Palestinian demonstrator gestures during a protest marking the 70th anniversary of Nakba, near the Jewish settlement of Beit El, in the occupied West Bank.
Photograph: Mohamad Torokman/Reuters
On May 15, Palestinians railed in Gaza for burials of people killed during the May 14 massive protests at the Gaza border, international news agency Reuters reported.
Israel deployed its troops along the border as further massive protests are expected on May 15. This day Palestinians mark the “Nakba” or “Catastrophe” commemoration day of their displacement from Israel, that followed the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948.
A general strike in Palestinian commerce and educational systems was declared in East Jerusalem in protest of the May 14 killings.
A number of Palestinians gathered at the Gaza-Israel border for Nakba protests. Israeli forces responded with teargas, live fire and rubber bullets, UK newspaper The Guardian reported.
Protests on Gaza border small so far, seems like today might be quiet. Some tents have been dismantled. pic.twitter.com/e3uRgXBWcH
— Joe (@joedyke) May 15, 2018
After the May 14 clashes at the Gaza border, 60 Palestinian protesters were killed and over 2,771 were injured by Israeli forces. The demonstrations were held amid the US embassy inauguration in Jerusalem, which took place on the same day.
Israel and the US accused Hamas of being responsible “for these tragic deaths”. Turkey, Russia, Germany, the UK, France and Iran were heavily critical of Israel’s use of force.
According to Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Riyad H. Mansour, nearly 100 Palestinians have been killed and more than 11,000 injured in protests along the Gaza border since the start of protests named “The Great March of Return” on March 30.
Thank God for the IDF in defending the Jewish Homeland from these Foreign Islamic Invaders. Now its time to go on the offensive and retake Jewish Gaza and drive the occupiers into the sea
How are they invaders as israel was destroyed by pagans before even islam existed? XD.
Leave him alone he is drunk.
How are they invaders as Hebrews, who come from south Iraq, invaded the Canaanites lands ? XD.
Thank god for Hezbollah who will be first to turn terrorist tel aviv to smoking rubble.
“Thank God for the IDF in defending the Jewish Homeland from these Foreign Islamic Invaders”
Invaders using molotov cocktail and slingshot against Defenders using rifles and tanks? Do not insult my intelect.
If I was a solider, you come onto me or my brothers in arms with a firebomb, I would not hesitate to shot you…stew on that!
Shame on you Jeremy. You are willing to continue to kill unarmed civilians for what. You and those willing to kill women and children should never get anything except shame and revulsion.
The ‘Holy land’ was never land of the Jews! The word ‘Jew’ did not exist 2000 years ago. It is a new word.
These Jews are nothing more than terrorists who have by force stolen others land. They have no right at all to defend these lands.
Hahaha, hey you idiot, try cracking open a book, your hate has made lose your mind and stop embarrassing yourself here with your idiotic comments, you were given a brain by your Allah, learn to use it.
Allah who?
I have a Master of Science and you?
What a loser, you have so much hate, you believe every one does, so sad, lost in your evil.
ad hominem my behind…Master of science my black behind, I am not about to compare dick size here by puffing on how educated I am online and definitely not on SouthFront which is a racist site which attracts lots of Israeli-West hating retards.
I have no hate, I believe in Akuna Matata but you Muslims hate everyone your vile book tells you to hate, Jews, Christians etc. Mohammed was known as a bandito!, mass murderer, a slave merchant, wife snatcher (Ali, his adopted son’s wife), tell me one positive thing Mohammed did and I would name 10 evil things he did…Between, wasn’t he killed by a Jew???Lolssss…Jews having been kicking muslim ass for 1000 years!!!!!!
Silly child, I am not a muslim.
But I see you are uneducated and full of hate, so sad.
Lolsss..now you are claiming you are not a muslim, nice one Ahmed! And what has education got to do with anything??? And kindly explain how I am full of hate and uneducated??? I challenge you to point anything in my previous comment that made you come to your infantile conclusion. If you are so educated, why haven’t you won a noble price??? Hahaha, dickhead!
I certainly agree, much love for Israel from Nigeria, Gaza belongs to Israel!
Thanks God for the IDF for child butchering with their parents and stealing more land from Palestinians.
Americans also accused the Natives for their own genocide !!!
“The dispossession and murder of California Native Americans during this period was aided by DEMOCRACTIC processes and institutions of the state of California, which favored settlers’ rights over indigenous rights.””
Who is the “only democracy in the Middle east” ????
DEMOCRACIES defend their borders and citizians, Jews, arabs, chritians druids…
Israel has no border because it is a grab landing process.
israel is not a democracy. The people are a stateless bunch of thugs.
Turkey recalls ambassadors from US, Israel after over 50 Palestinians killed in Gaza ‘genocide’
Erdogan also have relations with Netanyahu, Trump, May and Macron gangsters. Take notice of this. Erdogan not lonely have relations with these gangsters but other many Muslim leaders too.
Erdogan is a zionist.
There is no doubt.
As long as the US, UK and Israeli gangsters present in the countries of Middle East, Asia and Africa then there will be no peace because this gang holding Palestinians, Syrians, Yemenis, Afghanis, Libyans hostage and involved in extrajudicial mass killing mostly of children and women there.
If you don’t trust me then dig the lands of Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya etc that occupied by this terror gang there you will find corpses and skeletons mostly of children and women that this US, UK and Israeli terrorist gang have killed.
Peace only can come by revolution in US, UK and France to break their terrorist gang. The nations of US, UK and France will wakeup for revolution sometime in 2030 but that will be too late because till that time at least 500,000 lives would be eliminated from the Middle East, Asia and Africa by US, UK, France and Israeli terrorist gang.
The Nakba? Surely you mean The Coward’s Holocaust: https://platosguns.com/2018/05/15/the-cowards-holocaust/
” At least the ‘exterminating’ Germans were an honest people who never hid behind the pathetic ‘victim’ excuse. ”
My dear Palestinians YOU CANNOT fight those Ashkenazi Jews, occupying your land that way. by protesting.They out- GUN you and will take you down one ,or a few at a time.They are PSCYCHOPATHS who have no Empathy or MORALITY and they DESERVE NONE to be given to themselves
ONLY GUERRILLA WARFARE can do it and only on the soil which they call theirs ,but which is actually yours.Get them while they sleep in their beds
If you continue doing what you are doing, you will surely lose.
How many Muslim leaders support the massacre of Muslims in other countries by US, UK, France and Israeli gangsters? Almost all. Even MBS have said that Saudis are with Israeli gang instead of Palestine.
God bless all Palestinians. They are true heroes because bare hands they fight with superpowers.
The biggest ‘joke’ is these murdering scumbag thieves call themselves ” the chosen people” ?????
They are not the children of the Hebrews. They are not Semites. Therefore they are not “the chosen people” as you have pointed out.
Yes, they are chosen, but not by God, but by Lucifer / Shaitan. Jesus and Mohammed both called them out. See John 8 : 44
Nah not my cup of tea
Mohammed was a fraud, a false prophet….leave Jesus out and please don’t put both of them in the same sentence, Jesus was peace itself while Mohammed was a murderous bandit, married an elderly woman for money, married his son’s wife, captured and enslaved little girls just like how Boko Haram, ISIS are currently doing…He died in the hands of a Jewish woman, now tell me son, how can a prophet be killed by a woman?
Nothing will come of this.
On Palestinian massacres now the world will see that who are the real Muslim leaders and who are Zionists. Still Saudi regime against Syrians and Yemenis Muslims and attacks on Yemeni nation and blocking from the rest of the world just for Israel. Still Saudis have relations with US, UK, France and Israeli gangsters.
MASSACRE??? Hamas paid those crazed murderous “rioters” to break through the fence en masse and creat chaos and invade Israel …. too bad they died
Do you have any factual evidence to back up your post? I didn’t think so unless you are listening to some freaky pro-Israel right wing junk. Honesty, anyone who could try to excuse the slaughter of unarmed humans should be locked up for life!!!!!
Hamas said 10 of the group’s members were killed in the clashes, including a son of its co-founder Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi.
You appear to support the murder of unarmed citizens. You do not appear to support democracy nor the right to protest.
If this protest had occurred in a civilised country these people would not be dead and they would not be hurt.
You are either a fool or a paid troll.
Idiot, if this riot happened in US border or any civilized nation borders, they would be shot at, you can’t try this with Russia or China, they value human life less!
The Jews treat people worst than most, if the Palestinians weren’t being victimized by Jew cult criminals, you wouldn’t see these types of protests. Unarmed protests of this size are routinely dispersed without this type of violence. The fact that it’s occurring is a clear indication of how big of a problem evil Jews are.
You all are just salty, Israel is here to stay, get used to it!
Not only is Israel living on borrowed time, going against the flow of the rest of humanity, like Jews in general are, but soon there will be a world wide retribution on Jews all over the world. Happened 109 times, where Jews have been exiled, expelled and justice served. This time, it’s not going to be pretty, for you diabolical Talmudic satanist will finally be done away with forever, then there will be peace on earth. You think the pathetic, desperate U.S. is going to shield you forever. Ha, what a joke. Miserable Jew.
They have the H-bomb, you want it fired up your rear end??? didn’t think so. Leave them alone and their would be peace, Arab-Palestinians should stop this violent riots and be productive humans, if they were lwa abiding citizens would Egypt close its borders with Hamas? can you answer why Egypt refuses to open its borders to hamas? Hamas is a terrorists organisation that the world must not tolerate any longer, they are worse than North Korea!
Israel or Israeli migrants child butchers, land thieves, terror organization.
Their history of persecution, expulsion and being genocided doesn’t support your claim. They have more UN resolutions against them than any other nation for their crimes.
what border….of a country that should never be there? demons!
Demons??? hahaha, you my friend need to take a chill pill, your hate would only send you to an early grave.
Israel’s treatment of others just goes to show the world that the so called holocaust is one big lie, for how could a people who supposedly went through a genocide merely 75 years ago act in such a barbaric, diabolical way. Instead they would act civilized, compassionate, empathetic, with love and respect. The holy hoax is to cover up the biggest genocide in human history perpetrated by Jews through their Bolshevik red terror revolution, which wiped out around 100 million innocent people. Jesus said it correctly when he said to the Jews they are of their father, the devil, and the lusts of their father they do, lie, murder, cheat, lie. In fact, Judaism is a mutiny sagainst God Almigty, but soon God’ justice will come. The bell will soon toll for the miserable Jews.
Holocaust isn’t a lie comrade, they died in the millions…and learnt one important lesson…He who is fully armed cannot be fUked with…The Arabs are just like Hitler, they want to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth…Iran and Hamas clearly have this in its constitution which calls for annihilating the Jews, I support them, they have a right to say ‘Never Again’. Hamas is a terrorists body that needs uprooting, same as the mullahs in Tehran!
That is a holywood lie. Israeli migrants are use to speak lie. So Palestinians have killed them that now US, UK, France and Israeli gangsters killing Palestinian small kids with their parents. They are not Jews this is also lie. I have founded their census data. They are atheists.
Land thieves and child butchers, Israeli migrants.
Lol an ad hominem to start a discussion, no way anything you have to say from here on in is of any value.
Lie by lie. I don’t know why jews love to survive on lies. The world knows the foundation of Jews is based on lie. The Jews thousands years history is dirty. I know these filthy Jews warmongers, evils and child butchers nobody want them in their countries.
Ahmed, is that you??? Jew-Hater, using kids and women as canon fodders, you all should be ashamed of yourself…carry little babies, kids to riots so they get killed then you use them as propaganda…The world is not fooled!!! And I am no Jew, I am a Christian from Nigeria, how about that??? you can check my IP, I am no where near Jerusalem or Tel Aviv!!!
Again lie how do you know that I am from Palestine or from Asia, freaky man.
I am from that country from which Netanyahu takes billions of US dollars. I ask one question from you why we pay taxes. We pay taxes for Netanyahu a*ss. We don’t need his a*ss.
Second one idiot from Israel told me that if I move to Palestine then Israel will give me so many benefits. I answered him. Who gonna go to that insecure prison of which one side faced to Mediterranean Sea and the remaining three sides to Arab Muslim countries and any time they can attack Israel in Palestine. 3rd I feel ashamed to move to a country of which land has been snatched from the small kids which have been butchered along with their parents. I am not a mad man. Palestine or Israel is not our country. Our country is where I have born. I don’t like to become a migrant.
Jews celebrate the slaughter of innocents. That’s what Purim is all about, the celebration of 80,000 innocent Persians slaughtered because of the historical whore Esther, and the diabolical Mordicai. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was on Purim day. The tragic killings in Odessa in 2015 was on Purim day. In fact, if you look back in history, the date of Purim coincides with death, destruction and human misery. Jews demanded Churchill firebomb Dresden and Hamburg, civilian cities in world war 2. We are dealing with Talmudic inspired satanism. Just goes to show that the holocaust is one big lie, because a people who supposedly went through a genocide merely 70-75 years ago would not behave in such a barbaric way, but would act with compassion, empathy, love, respect and civilized. Jews act the exact opposite.
Israel have butchered about one million Palestinians to reduce their population in Whole Palestine. This is genocide. Still the Israeli migrants population cannot reach to the population of Palestine because who gonna move from US, UK, France to a very insecure and very tiny land of Palestine.
Whole Palestine for me is like a prison. Israeli agents also requested me to move to Palestine but I refused. They have told me that we will give you so many facilities. I told them that Palestine is not our land. Where I have born that is our land. He tried his best but couldn’t deceived me.
One million??? Hahaha, you retards make me laugh
If I am telling you wrong then dig any city land in whole Palestine and you will find skeletons of dead Palestinians children and of their parents. I have no power otherwise I would put all Israeli terrorists in lockups for protection of this world.
Lolssss…you are funny man, children??? Hahahaha why don’t you throw grand parents to boot!
Today you are fully drunk.
Go to bed loser!
Spoken like a true Zionist blowjob, in fact, if I had your address, I would send you pillows to kneeel on while you serviced your Jewish, Zionist Israeli cousins.
Eretz Israel – giving hypocrisy a bad name, since 1948…
Who have created UN? The US, UK, France gangsters the enemies of Muslims. So how UN can do justice. The nations in Middle East, Asia and Africa still looking to UN that they will do justice for them or UN will protect them. They don’t know about US sactions that criple the economies of poor nations. The US sactions are economic terrorism.
Why nations so much take care of America. Russia and China should adopt policies that BRICS and SCO members states should have to be immune to US sanctions.
50 less Muslim terrorists in the world. It was a good day.
Says the dirty devil to his synagogue of satan.
If they were terrorists then yes, it was a good day. I noticed so many Israeli haters here, so many retarded Iranian trolls loitering around here
Government shooting on unarmed peaceful protesters. Regime change!