Category: Politics
The struggle for church assets and believers (mostly their political affiliation) within Ukraine’s non-canonical curches is on-going and it doesn’t…
Submitted by Dr. Binoy Kampmark Within minutes of news about his death in a Manhattan jail cell Saturday morning, theories…
Foreign forces used YouTube video hosting during the August 10 rally on Moscow’s Sakharov Avenue in order to manipulate Russian citizens,…
Written by Philip M. Giraldi; Originally appeared at American Herald Tribune The Jeffrey Epstein saga goes on even though convicted pedophile Epstein…
Originally appeared at ZeroHedge The same day that Iran’s Foreign Ministry issued a formal statement warning that any Israeli involvement in…
Written by Caitlin Johnstone; Originally appeared at her blog The always reliable NBC News has published an important and informative article titled…
On August 8th, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky refused to sign a a joint statement with the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew,…
On August 8th, former President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev voluntarily surrendered to the authorities and left his home in Koy-Tash,…
In an official comment on a recent US decision to impose even more economic sanctions on Venezuela, the Russian Foreign…
Written by Andrew Korybko; Originally appeared at Global Research The Mainstream Media reported earlier this month on an intelligence bulletin…
Originally appeared at ZeroHedge update: The US State Department has released a statement in response to Chinese officials and state media…
Kyrgyzstan, or officially the Kyrgyz Republic is a Central Asian country, which is completely landlocked. It is bordered by Kazakhstan…
Written by Caitlin Johnstone; Originally appeared at her blog Reports coming out of Venezuela claim that President Maduro has just seized…
On August 7th, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, Turkey. The following is the…
In further deterioration of relations between India and Pakistan, on August 7th, after a National Security Committee, Pakistan’s Prime Minister…