Two people, including the chief of the LPR People’s Militia Office, have been killed in a terrorist attack in the capital of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) in Donbass.

The blasted car of chief of the People’s Militia Office of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) colonel Oleg Anashchenko (Photo: RIA Novosti / Olesya Potapova)
Saturday morning, a car exploded in Luhansk city, the RIA Novosti news agency reported. As a result two people, including chief of the People’s Militia Office of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) colonel Oleg Anashchenko, were killed.
“Around 8 am [06:00 GMT], a bomb exploded in a street in the downtown area. Eyewitnesses said that the Toyota offroader was blown up,” a news agency’s source reported.
Фото из #Луганск с места взрыва автомобиля
— Иван Короткий (@fokctrot) February 4, 2017
Later, it became known that there were two people in the car, the both of them were killed. One of them was chief of the LPR People’s Militia Office Oleg Anashchenko, he was an owner of the exploded car.
“The car of the chief of the LPR People’s Militia Office, Oleg Anashchenko, exploded… There were two people in the car, both are dead. According to the preliminary data, one of them is Anashchenko,” the police press service said.
The militia considers the incident, occurred in Luhansk, as a terrorist act. The Republic’s Defense Ministry believes that it was committed by Ukrainian secret services in order to destabilize the situation in the republic.
Over the past few days, the situation in Donbass has escalated, in particular clashes between fighters of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Ukrainian Army have intensified near Avdeyevka town in Donetsk region.
On Friday, a spokesperson for the DPR Ombudsman’s office said that more than 30 people have lost their lives and over 80 others, including 47 civilians, have been wounded in the republic as a result of violence this year.
In October of the last year, a prominent DPR commander colonel Arseniy Pavlov (call sign Motorola) was killed in a blast in an elevator. The Donetsk authorities accused Kiev of masterminding the murder.
In May of the last year, a car of LPR top military commander Alexei Mozgovoi ran into an ambush. Mozgovoi was assassinated by unknown gunmen.
I will not grow tired of saying it. Kremlin, Putin & Lavrov failed miserably back in 2014. After the Maidan coup, they should have gone in Ukraine, and secure the local populace, stopping at least across the Dnepr river or reaching Odessa and integrating E.Ukraine to Russia.
Or, in a “light scenario”, at least hold on to Kharkov and the whole of Donbas.
Now, fearing that they would displease their “western partners”, they abandoned project Novorossia..
That is exactly what the West planned and wanted Russia to do, in order to justify and reinforce “the Russian threat” narrative and by that evan a more aggressive NATO military buildup in Eastern Europe. Russia is far more smarter than that, and they knew that this was the Wests plan all along, and it very wisely didn’t take the bait. Instead they achieved basically the same results by patiently arming and training the people in Donbass and they just waited for the Nato fascist junta to collapse by it’s own weight as it’s evidently happening right now. So I must say that i categorically disagree with your logic.
Oh, and because Russia did not “catch the bait”, all the Russian threat narrative subsided.. I see, I must have been living in a cave these past 2+ years.
The western strategy was-and is-based on the fact that the russian elites are craving to be recognised as “equal partners”. This stems from an ages-old inferiority complex, characterizing almost all russian rulers. Putin is no exception.
As long that is the case, the West (that is the globalist elites who currently run the show in the West, not the gullible public), will keep scoring vs Russia..
Your understanding of Russia is obsolete, while the guy above is correct. It’s like saying that USA was short-sighted ignoring the threat of Hitler’s Germany paving the road for comming american hegemony.
Please enlighten me, in what way is it obsolete? Even after the Ukraine debacle (which took place while all the Russian leadership was busy with the Sochi fiesta), they still have not learned. This became obvious in Syria, with Lavrov’s ceasefires, every time the Syrian Army was ready to win a major fight.
Case-study: Palmyra, which served no strategic purpose, but was merely a show of the Kremlin, intended to show to the West, that Russia is fighting “the good fight” vs ISIS. Of course, nobody cared about it in the West, where the media were and are busy portraying Russia as enemy no.1..
I won’t even comment on the Hitler/Germany “analogy”..
Russian establishment consists of many conflicting groups sometimes forming alliances between themself, occidentalists are in no way dominating since 2011, when a color revolution was attemped. Reintegration of Crimea consolidated population and further undermined occidenalists’ authority. Also it doesn’t have anything to do with inferiority complex, russian “elites” are just uneducated spineless pretenders in general.
>Case-study: Palmyra
What Palmyra has to do with ceasefires if ISIS doesn’t participate in them?
>I won’t even comment on the Hitler/Germany “analogy”.
It’s not “Hitler analogy”, it’s USA hegemony analogy. You think that Russia should pay for Ukraine’s idiocy, sacrificing our future potential, while it was ok for USA to sit out the most bloody part of conflict that shaped the world in a manner that benefited them most at Europe’s expanse.
If the purpose of a country’s armed forces is to achieve specific and political objectives, that would require first for a set of specific conditions to be fulfilled. You cannot access a military outside a very specific set of circumstances:
1) Where: Space/geographical
2) When: Time/duration
3) What: political objective
I can’t see how any of the above mentioned conditions could be exactly determined for time being, which would have made a Russian military intervention in Ukraine, look something like the U.S intervention in Afghanistan (a never ending and a very costly story) I don’t even want to think about the political implications that would come from them.
We can debate this all day long, while innocents keep dying. The projections where that the Kiev junta would not last this long. That is what all the proponents of restraint said. Well, it has, because the West keeps it alive, and even if some understanding is reached between Trump&Putin, chances are that the Kiev regime will continue to exist, simply because letting it drown in its own failures will account as a defeat for the US. And the US establishment is averse to defeats..
I completely agree with you that what the Kiev junta is doing to the civilians in Donbass is a disgusting war crime, that should be persecuted in a international war crimes tribunal. But I disagree that the best way to solve the problem is by sending in the Russian military, maybe it would solve the problem on a local level, but it would create a whole set of new and potentially even more dangerous problems on a geopolitical level for Russia.
Geopolitics were the key in XIX century, gradually losing importance over XX. USSR lost the Cold War not because of geopolitics, but because of losing grip on the global project that gave us strength. Now they are obsolete thanks to the Internet and easiness of terrorism. So that’s not a problem for Russia. But what’s on stake in case Russia followed military provocation is our new developing project, that would allow us to finally step up general human intelligence and become an undisputed leader of historical progress. The Donbass conflict already crippled one of the centers working on it.
I totally agree to your posts above. Russia has learned so much since their Afghanistan engagement and the time when the oligarchs had taken over. It is impressive watching their mastery in reacting to all the ploys of the neoliberal establishment.
They cannot let DPR and LPR fall into the hands of UKR – because than the UKR could attack Crimea/Russia directly and they would be forced to respond – but they will not move in directly – unless the UKR forces would start an open and full scale war.
Not afghanistan, but us vs. panama is a good example.
the build up is happening. and russia won nothing.
We don’t care what outsiders think about our achievements, we ourself are content with them.
therefore is doing putin everything for cacel of resrtictions against russia. therefore pays russia billions for building of its image in west.
write us anothe joke, arthur smith, the brave russian with old russian name :DDDD
>therefore is doing putin everything for cacel of resrtictions against russia.
What “everything” includes?
>therefore pays russia billions for building of its image in west
Do you have proof that Russia’s PR costs billions (and of what?)?
>the brave russian with old russian name
Arthur is my name by birth sertificate, while I also have a christian name in honor of III century martyr.
It doesn’t matter, this way Russia have the right on it’s side, and if the situation escalates into something far worse, Russia will not be the party that could be blamed for it’s consequences.
>After the Maidan coup, they should have gone in Ukraine, and secure the local populace
We needed a UN peacekeeper mandate for that, but obviously the world prefers to keep the Kiev regime intact.
>they abandoned project Novorossia
It wasn’t Russia’s project in the first place. Strelkov-Girkin is a con artist and if stupid locals didn’t accept him they could avoid legitimate usage of military against them.
You needed nothing from the US-controlled UN. Only to do what was right. No matter what course of action you pursued, the result would be the same-demonization of Russia, sanctions etc. These last 2-3 years proved it.
You know very well that it was not about Strelkov. People in E.Ukraine believed it and counted on Russia to intervene but the Kremlin did not want to upset its “western partners”..
To sum up, no matter how “good” Russia acts, it will forever be an enemy of the western establishment. It is simple geopolitics..Then again, you guys were naive enough to dismantle the USSR, believing in the “why can’t we all get along?” nonsense..
>People in E.Ukraine believed it and counted on Russia to intervene
Well, who promised them that? Why should have Russia protected them, while most of capable males in Donbass didn’t want to join the militia? They didn’t need to secede from Ukraine to be safe from Right Sector and army was called in response to declarations of Strelkov and his thugs. Why russians should have spilled their blood for idiots that invited the disaster themself?
Soooo..The idiots who “invited the disaster” are the locals who believed that Russia would help them?! If you refer to them, there is not much to say with you. Hopefully you don’t mean them and I simply misunderstood.
Putin himself said that Russia would protect them, then Odessa massacre took place and no response was given. So, Kiev junta measured the Kremlin and said, ok they are afraid to go all in, the US has our back, let’s crush any resistance.
PS I think the root of the problem-besides the Russian elites (which are not all that russian after all)-is the self-perception of Russia as a weak state by large parts of the populace. You think you are weak, you will act in a weak manner.
Unfortunately, many russians-particularly middle-class educated urban types-have bought the BS about measuring a nation’s strength on its annual GDP, economy and..status of living standards..
If that was the case, Russia should not have won a single battle since its..inception
>The idiots who “invited the disaster” are the locals who believed that Russia would help them?!
We did – with weapons, volunteers, humanitarian aid, Minsk agreements. But no russian official said, that we will send in army against international law. Odessa incident happened after Strelkov-Girkin arrived and made his provocations.
>the Russian elites (which are not all that russian after all)
They are not elites and not russian in the slightest.
>is the self-perception of Russia as a weak state by large parts of the populace
On the contrary, the majority has messianic delusions. Not that we lack reasons for being proud of our recent accomplishments in many fields. Even if we are not weak, we are fragile. We can make a few serious blows, but we will collapse in the process. Our society isn’t ready for global conflict.
“Our society isn’t ready for global conflict“.Soon The West will sent a ultimatum surrender and give back Crimea or WAR.
It seems more the case that west has begrudgingly accepted Crimea as done deal – sure US can still use it as means to apply economic sanctions and force EU to do the same via its vassal Germany – but US Neo-Cons would have found way to apply those sanction either way, with or without Crimea.
Well, let me share some news with you. No western society-and particularly the European ones (even including the Baltic crazies-which militarily are of no consequence-or countries like Poland) are ready for a conflict. Decadence and narcissism are the dominant factors plaguing the West. I live in an EU state and served in a NATO army. If you think that we are willing to come and die for the likes of the neo-nazis of Ukraine, Lithuania or to do the biding of the Yankees, you are mistaken. If by messianic delusions you mean saving the world, well, Russia’s major geopolitical contribution for global peace has been for the past centuries, to consistently check the power of any country or coalition of countries that aspired for global dominance. It still does vs the US. Hopefully it will continue to do so and the world will owe it gratitude.
Whether the world needs us to save itself or not, I don’t belive it’s right to join a war with potential to become global, if there are lots of enemies in your own country. I already mentioned, we faced an attempt of color revolution in 2011 and things didn’t get much better since. Each time we went to save the world it crippled us in civil life. We still didn’t recover from being pillaged and deindustrialized after the end of the Cold War. Why do you think we can’t get proper elite all the time? Because the best of us have to die saving the world!
I understand your point, and similar arguments have been made to me by close friends from Russia-and a good friend from Mariupol who blames his compatriots for sitting in their homes, while only a few fought-whenever I say that Russia is not doing enough. Then again, other of your compatriots disagree..
Without getting emotional, from day one (when the crisis began in 2014), I simply say that the chance of a major russian intervention in Ukraine causing WW3 is very distant.
Another reason Russia is/was loathe to intervene? It would require the realization that Ukraine can no longer serve the role of a neutral country after Maidan. When Lavrov says that he cannot conceive a scenario where Russians and Ukrainians fight each other, he is either lying at everybody’s face, or expressing the naive position that somehow all the hatred unleashed by Maidan can be mended. It cannot. Perhaps Russian leaders do not wish to accept that.
I just read this article, not much more than I said here, but worth a read-
>Why do you think we can’t get proper elite all the time? Because the best of us have to die saving the world!
These are strong words and unfortunately true. The WW2 alone destroyed vast potential for the early Soviet State.
>he is either lying at everybody’s face, or expressing the naive position
that somehow all the hatred unleashed by Maidan can be mended
The war on Donbass isn’t an interethnic conflict, but ideological. Kiev regime officially glorified nazi collaborationists, while Donbass is loyal to the legacy of our victorious grandfathers. Russian population of “ukrainians” is huge and the government can’t accept that our fraternal peoples can war with each other.
The hatred didn’t start with Maidans, some of it goes back to Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, some to destruction of Kievan Rus by The Golden Horde, some to Austrian concentration camps where the “ukrainian” language was cultivated. USSR wanted to win over different people there by uniting into a big republic, but already by WWII it came clear that ukrainian identity has sick nature. 25 years of nihilism just stripped soviet cover from it.
Transnistria rised against radical nationalism right after the dissolution of USSR and now Moldova is ready for reconciliation. People of Donbass and Crimea had the same opportunity, yet they procrastinated until neo-nazis showed in their cities and even then they tried to delegate responsibility to the damned Strelkov-Girkin, that was supposed to pull russian intervention out of magic hat. They didn’t kick him out after his thugs opened fire in air and violently suppressed pro-militia policemen. Over and over they made their choice. Why should we deny them what they chose? Anyone who feared for own life could have fled, anyone who wished to fight recieved weapons. Why should they deserve more?
Drinas, I’ve read through the conversation comments you’ve had with Daniel Martin and Arthur Smith and without agreeing, or disagreeing with any specific point of contention, it seems to me that their general position that Putin/Russia had to and have to continue to sit back and wait for the US/EU/NATO backed junta regime in kiev to implode is the more apt one. I empathetically acknowledge and deplore the suffering and deaths the Donbas people have had to endure. But for Russia to have gone beyond discreetly assisting the DPR/LPR with arms, volunteer fighters, military advisors and humanitarian resources would have been mortally worse for the whole of the Donbas region. Putin/Russia overtly intervening militarily would have meant unwisely reclaiming ownership of that disaster we now refer to has kiev-ukraine. That would mean having to contain the likes of reich-sector, the Banderites and svoboda, while at the same time rebuilding that region’s economy/industrial base and resisting US/EU/NATO’s inevitable and ongoing attempts to reestablish “color-revo”[NEW ACRONYM] activities there, all the while matching US/EU/NATO’s growing military presence and assets in the region. That, my son is a tall order and unnecessary, if Putin/Russia just continues to cut kie-ukraine off from free and/or diminished access to Russian/EEU markets, vital Russian natural resources and free territorial pass-through. It’s just like leaving hard to get at grape clusters on the vine. Sooner or later they will whither up, die and fall off. You see, without the DPR/LPR & Crimean territories, Ukraine is worthless to the US/EU/NATO. And contrary to western media propaganda would have us all to believe, ♫it’s all about the Benjamins baby♫!!!!
Check my prior comment-posts, dating as far back as two years and you will find that I’ve been recognizing, tracking, commenting on these vary Putin/Russian strategies. I said back in 2014 that Putin is play chess, while the western leaders are play checkers and that he was winning, hands down.{Not in those exact words though.} Putin realized from the very beginning of this mess that Russia needed to secure Crimea, help the DPR/LPR as much as could be done from a distance and leaving the rest of Ukraine to split, with the southeastern oblasts joining a Donbas federation of republics, or imploding and breaking up altogether. One of the two will happen my friend, it inevitable.
No UN mandate. saudis also does not have UN manadate, amis also not have if they protect hos friend ana lately, also the french politics also does nt need the UN. the legitim presidnet was attacked by coup, this was enough legitim reason for putin senf the army to put back the president.
Saudis have media covering for them, while Russia is a pariah, only able to play by the rules and being punished even then. The “legitimate president” is the one responsible for junta’s success, why do you think he fled to Rostov and not Donbass? He would be hanged even there!
>this was enough legitim reason
Legitimate? According to what and whom? NATO certainly wouldn’t consider that “legitimate”.
somebody wrote:
Arthur Smith
We don’t care what outsiders think about our achievements, we ourself are content with them.
What’s your point?
The U.S. has invaded every country illegally why not Russia!
The more important question is would that benefit Russia in any way? Not really.
Ukraine is crippled with massive debt, a semi mutinous conscript army, uncontrollable right wing volunteer battalions and social conditions going down by the second. Russia would be insane to get in situation where they had any responsibility for any of those problems. Eastern Ukraine was given range of aid from Russia, but it is far better for Russia to have a frozen civil conflict next door, as Ukraine bleeds itself out over it – as long as Kiev shells the east they will have no real foreign investment, just rounds of long term crippling IMF loans, they will waste their limited finances on weaponry, and they will create fatigue in military and civilian population.
They “Rebels” can play defense forever, but won’t be able to continue this. They have no choice, but to advance with supplies from Russia and mercenaries sympathetic to their cause. There is no other way. The bitch Haley, whom Trump put in UN, was barking about the latest events and blaming Russia. The Republican Party, just like the Democrats, is full of anti-Russian warmongers. I’m holding out that Trump will work out something with Putin regarding this situation, but in meantime, the resistance in Eastern Ukraine should start claiming territory for each major attack.
THE BETRAYAL OF DONBASS.. Putin, Hitman in Chief Dispatching the Key Heroes and Best Leaders of Donbass via His Thugs in order to Make Ukraine Safe for Anti-Russian Fascism and to Fulfill His Minsk Obligations: Part of the Capitulation Act
Elimination or imprisonment and defamation of the original independent and principled Novorossiya/Donbass leaders and supporters of Novorossiya turns out to have been a consistent and systemic Kremlin policy in its “unconditional” allegiance to the “unconditional” fulfillment of the Minsk capitulation deals (Minsk 1 and 2).
Incomplete list from a series of the eliminated original leaders of the Donbass uprising, the text below is a result of Google-translated Russian original (which follows):
Batman. At the beginning of January 2015 was killed by former Defense Minister Oleksandr LC poor, known as Batman. The authorities then accused Bednova LC and its people in robberies, kidnappings and torture.
According to prosecutors LC, the poor, was killed in a shootout after a “put up fierce armed resistance” during the arrest.
Even before the November 2 election he, who had considerable authority among the people, was not allowed to participate in them, not allowed to register his party (as well as the Cossack Ataman Kozitsyn, and in Donetsk – the ex-governor Paul Gubarev DNI). Subsequently, voicing the opinion of his men (and, incidentally, most of the population of New Russia), Batman was a brilliant adversary Minsk agreements – he advocated the continuation of the hostilities and the complete liberation of Ukrainian troops throughout the former Luhansk region.
Ishchenko. At the end of January 2015 he was killed by one of the field commanders “Cossack guard,” Yevgeny Ishchenko.
Ishchenko controlled Pervomaisk, located on the strategically important “bahmutovskoy track”, and more than once threatened to carpentry to go against him.
March 26, 2015 in the center of Donetsk was an attempt to “Mirage” battalion commander and Novorossia MP Roman arose (Roma). His car was attacked by gunmen from his injuries he died. The militia accused of murder arose Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group.
Cerebral. In May 2015, Alchevsk district was killed by the brigade commander “Ghost” Alex Brain.
The death of brain Lugansk also accused the Ukrainian military, although the well-known commander of the car exploded in the territory, which is confidently controlled armed supporters of the LC.
Dremov. In December 2015, he was killed by a Cossack Ataman Paul Dremov – another warlord, critic Igor Plotnitsky.
Dremov left Stakhanov in Pervomaisk on certain urgent calls. His car as well as car and Brain exploded in the middle of the road, which is controlled by the men of his own department.
LC authorities announced a reward for the capture of the killers, while surrounded Dremova believed that death was beneficial Ataman carpentry.
In addition, he stated that the authorities LC smuggled supply coal to the rest of the territory of Ukraine, and that almost all the humanitarian assistance that brought humanitarian convoys EMERCOM of Russia, not distributed free of charge and is on the shelves of supermarkets owned carpentry.
Alexey Brain and commander of the first Cossack regiment Paul Dremov openly criticized the leadership of the republic, called the head of the LC Plotnitsky thief and a traitor and demanded the resignation of all Plotnitskogo.
January 9, 2016 in Donetsk, was killed Côte commander.
January 10, 2016 Deputy Bezler Boatswain, who commanded the garrison Gorlovskaya in the darkest days of July-August 14, died in Moscow officially by very fast pneumonia.
At the beginning of October 2016 in the village of Slavyanoserbsk Luhansk region was shot dead warlord Armen Baghiryan callsign Buggy, as well as several of his subordinates. Since 2015 Russian Baghiryan actually led administration Slavyanoserbsk.
October 16, 2016 in Donetsk killed Motorola, Shout of the commanders of the militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic of Arseny Pavlov, known as Motorola. In the elevator of the house where he lived Pavlov, an improvised explosive device. “The volunteer was at this point in the epicenter of the explosion and suffered injuries incompatible with life.
Zhilin. September 19, 2016 in Moscow at the restaurant “Breeze” in the elite village of Gorki-2, was killed Evgeny Zhilin, the leader of the organization “Hold”, based in Kharkiv. “An unknown offender fired several shots from a pistol at the two visitors, and then disappeared.”
Commandant Anthracite Vyacheslav Pinezhanin (killed FSB), the Chief of Staff of the Cossacks Anthracite Michael Koval (killed FSB), Alexander the poor, the commander of the detachment from Lugansk (FSB killed), “Magadan”. detachment commander of the village. Peter the Great (arrested), “Thomas”, commander of the “Odessa” (arrested), Sergei Kosogorov Cossack commander (arrested), Andrew “Kaban”, Commander in Anthracite (killed), commander of the “Han” in Anthracite, commander of art. Battery “grandfather” of the village. Peter the Great (arrested), Yevgeny Ishchenko, commandant of Pervomaysk (killed FSB) and many others. When the killings and arrests of both killed and arrested dozens of approximate militias, including of the Russian Federation.
One of the last major amateur commanders was in Anthracite by Bondarenko names (also known as “Bendeks”), who commanded the detachment “Rus”. Currently, one data exported to Russia and thrown into jail Rostov, on the other – was killed. Disappeared March 15th. Before removal or murder managed to record a video where is experiencing what he and his men took Debaltsevo, and want them to do bad. Detachment “Rus” attacked and disarmed by March 18.
Cossack detachment commander in the area “Dovzhanka” Puma – killed by authorities LC March 28, 2015.Currently on the territory of the LC, the DNI and the Russian Federation are in the cellars and prisons hundreds of former fighters Novorosiyu, including even such people as Alexander Corporal Vyaznikov (known activist of the pro-Kremlin “molodezhok” from the Far East).
Killings and arrests of militia on the territory of the LC-DNI hold special group sent the FSB of the Russian Federation, known as PMCs and simply armed groups led by FSB agents. Self– “raccoons”, “Bright Rus”, “Brotherhood of the Kitezh”. The leaders of the number of FSB agents on the move – the inhabitants of Moscow, Vladimir Morozov, Igor Mangushev Roman Telenkevich.
Thus the next spring after the start of Russian survived or remained on the loose a few of its original members. Novorossia wanted to build a Russian national state, and the occupants of the Kremlin, of course, all the plans have merged.
Night on September 24, 2016, former “Chairman of the Council of Ministers” and adviser to the leader of “LC” Igor Plotnitsky Gennady Tsypkalov, security forces arrested militants for the attempted “coup”, allegedly committed suicide. Tsypkalov tortured and killed in prison Luhansk team carpentry and Surkov. With the participation in the conspiracy even obvnili other commanders, including the colonel of the militia Kiselev, who was put in prison, and the former head of Parliament LC Karjakin.
Allegedly from a heart attack on December 27, under unknown circumstances in Lugansk he died, “Minister of Agriculture” LC “Sergey Litvin.” Yesterday, under unknown circumstances, according to the official report – from a heart attack, in Lugansk died, “Minister of Agriculture” LC “, one of the famous . traitors of Ukraine and the organizers of the pro-Russian speeches in the spring of 2014 in Luhansk and Slavyansk Sergey Litvin Litvin was a friend of Gennady Tsypkalova – “ex-prime minister” LC “, who was found hanged in his prison cell in Luhansk on 23 September, and” prosecutor ” LC “called it a” suicide because of remorse. “Now, a sudden heart attack immediately death struck 43-year-old Lytvyn.” in addition to the positions in the “Ministry of agriculture” LC “Sergey Litvin also served as deputy chairman of the” council of ministers “LC” and adviser to the leader of the militants “LC” Igor Plotnitsky.
January 27 it became known about the death of Valery Bolotov, the first head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) and one of the most authoritative commanders Donbass militia. Now it is remembered as one of the last heroes “sincere period” Russian Spring “in Lugansk and major leaders who started the protest in the LC. Allegedly from a heart attack.
Very likely to the list above also belong at least some of the Russian military and FSB generals who died strange deaths and some of whom were directly connected to the events in Crimea and Donbass:
Victor Gudkov, Major general of the GRU shot himself on June 8th, 2014 in the southern part of Moscow. He ‘suffered from a serious illness and depression was a reason for such action’.
Boris Kolesnikov, Major general, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Interior Affairs Division on the Economic Security & Corruption Fighting committed suicide during his interrogation by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on June 16th, 2014. No reasons or details of this death are known.
Sergey Mishanin, Major general died in his office on July 21st, 2014. He served as a military commissioner in the Nizhny Novgorod region since 2010. He was a commander of the 205th mechanized brigade and 122nd mechanized division before that appointment. Suicide is named as a cause of death.
Vyacheslav Buchnev, Major general, Defense Minister of the Mari El Republic was discovered in his office with a deadly wound in his head on January 3rd, 2015. It was stated that he committed suicide using his commemorative gun.
Anatoliy Kudryavtsev, Lieutenant general hanged on a shoelace because he ‘suffered from the cancer pain’ on January 6th, 2015.
Alexander Shushukin, Major general, Deputy Head if the Russian Navy Staff died on December 27th, 2015 as a result of a heart attack. It was Shushukin who planned and leaded the Crimean operation in 2014. He also took part in the military operations in the Northern Caucasus and Yugoslavia.
Igor Sergun, Colonel general, Head of the Russian General Staff Chief Intelligence Division, Deputy Head of the General Staff of the Russian Army had suddenly died on January 3rd, 2016. His position tells us a lot but it is important to note that he is responsible not only for the Crimea operation but for the entire operation against Ukraine. He took part in preparation and maintenance of the Russian aggression in the Eastern parts of Ukraine – Donetsk and Luhansk – where murders, crimes, and violence are going one and have become a ‘new normal’ for the so-called ‘Donetsk Peoples’ Republic’ and ‘Luhansk Peoples’ Republic’. Russian media claims that he died in the Moscow region but Stratfor reports about his death in Livan on January 1st, 2016.
To the above also needs to be added the destruction and wholesale wiping out of the special tasks unit “Troy” in Gorlovka in January of 2015; almost 100 soldiers were then thrown into a local mine (just as the Nazis used to do to the Russians in World War II); then killing and destruction of other highly trained units (i.e. “Nikolaevka”) followed as well:
So, another heroic NAF commander is murdered by the Kiev Neo-Nazis. Isn’t it about time to bring the war to Kiev and especially the Banderist nest of Lvov? Bring some home truths to UAF commanders and the Fatso. Why should they be allowed to sleep well at night after 10,000 to 100,000 Ukrainians have died in this disastrous Slavic conflict instigated by the divide and rule tactics of the western supremacists?