BREAKING: Ukraine Shot Down Russian Il-76 With 65 Ukrainian Prisoners Of War On Board

BREAKING: Ukraine Shot Down Russian Il-76 With 65 Ukrainian Prisoners Of War On Board

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On January 24, Russian Il-76 large military cargo aircraft crashed in the Belgorod region. The pilot managed to take the falling Il-76 away from the houses in the village of Yablonovo, the board fell in a field.

The Russian Ministry of Defense fastly confirmed the incident, revealing that the aircraft was carrying dozens of Ukrainian prisoners of war, who should be exchanged on the Border.

The Russian MoD reported:

IL-76 crashed at about 11.00 Moscow time in the Belgorod region.

On board the fallen Il-76 were 65 captured servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, transported to the Belgorod region for exchange, 6 members of the aircraft crew and 3 escorts.

A VKS commission flew to the crash site of the Il-76 in the Belgorod region to establish the causes of the disaster.



The Russian MoD confirmed the preliminary reports by the media that the Il-76 was transferring Ukrainian POWs.

The exchange of 192 to 192 prisoners was supposed to take place today on the border of the Belgorod region. The exchange was delayed and sabotaged by the Ukrainian side for a long time. The last prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine also took place on the border of the Russian Belgorod region after a prolonged pause of several months due to the Kiev’s refusal. LINK

There was the second IL-76 aircraft, which was carrying about 80 more prisoners of war. They aircraft immediately turned away to save lives of people on board.

The Ukrainian leadership was well aware of the upcoming exchange, and was informed about how and where the prisoners would be delivered.

Russian officials stated that the Il-76 was shot down by three Patriot or IRIS-T missiles. Apparently, the launch was carried out from the Kharkiv region. Judging by the range, the attack was likely launched by the US-made Patriot.

Footage from the area shows a smoky trail in the sky, similar to the one left after the explosion of an anti-aircraft missile. The aircraft was completely torn apart:


BREAKING: Ukraine Shot Down Russian Il-76 With 65 Ukrainian Prisoners Of War On Board

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BREAKING: Ukraine Shot Down Russian Il-76 With 65 Ukrainian Prisoners Of War On Board

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BREAKING: Ukraine Shot Down Russian Il-76 With 65 Ukrainian Prisoners Of War On Board

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Moreover, yesterday two IRIS-T air defense systems were destroyed in the Kharkiv region. This confirms that the Ukrainian military deployed more anti-aircraft missile systems to the border in recent time.

Immediately after the first reports claimed the incident in the Russian border regions, one of the largest Ukrainian media Ukrainska Pravda, claimed with the reference to General Staff of Ukraine, that the aircraft was shot down by the Ukrainian military. 

Immediately after it was revealed that the aircraft was transfering dozens of Ukrainian POWs, Ukrainian sources cited Kiev officials claiming that it was allegedly transferring S-300 missiles that are used for strikes in the Kharkiv region. The lie is revealed by the footage, which clearly shows that the aircraft did not explode in the air. If there were missiles on board, it would be destroyed before falling.

Kiev tried to win another fake victory, but its glory did not last long.

After the lies could not longer be believed, Ukrainska Pravda edited its article, claiming that the Il-76 was not shot down but crashed by itself.

BREAKING: Ukraine Shot Down Russian Il-76 With 65 Ukrainian Prisoners Of War On Board

Russian Il-76 crashed in Belgorod region: the AFU claimed that ‘this was their job’

BREAKING: Ukraine Shot Down Russian Il-76 With 65 Ukrainian Prisoners Of War On Board

Russian Il-76 crashed in Belgorod region

It is too late, Ukraine has already claimed responsibility for killing dozens of its citizens to sabotage the prisoner exchange. All the preliminary evidence confirm another war crime of the Kiev regime against its own citizens! In its turn, Ukrainian propaganda again buried itself in lies! 

The last chance for Zelensky is too lie that this was a mistake of the Ukrainian air defense forces, but obviously, the attack was planned in advance.


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no prisoner exchange was planned in the near future, as always, the usual ruzzian lies. 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


bastard pro yankee deep retard!! your parents are brothers eh?


his father is his grandpa and his mother is his sister.

jens holm

not true. he tell me father his mother and sister on street corner looking fur some guy in car why she wear miniskirt in middle winter i ask but she not tell.

knuckleberry hillbilly

senile homo sodomized by amerikan hillbillies 7456 times

halfwit amerikan

after surgery no father only transgender hillbillies

_Tom Sawyer_

why should you transport 65 people in an il76? 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


why do you transport 15 a boeing?


it only carries 90 people you dumb dragqueen

jens holm

he my frend. not call names. you not lie but not call names.

knuckleberry hillbilly

why homosexual holm senile nazi moron?

Ultrafart the Brave

because the cadillac was in for repairs.

tom was never too bright. seems that’s a demographic hazard for the inbreds down there in missouri.

jens holm

sure that for sure fake story. we transport guys like that on bycicles, maybe big rickshaw if they fat.

knuckleberry hillbilly

dumb dane sniff too much glue

halfwit amerikan

why amerikunt stupid?

Pampers filled academy

anyone seen pampy? the biggest joke predictor of this war and my favorite gypsie romenian

would like his academy explanation for the loss of the black sea and now even the freaking russian airspace..

where are u? 🥲


yes it was! even ukraine admitted it and it was all over europen news.


not a bad trade for the us. russian pilots killed and all it costed them was the lives of 65 worthless ukro slaves. they’d do the same another 1000 times if they could.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

the new golden tactic is killing their own people. ukros are as stupid as the anglos, indeed 😄 towards the extintion


shut up animal.


kiev has confirmed they were ukrainian pows, but blames russia for not properly communicating this with them, allegedly.

jens holm

ukraine big liar country. they still win though because even bigger liars support them in warshingtoon. liars always win, momma told ne that when poppa caught her with mailman in bedroom but she say he just delivering mail and he say ok.


they did not , you lie you must be ruskie too eh

knuckleberry hillbilly

homo tratz in amerikan colony—-all dead ukrop nazi soldiers repatriated to zelensky coffin factory yesterday—per banderite media

jens holm

i think not too. i think they be sending plane full of prayer books for ukras. guess to save lastt chance lost no.

knuckleberry hillbilly

stupid homo monkey cannot think only lick peniz


so why did ikies confirm that a prisoner swap was taking place but that they were not told the route being taken to make the exchange.
why did ukrainian sources at first claim responsibility for the attack then once realised the cargo deny shooting it down. and why does zelenskyy now claim russia was using these uki soldiers as human shield if there were no prisoners and ukies never shot the plane down.
you are a liar

knuckleberry hillbilly

“what emerged from the amerikunt melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen

halfwit amerikan

“amerikunts have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries. amerikunts are the most illusioned people on earth”. daniel boorstin

Kev not Kiev

repeat a delusion over and over, and it becomes tom sawyer spam…


i am sorry. it the hormones i am taking for my transitioning. it messes with my mental state, but the doctors said its worth it!

soon i dont have to be ashamed of my micro-wiener anymore, and i can fully embrace my new self, and my new name.

i am going to call myself tomette.
hugs and kissis!

😘😍👬💅 🍆🍩

Where is commie Clyde?

seen clive boy? hope he s not flying lately seems loads of planes keep falling on ruskieland 🥲


and the shitthole is burning too eh

halfwit amerikan

dumb cuckold tratz—all g20 economies contracting–real wages declining; russia economy growing wages increasing…inferior anglo jealous live in totalitarian fascist shithol;e

knuckleberry hillbilly

per recent study 30% amerikans between 18-26 identify as lgbt


nazis killing nazis. oh how i love it


there were even nazi members of azov on board which makes this even more hilarious 🤣


nope just russian trash onboard lol eh

knuckleberry hillbilly

cuckold tratz envious of superior russian

halfwit amerikan

cuckhold tratz swallow too much mulatto semen

Raptar Driver

if the so-called ukrainian authorities claim something consider the fact that they are habitual liars.

jens holm

lies part of secret sauce to win battle.

YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

of course russia will report the downed plane with 65 ukros on board so that putin won’t be bullied by his war cabinet 💩

Arch Bungle

sounds like the hannibal doctrine applied by the jews running ukrainistan …


birds of a feather…

Edgar Zetar

ukraine is not a country anymore, maybe from now on and after this war will hosts all the worst craziest and bloodiest c.i.a agents, c.i.a officers. russia should study a strategic move to not allow this from happening. if i was russia i should punch and bite the american eagle in the face so strong and produce such a damage they will remember the punch for generations; but russians are smarter than me, and usa is just one big huge militaristic empire. the ‘western empire’.


sad, for the russian pilots, board staff and the plane.
but nazis killing many nazis and using for that a million usd missile is ok for me.


the question is, why ukronazis wanted to sabotage a pow exchange? was it, because they had tortured to death so many russian pow:s, that they didn’t have 192 of them left? they had to cover it up?


they have killed own captured pow’s with dornes and just week earlier with artillery and rocket fire. they just don’t care. now they cheris the downed airplane.

ukrainians does not care about people, about life and so does not eu leadership, who gives money to kill ukrainians in the field.

jens holm

why this news?

Dick Von D'Astard

budanov is a total nutjob.

Dick Von D'Astard

nato pow’s onboard?

NATO is lauughing at you

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha


now it’s up to the relatives, friends and colleagues of those 65 to march to kiev burn the circus and hang the clown

YAHYA pedomanic sinwar

pantsir s-1 left the chat


65 azov nazi’s and unfortunately 9 russians.
old trick repeated again and again. sneak attack from the front line (border). belogrod must have 100km buffer zone!


the whole of western ukraine has to be neutralized.


for the moment they are to busy with destroying russian part of ukraine and killing ethnic russians. everything shows that nothing will change. western, nazi part of ukraine will stay intact. 350 billions was frozen but they couldn’t find 10 billions , to buy ukraine and prevent this war.


what part of a nazi part will stay intact? you are crazy, bud.

NATO is lauughing at you

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha


100km? why not all the way to transnistria? and remember there was the governorate of basarabia in the old russian empire…

Peg leg Pete

very strange story


stupid. why use an il76 for just 65 pows. no buses? dumb russians.


not 65 but 145. transport of so many prisoners on longer distance is security problem, best resolved with air transport. the russian authorities were “dumb” to treat kiev with the respect and inform the ukrainian scum about those flights in advance risking the lives of the pilots and guardians.


reminds me of mh17 that the ukrainians shot down in 2014.

Mexican Czar

war crimes are their specialty since 1910. the jews believe that they can kill and use like a cheap whore to whomever they want


the globalists still support a criminal a terrorist regime in ukraine while their own cities turn into crime infested rat holes. the real war is the globalist’s ambitions versus all the people of the world.


they are “globalists” they don’t have “their own cities”, nations…
maybe armageddon bunker in new zealand is their “home”,
but their hearts does not belong to anything else but money.

NAFO Panties are Soiled

again we see the western pederasts and degenerates and their kiev insects what they stand for


rus incompetence! shot down over rus territory ffs!!!

ukrnzis habitually kill their own soldiers in the field (and destroy buildings housing captured ukrnzi pow); so why would rus risk an expensive aircraft and rus aircrew to send these nzis back only to kill more rus civilians? is that any way way to denzfy ukr?

rus should have levelled kyv 2 years ago, but ptn wanted to keep the gas flowing to eu (at the expense of dnbs).

ps: rus also sells to murika. sick.


for the same reason russia released nato officers back in mariupol. for the same reason they released azov freaks. for the same reason they are releasing western mercs, no strings attached, despite early on claiming that they will be dealt with harshly.

it’s now confirmed that there were azov aboard the downed plane by the way, so they were sending the actual nazis back to ukraine, again.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
NATO is lauughing at you

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha


exactly thank you


total truth

halfwit amerikan

you also immoral sick amerikunt


ukros killing ukros. fucking retarded….

Gneaus stapo

flathead subhuman assclown believing russian propaganda, truely priceless

halfwit amerikan

germ upset need senile bf—lol

jens holm

zis time i aulso agre with rusticas that ukras are terorists

Bug Droppings

that ukrainians, suffering ‘ammunition starvation’ would prioritize a non-essential target like this tells you all you need to know about why they are losing.
not everything is about pr and ‘shaping the narrative’

so much about their conduct of the war is reminiscent of the moustache man’s ‘not one step back orders’.
the fascists lost that one badly. not something to emulate.


i guess russia would not use large aircraft in the range of ukrainian air defense unless it was previously agreed to have a safe passage. at least i hope the ukrainian missile launcher were located and destroyed with this occasion.


yes you would hope so. the other article is about the french mercenaries being killed in kharkov. i think its an open secret that nato troops are manning the patriots etc. i wonder if the ukrainians forgot to tell the nato guys manning the patriots about the deal.