BREAKING: Ukrainian Terrorists Launched Attack On Russian Border Villages, Killed Civilians

BREAKING: Ukrainian Terrorists Launched Attack On Russian Border Villages, Killed Civilians

Smoke in Sushany

Read this article in German HERE

On the morning of March 2, a group of Ukrainian saboteurs crossed the Russian border in the Klimovsky district in the Bryansk region. Ukrainian terrorists shelled civilian car near the village of Sushany.

As a result of the attack, a man who was driving children to school in the morning was killed. The 10-years child was wounded. The local authorities denied the preliminary reports that the child died.

Some Russian sources shared the following claims of the local civilians:

According to the children’s claims, there was a driver and three children in the car: a boy Fedor from the third grade and two girls, Zlata and Lena. The children were being taken from the village of Brakhlov to Novy Ropsk, where a school bus was supposed to pick them up.

On the way, they were unexpectedly attacked by a group of unknown men — the driver died immediately, and Fedor was wounded in the chest. Nevertheless, he took the girls out and told them to hide in the woods.

Later, the wounded boy was able to catch a car on the same road, which took the children away from the scene of the attack. Fedor was immediately called an ambulance. According to doctors, a splinter or bullet passed along the rib. The guy has already had an operation, now his life is not in danger.”

Ukrainian UAV dropped an explosive device on a private house in the same village. As a result of the attack, the building caught fire.

According to unconfirmed report,  Ukrainian saboteurs blew up an electrical substation and a gas station in the village of Sushanny.

One of the residents of Sushany described how the Ukrainian group entered the village. According to a woman, seven people with machine guns went down one street, the others went on the other. In total, several dozen people entered the village, completely burned the house, now they are reportedly holding hostages in residential buildings. The locals are panicking — a woman with a trembling voice talks about what is happening right now.

“I saw everyone with my own eyes… [They are] with grenade launchers, machine guns, leaflets. They shot at a woman who was standing near the house,” a resident told the Russian media.

A paramedic who escaped from members of the Ukrainian sabotage group told the Russian media about the first minutes of the attack :

Soldiers in balaclavas stopped cars by the road. They forced people to get out, took their mobile phones, tied men’s hands with tape, sat them on a bench at a bus stop. They spoke Ukrainian. At the stop, petal mines were scattered. In the process, an explosion sounded, and the members of the DRG fled towards the border with Ukraine. People were able to escape.

The driver of one of the cars that was taking the children to the school bus was killed, the child — 10-year—old Fedor – was wounded. Despite the injury, the boy helped two more girls to hide in the woods, and then was able to hitch a ride and drive away to a safe distance, where an ambulance was called for him.

About 15 people were operating in the Klimovsky district, all were in white camouflage coats.

The Russian military launched an operation to eliminate the Ukrainian sabotage group. Clashes broke out in the village of Sushany near the border.

At the moment, the FSB is conducting a special operation to eliminate the sabotage group:

“In the border Klimovsky district of the Bryansk region, the FSB of Russia and the attached forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are taking measures to destroy armed Ukrainian nationalists who violated the state border,” the message says.

The operation of the Ukrainian sabotage group is accompanied by the active work of Ukrainian “media troops”, in an attempt to spread panic among the Russian population according to the best terrorist traditions and immediately shared a lot of unconfirmed information. So far, there were reports that the girl died in the hospital, that the school bus was shot by Ukrainian fighters, that hundred civilians were allegedly taken hostage in a local school or in a shop (despite the fact that there is no school in Sushany and the population of the village only counts several dozens of people), that about 70 Ukrainian saboteurs are taking part in the assault.

Reports about the hostages were not confirmed.

“No one told us that there were hostages. I am 18 km from the village of Sushany and there are problems with communication. The border guards and the military are working [on the spot],” said the head of the Novoropskaya rural administration, where the settlement is located.

The local authorities are yet to reveal the details of the incident and officially assess the damage.

The village of Lomakovka of the Starodubsky district in the Bryansk region was also subjected to mortar fire. As a result of the shelling, there were no casualties, two households were damaged. Russian security services are working on site.

The villages of Tetkino in the Kursk region is also being shelled. Another civilian was killed by Ukrainian Nazis.

Today’s attack on a small border region accompanied by the ruthless killing of innocent civilians has purely terrorist goal, with a political and psychological effect.

The risky operation of Ukrainian saboteurs are purely demonstrative and have no military goal. It is probably dedicated to the recent meeting of the FSB board, at which the President of Russia demanded to close the border and strengthen measures to counter enemy sabotage groups.

In the coming hours, Putin will hold an emergency meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Despite the hypocritical statements of the Ukrainian officials that they allegedly do not target the Russian territories and only need the Western support to “protect their homeland”, the Nazi Kiev regime is impotent to fight on the battlefield following the rules of war. Supported by hypocritical NATO countries, the Ukrainian terrorist leadership and its Western accomplices can only use terrorist methods of struggle, hoping that the Russians will be threatened so much that they will overthrow the “Putin regime” in their country.

The shelling of the Russian border settlements and the operations of the Ukrainian sabotage groups in border areas are expected to continue. They are the result of the Russian concession and withdrawal of Russian troops from the northern districts of the Ukrainian Sumy, Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions.


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The 10years old have more balls than all the ukrops involved together incluiding Zelensk.



Again ? Don t you folks here see it. It’s the very old same evil moves which Stalin ordered with his satanic Fackelmann order.

So Putin proves he is still fully in this communist shit, ordering his secret police, FSB agents to move around in Ukraine uniforms and raid russian villages, so that then the numb and frightened russian civilian population is getting angry towards the Ukraine. It’s the same Fackelmann shit Stalin did. He did it to make the russian civilians hate the germans and make the civilians turn to become partisans. And now Putin does to raise the willingness among the russian civilian population to support his war, and make more russians enlist into the military.

This russian psy-ops is so obvious ! Wake up folks !

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
Florian Geyer

That is very true, Mirao.
The Russian boy deserves a medal for his bravery and presence of mind.




Again ? Don t you folks here see it. It’s the very old same evil moves which Stalin ordered with his satanic Fackelmann order.

So Putin proves he is still fully in this communist shit, ordering his secret police, FSB agents to move around in Ukraine uniforms and raid russian villages, so that then the numb and frightened russian civilian population is getting angry towards the Ukraine. It’s the same Fackelmann shit Stalin did. He did it to make the russian civilians hate the germans and make the civilians turn to become partisans. And now Putin does to raise the willingness among the russian civilian population to support his war, and make more russians enlist into the military.

This russian psy-ops is so obvious ! Wake up folks !

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Russians, wearing Ukrainian uniforms, using western weapons, western explosives and communication equipment, attacking from Ukrainian side of border, originating from a Ukrainian strong point and then being killed by Russian forces….
So what you’re saying is that this whole war is fake, there is no UAF as it was destroyed almost a year ago and it is now Russian intelligence and “Secret Police” fighting Russian forces across Ukraine? Wow. That is amazing. I mean I know the UAF suffered massive casualties, but that is just news to me.



Oh yes of course russia does not have a few M-16 machine guns, and ukrainian uniforms. Impossible, yes it could never be. Jeez, they have ukrainian POWs. These men had guns and uniforms, so its no big deal to take the guns and uniforms put some secret police and FSB inside, and do the dirty move of attacking the village. Stalin ordered this tactic back in WW2, and now Putin does so too.

Deny what you want and stay in your childish Ding-Dong world. You are victim of the deceivers since so long already, that the abyss has already sucked your soul dry, and as a braindead Zigger zombie, you are now on your way to hell. I can t save you from that.As those who, like you and lots of other rat-zombies here, reject the truth are the ones willingly accepting the devil’s order and are therefore bound to hell.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Yet you seem to miss that the attackers originated from Ukraine, from a Ukrainian standpoint, and were forced to retreat under heavy fire back to the Ukrainian positions in Ukraine… only deception if you blind obedience to western hypocrisy and scripted media that has been telling everyone Russia would be out of missiles drones, bullets etc. Fact is, these attacks were carried out by Ukraine. The Ukrainian government even admitted it. Try to argue that? Can you. An official admission from Ukraine. Thus you whole statement is wrong. Where does that leave you?? It means I was right in my statements in assigning blame while you were blinded by hypocrisy and ignorance to the facts at hand. You might want to find a better coping method for the future, your current attempts seem to be failing you severely.


evil CIA alert

Anti terorrist, anti Nazi

Time for the RF to retaliate DIRECTLY against the leadership in Kiev. the time for mercy is over.


What the hell has the RF been doing the last year? Beating its pud?


No – that’s a Hohol sport.


Terrorist scum. 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺

Romanian whore

Nazi are doing what NAZI trash always do: terrorizing civilians and killing innocent peoples. Same as the SS in whole ww2 Europe and actual syrian americunt backed Wahhabis. Time for russians to learn them a very harsh lesson: bring the Kalibr, comrades !!! Do a heavy strike with waves of missiles to an important infrastructure point ! Choose something very sensible and begin the second wave of mobilization !!! Only for defensive border purposes. What a good thing would have been to have the ‘communist’ Patriotic Guards to patrol all the border line ! Now, thank to idiot imbecile traitor Gorbatchev and depraved alcoholic Eltin for disbanding them !
NOW !!!!!!! ALL Russia STAND UP !!!!!!!!!!!! TO ARMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
KILL those motha fucker nazi narcomaniacs. SKIN Them alive !
Glory to Russia !

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore
Monkey Man

Stupid monkey tacticts that are perpetrated only to provoke russians to kill ucranian civilan as revenge and to bring in NATO dogs. Russian will not take revenge for this childish tacticts. Perpetrators will be eliminated.


Following the example of Israel, demolish the terrorist’s house.

opet ja

Hmm False Flag maybe??


Mykola, are we the baddies?

Gerry Bell

More pathetic provocation by nature’s low lifes.


Russia should take action and drop Tsar Bomb on Lvov


You can’t even take Kharkiv and Kherson. In fact, you gave them back, thank you


Yeah the Russians gave them back, because the Hohols weren’t capable of taking them. If the Russians can’t take Kherson and Kharkov, then how come the Russians had them in the first place, to give back? Fuck around and find out.


Reason to liberate more territory.


Have to take the whole anyway

Romanian whore

OK. SF deleted my post. OK. They don’t like I am convinced that Russia must step up and retaliate on those kind of terrorist acts. Wrong ! That will allow more and more innocent civilians killings and will make banderist scum to get courage. You will PAY very dearly for that kind of strategy.
Too bad. Intel and asvisor projections are AS BAD as it is possible. Just like was the very bad strategy to attack Kiev at the start of war. Seems russians NEVER learn from mistakes or learn ONLY the hard way. Now, delete again this message SF !

Dick Von D'Astard

Massive retaliation.


How about just evacuating all civilian personnel and citizens farther back into russian territory until the festivities are over so this stuff cant happen anymore, and putting russian army patrols to protect civilians and engage any ukranian shirtbags that might try to aggress or infiltrate etc. Civilians in war zones end up being casualties prisoners hostages human shields etc.

Chinky madoo

Why is Russia not going straight for kiev and ending this shit?


Not sure why the RF hasn’t struck directly at the junta’s leadership yet.


They were Russian citizens that conducted the attack. Just like the DPR and LPR attacking Ukraine


Do you realize just how insane your fantasy sounds dip wad ?

Prigozhin's Massive Balls, Putin's empty nutsack

This is turning out to be a fake war. How else can you explain Russia not putting it’s all into this and ending this shit once and for all. Should have gone in back in 2014 right after the Neocon coup. WTF is happening? GET IT DONE ALREADY!!!
