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MARCH 2025

Category: #RUSSIA

On August 25-27, for the third time since becoming president of Egypt, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi heads to Russia amid a…

An unprecedented number of meetings at the highest level begins in the Russian capital This article originally appeared at RSPL,…

NATO’s six new command and control centers have become operational across Central and Eastern Europe as part of the bloc’s…

By J.Hawk Many of the explanations and analyses of the Maidan and the overthrow of President Yanukovych which attribute these…

The situation in the Middle East is changing faster then experets could predict. This article is originally appeared at Zero…

The article discusses who is really the carrier of power in the US. Neoconservatives, or Neocons as they are often…

A story of the man faced the horror and the pain of the CIA-led Ukrainian ‘Revolution of digity’. This is how pro-Kiev…

Experts are concerned over the possible war between Russia and NATO and hope that they could prevent the war by ‘urgent reports’. This…

With no clear endpoint of the ongoing Ukrainian war in sight, the West seems to realize that something is definitely…

This article originally appeared at Lnr.today Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of LPR Alexey Rusakov said that…

This article originally appeared at Newsru, translated from Russian by Olga Seletskaia Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Soren…

Paris has refunded Moscow €900 million for two Mistral helicopter carriers put on hold by President Francois Holland as part…

BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa….

Russia’s 37th humanitarian aid convoy for residents of Ukraine’s Donbass is heading for the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. This article…

An independent journalist has a many ways to be happy in Ukraine: Flee from the country To be shut in…