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MARCH 2025

Category: #USA

On June, 18 after sunset the holy month of Ramadan started for all Muslims. In its own way, by Twitter,…

So-called Russian aggression is a standard NATO propaganda which blaims Russia only to cover the truth about reality. On the infographics…

Every year the American historian William Blum publishes his “updated summary of the record of US foreign policy” which shows…

The 63rd Bilderberg conference took place from 11 – 14 June 2015 in Telfs-Buchen, Austria. Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg…

Central Asia is a place of long-standing geopolitical confrontation. Now it turns into an active phase to destroy the peace…

After more than a year of civil war and bloodshed in South-Eastern Ukraine, the government in Kiev has to make…

MERS is spread and 12 policemen killed in Afghanistan. The US under cyber-attack, newly-released letter 9/11, accusations in spying on…

This articles has been written by Kalvin Burris for SouthFront As Summer heats up, conflicts rage around the world. One…

US plays on the “foreign field” and supports fascist regime. New victims of MERS outbreak, kidnaped staff of Tunisian diplomatic…

As in the case of Al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria, US Congressman have “noticed” the fascism in one of many…

Tragedy in Nigeria, massacred Shiite recruits in Iraq, Malaysian “Boeing” hit by Porshenko’s regime, Pope waits Putin, Ukraine will not pay…

This video is realized due to your donations. Yemen’s Popular Committees on Wednesday seized control of the al-Khanjar barracks in…

The US is involve other nations covertly in research on weaponized diseases. Furthermore, last week, the Pentagon admitted sending samples…

We are going to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia.

Double standards and regime of martial law in Ukraine, terrorism in Egypt, tensions between Israel and Iran, US against ISIS….