The video was filmed by a dashbord camera of a young woman, who was driving her baby. She was roughly stopped by Ukrainian servicemen riding a military vehicle with Nazi symbols.
Judging by the video, the woman overtook the military column. There were no car incident, but Ukrainian Nazis did not like her driving. Two soldiers intentionally drew to catch up the woman and threatened her. They roughly stopped her car and began assaulting her.
The woman was threatened and politely asked to stop crying as she had her baby in the car. The woman was speaking Russian.
After the Ukrainian soldier discovered that she was muslim, he offensed the innocent woman, calling the ‘pig’. He ordered her to speak Ukrainian. He threatened to kill her and pay attention that she is a civilian woman with a baby.
After that he got mad and opened fire.
– What is it? What’s going on? It’s a nightmare!
Honey, calm down. What’s going on? What are they doing?
– Do you know the rules of the road, you scumbag?
– Don’t talk to me like that.
– Did you see the column? Did you see my guys, my equipment, a soldier you almost hit?
– Yeah, but I didn’t hit anybody.
– You scum, give me your ID.
– Wait, please.
– Faster, faster!
– Please, now. Take it.
– So, listen to me, Mustafayeva Aida Sapferovna. If I see you you one more time on this road…
– Yes, it’s me.
– If you bastard break the rules one more time…
– Don’t talk to me like that, please.
– You fucking listen to me. First of all, speak to me in the state language, pig.
– Don’t shout, please.
– Pig, don’t talk to me in pig language. I don’t care that you’re a woman and I don’t care about your child!
– Don’t talk like that, we can’t do anything to you.
– Are you stupid?!
– No, I’m not stupid, please don’t … What are you doing?! I have a baby in the car! Please stop it?!
This is a nightmare! Honey, come here. Calm down. Be quiet, please. It’s a nightmare in the middle of the day! What are you doing?!
I have a baby!
The woman and her baby are herd crying. She called him to stop, but the Ukrainian Naxis paid no attention to her panic.
While the Kiev regime is trying to reassure the Western public of the alleged atrocities of the Russian military against the civilian population, the Ukrainian military bears primary responsibility for war crimes against people in the eastern pro-Russian region of the country, as well as throughout Ukraine. There are a lot evidences of Ukrainian war crimes. A lot of Ukrainian soldiers who were captured by Russian forces testified that they were killing innocent people for no reason. In particular, Ukrainian Nazis were firing at cars with civilians who were trying to escape from the war-torn cities, like Mariupol, since the Kiev regime did not organize the necessary evacuation of civilians to provide its soldiers with human shields. These Nazis are now threatening Ukrainian citizens in different regions.
They are the pigs
what a lame FSB fake
The RuZZian, yes!
There is no other behavior to expect from bastard driving a VW with a Balkenkreuz. Like their predecessor 80 yrs ago
This time jens holm is perfectly right and accurate. The balkenkreuz was alteady used by german army in 1871 during the war against France.
But obviously these ukrainian ignorants think it’s a nazi symbol. If not, why painting a wermacht symbol on a ukrainian army car ?
No, that’s wrong. You have to distinguish between the “Eisernes Kreuz” and “Balkenkreuz”. First one is the Prussian Cross of the liberation wars against Napoleon, when Prussia was an ally of Russia. The “Balkenkreuz” was partially used on the second half of the ww1 and became late the standard ensignia of the German Wehrmacht. Interestingly the German Wehrmacht starts with a simple white cross on its tanks (like the UAF did), then they changed to the cross of the four white angles.
Neither the Reichswehr nor the Bundeswehr used the Balkenkreuz.
So? It was also painted on every Wehrmacht vehicle and tank and Luftwaffe aircraft in WW2. Including those that invaded the USSR. It is a recognised Nazi symbol, and those Ukrainians using it know perfectly well what they are doing.
He forgot to burn the Koran in front of her and to crush milk bottle of the baby, to show her how big warrior he is!
Next time lady only needs to shout : “Russians there in the bushes, Russians are coming!” And they’ll run away immediately.
It’s a slim line from Balkenkreuz to Hakenkreuz.
As my Father in Law (God rest his soul) would say in Russian. Eto ni chelovek. These Nazis are not human. They’ve forfeited their humanity and become monsters.
Yeah, and Muslim countries like Azerbaijan and Turkey keep supporting these Ukranian Nazi PIGS. They have no shame at all.
Ukrainian dogs i wanna come and help the Russians shoot these pigs
Wow again. China has build High speed track of about 30,000KM, tens of thousands of station, hundreds of new airports, about 10000 bridges. US has killed about about 40m-50m during that time, with sanctions making poor people and nations to use dollars. Wrath is coming to all the feros.
Send the Chechens in to deal with that Nazi dog.
Where the f did Muhammad your prophet go ? So bad he could not make any wonderful comment on this situation and explain us how Russians are godless brutes…
Poor child , what a start in life…
All humans are born equals and… just a second after birth : shit hits the fan.
May that baby and his mother find a better, long and peaceful life after those unfortunates events.
Its America’s fault. America did it.
Honestly the woman was more brave than the “soldier”. Kudos!
I wish woman and her baby safe, far away from these nazis.
About nazis, they all serve to devil, and devil always come back for them … if you understand what I mean.
I hope that lady and her child and family pack up and can make it to the Russian lines where she will be protected and safe.
Long live Russia in Liberating NAZI UKRAINE =Z=
Fake video
While I don’t doubt the Nazis are committing atrocities against anyone they consider beneath them, there is no real way of authenticating if this is a genuine video or not. You only see the front and don’t ever see the occupants of the car
Well, FFS it was shot from the bloody dashcam, what do you expect?
The worst thing is that they try to convince us that they are the good guys… no comment.
If they were serbs they would probably raped her and kill her and hers child. Or let her live in pain and suffering.
Program invented by chetniks and Dr. Radovan Karadžić.
There is video with witnesses from both sides from bosnian and from serbian, that both sides in Bosnia agreed to kill civilians. Journalist who done this documentary is bosnian. Video is on youtube.
Stop your lies.
No, you are lying! Have we done serbian srebrenica or prijedor? Went to belgrade and bomb the hell out of it for 1400+days? How about kids in Sarajevo? How about sexual slaves, brothels by chetniks in visegrad? McKenzie was there and raped Bosnian women, It is all also documented well.
If you feel like chetnik, that is your problem.
It WAS UTTER AGGRESION ON BOSNIA BY SERBIA SENTENCED MORE THAN 1000 YEARS. From 1918 and low life from thessaloniki just came acros to Bosnia and stolen all land from domicile people. We were defeated because we were with Austro-hungaria, who them selves were defeated. Show me example where Bosnians tear open stomach of a young woman and take out her baby! SHOW ME THAT MONSTROSITY OR BE QUIET! WHO KILLED FRANZ FERDINAND? IT WAS WOLOCH SO CALLED SERB THAT KILLED HIM, AND HIS 9 MONTHS PREGNANT WIFE, MARIA, ONLY IN SERBISLAVIA HE WAS A HERO EVEN IN CZECHIA HE WAS LABELED AS MONSTRUOUS TERRORIST!
but killing 300 unarmed and wounded croats in vukovar hospital, few hundret more mainly civilians in and around the city, and killing 8.000 bosnian muslims in srebrenica, the youngest up from 14 years old by serb and chetnik forces, is like ten times more than all bosnian and croat crimes together.
Question: What language is the soldier speaking? Russian, I’m guessing, I smell hypocrisy very common in the west… Do what we say not what we do…
Annihilate these Nazi pigs , show them no mercy !
Southfront , what the fuck is wrong with you people ? HOw do you expect to get donations when you allow filthy trash like Zuesse and Holm to do their thing ? Can only be costing you support .
Are we now trying to get sympathie from the west cause they care more about muslim lives than christian orthodox ones?
Or are we trying to produce outrage in the muslim world against ukraine.
Forget it the west knows the ukras are killing babies and are fine with it christian or muslim alike.
The “muslim lives matter” is only used against their own public or against countrys they do not like abroad. They do not really care for them.
And the muslim world never cared for the lifes for normal muslim people either. They only care if they can use it in a political purpose like the west.
Murder all Nazi khokhols! SLAUGTHER THEM!
Ukrap naZi filth. It’s a certainty that this vertical pork piece of garbage will soon, very soon be burned crispy. The Chechen boys would be ideal for “grilling” this particular unit of swine.