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MARCH 2025

Category: Europe

Original by Yevdokia “Dunya” Sheremetyeva published on littlehirosima blog; translated by J.Hawk “It was noon, July 30, 2014. I was…

Original published by warfiles.ru; translated from Russian by J.Hawk Russia is strengthening all of its intelligence and reconnaissance assets in…

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on Tuesday refuted reports Paris was pushing for military action against ISIS group in Libya….

  Original published by Russkaya Vesna; translated from Russian by J.Hawk Genbank, Republic of Crimea’s largest financial institution placed under…

French President Francois Hollande and country’s Minister of Agriculture Stephane Le Foll personally support the lifting of sanctions on Russia….

 Original by Pawel Puzio published by Dziennik Wschodni; translation and analysis by J.Hawk Poland’s Minister of Defense Antoni Macierewicz declared…

These children are forced by their parents to keep silent about their experiences and don’t receive the help they need…

The incident broke out after a young woman rejected one of the migrant’s advances, who had addressed her in English…

The Syrian Government is finally pushing to break a persistent terrorist seize on the predominately Shiite towns of Nubl and…

This article originally appeared at Novosti.rs translated by Stevo Marjanović exclusively for SouthFront. Multiple launch rocket systems are missing too….

Russia and Egypt are going to sign a memorandum for the delivery of four SSJ100 passenger planes to Egypt. According to Russian…

Is the Ministry of Defense of Russia preparing for air combat with Turkish aircraft? Originally appeard at Interpolit, translated by…

Original by Ekaterina Zgirovskaya and Pavel Kotlyar published by gazeta.ru; translated from Russian by J.Hawk Having blamed Russia of violating…

Original by Mateusz Zielonka, translation and analysis by J.Hawk The Armed Forces of the Polish Republic are still in the…

According to local officials and the Turkish Dogan news agency, almost 40 people drowned and 75 were rescued after a…