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MARCH 2025

Category: Media

The Saudi state-owned television network Al Arabiya has released an animation showing a Saudi warplane donwning a Qatari passenger jet which strays into…

Written by Paul Craig Roberts; Originally appeared at his blog The American media specializes in fake news. Indeed, since the Clinton…

The Special Monitoring Mission to Syria (SMMS) website has released a video that allegedly shows the so-called White Helmets fabricating…

The Turkish state-run media has revealed another fact that allegedly thereatens the Turkish security. According to Anadolu Agency, “Bashar al-Assad’s regime”…

The Ministry of Information of the government of Saudi-backed President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi has condemned the UN’s attempt to transport journalists…

Youtube has expanded its efforts to censor alternative sources of the information about the conflict in Syria. Last week, Youtube banned…

Originally appeared at ZeroHedge Update: We have a fourth Trump attack story as MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow claims that “someone is shopping…

Originally appeared at ibankcoin.com CNN is taking heat for threatening to publish the identity of a private citizen who posted a…

Written by Jason Ditz; Originally appeared at TheAntiMedia.org Among the most oft-repeated claims of the entire Russia election hackin g scandal…

US-backed militants, operating under the brand of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), have made another attempt to justify their operations…

Written by Paul Craig Roberts; Originally appeared at Paulcraigroberts.org Unlike Oliver Stone, who knew how to interview Vladimir Putin, Megyn Kelly…

Project Veritas has obtained a video proving that CNN is just a tool of anti-Russian and anti-Trump propaganda. John Bonifield…

A fresh fake news story about the Saudi ultimatum to Russia is circulating online. According to the reports issued by…

Written by Prof Michel Chossudovsky; Originally appeared at GlobalResearch Obama [and now Trump] are on a hot war footing. Western…

Originally appeared at ZeroHedge In a move that stunned many members of the media, on Thursday night Deputy Attorney General…