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Category: SouthFront TV

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence is a crowdfunded endeavor maintained by an independent team of experts and volunteers from the four…

In response to a recent escalation in northern Lattakia, the Syrian Army has deployed a batch of reinforcements south of…

DEAR FRIENDS, Thanks to your support, SouthFront produced in October 2019: Videos: 29; Graphics: 215; Texts: 702. During the same…

The Syrian Army and Turkish-led forces are strengthening their positions on a contact line in northeastern Syria. A large convoy…

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On October 31, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) recaptured the villages of Abu Rasin, al-Manakh, al-Sibatiyah, Rajlah al-Hamrah and…

For several days in a row, an intense fighting is ongoing between the Syrian Army and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham near…

DEAR FRIENDS. IF YOU LIKE THIS TYPE OF CONTENT, SUPPORT SOUTHFRONT WORK: PayPal: southfront@internet.ru Donation alerts: https://donationalerts.com/r/southfront Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/southfront Or…

On October 29, a patrol of the Russian Military Police came under a mortar fire near the border village of…

On October 27, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that they have started withdrawal from the Turkish border in…

U.S. Special Operations forces eliminated ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during a nighttime raid into northwestern Syria on October 26,…

The current military and diplomatic situation in the Middle East demonstrates that the capability and quality of air defense forces…

276 more Russian Military Police officers and 33 additional equipment pieces will be deployed in Syria, Russia’s state media reported….

DEAR FRIENDS. IF YOU LIKE THIS TYPE OF CONTENT, SUPPORT SOUTHFRONT WORK: PayPal: southfront@internet.ru Donation alerts: https://donationalerts.com/r/southfront Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/southfront Or…

On October 22, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin reached an agreement to settle the situation…