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Category: Politics

The sitaution with the so-called independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), that has received a thomos from the Patriarchate of Constantinople…

The media spectacle surrounding various Russiagate-style stories have reached the level, where all more or less adequate people demonstrate their…

UN countries should adopt a unified stance on the non-placement of weapons in outer space and back peace initiatives in…

On August 6th, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said that the country would support the US-led operation to provide a…

Tensions between Pakistan and India have been developing, since on August 5th India revoked the special status of Jammu and…

Written by Philip M. Giraldi; Originally appeared at The Unz Review If you have been wondering when the twenty Democratic…

Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark exclusively for SouthFront For a country that prides itself on the acerbic publication, the punchy…

The fight for the ‘liberal democracy’ seems to be on the rise in Moscow. Russian investigators are looking for one…

A Ukrainian Member of Parliament – Alexander Dubinsky proposed building a wall on the border between Ukraine and the Donbass….

Writte by Caitlin Johnstone; Originally appeared at her blog Two mass shootings have rocked the United States in less than 24…

Originally apeared at ZeroHedge In the aftermath of the Chinese yuan devaluation, and the subsequent, and even more stunning, designation…

Western and Russian mainstream media outlets are on fire over the actions of the treacherous ‘Putin regime’ that is detaining peaceful…

Written by Carla Stea; Originally appeared at Global Research Former lawyer for the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, Alfred de…

On August 5th, protests in Hong Kong began in the morning with violence escalating. Protesters set up a barricade near…

On August 4th, Vladislav Sinitsa, also known as Max Steklov was arrested by authorities in Moscow. The representative of the…