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Category: Hot

We fight for our independence, not for autonomy, the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Alexander Zakharchenko has told the…

Wow: Almost every indicator having collapsed over the first 6 months of this year, market ‘pros’ just act as though…

No changes in World Cup 2018/2022 and sanctions against Russia and Crimea, China increases influence, MERS Outbreak in South Korea,…

The two ports are linked by the Baikal-Amur railway which connects to the Trans-Siberian railway in Sovetskay Gava and Vanino in the Far…

Slovakian issue Aktuality has taken an interview from Czech-Slovak unit fighting in Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Armed Forces. Czech and Slovak…

Four fuel tanks has caught on fire at an oil depot in the Kiev region, five people have been injured, Ukraine’s Emergencies…

More than 100 protesters were hurt by police ahead of a G7 summit in Germany, as thousands gathered to decry…

This interview originally appeared at Globalresearch.ca GRTV interview with Michel Chossudovsky From cyberwar to proxy war to covert war, the…

The roughly ‘War on Terror’: US-led airstrikes has targeted Iraqi forces over 100 times instead of the Islamic State militants. There…

Ukrainian forces used incendiary shells against positions of Novorossian warriors around Donetsk last night. Incendiary shells are a type of…

Saudi Arabia continues to implement ‘bombing for democracy’ policy of the U.S. in Yemen. Saudi fighter jets targeted Sahar district in…

THIS ARTICLE IN 10 SECONDS: “US-NATO military exercises on Russia’s doorstep are provocative. They repeat with disturbing regularity”. “Washington orchestrates NATO…

Today in Kiev, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has danced for Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe in order to get financial…

Open-minded approach of SouthFront has a goal to reveal real events occurring in the world. To show you what is…

US Marine is supplyed by 22 dollars daily ration. Ukrainian soldier – 17 Hryvnias (0,8 Dollar). The first task of US…