UPDATED: Ukraine Lost First F-16

UPDATED: Ukraine Lost First F-16

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The Wall Street Journal reported that the first Ukrainian F-16 aircraft crashed a few weeks after it came to Ukraine. According to the claims by an American official cited by the newspaper, the aircraft was destroyed as a result of the crash which took place on August 26.

According preliminary reports, the aircraft was not shot down by Russian fire, but it was destroyed during the massive Russian night attack on Ukrainian military and industrial facilities throughout the country. LINK

“Apparently, the crash was due to pilot error,” writes the WSJ.

The Ukrainian Air Force is hiding the fact and did not report the crash. However, the loss was not easy to hide.

UPDATED: Ukraine Lost First F-16

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On August 28, Ukrainian officials revealed the death of one of Ukrainian pilots trained abroad to fly foreign F-16. Deputy of the Lutsk City Council confirmed that pilot Aleksey Mes died on August 26. Apparently, his death is linked to the reported crash.

UPDATE: It is better late than never. After the reports about the loss of F-16 gained the headlines, Kyiv was forced to acknowledge it. Both the Air Force Command and the General Staff of Ukraine reported the death of the pilot Mes. Almost a week after he died and the F-16 was destroyed.

According to the Air Force Command, the pilot died on August 26, when he was repelling strikes of Russian drones and missiles. He allegedly destroyed three cruise missiles and a kamikaze UAV; but died. The General Staff reported that the communication with one of F-16 was lost; the aircraft crashed; the pilot died.

The Ukrainian military has not provided any details about the incident, leaving room for suspicion as to exactly how the plane was destroyed. Thus, F-16 could also be mistakenly destroyed by Ukrainian air defense or it could collide with one of its targets. There is also the chance that the aircraft could be destroyed by a precision strikes of Russian missiles on the ground or during the take off.

The first F-16 fighters arrived in Ukraine on July 31. The Economist reported that there were ten aircraft in the first batch. By the end of the year, Ukrainian forces should receive 20 fighters, 79 in total.

The MSM and Ukrainian propaganda are trying their best to glorify NATO gifts to support the myth of all-mighty Western weapons. Today, F-16 are their last chance to justify NATO military supplies to the war-torn Ukraine. As a result, the deployment of precious aircraft is covered by fakes and lies.

Earlier, Zelensky proudly declared that F-16 were involved to repel Russian attack on August 26, but the results of the strikes and damage caused to Ukrainian infrastructure across the country proved the aircraft did not help the depleted air defense. LINK

It is possible that new reports about the crash are fake aimed to hide the truth. Right before Russian attack, the footage shared by Ukrainian military officials revealed the airfield in Western Ukraine, where the Air Force of Ukraine was hiding the fighters. LINK It should not be excluded that Russian precision strikes could reach the airfield and destroy the first Western aircraft.

On the other hand, if the reports are true, the loss of one of the few NATO aircraft as a result of an error reveals the pore training incompetence of Ukrainian pilots.

F-16 fighters cannot change the balance of power in the war. They only prolong Ukraine’s agony, but NATO warmongers do not stop adding fuel to the fire. The Dutch Air Force Command declared that Amsterdam does not limit the use of F16 fighters transferred to Ukraine in the space above the Russian Federation.


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i want to know how this junk even got into the country and they didn’t land in a bean field.

Captain Miroslav

poland, romania, slovakia. take your pick

Guy Metdrapedes

it should have been destroyed immediately as it crossed the border. the usa has this capability so why not russia?

roger rabbit

wait for it …

Captain Miroslav

currently there is not complete aerial denial over western ukraine. commercial flights are also allowed. my personal opinion: if aircraft approach line of contact then they will be destroyed. especially as russia learns the radar signature for these stealth f-16’s . currently, the aircraft aren’t fighting in the area of operations / the frontline — but that can change, even as we speak.

Captain Miroslav

but regardless, the aircraft pose a danger in escalating the conflict into full blown world war three if they fire a missile from another country’s air space and ukraine wants nato article 5 enacted and would do everything to provoke such outcome.

Captain Miroslav

imbecile washington neocons and technocrats are 1% boomers that suffer from severely malignant narcissismand apparently don’t care if they destroy the whole world before they die. they would very much like to survive gen x and millennials out of childish spite. and they are letting ukrainians dictate the fate of the world in a way. one of the most corrupt and imbecile countries the world has ever seen…


well they should be careful what they wish for.


isis crossed hundreds of km of open desert in a massive convoy under total nato air superiority.


good point…

Sid the Skeptic

yeah, but if you mean syria, the us wanted them to.


cause they were alloud to.
just like they were informed ahead of time that the defences of deir ezor will be destroyed and they were there in time to use the breach before the defenders could repair it.


these planes are apparently 25 year old airframes. they were scheduled to go to the dutch knackers yard, but the clog merchants palmed them off on the ukies instead.

Captain Miroslav

these f-16’s were outfitted with state of the art electronic warfare systems. they are outdated but not completely obsolete.

Sid the Skeptic

wherever a dutchman has been, there’s nothing left for a jew to do.


too expensive to do so. why not let them come closer so that they’re cheaper to shoot down?
then one can save the more expensive missiles in case nato is stupid enough to send f35’s and f22’s.

Last edited 6 months ago by M.Paraplu

plane flew low to the ground. would have to be monitoring constantly the entire border. additional f-16 have been on patrol on nato borders in groups for past few weeks. easy for one to slip across border

Sid the Skeptic

since when?


that was the job of the moskva and thats why it was sunk by the west.


so why is there still a railway track in one piece in western ukraine or a airfield in one piece.

Pete Mitchell

interesting thing about the cockpit photo: the f15s in the background belong to the 144th wing of the california air national guard, so the photo was taken at their base in fresno.


bingo, now you know what woke mechanics sent this bird and its pilot to the grave…


wearing a patch of columbus air force base in mississippi.


tak prvá je v riti, ha, ha, ha … čo nevidieť bude aj druha a potom tretia a tak ďalej … svetu mier!!!

roger rabbit

stavím sa, že okrem f-16 už je na obrázku ďalšia „zázračná“ zbraň

Deleting Telegram Tonight

this is pr and advertisement for f16 owners to upgrade to the f35


the f 35s will be shot down too. not as often or easily, but they’ll be shot down.


russian shot down an israeli f35 trying to nuke iran, the us waffled on the op. israel was way overboard on the op…had to give russia zee codes…

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

f-16 de merda, americanos e sionistas ucranianos, vocês ainda acham que podem esconder a derrota dos f-16 de nós?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

roger rabbit

да, к черту их и их f-16

Malcolm Z

could be shot down by a su 57 flying over belarus or by a su 35 using r-37m long range missile


so soon? what happened to the newest wonder weapon? what happened to “this is a game changer?”
this is exactly what we predicted and if i saved everything i wrote, you’d see i called it.

the f 16 is a 50 year old plane design. russian sams have advanced big time since then.

those poor ukes must be pre suicidal. the kursk debacle now this?!

i suggest large quantities of vodka.


i don’t think the us will provide the ukies with vodka

Sid the Skeptic

that’s ok, they can always loot another russian village store for more.


we’ve run out of star players, the war porn olympics are nearing an end…

Sid the Skeptic

some referee out there somewhere is about to blow the whistle and stop the fight.


this is pr. the f16 was hit on monday by an iskander strike while it was on the ground. it was all over telegram.


there you have it… another reason for the frogs to hate on telegram…


jajajaja. several fighting falcons have already been culled; or culeados as we say in castellàńó

Sid the Skeptic

pendejo hijos de su pinche madres, as the mexicans say.


or like el gran almirante blas de lezo retorted to defeated admiral vernon after the battle of cartagena de indias: “in order to come back to cartagena, the english kingship must build better and larger fleets, because yours are only suitable to transport coal from ireland to london.

US is becoming a shithole

must be a learner flyer lol

Sid the Skeptic

he must’ve left his training wheels back at the base.

jens holm

i worship us dollar

US is becoming a shithole

you worship ass

Last edited 6 months ago by US is becoming a shithole

it looks like biggles has pranged his kite. but you have to feel sorry for the russians, who only have shovels left to fight with against the invincible f16s, the totally awesome leopards, the incredible himars and the amazing atacams. those are very nigh tech shovels, though. the russians are known to make very good shovels/


very very good shovels… the kinds that take khinzal pizza out of the oven for a delivery to nato terrorists… with all the flare of an italian hot stone over pizza mistro…fuck yeah.


just you wait until the usa launches the uss enterprise they were building in area 51. ;-)

Janne Kankaanpää

ukraine lost second f16. few weeks ago and another one today. it was mentioned in finnish news.


they tried turn them on, and broke…splat.


the first of many and jew zelensky probable came in his trousers when the first six arrived, flewn by the senders peole!


prolly sniffed lines off the wings in true ukro-oligarch fashion..


thanks russia, to shatter definetively the myth of western superiority… raped all western wunderwaffes! f-16 could even reach the dnieper, will reach russia? fafo! all europeans are lunatics!

Skip 59

the f-16 is a good all around aircraft, but i wonder why russia would allow them the opportunity to even enter ukraine airspace let alone not destroy them on the ground. it’s as if this is a clown show war..!


let your enemies make mistakes… the more gear in reach of the all might iskander, the better… russia wastes less fuel moving countermeasures for nato/er nazi gear…


of course, now i get the strategy. the f16s are used to crash into incoming missiles. how foolish of me to think something different!


cheaper to give to ukraine than to decommission. ukraine disposes of all nato gear…no questions asked…boom.. best prices for disposal, no regulations…max profit….


yes my friend the stockpiles are emptied, and have to be filled again with tax extortions fcol


was this the action of the murmansk system’s black ops capabilities or was this a result of sending all the broken f-16s to the grave yard of blackrock’s investments???

Captain Miroslav

no one talks about the real culprits here: the global banking elite. as long as wall street and corporations are allowed to direct foreign policy and buy politicians: nothing will change.


it will never change because the moneychangers print the money and can bribe and corrupt everything

Sid the Skeptic

pretty soon, that blackrock’s going to be overturned and all the creepy critters will come crawling out. same with that soros kid.






mwahahahahaha morons…there were reports of an f16 shot down by ukrainians themselves

Last edited 6 months ago by OTAN TRENCH TRANNIES

yes done by fools or sleeper cells👍


ukraine’s version of shoot down; the pilot successfully intercepted the anti aircraft missile with his plane…😁

Skip 59

it appears that the us-made f-16 fighter jet, which was handed over to ukraine earlier this year, was downed by a ukrainian patriot air defense system in a friendly fire incident,
the f-16 of the ukrainian pilot alexey ‘moonfish’ mes was shot down by the patriot anti-aircraft
the lawmaker criticized the air force of the ukrainian armed forces for falsely describing the incident as “a crash.

Skip 59

however, i still say this is a clown show war for in a real war you cut the enemies logistics and his ability to make war..!


the objective was to denazify ukraine, why search for them with a lot of resources? better let them come by themselves to your line of fire🔥🔥🔥

monkey grenades

wouldn’t be surprised at all

jens holm

i lost virginity to uncle hans when me 13 he rent me to gay mulattos

Banging Ukrainian Widows in EU

polish media reported that poland has received its fist f35 and boasted how it will operate with patriot missile defense, tanks and helicopters. the only thing that they forgot to mention is how this integrated system will function after us satellites are destroyed in orbit and a massive emp occurs over the once peaceful territory of poland. stay tuned for more,


f35 has also not yet proven itself against an equal or better opponent. let the games begin🍿🥤🍿


zelensky whined, asked and begged for so long, only to let his army shoot down their own f-16, using a us supplied patriot system. so in a way, biden just shot down his own plane 🤣
