FILE IMAGE: Brig Gen Issam Zahreddine
Brig Gen Issam Zahreddine has been killed in an IED explosion during the ongoing operation against ISIS in Saqr Island norheast of Deir Ezzor city, the National Defense Forces (NDF) media wing reported on October 18.
If confirmed, this will be a notable blow to the entire government forces leadership involved in the operation in the Deir Ezzor countryside.
Brig Gen Zahreddine is a hero of the battle for Deir Ezzor, that was leading government troops defending the city from ISIS terrorists over the past years. He’s a member of the Syrian Republican Guard.
SF will update this post as soon as more info appears on the issue.
UPDATE 1: The Hezbollah media wing in Syria also reports this.
Unfortunately it is true . Many pro goverment sources report it . Rest in peace General Issam . You and General Ali Khuzam defended DZ city both from ISIS and AQ and FSA . Heroes . For the people who dont know – Ali Khuzam was name of general who defended DZ city in the first years of the war .
Where? The Syrian Government official Sana News Agency didn’t say anything, nor Iranian Press TV, nor any Russia meia outlets including RT. Nothing, NADA! I know there was a US air strike where Brig Gen Issam Zahreddine was stationed, but nothing more except this news here and on Al Masdar.
Very sad news.
Rest In Peace!
A documentary, depicting General Zahreddine commanding a group of SAA, southern Damascus, 2012, if anybody’s interested.
It’s 116 megabytes:
RIP Issam. Hopefully the road from Damascus to DE City will be named “Avenue of Brig. Gen. Issam Zahreddine”. That would be great. Condulences to his family, to his son, who stayed with him in DE City, to his grandson, who lost a one of the possibly greatest grand-fathers on earth.
And to Syrians and resistance. RIP.
That would be very good. His name should be immortalized by giving it to this road or something similarly important and simbolic.
He as commander of 104 airborne brigade of RG saved thousands of people which would have been horribly executed by ISIS in case of DZ fall…
wrong day :(
Salut General, and R.I.P.
Very good of you!
R.I.P to the great general.
Bravo General Izam Bravo.You have fight a good fight.Sacrifice your life for the Sovereign Syrian people.Hot,Dusty,rainy, windy,cold, and Day’s of hunger was your friends during struggle for liberation of your countries town, cities and villages.Now go well brave freedom fighter.
Good and fair words for one great man of our times.
A true Hero of Deir Ezzor, very sad news. Very fews in the western world are aware of these individuals who fights restlessly for their homeland.
Very few in the west are aware of how much they owe the likes of Zahreddine for defeating the barbarian, fanatical Sharia Law that threatened all of us.
I am one of the few.
Sadly what they know about him is the Zionists’ and their mercenaries’ lies.
He was accused of having a hand in the false-flag chemical attack on Khan-Sheykhun and sanctioned, despite the fact that in the last 3 years he didn’t leave DeZ.
We know the truth and will spread it.
Of all the lies surrounding Khan Sheykhun this one was the most shocking..
Rest in Peace brave worrior. True hero of Surya. I’m sure that your Rodina will remember you.
I thought Russians used the world “Rodina” only for Russia.
So, since now it is used for Syria too :-).
Direct translation of world Rodina is BornLand/Motherland. For Issam his Rodina is Surya – Land that gave him birth. For us Rodina is Russia. There are “smaller” Rodina – place where one was born which one remembers from his childhood and Rodina – Matushka Rossia. For some of us it is not just a land. That’s an idea that draws different nations and cultures together.
@ tudor you have a romanian name. why do you call russia your motherland?
Because I’m Russian of Moldovan nationality, Born in 1970 in Soviet Union. Very small town Leovo near Chishinau. That is my “smaller” Motherland which till I turned 21 was a part of much bigger entity – Soviet Union which in its turn resembles Russian Empire. My father (a kid from ordinary farmer family) was learning well in school and studied in Uni in Moscow. He first worked in Tomsk (Siberia) and than in small city ~ 100km from Moscow (that’s very close in our terms). I was born in Moldova but since I was 1 month old I grew in Russia and each summer I would stay in Moldova with Grand parents till I was about 14yo. Russia is a multinational country, while it shrunk from Russian Empire boarders (after collapse of CCCP) it is still a huge country :) Russian Empire was different than western and eastern empires but that’s another story.
I pray that God keeps Moldova from the wolves!
Moldova actually tasted the “democratic heaven” of EU and elected new president that vows for restoring close cooperation with Russia.
RIP courageous and brilliant general.
Horrible news, fighting these creeps for years only to be killed now, the troops need to react with anger to this murder, in war one needs to have an attitude of “you kill one of ours, we kill a thousand of yours”
No sadness, no stopping, just cold, calculated annihilation of the enemy.
I hope the troops will act like this. Without any compromises and with Issam in their hearts. Every man, equal in which position, front or gear line, spec ops or supply unit, go for Issam. Fulfill his order and this order names “Rescue of homeland”.
So sad..Rest in peace General..The effects of you heroism will be felt for a long long long time to come.
RIP. Issam Zahreddine was a HERO of the first order. He will be sorely missed.
Vengeance…. that is what is now required. Filthy Daesh goat-fuckers…. exterminate every last one of them.
vengeance is the jewish way to conflicts.
the fallen will be honored in the most adequate way by conducting and winning the war without falling into provocations.
the zionist look forward at the Syrian side losing its ethics and behave like barbarians, instead as the rightful defenders of the Syrian people.
That will not happen – and moreover – mossadists and cia crooks in the country will get back inside coffins, if at all. It doesn’t matter if we’ll never know, it does matter that it happens
John Whitehot, I agree.
Very well said. General Issam Zahreddine was fighting to END bloodshed, not tp prolong it. Thiose that will keep fighting against people of Surya (no matter what they publicly claim) will be exterminated but that’s not the goal. Issam’s goal was Peace in Surya.
Don’t get me wrong – barbaric zio slaves should get what they deserve. But we should not get down low to zio ideology to confront it. SAA is liberating its Motherland and so it should be.
Syrian hero.
Rest In Peace dear General! A true hero of the SAA, a true freedom
fighter, a true defender of all humanity from the U$-backed, U$-created
evil barbarity known as ISIS. May a thousand like Him rise up to defend
Syria and indeed all of us from the U$ and Saudi-backed mass-murdering
A very sad news :(
He should have retired after he defended Deir Ezzor from ISIS for several years.
RIP hero!
And thank you!
thats the sign of true patriotism and conviction, he still kept fighting for his country, no matter what
Sad news..ate least General Issam has seen how they have been defeated ISIS in Deir Ezzor…he was the guardian of DZ!
True hero and inspiration.
RIP Syrian hero.
He is a hero of syrian people, he fought long and hard to not lose Der Ezzor city, the terrorist everything at him but he stsyed above them all for many years. He died happy knowing what he did was a great service to his people and fully knows others will carry on. Rest in peace brother.
I was just watching General Zahreddine on the latest Anna News documentary on the events of September post-Deir Ezzor breaking of siege.
Then I came here to find where Maadan was in Syria when they mentioned the operation in that city, and this is the sad news I find. Unreal. Shaking my head.
On what item is it? On the SRG and Issam? If yes, where? Do you have the link?
The General appears in this video at the first twenty minutes, about the operation just after the siege of Deir Ezzor was lifted to lift the siege of the airbase.
I understand, thank you very much. I want to keep the video to remember him.
Try the 3 days to Deir Ezzor video by Anna News, he makes the best speech there including this line: ‘The Euphrates is a treasure these [Daesh] pigs can only dream about! We dedicate this victory to all who perished, the wounded and all the good people of Deir ez-Zor’ starting 25:00. Also the historic breaking of the 4-year long siege recorded on tank mounted camera:
No way this is so sad ?
Goodbye warrior! You will be missed and remembered! A remarkable man, he kept the City of Deir Ezzor safe for the three long years of the siege. Thank God he saw it liberated with his own eyes. RIP Izzam.
My last comment, how did an IED kill an General, huh, I dont believe this “story” for an split second, He was assassinated, and that by whom, and somehow nobody ask the Russians, whom have been crawling in front of the tribe and then this happens.
Like cheep whores.
Wiping out resistance, an Russian specialty along with the Yanks, and Syria won the battle but lost the war, period, Russia is already laying the foundation of just what ISISrael wants, an Balkanised Syria/Iraq and the rest, all according to the plan.
I blame the Russians for this one, its to much of an coincident, this level of assassinations is run by Govs. since it requires Intel that have to be state wise.
Yeah, Putin have let Tribe kill again, and even this time, they do nothing.
And Russia, huh, you will die, slowly, slowly slowly, like cancer, raped and plundered from within, this are sings Russians, but like the Yankikes, you never bother to learn anything, until its to late.
Pity, its not fun to be jerked back to reality, when Russians have lied about ISISrael whom is the master race, huh, the chosen ones, right Russia.
Yeah, an real Man went away, few are they, and walk with God.
Rest is peace.
You are in anger and mourning. We understand and we are with you.
Are you really with him in blaming Russia?
Absolutely not. That’ s why I wrote he is in anger and mourning because he blamed the only nation which is helping directly with own assets and specialists to free Syria. I have not noticed that he blamed Russia before. Did he?
He did occasionally and in the same manner – accusing Russia for crimes that Israel, US, UK and their vassals are commiting while claiming that he’s all pro Surya and wishes well to Assad :). That’s their old and boring trick – if there’s any kind of union confronting them, than they have to seed quarrel between them and to try to enslave one by one.
They hope that people would be that stupid and will listen to them insteed of looking at facts on the ground. Let’s take Russia out of ME equation – what would have be in Surya by now? But they hope that logic is not something that we would use when reading their poison filled trolling :)
If you lead from the front, which this guy seems to have done, then you run the same risks as the men you lead. That is why such commanders earn the respect of their men. That is also why such commanders have higher mortality rates then those who sit in their headquarters every day. Nothing wrong with doing that either, if you do it well, but chances of dying of accidental papercuts in the average headquarter are not that high.
This could be a particular big blow to the SAA, as in Arab armies everything depends on the commanding officer. If the CO is shit, the unit will be shit. If he’s good, the unit will be too.
“If you lead from the front, which this guy seems to have done..” Issam did so. Many pics and sequences are the proof.
Yes, he led from the front. And when the battle went from defensive to offensive he was more exposed to assassination. Which may be what occurred in this case. Like the recent death of the Russian general.
Are you crazy? Now this is easy to see a real zio troll. When you can’t defeat or buy someone you than try to infiltrate, distort and seed lies to divide. Are you Suryan? Where the fu$k are you from? How did you or your country help Surya? You’re just a part of that zio owned MSM shitfeed – “blame Russians on everything and our own evil doings in particular”.
It’s easy to accuse Russians who also lost many brave souls in Syria and forget the real culprits, if you choose to do so.
It’s not fair, doesn’t conform with reality but easy to do from the safety of one’s chair. I too, think you’re wrong in that statement.
How about blaming the late general himself?