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MARCH 2025

Category: #EU

God forbid these people have to actually pay their workers – it appears that the Muslim community in UK are…

A colonial empire of the postcolonial world. Written by Monna Lita exclusively for SouthFront Geopolitics is not a game of…

Dear friends! This film came to being thanks to your support. With your support, having overcome the crisis in the…

A story about the relations between Russia and Poland Original published by Politanalitika; translated for SouthFront.org by J.Hawk Poland now…

Europe, the land of ‘humanism’, ‘democracy’, ‘human rights’ and other words with no implementation, is, as we all heard and…

After the economic collapse of Greece which led to a new bailout program, another interesting question rose – Who’s next?…

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: southfront@list.ru or via: http://southfront.org/donate/ The Fear…

This article is prepared by Viktor Stoilov exclusively for SouthFront After the long-waited bailout deal was finally approved, and Greece…

Paris has refunded Moscow €900 million for two Mistral helicopter carriers put on hold by President Francois Holland as part…

Andrzej Duba is seeking to become a leader of the planned Russophobian coalition to cut the Russian Federation from Europe. This article…

Help produce more actual and interesting content, join our struggle by donating via PayPal: southfront@list.ru or via: http://southfront.org/donate/ N. Korea…

This article originally appeared at Nakanune.ru, translated from Russian by Carpatho-Russian Events in recent days indicate that in Ukraine a real…

Original written by Tomasz Kwasnicki and published in the Polish Do Rzeczy news weekly; translated from Polish by J.Hawk On…

The article is prepared by Viktor Stoilov  After long hours of negotiations, debates and voting, the Greek parliament finally approved a…

Greece Crisis, August 11, 2015

The article is prepared by Viktor Stoilov exclusively for Southfront.org After finally admitting defeat on the 13th of July when the Eurozone agreed…