On June 21, warplanes of the US-led coalition bombed an outpost of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) around the area of al-Tanaf, which is under the control of the coalition and its Syrian proxies, according to Syrian pro-government activists. Two soldiers of the SAA were reportedly injured as a result of the coalition’s airstrike.
The coalition-linked outlet Hammurabi’s Justice News claimed that a patrol of coalition forces and the US-backed Jaysh Maghawir al-Thawra was attacked by an unspecified force around al-Tanaf. The outlet said that the coalition returned fire using “deadly force.”
It is clear that the unspecified force, which was attacked by the US-led coalition, was of the SAA. However, the Minister of Defense of Syria has not confirmed this yet, nor has the coalition.
In late 2017, the US-led coalition carried out several airstrikes on positions of the SAA around al-Tanaf. Back then, the coalition claimed that the airstrikes were conducted in an act of self-defense, while in reality the coalition was trying to stop the SAA advance towards the Syrian-Iraqi border.
As long as the US, UK, and NATO forces present in our world then so long our generations will see the slaughtering of themselves. Just these are the dirty seeds in our world.
Second the world population need to immediately reduce the production of further children for future healthy life that is one child per couple because there is a limit of this world to give healthy food and environment to the population.
Humans aren’t smart enough for this.
Nature will be the hand making the correction.
“Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.”
One children per woman.
Couples are something of the past, nowadays some women have 4 kids, each one with a different father.
And the attention on Jerry Springer
You are absolutely right.
Hahahahaha…..Hit the Spot… and who are the Foolsss?
BREAKING NEWS: US-Coalition attack something we can not confirm what happen but something might have happened. LOL Really Southtard?
I enjoyed reading it :)
Unspecified force.
That is the wind blew from the west and Samstein had men to kill.
For all they know it could have been ISIS instigating the whole thing, or perhaps none at all!
US/NATO advisers were most likely embedded with the de fact ISIS patrol I suppose.
There will be more of these attacks as the Darra campaign unfolds and it is time for Russia to respond I think.
Exactly right. Anything the US says can be assumed to be lie, they will not give up undermining the Syrian Government no matter what. I think Russia is willing to let these small things slide, however, it must be slightly demoralizing for the SAA since they can’t really hit back. But as long as there is an end in sight for the soldiers then I guess they can’t feel too bad with a loss here and there.
I wouldn’t agree if i was one of them, i’d try to take a Yanqui with me, which is probably what the septic filth are hoping for.
They will be careful to avoid Russian assets and troops.
Russia is trying to negotiate a World Cup ffs… Syria has to defend itself.
Not a matter of doubt they are embedded in ISIS .
US warplanes bomb the Syrian national army inside the formal Syria state borders – and the whole west just pretends it isn’t an act of aggressive war against a sovereign state of no imminent threat to the US. Under existing, post-1945, UN instigated International Laws this is an act of aggressive war.
The West doesn’t give a shit about Syria!
Not Syria, but the gas and US dollars are very important to the USA and Europe.
All wars are about money, the US hasn’t spent hundreds of billions of dollars without reason.
The very survival of the USA as we know it depends on the US winning in Syria.
Read up on petrodollars and, and you will understand.
The US is screwed no matter what it does. They are idiots and have done it to themselves. Dumbest nation in human history.
America is controlled by the Zionist lobby. This is why American actions appear so self-defeating at times. They aren’t designed to benefit the USA, only Israel.
America has been Zionist(fascist) since the civil war, blaming your fellow Zionists(fascists) for making you do what you want to to do is so lame.
The Syrian war, like every other war since 911 is for Israel. AIPAC & the Zionist lobby control US foreign policy and media absolutely, and are using American military power to effect regime change in any nation that resists Israeli/saudi hegemony in the region. Meanwhile Americans are brainwashed to think Iran is the enemy.
The problem is Israel is not the power able to control ME US wanted it to be.
So all US plans in ME failed
Actually it is not so much that they do not give a shit..but that they just do not KNOW…
The Jew spew media in America is purposely keeping the American sheep in the dark as to the truth about Syria, and most Americans are foolishly and stupidly led to believe that they are in Syria to “fight terrorists”…
I hope that the Syrians and their allies have a policy of non retaliation against US terrorist attacks until they’ve liquidated the remains of the US head-chopping, heart-eating, rapers and slavers west of the Euphrates and then kick the shite out of them,
What till now you still think ISIS is real or really US trained proxies to create a NATO country inside Syria
After Daraa the Al Tanf is next. The SAA has to stop the flow of terrorists coming from Jordan and Iraq.
And where is the syrian air defense system, whoch is able to shoot down F-15, F-16 and F-35??
russki drunk forgot to turn on radar! :D
jew cowards forgot to wear their army-issued diapers in liberated south Lebanon and in occupied Golan :D
Patience, Grasshopper. All will be revealed in time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbNCBVzPYak
Good. I will wait …
Wise words. I think of them always when people talk about defeating powers much larger than themselves. Like the Shawshank Redemption. If you want to break thru that wall, all you need is pressure and time. Piece by piece.The warlords will crumble to dust.
Saving all them firework goodies for the imminent destruction of tel aviv, dear.
According to this statement, one has to ask how true it is or why would Putin make a deal with Trump without Syrian consent?
“The United States remains deeply troubled by reports of
increasing Syrian regime operations in southwest Syria within the boundaries of
the de-escalation zone negotiated between the United States, Jordan, and the
Russian Federation last year and reaffirmed between Presidents Trump and Putin
in Da Nang, Vietnam in November,” U.S. State Department Spokesperson Heather
Nauert began.
“The Syrian regime military and militia units, according to
our reports, have violated the southwest de-escalation zone and initiated
airstrikes, artillery, and rocket attacks,” she continued.”
The statement is completely false anyway. Firstly, it was never a binding agreement as such, second, it excluded terrorist groups, and third, as far as know it’s past the expiry date of last week or so.
The US is simply muddying the waters because it has no reason to interfere.
Fourth, the Free Salafist Army Orcs have repeatedly violated the de-escalation zone agreement, thus rendering the deal moot!
US Air Force = ISIS Air Force
Like the infamous video of US copters escorting ISIS convoys when the “Bilal pipeline” was at the peak of it’s massive looting. DOD released a nonsense lie about the vidied Orcs not being ISIS but some US puppets in Libya.
Nice photo of a US soldier side by side with a headchopping Salafist Orc.
Sounds like inflammatory garbage to me.
That’ll should teach those dumb asses to stay away! LOL!
Resistance to headchopping-terrorism is NOT ALLOWED by order of the USA lol! See how a cornered evil ALWAYS exposes itself? Fact is, the Syrian army gave the head-choppers a whole month to surrender from Daraa and every time negotiations for an exist between the terrorists and the Syria Army moved an inch forward, the CIA-funded-and-managed terrorist invaders in Daraa would assassinate the peace-making negotiators. So the clock ran out on the Daraa terrorists and America is gonna have to stfu, pack up and leave Daraa, or risk US soldiers getting killed and the war expanding beyond their control – and this is something that israel is too scared of as it will see tel aviv in smoking ruins regardless of what happens to Syria. It’s just simply impossible for the Syria army not to continue with its terrorist-cleansing ops on EVERY INCH OF SYRIA. By steely Syrian determination, israel will be forced to eat terrorist turds at the end of this chapter called ‘the liberation of Daraa’, as we all watch Empire’s ‘influence’ in the Levant sink even further.
That’s why I keep suggesting that the SAA ignore the Eastern areas of the country until Daraa and the Jordanian border area is liberated. Concentrate to the West SAA. That is where militant supplies are pouring in from. Cut that off and the Homs desert rebels will fall overnight. AL tanf is a mousetrap, leave it alone.
I think the idea is to first clean out the enemy at their backs (Daraa terrorists) and then turn their full force forward towards Tanf (Jordanian border) as well as EVERYTHING east of the Euphrates.
No the people of deir ez zor province deserve freedom as well, the people must be protected from the zionist tools
How proud are American people to see their sons lined up with Isis terrorists to fight and die for the zionists regime and their rothschild banksters bosses?That picture is worth more than a thousand books of zionist lies,especially the big one about 911,the inside job.Is there anyone awake at all in USA to see through this zionist scumbag controlled madness?Their country is going down the drain financially and morally,while israhell keeps getting billions every year for nothing,along with massive military support,,Disgusting.
so where the fucking SMART ass people here, cursing at me when i write the TRUTH.
The agenda:
A one world government, with jerusalem as its capital under jewish satanic leadership.
AND THEY ARE ALL INTO IT.Russia,usa,china,eu, etc…
The countries that DO NOT RECOGNIZE israel are the countries being hammered now.
RUSSIA will do DIDDLEY to protect SAA from NATO u stupid donkeys.Its the AGENDA that counts morons.So stop making a mockery out of yourselves, the jews are laughing at you people for being such donks, repeating over and over again…russia is saving syria…russia is doing that.
TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN.The agenda u donks.
SMART ass people are not available right now.
Check back to you in a few hours.
And not a single Syrian air force jet in sight…
No Russian aircraft either?
And yes, once again NO air defence missiles.
Oh boy but the Syrian/Iranian/Russian grouping sure loves to make it as easy as possible for the US to slaughter their soldiers!
But that does not alter the fact that Syria is defeating the USA.
It might seem that way but the SAA only has so many AA systems to go around, they’re all stationed close to important infrastructure and there’s only oil fields out this way. The Iranians did give them 2 AA systems [I’m not sure what type], not long after the Israeli’s destroyed the one in Hama, and the Russians gave them the same thing they do every time something like this happens, NOTHING. The Russian Airforce has been busy in Idlib so that only partially explains their absence, however the Syrian Airforce has been strangely quiet everywhere since Trump’s cruise missile strike. I’m starting to worry that Trumps versions of the 2 cruise missile strikes were the most accurate, hence the absence of Syrian aircraft lately.
I’m surprised that Assad hasn’t supplied his troops with MANPAD’s yet, Putin may be reluctant to supply them but the black market wouldn’t be. I’ll bet that would be the best deterrent to Israeli and US jets using this area for target practice. The SAA might even bring one or two down with a little luck and some good equipment.
syria cannot engage against nato air force, that would be a suicide mission…they get shot out of the air even before they know nato air force is around….its all about modern electronics and radar….
manpads??? common i know you are intelligent…manpads eg.
FIM-92 Stinger (most modern us manpad) 6km range
FIM-43 redeye (older version of us manpad) 3,3km
Misagh-2 (most modern iran manpad) 6km
Starstreak(most modern UK manpad) 7km
Mistral 3(most modern french manpad) 7km
HongYing-6(most modern chinese manpad) 7km
SA-24(most modern russian manpad) 7km range
and please dont forget that the maximum combat altitude of them all is 3km!!!
I did say “deterrent” and “might even bring one or two down with a little luck and some good equipment”.
The attacks in Dier ez-Zor just recently by the US and Israel were not high altitude long range attacks on long distance targets with GPS guided precision munitions, they were on mobile troops and vehicles, hence by necessity, they were low to mid level ground attacks, at short range, with either, radar, laser, optically or thermally guided munitions, perfect for MANPADS and their operating ranges and altitudes, contrary to your wrong assumption.
Even the Israeli jets that strike Syria from the Lebanese side of the border aren’t as safe as you might assume they are. They always fly in low to avoid radar and only fire their missiles when they’re as close the Syrian border as they can be [and still turn around in time to avoid crossing into Syrian airspace], they would also be vulnerable to soldiers stationed close to the border with MANPADS, make no mistake. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before in Syria, the rebels have managed to bring down 1 Russian ground attack jet and at least 3 or 4 combat and transport helicopters with MANPADS. Russia had to change the way it’s aircraft and helicopters operated in Syria after that, and it slowed them down a lot more than they liked if you can remember, DETERRENT + lower accuracy. Yes I know the coalition hasn’t been using combat helicopters in Syria so far, but I’d prefer Assad’s troops to have them just in case that changes, wouldn’t you.
As to NATO? Do you mean to say that if a SAA soldier fired at and hit a coalition aircraft that was illegally attacking him in his area of operations, that it would definitely bring the wrath of NATO crashing down on Syrian and Russian heads, I’m not so sure and if anything lean towards saying, no probably not, all things taken into consideration.
syrian air force is useless against modern nato air force……..and irans air force is even less modern than the syrians….and russia is not allowed to engage by them satanic jews.
US tenderly protecting their ISIS babies
Bring in Mo’ Bird-Killers….Soar No More…