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Category: #RUSSIA

The two ports are linked by the Baikal-Amur railway which connects to the Trans-Siberian railway in Sovetskay Gava and Vanino in the Far…

More than 100 protesters were hurt by police ahead of a G7 summit in Germany, as thousands gathered to decry…

THIS ARTICLE IN 10 SECONDS: “US-NATO military exercises on Russia’s doorstep are provocative. They repeat with disturbing regularity”. “Washington orchestrates NATO…

The US is cracking down on international football’s governing body FIFA using a corruption scandal. It looks like well-planned attack…

THIS ARTICLE IN 10 SECONDS: “Kiev’s junta is an illegitimate US-installed putschist regime infested with extremist Nazi lunatics” Kiev systematically…

This video is realized due to: Chantal, Alan, Ronny, Adrien, Moreno, Marko, Ilya, Yan Erik, Chris, Michael, Bernard, Pierre and many…

THIS ARTICLE IN 10 SECONDS: US and EU will escalate their economic and military campaign against Russia Pentagon officially considering the use…

Crimeans has already felt the all power of anti-Russian sacntions. According to the western media economy is collapsing in Crimea. Okay… but…

Pentagon seeks for easing of ban on Russian rockets for U.S. space missions. The Pentagon reports that Russian engines will be…

Download video in original quality. Western governments have been worrying for some time now that jihadists in Syria, who traveled…

As the world’s security situation deteriorates day to day since the onset of the financial crisis and wars and conflicts…

At least 6,657 people, including at least 1,285 civilians, have been killed throughout Syria in May 2015, making it the…

Western sanctions aganinst Moscow is a threat for the fight against the Islamic State. The sanctions prevent Iraq from purchasing…

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov interview to Bloomberg TV channel, Moscow, June 2, 2015

China started construction of its part of the Power of Siberia pipeline to receive Russian gas last week. The welding of the…