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Following the yesterday semi-official announcement of a ceasefire agreement in the Syrian south at the end of talks between Russian…

According to Iraqi sources, a number of ISIS commanders and fighters have committed suicide by blowing up their explosive belts…

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) entered Hashim Bin Abdul Malik district in the southern part of Raqqa City and…

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) resumed its anti-ISIS operations north of the Homs-Palmyra road and managed to capture new strategic…

The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) have recaptured the Tafhah Mountain and the nearby village of Jibab Hamad…

On Saturday, Iraqi security forces (ISF) liberated the strategic Old Mosul city, the last ISIS stronghold in the city of…

Russia will supply the Syrian Coastal Guard with new patrol boats and other equipment, the Shephard Military News website has reported….

Jaysh al-Islam announced that fighters from Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), backed by Free Syrian Army (FSA) members, often from Faylaq…

Jaysh Assoud al-Sharkia announced that one of its commanders, Khaled Mahmoud Azeh, was assassinated on Friday in the Nazlat al-Siphon…

On Friday, Ahrar al-Sham accused Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) of mobilizing fighters against it in strategic areas overlooking the Ahrar…

The Associated Press reported on Friday that Russia and the United States have reached a ceasefire agreement covering the entire…

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) claimed that they have liberated 75% of the Abbasi wall that surrounds the strategic Old Raqqa…

Iraqi sources published a video found by an Iraqi soldier in Mosul City on a mobile phone belonging to a…

Leader of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), Salih Muslim Muhammad, has denied the existence of any secret negotiations between…

The Desert Hawks Brigade and other pro-government units are advancing against ISIS terrorists in eastern Hama.