British Mercenary James Scott Rhys Anderson, 22, Sentenced To 19 Years In Russia

British Mercenary James Scott Rhys Anderson, 22, Sentenced To 19 Years In Russia

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A British mercenary was sentenced to 19 years in prison for participating in hostilities on the side of the Kiev regime. James Scott Rhys Anderson, 22, who joined the ranks of Ukrainian militants, violated Russian border and entered the Kursk region at the end of last year. Hoping to make some money by killing Russians, Anderson carried out the criminal orders of his command.

The Investigative Committee of Russia reported that James Scott Rhys Anderson, a citizen of the UK, was detained during the search operation in the Kursk region. He entered the territory of the Russian Federation as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons in November 2024. Taking into account the time for investigative measures and until the moment of sentencing, he was fighting on land for a very short time. Just about three months ago, The Guardian wrote, with reference to Russian telegram channels, that fighters of the Russian Armed Forces had captured a foreign mercenary in the Kursk region, who introduced himself as James Scott Rhys Anderson from Great Britain.



Anderson was found guilty not only of mercenary activity but also of committing a terrorist act. The mercenary confirmed that he decided to fight for the Ukrainian regime for the sake of money, and he admitted his guilt in committing crimes. He said that from 2019 to 2023 he served as a signalman in the British Armed Forces, and then went to Ukraine and joined one of the nationalist formations fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On November 23rd (2024) I was captured (in the Kursk region) by Russian Marines, who treated me very well. Now I am in prison in Russia.

The investigation revealed that the 22-year-old British mercenary had committed crimes against civilians in the Russian region. The case of a British citizen was considered behind closed doors, and a witness in it was a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who was in the same unit with Anderson.

The British citizen was sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 19 years. Of these, he will spend the first five years in prison, the remaining fourteen in a high—security penal colony, according to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The court’s verdict has not yet entered into legal force and can be legally appealed, but judging by the composition and evidence base, the court of higher instance is unlikely to make another decision.

There is no information if the British Foreign Ministry has contacted Moscow on this issue.


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The Crunge

it said he committed crimes against civilians, but what were these crimes?


the simple fact that he was armed mercenary in russian territory, is enough.


it is enough to make lampshades of him in nazi russias prison camps also?


double fantasy, derpster.


the exchange rate at the central bank, on the basis of which syrian products are priced.
hundreds of syrian families are without salaries
an neck adds that the decision to close factories and factories led to the layoffs of hundreds of workers and consequently the loss of several families for their only source of income in conjunction with the poor physical and living conditions that the syrian citizen

Zyklon b bug spray

let’s not forget the gold teeth, and the shoes !!! oh yes , the shoes ! 🥹🥹😭

Oreshnik up Ukrainazias Ass

no doubt, you never forgot to rip the gold teeth out and enjoyed sorting through all the different shoes herr zyklon b


suffers during this period in the country, as he put it, where statistics indicate the layoffs of approximately 15 thousand workers from the private sector during the past three months.
he proposed several solutions to save the syrian industries, the first of which is to provide protection for those factories, factories and workshops, by allocating fixed security elements to protect the facilities from theft and vandalism

Oreshnik up Ukrainazias Ass

nope, that only happens in ramses run death camps in usa/uk/eu!!! russia kills human skin lamp shade makers like you just for fun, it’s not a crime!!!


the syrian is pushing him to buy these materials at the expense of the syrian product, which led to a decline in demand and accumulation of syrian goods among merchants factories and workshops, especially since the imported materials are mostly entered irregularly, and are not subject to any customs duties, not to mention the gap in the exchange rate of the syrian pound against the us dollar, between the market alike and which depends on it by pricing the unknown source, with

good gief

he looks like a goofball. probably has an 80 iq. the best the uk has, no doubt.

Oreshnik up Ukrainazias Ass

yeah, and soon to be forgotten in one of the harsh penal colonies(gulag) in russias deep inhospitable interior.

Last edited 22 minutes ago by Oreshnik up Ukrainazias Ass

the neck of the syrian interim government called for providing facilities for the work of industrial facilities, by providing some oil derivatives at appropriate prices, which contribute to reoccupying the factories in light of the lack of sources of electrical energy in the country, in addition to imposing real controls on imported materials of unknown source, and preventing their spread in syrian markets ,


products on the syrian industry
anka says: “for 3 months, the syrian markets have witnessed a great invasion of several materials whose source is unknown, which are imported from neighboring countries, especially turkey, away from any government control, and are sold at low prices in the markets for the prices of syrian products, despite their poor specifications, and as a result of the poor physical conditions of the citizen t

Oreshnik up Ukrainazias Ass

he is fortunate russians still taking prisoners and summarily execute him like the ukrainazis do to russian pows!!!


e industrial cities of sheikh najjar, aleppo and hasaya
anika added that the poor reality of the electricity contributed greatly to the closure of these factories, as the number of hours of electrical feeding allocated to industrial cities was reduced, coinciding with a significant increase in the price of diesel, which increased by up to 30% from the previous period, and therefore there is an increase in production costs cannot be borne by the owner of the industrial facility.

Conan M

serving 19 years… when this foreign mercenary maimed, raped and murdered ethnic russians in their own land. how does the russian federation not make this pos swing from the end of a rope?… while russia continues to sell the eu it’s energy while it tries to destroy it.

Last edited 9 hours ago by Conan M
Niccolo Machiavelli

rule of law. no death penalty in russia. putin is a lawyer. when dpr and lpr passed sentence of death on captured mercenaries, as soon as they became part of the russian federation the sentences were commuted to life. unlike the west, the russian federation abides by the law.


putin is a jew.


syrians can finally speak and write without fear of being tortured, thrown in prison, or killed for exposing bashar and his assad family in its reign of terror over the syrian people since 2000. bashar was raised in privilege and power, but it was his london-born wife, a jp morgan financial specialist, who took corruption to an unprecedented level. bashar might have lasted years longer as president, had it not been for the over-the-top corruption instigated by his wife alone.

Conan M

to everything i just stated as fact + the conscientious decision to continue doing business with the very business associates that want you to hand over all of your property and your “wallet” for nothing ,ie” “$usd” or else?… at some point it is a matter of pride when hundreds of thousands of your own are involved. leaving it there!.

Last edited 7 hours ago by Conan M
Conan M

and oh by the way… i am american and can honestly say the last 4 president(s) and their administration(s) “should have” and “should be” swinging from the ends of ropes for all of the crimes against humanity and treason they keep committing!


but remember putin and trump’s trade deals, where ukrainians and syrians are just pieces on the chessboard. trump and putin only see people as things, and that’s why jesus, their god, will send them to hell. such contempt for people as trump and putin are capable of will, of course, sooner or later turn against them. of course, the third-rate mercenary (perhaps a scumbag) will be replaced at some point with some russian exploiter.


asma was never the victim, and history may recall it was the syrian first lady who brought down the assad family in total to its knees, and forced dozens of assad families to flee into the night to face a lifetime of exile. meanwhile, asma lies in a million-dollar mansion in moscow while dying of leukemia.

see the continuation of your own article.


asma al-assad: the mastermind of the starvation of the syrian people
support southfrontpdf download
while the people were starving, bashar al-assad and his british-born wife, asma akhras, were living a lavish lifestyle siphoning off the national treasury to their private bank accounts and pockets.
the fear that kept syrian journalists in silence disappeared at the same moment bashar al-assad fled damascus on december 8.


the eu is not trying to destroy russia, americans are. the eu is a us puppet.

Conan M

the eu is out of money and no one wants to do business with a currency that has no value or backing x 100 with the american bitch wearing a tiara and carrying a torch!… asking again why putin chooses to stay in the un/unsc clubhouse given those prevailing condition(s)… does he and the peanut gallery in the russian government stand to get all of the au in fort knox?….

Last edited 7 hours ago by Conan M
Conan M

or was putine promised something else by the tribe that if he continues to be a good little boy he will easily clear another 500 billion roubles for all those worthle$$ counterfeit $usd!!!

Last edited 7 hours ago by Conan M

yes, the russians should withdraw entirely from any structures involving the us, which means the rest of the world.


vladolfs is kim jongs boyfriend. are you jealous?


is that scuttlebut you picked up from the boys in the bathhouse?

Oreshnik up Ukrainazias Ass

ramses projecting his gay fantasies😘

Oreshnik up Ukrainazias Ass

too bad gayboy ramses, you must really hate putin and his zero tolerance of faggots


it belongs to ukraine, cased closed.

good gief

ukraine is a fascist state, withe fascist bandera as its george washington, whose motto was ‘i can tell all lies except one, that my followers were all nazi spies.”.

Oreshnik up Ukrainazias Ass

nothing belongs to nation 404, ukraine!!!

Shlomo's little weenie

this article doesn’t articulate what ‘crimes’ were committed against the local civilians. the trial hearings will reveal all. he may not be the war criminal that his ukranian “colleague” accused him of. ukie saving his own ass ? yes.


and fix the gap in the price of the syrian pound against the us dollar between both the market and the central bank
now read the sf article and ask yourself

the narrative

the murder tourist did not get the death penalty ? imagine if this was israel dealing with someone they labeled as a terrorist ?

Conan M

“the murder tourist did not get the death penalty?” nether did the israeli navy and air force after the uss liberty attack, beirut barracks, or the 5 dancing i$raelis at ground zero….

Last edited 9 hours ago by Conan M

uss liberty incident could not have occurred without the full cooperation of high echelon us military and political players. likewise beirut bombing and 9/11. liberty was going to be blamed on egyptians, and was a function of the role of oil in the us empire. like 9/11 and ukrainian catastrophe.


does this reasoning apply to pearl harbor too?


no, i think that the world’s strongest naval power with intelligence assets and installations spanning the pacific had no idea that a rival with whom they were engaged in an imperialist contest would attack their military assets.

Conan M

don’t disagree at all with what you just said, which is why i said what i said about the last 4 presidents (make it 6) above in the nm.

Last edited 7 hours ago by Conan M

truman, eisenhower, kennedy, johnson and nixon were real straight shooters, weren’t they? reagan in particular, titan of a man. pillar of righteousness.

Conan M

so where oh where are the rational voices to peace that have been absent since the mahatma that knew well what the british anglo-zioni$t establishment did to them for 150 years under colonial reign… ditto the chinese that took it up the ” ” just as hard… that now worship them and their fiat paper “g0d$”!… clyde. you must be so proud?!!!

Last edited 4 hours ago by Conan M

truly a bizarre comment. good work.

Niccolo Machiavelli

if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime….


will vladolf come to haag court now then, is that what you say, or is he a chicken?


notice the nazi tattoos on this filth?


is he having the zombie nazi tattoo?

good gief

ah, those are all ancient buddhist symbols for health and prosperity.

gilberto posada

el ciudadano britanico se saco la loteria……..

Jeppe Hansen

lucky for this imbicile there’s no death penalty in russia. he should do forced labor in siberia for all 19 years with a live-feed being broadcasted 24/7 so that any idiot thinking about becoming a soldier of fortune against russia see what awaits them if caught.


opposite, this is really encouraging to continue and free russia of all remaining territories now to liberate the normal russian people.


bring back khodorkovsky and larry summers!


andersson entered ukrainian territory, all of russia now belongs to kiev, of course. so just throw the krimlin imbeciles in prison for mental patients, nobody cares.


nazi gay ramses senile—normal in amerrika

Peter Jennings

5 years in prison then off to the gulag. hope the blood money was worth it. somehow i doubt it.


in burger land they call me senile loser cuz i like gay fish & chips


syrian industries are threatened with extinction after the closure of hundreds of factories and factories

during the past three months, hundreds of syrian factories, factories and workshops were closed in several governorates, as a result of several factors that accompanied the departure of the government of former syrian president bashar al-assad.


al-masali ahmed anqa, revealed to “sputnik” the closure of approximately 420 factories, factories and workshops in the governorates of aleppo, damascus, its countryside, lattakia, tartous and homs during the past three months, due to several reasons, the first of which is the security instability witnessed in the syrian regions, where several incidents of theft were recorded by unknown armed men, especially inside the