Category: World
Ivo Hristov interviewed by Yulia Vladimirova; Originally appeared at a-specto, translated by Borislav exclusively for SouthFront Associate Professor Hristov, what is…
For the Syrian people the New Year brings mounting casualties as the civil war moves into its 6th year. The…
Anti-terrorist security services in the European Union have learned that this year Europe is in a serious risk of many…
General Frank Gorenc: “Russia now creates the strategy of limiting / blocking access. I do not remember anything else that…
Comment by Peto Lucem exclusively for SouthFront On January 13 the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defence Forces liberated the…
A bomb blast hit the center of Turkey today killing 10 people, most of which were foreigners. Is this the…
Original by Dmitriy Yurov published by Zvezda; translated from Russian by J.Hawk Operations “Decisive Storm” and “Rebirth of Hope”…
‘Daesh(ISIS/ISIL) have been rocked once again with the death of these prominent members as Iraqi forces push on with Anti-Terrorist…
Originally appeared at AlMasdarNews The Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) suffered one of their…
If you have a possibility, if you like our content and approaches, please, support the project. Our work wont be…
Turkey on par with Qatar can complicate the situation in the North Caucasus. Written by Yevgeny Satanovsky, President of Institute of…
The ongoing migration crisis in Europe is just a prologue to what could be in store in the coming years, Germany’s economics…
Main stream media have been disseminating numerous reports about the savage pro-government forces and its barbaric siege of the town…
The Syria’s armed forces, supported by the Russian Air Force, have liberated two strategic villages in the suburban Damascus region of Eastern Ghouta. The…
Information from the Pentagon was released saying that two of the US Navy boats are in Iran’s custody following their…