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Category: #MAPS

World Conflicts (Syrian War, Yemeni War, Iraqi War And Other Conflicts) In Maps

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) haven’t been able to move further throug the Manbij-Al Bab highway or to enter…

On June 13, the Iraqi Security Forces and its allies entered the city of Fallujah, seizing the Nazzal and Sina…

AlMasdarNews reports: Following months of stalemate in Latakia province, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) finally made a decisive advance on…

On June 13, ISIS militants launched counterattacks in order to break the Syrian Democratic Forces siege of Manbij in Northern Syria. There…

On June 13, the Iraqi Security Forces and its allies entered the city of Fallujah, seizing the Nazzal area. Now, the…

On June 13, the ISIS terrorist group launched a counter offenslive in the area of Syria’s Manbij, targeting the US-backed Syrian…

In the province of Raqqa, the SAA, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, have gained more ground, advancing on the…

The map depicts the military situation in North Aleppo on June 12. Pro-rebel sources argue that the ISIS terrorist group…

Syrian Arab Army units repelled an ISIS advance on the Badr Base at the southeastern countryside of Syria’s Dumayr city. Following…

The map below depicts the ethnic composition in Northern Syria. Earlier, we’ve already reported that tenstions between Kurdish units and the local…

Today morning, the ISIS terrorist group has launched a major assault on the government-controlled Badr Base at the southeastern countryside of…

  AlMasdarNews reports:  The jihadist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group), Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, Jaysh Al-Turkmen, and the Free Syrian…

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), supported by Russian fighter jets and helicopter gunships, is developing advances against the ISIS terrorist…

Iraqi forces have reportedly succeed in the recent advances to win back the ISIS-controlled city of Fallujah in Iraq’s Anbar province,…

On June 11, the predominanlty Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces reportedly seized 6 more villages in Syria’s Aleppo province, including al-Farat and…