Captured Terrorists Are Giving First Testimony In Russia (Videos 18+)

Captured Terrorists Are Giving First Testimony In Russia (Videos 18+)

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After the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the nation. The President called the attack a “bloody, barbaric terrorist act,” and declared March 24 a day of national mourning.

The death toll in the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert hall has increased to 133, the search and analysis of rubble continues, the Investigative Committee reports.

President Putin confirmed that 11 culprits were detained, including four terrorists who opened fire in the Crocus City Hall. The terrorists were moving towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, the Ukrainian side prepared the special corridor for them to cross the state border.

Captured Terrorists Are Giving First Testimony In Russia (Videos 18+)

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Footage from the Bryansk region showed the detention of the terrorists.

The terrorists were reportedly citizens of Tajikistan and had no Russian citizenship. Only one of them is seen speaking Russian.

The footage showed faces of all the four terrorists, who were captured alive. Videos of their preliminary interrogations were largely shared by unofficial sources.

According to the testimonies, the terrorist attack was committed “for money”. One of the terrorists claimed that he was contacted via Telegram by an unknown man “without a name, surname”, calling himself an “assistant of a preacher”. The terrorist could not name the exact amount of money that he was promised. At first he said that he was promised half a million rubles, then “about a million”. The name of the preacher is not called, but one of the terrorists admitted that he listened to his “lessons, sermons”.

Turkey is mentioned by one of the destinies, from where he returned 2.5 weeks ago.

The coordinates of the place of the terrorist attack were also transmitted by the “preacher’s assistant “, while the organizers of the attack provided them with weapons, including Kalashnikov assault rifles.

The terrorists lived together in a hostel in the north of Moscow, they were hardly old friends: at least two of the four performers met only “10-12 days ago”.

The car in which they arrived at the Crocus City Hall and then tried to escape was bought through some family contacts, “they allegedly wanted to work as taxi drivers.”

They threw away their weapons during their escape to the Ukrainian border.









Captured Terrorists Are Giving First Testimony In Russia (Videos 18+)

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At least seven more their accomplices were captured and are already interrogated by the Russian security forces. The official sources are likely to soon share their first testimonies.

The terrorists, who killed more than a hundred innocent civilians and attempted to save their lives are seen trembling. Some anti-Russian public figures attempted to evoke pity for the wounded terrorists but faced no public support on the social media. At least two terrorists faced with the ‘traditional methods’ of preliminary interrogation. One was forced to eat his ear, the other lost his eyelid.

Kiev tried its best to take the terrorists to the Ukrainian territory. That’s why they were not ordered to stay in the building and take hostages. The Ukrainian military was awaiting for them near the border. Kiev and NATO hoped to use them as symbols of their victory against the Russian security services. If the terrorists escaped untouched, they would show to all Kiev’s accomplices, including those recruited by the GUR in Russia and other countries, that the Kiev’s special services can be trusted and Moscow is too weak to secure its citizens. The evacuation of the terrorists failed. The photos of their injuries and their suffering, which are in no way comparable to the grief of thousands of Russians who fell victim or lost loved ones in the Crocus City Hall, are a clear warning to those who want to help the terrorist Kiev regime and its Western patrons.

Despite the ongoing attempts by the Western MSM, including the Amaq agency, to assure the public that ISIS is behind the terrorist attack in Moscow, there are no doubts that the main orchestrators are in Kiev and London hiding behind the alleged “Russia’s enmity with Islam.”

The Ukrainian Embassy has been actively recruiting militants in Tajikistan for months.

Captured Terrorists Are Giving First Testimony In Russia (Videos 18+)

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Back in October, 2023, a diplomatic scandal broke out in Tajikistan, while the Ukrainian ambassador Valery Evdokimov, ex-chairman of the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence, was recruiting mercenaries to the Ukrainian foreign legion. Kiev reportedly ordered to recruit several hundred militants. Any information about the ambassador on the department’s website has been deleted.

A few weeks before the terrorist attack in Moscow, the Embassy officially published an appeal for the hiring of assassins to the alleged Kiev’s Foreign Legion on the page of the Ukrainian Embassy in Tajikistan. Now after the terrorist attack has been completed, the request to search for the killers has been deleted, but the screenshots remain on the social networks.

This is not for the first time that citizens of Tajikistan became the target of recruitment by the Ukrainian special services. One of them was caught when taking photos of facilities in a military unit near Moscow.

The terrorists in Kiev and London attempt to achieve maximum with the bloody terrorist attack, to incite ethnic strife and kill hundreds of Russian civilians.


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these men are going to have a blast in russian prisons, if they ever get there. clearly orchestrated by israel and western security services.


potentially orchestrated by putin, he has a history of false flagg operations against the russian people.

also i’d assume the russian side of the ukrainian border would have road blocks and troops, guarding it with the war and recent cross boarder raids of the free russian forces. so a terrible direction to flee. you’d think it would be best to split up, shave and stay in moscow or go home to tajikistan.

Last edited 11 months ago by Clyde

facts: the special forces building is located nearly directly opposite the crocus city hall in moscow, #russia, where the attack took place, but ru special forces drove to the place of the tragedy for more than an hour. moreover: in 2022 russia conducted a military drill simulating ukrainians soldiers taking hostages at the crocus city hall venue. conclusion: fsb prepared this operation already in 2022, and now executed the mission.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

survivors report that the guards did not check bags and clothes before entering crocus, and the metal detectors were turned off. crocus has a contract with the okhrana federal state unitary enterprise of the national guard. but the video from the lobby and other rooms where terrorists are shooting people shows no resistance from the guards.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

who is pushing for tadjikistan men to come to russia. who ordered over 8000 mosques being build in russia since 1999, while now sending young christian russian men to their deaths in ukraine ? and by this doing the same replacement migration ethnic exchange shit to ru the eu is doing to europe? it’s the crypto-jew and fsb man wladimirowitsch pootin !!!

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
Folio’s team

clyde and motherteresa two ukrainian faggot boyfriends spreading disinformation and projection.

jens holm

#motherteresa# is for menthal hospital.

i dont see #clyde# spreading anything. where he is its a right to have opponions. its all over the rest of the world yout kind eat farce after farce even the have no sense.

fx the nazis in ukraine has elected a jew as they leader or lection in russia is between one person.

projection is 4 ukras drive a french cars towards macron odessa and fsa suddenly guard the border well

poko molo

now saxon polo mono is 13 genders—mama theresa

Ugly Yuri

pooo molo florida stupid inferior vermin submissive amerikjnt trailer park. but i live there in america and i like ut. don’t want to be deported back to belarus.


the guards are not even caring weapons you miserable piece of shite

Shitty river

keep working on your tall tale, you have almost finished the script for the movie “tall tales from an albanian bitch”


liar it’s not even in the centre of moscw but in the north of the city you pathetic ukro pig 🐷

Shitty river

you are in the wrong place, my cia analyst pedophile buddy. you can sell that tall tale to a hollywood pedophile producer, no one will buy your bullshit here.


there are gangs here in usa (huge) that will do unto others and rub it in, in a way you cant prove.
israel leaves hints. makes them feel justified in the future is my guess.


dumbest comment on here. who benefits? think about it retard


the gain is minimal, the risk would be astronomical. in other words, not a false flag. and only a fool would believe it.


i don’t think he did this, but he should have heeded the warnings (plausible deniability) the west provided.

and besides, nuland said there would be a nasty surprise, and here it is, just in time for purim.

happy purim jews. i hope you enjoy your crocus hit party.


imbecile it’s painful when your agonizing in ukraine and losing 1000 of your piggy azovites aka the biggest cowards of the world get youself a gun and shoot yourself before another do it


cry harder

Shitty river

wrong again my fat lgbt buddy, false flags are created by americunts and britards, remember the september 11, 2001 attack in that shithole called ny? that is a textbook false flag.


sure. this is a typical kosher business of the jewish satanists. khazars are famous for their terrorist activities around the globe. mossad signature.

Last edited 11 months ago by ARGAN

it was a pre purim present to jews.


egad. they didn’t read them their miranda rights. and they clearly violated the 4th and 6th amendments.this makes what happened to george floyd look like child’s play. russia you better prepare for a tlm movement: tajikistani lives matter! why you are squarely in the crosshairs of a wahabi woke movement.


although i would not put it past them, i’m not sure that the west would have much to gain from this attack. however, i think it will take some time for the purpose of this attack to become clear. we will see who attempts to use this event to their advantage, and that might point to those responsible.

tajik amerikan nazi

amerikan “mean bitter over-conformist semi automaton”. riesman cannot think..

Ugly Yuri

i poko molo yuri submissive in florida. don’t want to be deported back to belarus.


keep crying


good riddance to the earthly trash. i hope the world gets the banquet of consequences it deserves.


i’d rather avoid nuclear armageddon but one thing for sure: budanov is a dead man walking

Last edited 11 months ago by Apocalypto

there are lots and lots of those. i had a dream about the walking dead trying endlessly to get me a couple of nights ago. somehow they were half dead but walking around and trying to eat me. i kept shooting them and blowing parts of their bodies off but they just kept coming, and then god felt a little sorry for me and let me have respite for a little while. they never actually got me but were always close. god’s payback for being too cocky but still good enough to save i guess.

Professor X

i wonder what symbolism jung would find from that dream. maybe it is you in an alternate universe— multiverse theory.

tom tajik sawyer

jung the moron—a name only heard in north amerika…in civilized nations it is freud lacan bion laing –a freudian that are admired…not the moron jung


isis claimed the attack, better take it serious

It ivan

yes and isis also blew up nord stream 2 ..hahahahshs

jens holm

the moskva crew did it and putin sank moskva ♿♿♿

they are still singing from below


Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm
tom tajik sawyer

danes sniff too much glue and are all alcoholics

jens holm

they has no ships only swimming wests preparing for invading oh oh dessa.

Folio’s team

jen’s holm is a ukrainian or jew faggot

jens holm

my diapers stink, i can’t buy any more because i sent all my money to elensky.

US is becoming a shithole

isis claims any attack if it helps promote them


isis works for israel and the us, it’s clear as day. it was created in american prisons in iraq, and systematically, exclusively, attacks enemies of tel aviv and washington. during the war in syria they were getting military and medical support from israel, as witnessed by undof soldiers.

jens holm

sure. beekeepers only make candles for behinds as well.

jens holm

my diapers stink, i can’t buy any more because i sent all my money to elensky.


yes, but since ru president putin is officially known to be part of the jewish team (chabad lubavitch) and moreover even an anti-russian agent, educated as ‘young global leader’ by wef klaus schwab, and working closely together with wef. (even the official kremlin websites says so !), i don’t see your point mowaten. please realize. usa+uk+eu+ru+china, they are all marionettes of world jewry resp. jewish world order (jwo-nwo)

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

if putin was a part of a jewish team russia would be healthy, wealthy and rich.
russia as ussr has and had unlimeted resourses. but the subject just export it.

it hardly can make jet fuel having coal, oil and gas for it.

russia only produce 70% of normal tiny denmark produce and sell much more. novo nordisk now produce speciales insulin a la carte.

jens holm

thats where the money are. we never has blocked tech and you.

very much a russians and others in eastern europe never should have disconneted with jewish and hours ways of life.

Branko Timarac

that’s only because fat stinking danes need so much mor insulin compared to healthy and mighty russia!!!! 😘

jens holm

novo nordisk is in the world market and the biggest market is usa, where they are the biggest producer.

with 2 good new products they are now bigger then tesla.

jens holm

if putin was a part of a jewish team russia would be a pedophile’s paradise (and i most certainly would live there, not this shithole called london.)

jens holm

i never wrote that.

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm

the opposite is true. jews are the diabolic element of infiltration, infection, demise and decline. they are leikey an evil deadly sickness. if you have a terrible disease. does that make your body prosper or healthy ? no !!! it strangles you, squeezes you, causes you pain, and in the end you die in agony & pain. that’s what jews are – they are parasites !! wake up jens, before it’s too late !!

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

we dont see that here.

all must be jews then. maybee their many hats are taxes away.

russia is one big phoposhopped selvie.

in here as well as in usa you never mention the midleclass. thats we well educated people which to the job. thats 165 million of them.

jens holm

you only know the really rich. you always ignore big parts of the defines poor are doing well in normal low paid jobs as just as many muslims underclas people in russia.

we tax people here well. so your parasite system is not here. thye create jobs and we tax there too. the result is wealth and people live lonhger and better.

very much as you are against that.

tom tajik sawyer

usa created the muhjadin alqaeda isis in order to destabilize african middle east afghanistan etc–today they fund the rohingya salvation army—amerikans are immoral terrorists


and every time theres talk of usa getting out of nations, isis is back.


isis = usrael

Icarus Tanović

that is the fact.


basayev brigade is fighting for ukraine. banderites and isis are blood brothers.

Last edited 11 months ago by Apocalypto
jens holm

its forbidden. its russia.

poko molo

jenny homo forbidden in russia

poko molo

not isis–us amerikan ugly hillbillies organized and financed this


not impossible usa activated some of their pet jihadis.


usa,france and britain got sleeping cell underground bunkers close to bolgorod border.terrorism were comited by fhnce,usa and britain close ll their embasies worldwide,frica,middle est and asia,latin america

jens holm

russians has proven underground bunkers all the belgorod distrikt. thats the facts as it was.

it still a kind of surprice ukras now has defence and attack from there. you are the herrenvolk.

christian reinhard

russian sadist so much better than israeli äääähhh ukrainian sadist


eat your sauerkraut & schweinebraten fritz.


if you believe the name of these anglo provocateurs means anything you are a fool. jens holm is not danish it is anglo wishing to create hatred between russians and scandinavian. reinhard is not german, it is anglo wishing to create hatred between russians and germans. that is what anglos do. make others hate one another, make others make war on one another. so everyone becomes easier to plunder and everyone becomes easier to parasite off.

Branko Timarac

herr reinhard, nobody is more sadist than low life germans!!! arbeicht macht frei deutchland untermenchen!!!

Last edited 11 months ago by Branko Timarac
jens holm

the nazis were rulers for a short while there.

they made marx and engels too and the protelars got nothing

poko molo

you deserve nothing–you submissively pay 65% income tax


national socialists hated the jews marx (real name: chaim hirschel mordecai) and engels. ns managed to drive out the jews from germany and within 4 years germany (which was broken and economically ruined due to the jewish fed driven ww1 and the versaille treaty) germany rose to the prime economic& scientific superpower nation, the leading country in high-tech till 1945. (us stole more than 346000 patents from germany in 1945)

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

with such a true pro-national government which authetically drives out the parasites (jews) from the country, russia, usa and china would have a bright future and no war on earth anymore. but people first need to realize that it is the jew that is the godless evil force which highjacked their nations and forcing constant stupidity, wars, poisons and other (incl. political) madness on them.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
tom tajik sawyer

since poko mole saxon inferior she envious of jews

jens holm

again, making things up? you have a great imagination for lies, you must be a jew.


if you believe some anglo spreading hatreds is a german just because he picked german screen name, you are a fool.


if you are german
.. you are just a woke pathetic lover.

jens holm

we know you perspective if you support elections are between one person.

poko molo

my emperor bill gates allows moron dane to have elections so that you will submissively lick our peniz

Branko Timarac

yeah just like fuhreress ursula von der lying!!!


how someone can take these guys from serious? propaganda for the half brains


it doesn’t have to do with reason or thinking. people react with emotion and avoid reason because it is more comfortable. it’s an emotional cascade, not reasoned critical thinking. they train people into emotionally reacting with their endless propaganda on the idiot box which is literally almost all mind programming. they are half-brains because they refuse to engage the full brain god gave them, and instead behave like the cattle the talmudites call them.

jens holm

pavlov made it to science.

tom tajik sawyer

you a moron amerikan–only idiots believe emotion interferes with thinking—find me one philosopher that believes this stupidity except moron anglos like locke


by definition, critical thinking is primarily an intellectual exercise and emotions should play no part. however, emotions give us our wants and do not wants, likes and do no likes etc. and those give rise to a variety of cognitive biases. fundamental attribution error, hindsight bias, and confirmation bias can all impact our judgement of a situation.

christians killing christians, while the rest of the world grows stronger. let’s argue some more about it.

poko molo

lolyo an expert, attempt to transplant lizard brain failed—now u dumber than jens holm

christian reinhard

ich kann kein verfickten russenkopp mer sehn zieht die mauer wieder hoch, sollen baerbock und co spass haben mit ihren ostblock f visagen


shut up reinhard ss


still bitter meine ostfluchtlinge?.the russians are sick of you too. baerbock ist zu dumm und fett to do anything.


baerbock need a sausage between the legs

Branko Timarac

duetchland untermenchen

reinhard onanist

in english, you retard! nobody understands that filthy gibberish!


russia should send weapons to hamas, houthis and hezbollah against israel. all the real muslim freedom fighters are attacking israel because of the genocide in gaza, only isis who claims to be “muslims” attacks russia. let the mossad agents in israel eat lead and tnt.

jens holm

thats not correct. as minimum al qaida was before that with their stingers in afghanistan.

many ancisters were deported from from causasus and fighted back.

after that you ignore two tjetjina wars and things in causasus. you only want total destruction over here no matter what.

only by that we can lower our levels down to yours.

tom tajik sawyer

jens holo level=retired senile toilet scrubber


to end all of this russia should provide kinzhal missile teams to yemen. and as soon as the red sea is packed with french, british and american ships, you let them go.

the sinking of a carrier task group will send a message to the world that the american/zio empire is over.

if you can’t ship goods freely, america cannot maintain an empire.


russia should step up it’s game and do like israel is doing. flatten entire ukrainian cities after warning the inhabitants to leave. shouldn’t be so hard now that fab-3000 bomb production is kicking into high gear. what is good for the goose is good for the gander.


its a bit easier for the israelis they are a european settler population with no morals who think the arabs are scum. the russians view the ukrainians as cultural and genetic brothers and are trying to fight a good war.

jens holm

if you have any solution send a mail.

i only here crap and has heard it before i was born.

sometimes i wonder why you arabs all the way from gibratar and nigira and timbukto to indonesions are like that.

facts are most of them are not united and dont care.

and israel is a tiny dot agains 1 billion muslim as well

reinhard onanist

sounds like you just confirmed that you are a fucking jew (mercenary breed), tell me one thing, that hatred you were born with is it only against arabs or against everyone, don’t answer me, i already know the answer, you disgusting scumbag.


shoot the jews ! that’s the real solution ! first shoot pootin, then shoot zelensky – and then the rest of the whole jewish parasites which are posing as “global elites” worldwide and are in fact currently ruling usa+uk+eu+ru+china. mankind needs to wake up and free itself from these nasty satanic arc-old vipers, and deadly cancer deseases on two legs.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
reinhard onanist

wrong bitch, first nuke uk next israel that that’s the solution

reinhard onanist

israelis settler = european and us worst white trash

jens holm

very much as you are in too high gear yourselv and no steering wheel


russia should consider opening some new fab plants east of the urals, way out of range.


untaine was hoping them to cross the border so they could get rid of them real quick.


i mean ukraine

jens holm

all know. even the sun going up east is their fault.

you and many others are made into dummies.

jens holm

i’m the only smart one he… oh, oh, my explosive diarrhea again, i have to put on used diapers because i sent it all to elensky. afk

jens holm

news says the russians has them and they are from kirkistan.

most told is fake. more as tatar smugling iphones.


the whole story stinks like cia!

jens holm

more like most of the fsb has died as soldiers in ukriane.

4 unarmed guards. thats a no learner.


cia & fsb both jewish controlled anti-white, anti-christian foul organisations that need to be put on pikes from their asses. and then set on fire.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
tom tajik sawyer

obviously saxon poko molo an atheist


thx again for the good laughs, southfront. russian propaganda is simply hilarious 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


you stand for nothing, so better shut your mouth and stop embarrassing yourself

jens holm

only russian believe that low level. they are raised to and has no options.

look how plastret the whole country are. only the lgbq flag is not there.

tom tajik sawyer

homo jens has 1 level 13 genders stupidity

tom tajik sawyer

my diapers filled diarrea after taliban sodomy


i am typical feminized amerikunt—“amerika requires a stupifified population”. christopher lasch


complicit tajikistan idiot officials can begin shitting themselves stupid. there will be hell to pay and then some…

jens holm

sure. by the herrenfolk.

Malcolm Z

they are not islamist…they are mere henchmen hired by sbu and surely betrayed by them

jens holm

so far i only see most of it as propaganda.

i also see those many targets were proctected with – as all we know – 4 unarmed guards.

i dont the place well but minimum should be at least 2 policemen outside or hidden inside. by that there woul be two layers to penetrade.


i can’t believe these imbeciles actually thought they can get away with shooting people in moscow outskirts and then driving to ukranian border! it’s obvious af that this is a cia/mi6/sbu false flag attack to not only kill russian civilians but then try and pin the blame on muslims, but russians are not complete idiots to fall for it. “isis” is just a mask for usa and israel to do their dirty works!

Last edited 11 months ago by Redguard
jens holm

they had great succes. isis members sign they will die but always die for something.

its crap telling they didnt escape. they made their points and the are more in all medies then putin.

if even are them and some 15 others the hope was to do it again.

i read it again. none for real should think as many do here. its too ♿.

direction ukraine using a french car. better then lego.

tom tajik sawyer

in dumbmark 25% adult university grad—russia 63%…holm graduate toilet scrubber academy


these scumbags should be beaten and tortured some more, no amount of pain is too much, their lives are forfeit (but first squeeze out all possible info from them).

jens holm

so far its only verified they have arresten some people.

it seemes they have detaines more then 15 with ukraine beards or what.


a heavy blow is being prepared for the us puppet regime holding ukraine hostage. stay tuned.


there will be vital information from their cell phones as to who they have been in contact with over recent days and weeks! the security services will be putting the jigsaw pieces together and other name’s and information will turn up. also interrogation of the terrorists will produce results!

jens holm

if they are isis and professions you might find nothing new clothe included.

we will see. few facts and a lot of of homemade dirty smoke


traditions are important. keep your russian culture strong and vibrant.

jens holm

and in own country.

a beluga now and then is fine.

tom tajik sawyer

jens holm only has amerikunt culture


the faces of the diseased amerikan—these anglo vermin will be removed from ukraine—

jens holm

your kind dont decide that.


it is time for russia to start sending terrorists to london and arming hisbullah and huthies.


oho james – now you speak it out directly. interesting. exactly what the jews want. arming muslims to massacre christians (and vice versa) and start a global race war between white christians and radical islamic muslims ! you outed yourself with that demand jew !!!!

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

the moron atheist saxon poko molo change genders…”the entire new testament except paul is hebrew thinking”. frederick schleimacher….”a true christian can never hate a jew”. nicola berdayaev


these guys have low iq written all over their faces. borderline learning disabled or as they used to call them retards. the mossad trained and programed them to do what they did and they will be used as the convenient scapegoats, while the jewish supremacists who orchestrated this will continue to do what they do best – orchestrate wars, conflicts and terrorist attacks against everyone they deem to stand in their way.

jens holm

far out. you are sheep or goats raised with old pravas as food.


ukrainians doing what ukrainians do best, murdering civilians.


5 minutes after the attack, us state dept says: “it wasn’t ukraine. it wasn’t ukraine. we swear on our nonexistent reputation.”


the only remaining question: “was it one of nuland’s ‘surprises’?

jens holm

you have nullifobia being a 0.added minus.

get a life.


senile holm life desperation anxiety—jibber stupidity

tom sawyer

jeans learn math at toilet scrubber university for dumb and deaf

Massa John

it was only the second base and with the elimination of macron’s troops we save not only the third base but can enjoy a nice view on our homebase too, better known as ww3. that’s what the globalists have been going after all the time. either them as top dog or hell on earth.

jens holm

the normal part of the world know ukraine are not like that.

a french car for odessa and the fiths person was taxidriver from paris.

i hope not. i will die laughing🎈🎈🎈 too early for that.

jens holm

rusians it better. you expect to live 65,5 as man.


false–per most recent un data 76


it was russia that invaded ukraine & not the other way around. obviously you forgot that fact again. piss off from foreign country territory & take your whole red stinky mongoloid rapers army with you. peace can only be when people wake up & oust their jewish governments, kill that imposter scum & take responsibilty into their own hands (goes also for ukraine and it’s jewish president jewlensky).

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

why did usa invade iraq and afghanistan? why russia invaded chechnya and ukraine ? or why did uk and france declare war on germany in 1939 ? it’s because they want to steal eighter ground and minerals, get rid of an economic contender or simply because some jewish brainbug told them to do so – it’s always (!!!) one of these reasons – and sometimes even all three altogether !

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

the moron cannot grasp reality


you dumb amerikan invaded–now that you are humiliated nazi saxon tantrums

Poko molo yuri

no one ia dumber than yuri.

Gneaus Stapo

we used to do the same to flatheads during wwii. burning them alive in barns and such but ukraine’s bested us this time. it’s just that too many got away.


stupo humiliated by russia in wwii and wwi–russian improved germ genetics by donating semen to many germ females


you (usa & uk & ru) fought for jewish supremacy – now look at the world ! you helped the jewish vermin to power ! and what you see is what you got ! your grandfathers were idiots – selling their souls to the hook-nosed devil – what is why now you are sick degenerated scum – cheering a jewish goblin like pootin hoping him to win over another jewish goblin (jewlensky) and sacrificing your own children for this jewish cause ! idiot !

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

plutocraties (turbo capitalism) is judaic madness, & its different camouflages (often called “democracies”) is nothing but a sick joke, aiming at hiding its rotten criminal pro-jewish character behind this theater-like curtain of untruthfullness. “democraties” is just another word to for plutocracies – people dominated by ‘the rich’ (which are to 99% always jews !!! – as we all know)

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

communism & bolshewism is the very same judaic system just from the top-down position different structured& more openly anti-social. but on top of both are always rich jews,dominating the stupid none-jewish masses,squeezing &directing them into stupid blood-bathes – while …

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

mother saxon theresa a stupid gullible inferior—next the moron will claim stalin was a jew


yes of course he was – his name was even josep wissarionowitsch djugashwili. djugashwili translates to ‘son of the jew’. so if your name is ‘son of the jew’, then what are you ? nah ? and he was also married to several jewesses. nevertheless he was so massmurderous he killed jews same as none-jews. but yes, he too was a jew !!

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

russian very generous to loser germ


cosplay dirliwanger nafomosexual weighs in again from his mom’s basement. keep up the good work, incel.

jens holm

both forgot keep and legalised theft.


i believe the cia and mi6 were also involved. russia will find them and they will pay with their lives. as for ukraine, wow, i would not want to be one those supporting the attack or better yet, the ukrainian government. i can bet anything that most leaders are out of the country asking protection in a nato country.
