Capitol Hill In Flamenco Sauce. Brazil On Fire Due To An Electoral System At Risk Of Fraud

Capitol Hill In Flamenco Sauce. Brazil On Fire Due To An Electoral System At Risk Of Fraud

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Written by Piero Messina

It was like reviewing the assault on the Capitol Hall in flamenco sauce. From Washington to Brasilia the step is short. Then Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the US congress building to challenge the validity of the vote that had brought Joe Biden to the White House. Last night, fans of the now ex-President Bolsonaro stormed the capital of Brazil, aiming for the Parliament building and the seat of the Supreme Court. Over 400 arrests in a country grappling with a devastating economic crisis and now divided in half.

Yesterday as today the army had to intervene to stop the protests. In fact, nothing happened that wasn’t predictable. For months, exactly since the October 30 run-off that sanctioned Lula’s victory, Brazil has been a powder keg on the verge of exploding. In the days following the voting, Bolsonaro attempted the electoral appeal card. He crashed into a wall, the judges did not take into consideration his accusations of electoral fraud.

Bolsonaro had not given explicit recognition of Lula’s victory and had not even offered his congratulations. Despite everything, however, Bolsonaro had followed the procedure of the Constitution by not opposing the transition process between his government and that of Lula.

Popular protests have set the country on fire. The first to take to the streets were the truck drivers, a union of ultras of former President Bolsonaro. The truck drivers union has organized more than two hundred checkpoints across the country.

Supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro broke into government buildings:



For Bolsonaro, those legitimate protest movements against the injustice of the electoral process were legitimate. Despite the 58 million votes obtained, Bolsonaro was defeated by a few hundred thousand votes. Under accusation for that defeat is the electronic voting system. It has been in force since 1996. It has always been considered a bug-risk software. The claims of Bolsonaro supporters cannot be dismissed as fake news. That electoral voting program has been sieved by university professors and researchers. It’s a total disaster.

According to Diego F. Aranha, of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Brasília, Brazil, Brazil’s electronic voting system has some glaring anomalies. Here are the main flaws in the system.

Inadequate protection of ballot secrecy: votes are stored out of order, but it is trivial to recover them in order only from the public data produced by a voting machine and superficial knowledge of the software source code, which is also made public to the political parties . This vulnerability fully compromises ballot secrecy when associated to a partial or complete ordered list of electors.

Inadequate use of encryption: the same encryption key is shared among all voting machines for encrypting the critical portions of their memory cards.

Obsolete cryptographic algorithms: the SHA-1 cryptographic hash function used for computing digital signatures and integrity verification is demonstrably not collision-resistant. These specific applications of the chosen hash function have been deprecated for 6 years already. A sophisticated collision in this hash function would allow an insider attacker to construct fake voting software capable of producing election results indistinguishable from the correct outcome.

Inappropriate attacker model: significant emphasis is put on the design of security features resistant only to outsider attackers, when insider threats present a much higher risk.

Faulty software development process: bad engineering practices allow the accidental or malicious insertion of software vulnerabilities, clearly attesting that the software development process is immature from a security point of view.

Insufficient integrity verification: the voting software verifies its own integrity during its initialization process, but all of the information needed to subvert this verification is contained inside the voting machines, with different attack surfaces depending on the presence of a hardware security module.

In short, on closer inspection there is enough material to allow the magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal to try to take a look at what happened. Yet it didn’t happen that way. Now Bolsonaro is in Florida. He rejects the accusations of being responsible for the protests that set fire to the Brazilian capital. But President Lula has made it known that he will use an iron fist against those who have spurred on the demonstrators. It is yet another requiem for democracy.


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Peter Nowak

Yes, it is very understandable to compare the Brasilian riot with that at Washington and the later attempt of german fascists but this only shows that fascists all over the world are connected. More important is the comparison with the riot in Iran and the crisis in Azerbaijan and Armenia. All this countries are involved in the building of a new, multipolar world order. Do you really think that this is a pure coincidence?


What does “fascist” even mean? You’re a cartoon character – literally


Bolsonaro retarded seller of balls from the United States. And alienated supporters. He sold Brazil for nothing. The same ballot box elected a Bolsonarist majority and elected the same useless retard for 30 years to Congress. And once for and all your militia children. In addition to once for president. This imbecile spent 4 years talking nonsense and riding a motorcycle. On the presidential agenda there was no compromise, just agitation and bullshit. And he still wonders why he lost?!


Bolsonaro is just a tropical Zelensky with neo-Nazi hate speech. Hate speech, obsessed with the US and aligned with irrational neoliberalism. Brazil still maintained the institutions enough to be worth the polls. But not for this asshole’s lack of trying. Soon he will have to leave Florida for Papuda (prison).

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Bolsonaro did not enforce covid scam and mARN infection. He raised against WEF.


Oh, through your statement I see Brasil have their portion of commie-soros-globalist agents. You see, neoliberalism is not the same as liberalism, on the contrary. Self organized local community is not the same as satanic jewish communism nor financial banksterism is capitalism. You’ve been conned into believing it is.


Not really so. Bolsonaro simply witnessed election fraud in US that removed Trump from office and do not want to accept the very same globalist scheme in order to have that WEF criminals position themselves well in the most powerfull South American country. If you have “lost” with couple of hundreds thousands votes (less than 0,3% margin) with the previous knowledge of domestic disfunctional voting system and globalist criminals rigging of elections in US, EU etc calls for great discontent and trouble. Lula was always murky guy with very strange affiliations and I have strong feeling globalist mafia holds him by the balls. Bolsonaro knew Union Fruit type puppets in Brasil would have him eliminated so he took refuge in a one of still free US federal states run by DeSantis.

Chris Gr

Lula was friends with Assad though.

Chris Gr

Can you give an example?


In the end, Bolsonarism is like the riot that took place in Brasilia. Defecate on a Cândido Portinari, stab a Di Cavalcanti (work of art), o Praying for a tire, asking extraterrestrials for help, offering chloroquine to an emu, Idolized torturer, Boycotting vaccination, including children’s paralysis, promoting deforestation at an industrial level, usurpation of public lands On a scale of tens of thousands of square kilometers. Praise the loss of labor and social security right. To obsessively and radically praise the United States as heaven on earth. Truistic agendas that are absolutely consistent with color revolutions. All this in the name of God, homeland and family. A big con.


The forces of evil – very false – when they risk losing the elections, they cheat. They are petty crooks. Luckily they are at the end of their lives. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Biden, Lula the usual false scoundrels. They must die.

USA is the worst human farm

That filthy WEF piece of shit Lula was a rabid promoter of mARN infection (oh, “injection”🤣) and covid hysteria lockdowns. Brazil was lucky to have Bolsonaro back then, somewhat of a libertarian.

Last edited 2 years ago by USA is the worst human farm

Anything that works in the USA they replicate in Brazil.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

They did not replicate the forced mARN infection and lockdowns. That makes Bolsonaro a hero unlike this Lula WEF clown.

Z for Victory

Do you call the genocyde of brazilians indios and the destruction of Amazonia ‘heroism’? F°ck you.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Lula will do worse. Genocide, deforestation AND Trudeau-like tyranny.

Deforestation and genocide of indigenous people are done from global corporations aka WEF the same which called for mARN infection.


You will soon see genocide of millions of Brasillians considered useless eaters by Lula’s masters. Looks like you are unable to get it. But you will, sooner or later.

Chris Gr

What genocide? Is that what NGOs say?


The whole thing is a put up job. Anyway, Trump supporters did not storm the Capitol: it was a false flag event organised by the Dems. A woman died, but that doesn’t seem to interest them. Collateral damage à l’americaine.


That woman is alive and well, her name is a likely a fake as a CIA fabrication. Footage show the shot was staged otherwise the blood splat on the wall. She safely landed on a backpack acting as a cushion to avoid hitting her head. Her accomplice in black only applied a fake blood. Overall, another psy-ops failed to make a big impact.


Messina o messora per me pari sora

BRASIL elections are corrupted

There was corruption in the elections both in Bulgaria and Brazil. Bulgaria ex premier Boyko Borisov, bought the same election machines from Brazil. Corruption takes place in the elections thanks to the election machines used for this voting. The Brazilian elections must be urgently canceled and rerun. The Brazilian elections must be urgently canceled and rerun.

BRASIL elections are corrupted

Houve corrupção nas eleições tanto na Bulgária quanto no Brasil. O ex-primeiro-ministro da Bulgária, Boyko Borisov, comprou as mesmas máquinas eleitorais do Brasil. A corrupção ocorre nas eleições graças às máquinas eleitorais utilizadas para esta votação. As eleições brasileiras devem ser urgentemente canceladas e refeitas. As eleições brasileiras devem ser urgentemente canceladas e refeitas.


Same globalist/satanist handwriting everywhere.

WT Baker

there is “reported” to be an “investigation” into the January 6 “uprising” investigation. We will see. Yet if an honest investigation does take place as claimed by more honest Republicans, certain illegal actions taken by US institutions against the US Constitution will come to light after decades of cover ups. This Brazilian “uprising” smacks of the same method by those same US institutions; certainly to involve the FBI in Brazilian affairs


Very same.

Kev not Kiev

Jan 6 is being investigated for winning an emmy and a golden globe award in fake news…

Z for Victory

Bolsonazi is the one who destroyed Amazonia and persecuted indios. I will never forget this. And now he lives in FLORIDA, the hassàhole of democracy, already base for anti-cuban terroristists? USA is the hell on Earth!


Oh, you are one of those Gretens…Florida is currently the most democratic state in the USA. Are you aware it is 2023 and not 1956 or 1968? Are you aware of the fact that Lulas backers are the same people expelled by Castro? Read some books, son, don’t be stupid agressive commie activist staying away from discrening before acting. And please, get vaxxed. That’s the only way World will get rid of idiots.

Kev not Kiev

Vax him for every fake pandering tear he sheds till all he’s shedding is spike protiens and clots…

Ray J. Johnson, Jr.

To set the record straight: The communist Globalist Uniparty is installing their leaders to gain control of countries around the world by election cheating. We’ve all seen that.

Brazilians have been the most vocal. Maybe, because the cheat and corruption of the Globalist puppet Supreme Court are so overt and obvious for all to see. They don’t even hide it anymore.

As usual, the MSM sides with the globalists and misleads their sheeple believers into thinking that tens of millions of Brazilians are fascists, including all of the indigenous tribes if Brazil.

Election cheating

To gain control of Brazil and other countries around the world by election cheating, usa secret service working hard. We have seen Brazilian Election Cheating very clearly. The election machines in Brazil are prigrammed by Lula agents.

Last edited 2 years ago by Election cheating

Piero messina, you are a scumbag.


Would you elaborate on this?


Brazilians have been the most vocal. Maybe, because the cheat and corruption and fraud of the Brazil Supreme Court are so overt and obvious for all to see. They don’t even hide it anymore.


How hard would it have been to hand count the ballots? It was a run-off election. Voters had one choice: Lula or Bolsanaro? In Canada, we only use ballot scanning machines for municipal elections. Provincial and Federal elections are hand counted. There are two paid poll workers at each ballot box and they count the ballots at their box. Third parties can assign unpaid scrutineers to look over their shoulders. It takes about 1 or 2 hours to count almost all the ballots in a country of 30 million. This is not rocket science.


You are very correct about hand counted paper ballots. It is quite hard to organize con game with them and hide it well. Much, much more easy with electronic voting. But it’s still amazing Canadians voted molested child of a child molester Pierre Trudeau into office. Maybe there is proper voting system in Canada but you have improper voters who swallowed hook, line and sinker given to them by globalist fascist/communists/cabalists.

Chris Gr

The thing is all countries accepted Lula. So we will see in the future.


jebus h muthafuckin christ,what a punkass bitch,Lula did his wrongful bid,but balzonario aint man enuf,don’t worry sweetie,them boys gone treat you real nice,time to find out that here in murcuh,only anglo-saxon passes for white,but not spaniards,hahaha nitey night srgt white,try to keep your a hole tight! hahahaha

Tommy Jensen

Its theatre. Same theatre as the Hill.

Kev not Kiev

You’d think the guy looking out the window at the roit police would take pity on them in their hot gear, chair the window and cool off the riot police with a fire hose first aid type of action…

Joris III

No need for electronic voting

You can vote on paper
You can add security to the paper ballots like in banknotes
You can bind this security to the xerox copy and sorting machine
Scan the ballots in a xerox copy&sort machine
That will sort the ballots for you as well
Then you can check visually if the sorting was succesfull
The sorted ballot piles are counted by the zerox machine and
can be checked by weight

This is a proces that is digital and automatic and fast.
And this proces is open to human inspection and verification.

If the Mail can be scanned and sorted In a fraction of time
Also in very busy periods (Xmas) then the voting ballots can be to !!!

No electronic voting

America wants to get Brazil out of BRiCKS and wants to put it in America’s orbit. America dont want Brasilia and Russia together at Bricks.. so u.s put lula on the admijistration

No electronic voting

Lula asking Washington to “extradite” the former Brazilian president Bolsonaro who is in the US since December and 1 more thing i will say, Bulgarian ex premier Boyko Borisov bought these same Brazilian electronic Election machines for very high prices. He also wanted to make fraud by these Brasilian machines but the Opposition parties understood this and used these machines against him and he loosed. Then Boyko Borisov said Election fraud has been maded. At the recent time, Bulgarian parlament banned using these Brasilian machines because of fraud suspicion. Here, what Brazil has to do is to turn off the electronic election system with the machines and switch to manual counting.


Thank you for the honest assessment, Mr. Messina. The judges run the country, it was very sad to see detained senior citizens dying in the police gymnasium in Brasilia.

Brazilian United Nazis Celebrating on video In this video, they are celebrating for stealing the Bolsonaro votes.Brazilian election results are fake and should be cancelled.
