Forensic doctors discover fléchettes – rarely used in modern warfare – in bodies found in mass graves in Bucha, “The Guardian” reported.
Dozens of civilians who allegedly died during presence of the Russian army at the Ukrainian city of Bucha were killed by tiny metal arrows from shells of a type fired by artillery, forensic doctors claimed. Despite the anti-Russian point of view presented in the research, the results show that these were the AFU who shelled civilians in Bucha.
Pathologists and coroners who are carrying out postmortems on bodies found in mass graves in the region north of Kyiv, where Russian forces have been accused of atrocities, said they had found small metal darts, called fléchettes, embedded in people’s heads and chests.
“We found several really thin, nail-like objects in the bodies of men and women and so did others of my colleagues in the region,” Vladyslav Pirovskyi, a Ukrainian forensic doctor, told “The Guardian”. “It is very hard to find those in the body, they are too thin. The majority of these bodies come from the Bucha-Irpin region.”

Experts from the forensic department of France’s national gendarmerie and Ukrainian doctors carrying bodies of civilians killed in Bucha.
Independent weapons experts who reviewed pictures of the metal arrows found in the bodies confirmed that they were fléchettes, an anti-personnel weapon widely used during the first world war.
These small metal darts are contained in tank or field gun shells. Each shell can contain up to 8,000 fléchettes. Once fired, shells burst when a timed fuse detonates and explodes above the ground.
Fléchettes, typically between 3cm and 4cm in length, release from the shell and disperse in a conical arch about 300m wide and 100m long. On impact with a victim’s body, the dart can lose rigidity, bending into a hook, while the arrow’s rear, made of four fins, often breaks away causing a second wound.
Although human rights groups have long sought a ban on fléchette shells, the munitions are not prohibited under international law. However, the use of imprecise lethal weapons in densely populated civilian areas is a violation of humanitarian law.
“According to a number of witnesses in Bucha, fléchette rounds were fired by artillery a few days before Russian forces withdrew from the area at the end of March”, – “The Guardian” reported.
According to Neil Gibson, a weapons expert at the UK-based Fenix Insight group, who has reviewed the photos of the fléchettes found in Bucha, the metal darts came from a 122mm ZSh1 artillery round. It fits the D-30 howitzers, which is in service with both Russia and Ukraine.
“Another uncommon and rarely seen projectile,” said Gibson on Twitter. “This time it’s the equivalent of the US ‘Beehive’ series of Anti-personnel (APERS) projectiles … It operates like a true shrapnel projectile, but is filled with fléchettes and a wax binder.”
The same fléchettes were used by the AFU in 2014 in the LPR:
Fléchettes have been used as ballistic weapons since the first world war. Dropped by the then-novel airplanes to attack infantry, the lethal metal darts were able to pierce helmets. They were not widely used during the second world war, but re-emerged in the Vietnam war, when the US employed a version of fléchette loads, packed into plastic cups.
“Fléchettes are an anti-personnel weapon designed to penetrate dense vegetation and to strike a large number of enemy soldiers,” according to Amnesty International. “They should never be used in built-up civilian areas.”
A team of 18 experts from the forensic department of France’s national gendarmerie, alongside a team of forensic investigators from Kyiv, have started documenting the situation after the withdrawal of Russian troops from Bucha.
“We are seeing a lot mutilated (disfigured) bodies,” said Pirovsky. “A lot of them had their hands tied behind their backs and shots in the back of their heads. There were also cases with automatic gunfire, like six to eight holes on the back of victims. And we have several cases of cluster bombs’ elements embedded in the bodies of the victims.”
Evidence collected by experts during a visit to Bucha, Hostomel and Borodianka, and reviewed by independent weapons experts, showed that cluster munitions and powerful unguided bombs were used in the region. They killed a large number of civilians and destroyed at least eight buildings. These types of weapons are banned by the majority of countries worldwide.
Talking about artillery shelling, this rules out any version that interprets the events in Bucha as “premeditated genocide of peaceful Ukrainians”. A lot of evidences, such as the “scattered” position of the corpses, confirmed the contradiction.
As soon as the Russian Ministry of Defence claimed the decision to withdraw from the Kiev and Chernihiv regions, the AFU heavily shelled Russian positions in the towns in the Kiev region with artillery. The investigation confirmed that civilians were killed as a result of artillery shelling. The flechettes could be used both by the Russian and Ukrainian artillery. Russian forces deployed in Bucha could not shell on their own positions. Thus, the civilians were killed during the clashes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The letter B.
What “investigation”? by those Ukro-degenerates who killed them, plus their British mentors?
French mentors, but yes, ask Dexter to investigate his victims’ demise.
Time for plan B
(((The soros times)))
Looks like Zelensky
It is Zelensky.
He is verry sexy. We need more Ukras like him in Denmark.
That’s great news as millions more are coming. They won’t ever be allowed back. Not even with a tourist visa.
Nazi propaganda.
Lol… fun pic, but reality is the other way around and you know it.
Yeah, really? Ahahaha!
Russian advances are slower than a snail. 🐌🤭
Slowly, slowly catchy monkey.
Where are the ukro advances?
Thats right there are none. Now shut the fuck up orc!
Holy cognitive dissonance, Batman! All the Russian demands have been met through the actions of the Russian military forces. Donbas relieved. Armed forces of the failed Ukrainian CIA project reduced to a disorganized rabble, moving from one bunker to the next. Banderpite racist kook project in Donbas eliminated. There really aren’t anymore Russian demands that are left unfulfilled. Hilarious.
No ITS Elensky making all the demands, More weapons, More Money, a No fly zone, more cocaine lol ,more false flags because they are “WINNING” LOL.
Southfront copying the exact same news about the genocide committed by the Putin cockroaches where the plates used to cover the graves inadvertently reavealed how many civilians the Putin cockroaches murdered. There’s already plenty of evidence of mass murder committed by Russia. All Putin has left right now is moronic orwellian spins like this one. Accusing others of the same atrocities he’s committing. It’s the moronic Putin playbook.
Muhammad the Pedophile
If you look at the photos of Manhush that you alluded to in the link you posted, you will see a church and a cemetery not exactly a hidden burial site at all then. Eva Bartlett and another journalist Roman Kosarev actually went to this site of ‘mass’ burials and found individual graves with markers, names and numbers, logged and identified. All were buried in individual graves in wooden coffins including Ukrainian soldiers with due respect. The two men responsible for the burials were interviewed and were shocked by the western media lies about this.
Muhammad Who? You mean the guy who work down at the local pizza shop ad serves pizza and beer or the other one who a liar, child molester and a dishonest evil businessman who would cut his own mother throat to make a Denarius?
Why is the greatest atrocity not mentioned ? The arms supplied by NATO may be the greatest atrocity of this war.
The worst atrocity, as has been made clear with the Nuremberg trials, is to start a war. Russia thus committed the worst atrocity of all, as a diplomatic solution to the Russian interests was already on the table.
However, at that time no one knew what a muppet show the Russian Forces would perform.
Everything Russia wanted to achieve is already off the table now. And the current targets won’t be achieved either, that’s already obvious too.
Let’s see what’s “off the table”:
Donbas will never be under Ukrainian authority again.
Territories to the east of Donbas will never be under Ukrainian authority again.
Crimea will never be under Ukrainian authority again.
The failed Ukrainian CIA project will never be a member of NATO.
The implementation of the kooky Bandeprite Nazi psy-op in Donbas has failed entirely.
The capacity of the failed Ukrainian CIA project to conduct offensive military operations has been eliminated.
Good lord, Ukrotard, the Russians got everything they wanted! Wowsers!
Well, I guess the start of the war is on Ukraine, too. They started shelling their own citizens some eight years ago. Russia subsequently recognized the LPR and DPR and signed an agreement of mutual protection on Feb 21. Since the Ukrainian forces were on the land of DPR and LPR and had intensified the shelling mid February, they did not wait too long with the counteroffensive.
UN Charter article 51, textbook case.
Oh fuck off with the agression.
What the hell was the heavy artillery firing cluster munitions at donetsk city for the last 8 years. THATS ALSO AGRESSION ASSHOLE!!!
Ukraine and Nato had 8 years to negotiate, instead they choose to genocide russian speakers.
Time to pay. You made your choice, now its our turn.
fléchette shells – if the cause of these civilian deaths in Bucha, where are the thousands of these shells in the streets, the ones that did not penetrate the bodies of the deceased? Why were the dead found with tied hands? Did they escape captivity with tied hands, only to be killed by shelliing wandering the streets? The killed were shot and massacred as reprisals by the Ukrianian SBU.
The articles purpose is to distract and confuse. Sew doubt about the facts etc.
Some bodies in the mass grave at Bucha had flechettes in them. Many didn’t. But the chose to focus on this as it shows some friendly fire fatalities and then try to say they were all killed by friendly fire.
It purposefully avoided talking about the bodies in the streets.
tl;dr: its a false flag
oy vey, how anti semetic of you SF! im calling my local rabbi and complaining!
Dear Shlomo,
Khazars are not Semites, so Anti-Semitism is nowhere here seen
Who could have imagined the total devastation of the Ukraine when the imbeciles were bouncing up and down on the Maidan pleading for a CIA coup?
Notice the headline of the article and the word games they use….
Dozens of Bucha civilians were killed by metal darts from Russian artillery
If you parse through the article carefully you will see that it also says the following: “According to a number of witnesses in Bucha, fléchette rounds were fired by Russian artillery a few days before forces withdrew from the area at the end of March.”
So the headline says it was the Russians. An “expert” says that thee flechettes are found in certain Russian artillery without acknowledging that the Ukrainians also have these munitions. And finally, they acknowledge that these rounds were most likely fired at the town while the Russians still occupied it.
So according to the Guardian, Russians fired artillery on their own positions… because it makes sense in NATO insane mental asylum, especially Britain.
It is even more nuanced. It says “Russian artillery”, which is correct since almost all Ukrainian equipment is Russian made. What it fails to say is from where the shells were launched. And they don’t even see the contradiction that for their accusations to be true the Russians must have shelled themselves.
Russians do what they know best.
nazi cia moron tedious
Guess what? It doesn’t matter one iota now. It’s already all over. It’s now a question of how much more territory is lost by the failed Ukrainian CIA project and how many unfortunate Ukrainian personnel get turned into taco meat before the peace agreement is signed.
“Russian Ministry of Defence claimed the decision to withdraw from the Kiev and Chernihiv regions, the AFU heavily shelled Russian positions in the towns in the Kiev region with artillery.”
So… how is it possible that bodies were found from mass graves and not on the street?
I think it would be good if SF used more links to previous reporting in their articles, like this one for example:
It provides strong indices that the shells with fléchettes came from the Kiev direction.
sick immoral nazis again exposed
Did you know that the Ukrainian Minister of Defense was telling Bucha residents not to evacuate?
William Casey (CIA Director 1981-1987): “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
The only thing White western media cloaca have learned is to lie to themselves and feel proud about it. These ‘people’ are still willing to believe whatever some Nazi politician states after all the US – NAYOYO lies told since WWII. The Guardian will never admit its complicity in war crimes, its support for Banderite Nazis, or change its arrogantly stupid opinions, as Solnit still thinks Azov provides lessons in moral courage.
H. L. Mencken (1880 – 1956): “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”… or the arrogant gullibility of so-called ‘media’.
The US now, and always, makes allies of the most corrupt, violent collaborators. Recently, US trained military yahoos have committed 8 coups in West Africa. Of course, military coups are cheaper than honestly negotiating Oil & Gas rights with responsible, democratically elected, popularly supported leadership. ‘Los Zetas’, Mexico’s worst narco gang were trained and armed by US ‘special forces’. Honduras, where democracy was recently restored after a US-OAS coup installed a president and family now facing decades in US prisons for drug trafficking. El Salvador, where ex-President Cristiani is facing murder charges for the executions of 6 Catholic priests, housekeeper, and her young daughter that advocated for negotiations and peace. NAYOYO welcomes military coups and death squads everywhere so long as it favours corporate greed and human rights violations terrify popular dissent. Only the most savage, racist, drug-dealing monsters are embraced as worthy NAYOYO allies because they have NO LOCAL support, and know their lives and future depend on following CIA instructions.
Max Born (November 1960, Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientist): “Should the human race not be extinguished by nuclear war it will degenerate into a flock of stupid, dumb creatures under the tyranny of dictators who rule them with the help of [ignorant media liars] and electric computers. This is not a prophecy but a nightmare.”
Everybody loves Cannister
fléchettes may explain the street full of bodies with little blood on the ground. But the article reiterates “no citizen of Bucha was harmed by the Russian Army” This if patently false, and doesn’t address the dozens of summarily executions, rapes, and thefts. these are corroborated with witness accounts, and the dead bodies hands tied, bullets to the heads etc.
an excerpt
“Within minutes, Volodymyr and Iryna said, they found Oleh’s body on the sidewalk outside the fence. “I saw that he was lying with his face down, and blood was pumping out of his left ear,” Iryna said. “The right side of his face was missing, and brain tissue and blood were coming out of his wound.” She said a group of soldiers was standing no more than five meters away, “watching the event as if they thought it was theater.””
The investigation confirmed that civilians were killed as a result of artillery shelling – Which investigation? When did it take place? Result of shelling from which party? Your conclusions are based on what?
Instead of continue to massacre ukrainians and russians for the fun of the Empire and its Albion dog plus the bag full of european lemmings, President Putin should cut off gas to the teutons. The war stops the next day when the new Caporal in command of Germany finds his BMW, VW, audi and mercedes in danger of being produced and sold.
Remember also that energy companies in western europe have also their oligarchs and shareholders that don’t give shit about ukrainian until their wallet is in danger. after that the war stops also and Zelensky can return to be a bad comic.
For the bag of lemmings the only one important is the Teutons, the rest are a bunch of exited boy scouts.
Can someone relay this to President Putin?