0 $
2,500 $
5,000 $
1,000 $

Category: SF Announces

SF Announces

4 DAYS LEFT to allocate a budget for the next month Since January 1, SouthFront has collected 2,799 USD. This …

6 DAYS LEFT to allocate a budget for the next month Only 54% of the minimal needed amount [5,000 USD] has…

7 DAYS LEFT to allocate a budget for the next month Only 46.7% of the minimal needed amount [5,000 USD] has…

8 DAYS LEFT to allocate a budget for the next month Only 45% of the minimal needed amount [5,000 USD] has…

9 DAYS LEFT to allocate a budget for the next month Only 42% of the minimal needed amount [5,000 USD] has…

10 DAYS LEFT to allocate a budget for the next month Only 41% of the minimal needed amount [5,000 USD] has…

DEAR FRIENDS, On January 16 southfront.org faced a hacker attack. As a result, our website was temporarily out of service….

UPDATE [19.01.2018]: 13 DAYS LEFT; About 34% [1,698 USD] of the minimal needed amount [5,000 USD] has been collected so far; UPDATE…

Dear friends, On January 16, southfront.org faced a hacker attack and went out of service. Nonetheless, thanks to a quick reaction…

Dear friends, SouthFront continues its work in 2018. We fought through all threats in 2017 and overcame recent difficulties. Right…

Dear friends! Thanks to your support, SouthFront collected 4,270 USD in December. This is about 85% of the minimal needed…

Dear friends, SouthFront sends you our best wishes and greetings. We wish you a very happy, peaceful and successful year…

3 DAYS LEFT until the end of December. About 72% of the minimal needed amount has been collected so far….

4 DAYS LEFT until the end of December. Only about 61.8% of the minimal needed amount has been collected so…

5 DAYS LEFT until the end of December. Only about 61.8% of the minimal needed amount has been collected so…