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Category: #RUSSIA

After more than a year of civil war and bloodshed in South-Eastern Ukraine, the government in Kiev has to make…

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s intention will deploy air defense systems on the border with the self-proclaimed republic of Transdniestria, AFP journalist…

This articles has been written by Kalvin Burris for SouthFront As Summer heats up, conflicts rage around the world. One…

Ukrainian authorities must bury their plans to get rid of Russia in energy sector. Royal Dutch Shell considers stopping the…

US plays on the “foreign field” and supports fascist regime. New victims of MERS outbreak, kidnaped staff of Tunisian diplomatic…

Text by Pavel Komissarov, taken from his Youtube channel. This video contains the sights of Russian cities, pictures of Russia’s nature, portraits…

Tragedy in Nigeria, massacred Shiite recruits in Iraq, Malaysian “Boeing” hit by Porshenko’s regime, Pope waits Putin, Ukraine will not pay…

This video is realized due to your donations. Yemen’s Popular Committees on Wednesday seized control of the al-Khanjar barracks in…

The US is involve other nations covertly in research on weaponized diseases. Furthermore, last week, the Pentagon admitted sending samples…

Citizens of Naberejni Chelni has filmed modern Russian military jeep and truck on the road in Tatarstan region of Russia.

We are going to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia.

THIS ARTICLE IN 10 SECONDS: Dutch government uses school workbooks for anti-Russian propaganda. Russia isn’t ‘free country’ because there is…

No changes in World Cup 2018/2022 and sanctions against Russia and Crimea, China increases influence, MERS Outbreak in South Korea,…

The two ports are linked by the Baikal-Amur railway which connects to the Trans-Siberian railway in Sovetskay Gava and Vanino in the Far…

More than 100 protesters were hurt by police ahead of a G7 summit in Germany, as thousands gathered to decry…