfectly good reason that there was no such mentioning, namely the fact, that such a ‚Palestinian People‘ simply didn’t exist before it had been invented in the 1950ties.
Repeated DNA tests have shown a remarkable and originally unexpected overlap of genetic strains in Jewish populations of Sephardim Ashkenazim, Jews of Rome, Spaniols and other particular Jewish populations, where this overlap can only become consistently explained by common middle eastern ancestors in the late antiquity
Your playing semantics doesn’t change the fact that the Palestinians as a people living between the sea and river have been around for thousands of years. Only crazy Jew liars playing stupid word games deny it.
And your evasion of the fact that the Palestinians are far more indigenous to Palestine than the Israelis just means that you don’t want to deal with the facts because they don’t support Jew crime and evil.
“Israel was established in parts of Palestine in 1948”
Thanks for summarizing my arguments!
To quote your Quote :
„The Palestinian people … also referred to as Palestinians … are an ethnonational group … comprising the modern descendants of the peoples who have lived in Palestine over the centuries …“
What a deceptive New Speech!
Note: ‚a people … comprising the modern descendants of the peoples who have lived in whatever country X or P over how many centuries ever…‘ is by definition NOT a people, but the offspring of a mix of breeds!
Since the majority of so called Palestinians actually are descendants of Fellahin resettled to the territories of Judea,Israel and Samaria under Ottoman Rule, they didn’t even live there for much more than a century. Thus they are mere occupants of another people‘s land
I haven’t summarized your arguments at all. Except maybe in your twisted mind. You do realize that the only people playing these types of stupid word games and making these insane arguments are crazy Jews trying to justify their crimes don’t you?
What is it about the Palestinians are far more indigenous to the land between the sea and the river than the Israelis don’t you understand?
It is you who doesn’t understand! So called Palestinians don’t have any history of their own. Where you find ‚Palestinians‘ mentioned in the era of the crusades, in the era of the Byzantine Empire, in the era of the Umayyad Caliphate, in the era of the Abbasid Caliphate or in the centuries following the Abbasid Caliphate, you won’t find them mentioned in Balfour Declaration, you won’t find them mentioned in any document of the League of Nations and you even won’t find them mentioned in UN General Assembly Resolution 181 of 1947 which laid the foundation of Israel and a proposal of the separation of the League of Nations mandate territory between the Jewish and the Arab (!!) population.
One may ask why your postulated Palestinian People had been so thoroughly invisible throughout history and the only honest answer is: the Palestinian People had been invisible throughout history because there never existed a Palestinian People in history!
That’s of course also the reason why there isn’t any piece of art, no novel, no poem, no work of scientific merits associated to any Palestinian person earlier than the 1950ties
It’s an historical fact that the name Palestine and Palestinians goes back thousands of years. The lies and word games that crazy Jews like you use trying to justify their crimes doesn’t change that. Or the fact that the Palestinians are far more indigenous to Palestine than the Israelis, who are primarily Europeans, and who have continuously inhabited the area between the sea and the river from time immemorial:
“Definition of Palestine man
plural Palestine men
:a member of a highly variable early Neanderthaloid population of southwestern Asia that are known chiefly from skulls and other skeletal remains from caves in the Galilee”
They were building modern cities for thousands of years, including Jerusalem, long before Jews ever existed. It’s their land, the colonial Jew invaders are liars, thieves and murderers. Israel’s UN membership should be revoked and replaced with Palestine. And your evil baby raping pedophile cult should be outlawed to create a Jew free future for humanity without the curse of Jew crime and evil from your cult.
Ancient Jericho – the first walled city in history
You couldn’t and yo can’t produce one single reference to a Palestinian People throughout the entire history before the 1950ties CE.
Varying ethnic populations living in a particular region do not and never did constitute and comprise of an unique People.
A ‚People’ is defined by a common genuine ethnicity + sufficiently continuous cultural traditions resulting in a cultural, including religious, identity.
All of that holds in a most well documented and impressive way for the Jewish People!
Nothing of that holds even in the most minimal way for any purely fictional ‚Palestinian People‘.
“You couldn’t and yo can’t produce one single reference to a Palestinian People throughout the entire history before the 1950ties CE.”
This is such a blatant lie that I’m not going to play your insane word games with you. You’re a head case.
I‘m not ‚playing word games‘ since that would be an even greater waste of time than just to uncover the lack of any proof of your repetetively false claims of the existence of a Palestinian People before its invention in the 1950ties.
If I would utter ‚blatant lies‘ you could refute them easily by producing a reference to a somewhat genuine or ethnically at least somewhat homogenous ‚Palestinian People‘ or to persons actually having been belonging to such a people before the 1950ties.
And don’t try to substitute the reference to a territory or region for the reference to a People!
Your fixation with the definition of Palestinians is your problem, not mine. And it doesn’t change the fact that they’re far more indigenous to Palestine than the Israelis are. All of your linguistic contortion doesn’t change that.
Experts in international law have looked at the arguments that idiots like you use, and found them to be absurd. Which is why Israel has over 100 UN and other international law resolutions against them as compared to 1 against the Palestinians. Who wouldn’t even have one if they hadn’t been so victimized by the Jew criminals.
The foundational documents of Israel are being revoked for their crimes by international law. UNSC Resolution 2334 being one example. Which completely or partially revokes the Balfour Declaration and San Remo Resolution. And there’s more of that in the works. Along with the military and other planning and preparations to get humanity’s Jew problem corrected.
The definition of ,People‘ in general and ‚Palestinian People‘ in particular is certainly your problem and not mine for the simple reason, that your claims concerning such ‚Palestinian People‘ do not and cannot stand the test of proper and generally accepted definitions.
The UN‘s foundational General Assembly Resolution 181 never had been revoked. The UNSC resolution despite being anti Israel and making false claims about the status of Jerusalem doesn’t relate in any sense to the validity of the GA resolution 181 and the separation of the League of Nations mandate Territory between the Jewish and the Arab population of this territory then. Jerusalem wasn’t a part of this separation hence even historically false assertions don’t relate to GA resolution 181 with respect to being the foundational UN document of the State of Israel.
All your rants lack not only the proper use of proper definitions, but also the slightest effort of logical reasoning and argumentation.
Goodbye evil Jews, today the 67 lines, tomorrow the 47 lines, and good riddance:
“Israel’s Settlements Have No Legal Validity, Constitute Flagrant Violation of International Law, Security Council Reaffirms
14 Delegations in Favour of Resolution 2334 (2016) as United States Abstains
The Security Council reaffirmed this afternoon that Israel’s establishment of settlements in Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, had no legal validity, constituting a flagrant violation under international law …
Adopting resolution 2334 (2016) by 14 votes, with the United States abstaining, the Council reiterated its demand that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.”
Israel’s Settlements Have No Legal Validity … – the United Nations
You may be surprised, but I‘ve heard of this reprehensible and stupid UN Security Council Resolution before. But fortunately it will be as much without any consequences and insignificant as all the similarily anti Israel resolutions of the UN SC and of other UN organizations. Sooner or later Israel‘s eventual borders will be determined and established on the ground and these borders won’t be the 67 lines but include large parts of Jerusalem and the surrounding territory to mention only one particular vicinity
You should become a fan of a more talented and less ugly boy group
You didn’t have much luck in stopping this now did you?
We‘ve got him once, we will get him again at any time we want
Ever wonder why you have 100+ resolutions against you and your crime state is heading for becoming a foot note in history?
Sorry, I‘m not North Korean
Tell me about how you’re going to steal land from these fellas:
Taking back the Gaza Strip isn’t high on the agenda, may Hamas get more time to ruin the lifes of people living in the Gaza Strip … Inshallah
That’s not the issue. The issue is that they’re going to be running the government soon. So you can kiss your land theft dreams good bye:
“Tony Blair has said for the first time that he and other world leaders were wrong to yield to Israeli pressure to impose an immediate boycott of Hamas after the Islamic faction won Palestinian elections in 2006.
As prime minister at the time, Blair offered strong support for the decision – driven by the George W Bush White House – to halt aid to, and cut off relations with, the newly elected Hamas-led Palestinian Authority unless it agreed to recognise Israel, renounce violence and abide by previous agreements between its Fatah predecessors and Israel. The ultimatum was rejected by Hamas. The elections were judged free and fair by international monitors.”
What are you going to do, start another war to stop it like you did last time? See how well that goes over at the UN. 2334 on steroids ought to be interesting.
New Hamas leader says it is getting aid again from Iran
UN SC 2334 doesn’t have any implications regarding a potential military engagement with Hamas and probably disarming Hamas and all other factions in the Gaza Strip. An important factor will be the positioning of Egypt, and I think you won’t like how they will position themselves
You’re lying. Gaza is part of Palestine according to 2334. The goal is to get Israel out of the occupied territories, not expand them. If you think that invading Gaza to prevent Hamas from holding elections to form a Palestinian government would go unanswered by the international community. You’re very mistaken.
Poor Tom, I get your smell so far away. You do stink, for sure. Your mouth, too. Very bad breath. But you are a funny little fellow gone all wrong and you do humor us decent people. Thank you
Please, change your medication!
Right on Richard
Thanks for reading my comment “Stinky”
Even though your post wasn’t well informed nor well intended, you still are welcome
NAZI is an Akronym in German for NAtionalsoZIalistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei – please note the capital letters
The UN did not create/found Israel as it doesn’t have such power.
The UN doesn’t have the power to create or destroy nations. You need to get your facts in order.
The same goes for your history of the land. Ignoring for a moment that archeology has failed for the past 70 years to validate the Biblical stories, the kingdoms of Israel and Judea were at war. Furthermore, the Israelites were not Jewish.
Why do today’s Jews want to be associated with an ancient people who wasn’t Jewish and who was an enemy is beyond me.
Surely, you don’t believe in what you just stated. The opposite, for certain, is true. They choke themselves on their greed, thievery and callousness. Their crimes will be avenged. Try get it fair and right. Thanks
Does that mean he wants to eliminate Washington and Tel Aviv ?
“…Netanyahu wants the elimination of all terrorist groups.”
You may be right. It’s just that US president NetanYahu and his Foreign minister Trump, consider anyone a terrorist that stands in the way of Israel’s land grabs, tortures and murders.
Trump and Netanyahu are a good nemesis to your jihadi lobby.
The bastard should start by shooting himself. He is a despicable liar, child killer and flea ridden dog.
Too bad that your opinion is false.
There is no war to destroy Israel.
There is only war to destroy Goyim’s.
The big bawl Bibi is upset over the unification of Fatah and Hamas , now it’s time to get rid of that senile old fool Mahmoud Abbas. Then the Big Bawl Bibi can cry some more with a new leader in place.
The SAA will get rid of his proxies in Daara with the help of the FSA, then the SAA will destroy his proxies in the Jaawlan heights and he can start bawling some more the Big cry Bibi.