Brown University Studies Find US Post-9/11 Aggression Killed, Displaced Up To 65 Million People

Brown University Studies Find US Post-9/11 Aggression Killed, Displaced Up To 65 Million People

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst.

According to varying estimates, the United States of America has not been at war for only 13-17 years of its existence of 247 years. That would mean that 93-95% of its time as an independent nation, the belligerent thalassocracy has been at war. And this is only if we use the traditional definition of what war is.

On the other hand, if we were to use the definition of hybrid war that also includes coups and other forms of meddling, only then we would get the idea of the true scale of US aggression against the world. Such an endeavor would certainly require an academic approach and precisely this is what Providence-based Brown University did in its recent study that focused on the consequences of US wars in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

The results of the study are truly staggering.

According to the University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, illegal and truly unprovoked US invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Pakistan in the last over two decades have resulted in at least 4.5-4.6 million deaths, while anywhere between 38 and 60 million people have been displaced.

Unfortunately, this is not the end of it. The study also found that at least 7.6 million children under five are starving today due to the consequences of US aggressions and invasions. The style of research and the sources used by Brown University are certainly up for debate, as the numbers could easily be far worse. However, their findings are certainly not to be ignored.

The study claims that nearly a million people lost their lives in the fighting, while another 3.6 to 3.7 million were indirect deaths in connection to health and economic consequences caused by the wars. These include diseases, malnutrition, as well as the destruction of infrastructure and other crucial factors of economic and societal development. However, it should be noted that the claim about one million direct casualties in all US post-9/11 wars is highly debatable, as Iraq alone is estimated to have had at least one million dead as a result of the unprovoked US invasion in 2003, which was the second in only 12 years, although Washington DC never stopped air attacks in the meantime.

The study was conducted under the auspices of Brown University’s Cost of Wars program and also looked into the consequences of US aggression in Africa, particularly in Libya and Somalia. As previously mentioned, the report found that the countries affected by unprovoked American wars still have at least 7.6 million children under the age of five “who are suffering from acute malnutrition, meaning they are not getting enough food, literally wasting to skin and bones, putting these children at greater risk of death“. In some places, this includes a mind-blowing percentage of all children, with close to 50% of all Afghan kids currently malnourished, while it’s even worse in Yemen, where that number is almost 60%.

In another study published in 2021, conducted in the aftermath of the US defeat and humiliating expulsion from Afghanistan, the Cost of Wars project found that the US post-9/11 wars resulted in the displacement of at least 38 million people. This staggering number is higher than in any conflict in the 20th century with the notable exception of the Second World War. However, according to the authors themselves, “the 38 million is a very conservative estimate, as the total displaced by the U.S. post-9/11 wars could be closer to 49–60 million, which would rival World War II displacement”. In other words, the consequences of US aggression against the world are not far from those resulting from Nazi German invasions.

The more recent study emphasizes that this process is still ongoing, as millions are still living in war zones, meaning that countless people are still dying and suffering long-lasting consequences of US aggression. The report states that “today Afghans are suffering and dying from war-related causes at higher rates than ever”, despite the fact that the country has been liberated from the illegal US occupation. However, those killed, starving or suffering from illnesses aren’t the only consequences of “freedom and democracy”, as there are millions of people who have been wounded, very likely maimed for life, resulting in hardships that are even worse than those suffered by the rest of the population.

The study further highlights:

“For instance, for every person who dies of a waterborne disease because war destroyed their access to safe drinking water and waste treatment facilities, there are many more who sicken…  …Post-9/11 wars have caused widespread economic hardship for people in the war zones, and how poverty, in turn, has been accompanied by food insecurity and malnutrition, which have led to diseases and death, particularly amongst children under age five… …Hospitals, clinics, and medical supplies, water and sanitation systems, electricity, roads and traffic signals, infrastructure for farming and shipping goods, and much more are destroyed, damaged and disrupted, with lasting consequences for human health.”

Researchers also noted:

“US drone strikes in Yemen and Somalia significantly impact people’s livelihood sources, killing workers, destroying farms and businesses, and bankrupting families. The severe impact of such economic setbacks on populations who depend on the land for their survival cannot be underestimated… …US-sponsored ‘counter-terrorism laws’ in Somalia have also hampered humanitarian relief efforts, intensifying the effects of famine.”

Economic consequences of US aggressions are virtually impossible to assess, as these are long-term and will reverberate for decades to come. For instance, more than 50% of Afghans live in extreme poverty, with less than $1.90 per day, resulting in a mind-blowing 95% of them not having enough food. In Yemen, nearly 18 million people are starving, while hundreds of thousands of children have died from famine in Somalia, where the US has been conducting covert “counterterrorism” operations for over 30 years. Taking such disastrous consequences into account, who could possibly blame nations such as North Korea for pursuing the creation of a strategic arsenal that would deter yet another truly unprovoked US aggression?


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behöver miinst crusemsisiles no nukes to pulverize norfolks and richmuns fist hour of offensive ….


well gee-wiz… thank u “som much” brown university for coming out with this report going on the 22nd anniversary this september of the canard that made it all p0$$ible!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt


fu too russia for not being an honest enough broker to facilitate investigations like this one through your best academic minds at the university of moscow, st. petersberg state university and tomsk polytechnic university after ae911truth came into being 5 years later…

like it or not… blood on so many hands after china and india did “lets make a deal” at ground zero with russia “looking the other way”!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

100percent agree

Cannon Fodder

all done in the name of a new world order. the only thing left is the building of the third temple and sacrifice of the red heffer, although all these deaths are a sacrifice. billions of dollars made on the suffering of the innocent.

where are you my loving god ?!!!!!


the democrat fascists don’t care, their goal is to use the us to gain power over people and populations. it’s sad but 10 years ago i’d be siding with the ukraine over russia but during covid and since the democrats have shown their true totalitarian selves.


the jews did 911.

so this is all the jews fault. the world should unite against the jews.


5 dancing israelis in white van were arrested by thé police thé day of the attack. they were released by political pressure. when back in israël they gave an interview and declared they were hère to ‘document the event.’ they knew something will happen. people were freely sharing these informations until thé gafa massively censored the internet. but 911 is only thé 2nd biggest lie of thé xxth century.


and this is why you can’t question 9/11 in the western world. not even on “antiwar” sites. everyone is groupthink echo chamber deluxe.


eeuu es el maton de los plutocratas globalistas

Wayne Gabler

now replace the us with dutch bankers and move the start back to the beginning of the christian reformation wars (1300s) and you have a better version of who started the endless war in europe (and the rest of the world) and who raked in trillions in profits. yes, that would include the dutch slave trade and the centuries it has existed.

WT Baker

with massive mainstream media and national intelligence institutions contaminated over decades of british subversion, it is hard to make breakthroughs to down trodden american population. yet even with these conditions the larouche organization and the schiller institute have been successful in organizing a flank against the warmongers using the polemic of achieving peace with global economic development. people need to understand that the nature of the war makers is self destructive and doomed.


the us government has insufficient checks and balances to ensure it’s responsible conduct in terms of it’s foreign policy, and the indulgent nature of american society allows this situation to continue. the contradiction is most americans i encounter seem kind, friendly and generous, yet the state acts in such a violent and ruthless manner towards other nations.


thank you – it is high time that these facts are being brought to broad public awareness

Von Munchausen

israel did 911 !

Erik Nielsen

the right figure is 66 mio, plus 600 000 unkown shoulders.

Buford T Justice

needs to be a purge , eliminate the neocon , all of them .


all decent humans on this planet will thank god the day the satanic degenerate sickness known as ussa is destroyed and all the filthy vassals that serve that perversion. karma will not be denied and when ussa pays the inevitable price of its evil…the toll will be overwhelming.


mental health checkups and frequent financial audits should be mandatory for us leaders.
