On May 15, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was heavily wounded in a shooting after the meeting of the Slovak Cabinet in the town of Gandlova, about 150 km from Bratislava.
At the moment when the prime minister went out to the public, an attacker fired several shots. Fico was reportedly wounded in his stomach, chest and limbs. The attacker was immediately detained by the police. It is not known who exactly fired and what the attacker’s motives were. Th local law enforcement forces are likely to reveal the data soon.
The prime minister is being taken by helicopter to a hospital in Bratislava. He’s in a serious condition. Some local sources reported that his life was not in danger.
After the incident, Slovakia’s opposition has cancelled a rally scheduled for today.
Prime Minister Fico fought for the neutral status of the country in the Ukrainian conflict. He has repeatedly opposed the provision of military assistance to Ukraine. He also noted that he does not support the country’s membership in NATO and will use the right of veto if such an issue is considered. He claimed that Bratislava is interested in good relations with Moscow. He called a dialogue between Moscow and Kiev necessary. It is known that Fico is in conflict with the country’s president, Zuzana Chaputova, who is accused of being an agent of the United States. In addition, Kiev does not like the Prime Minister of Slovakia.
Definately, his positions is likely to be the main reason of the assassination attempt.
its uk/blackrock who wants war in ukraine. hopefuly fico stands with his position
fico is a corruptionist, comparable to zelenski. his doctrine is 20%
look at the statement grant shapps the british defence secretary made within the last 24 hours! then this happens
are you kidding, folks?
this piece of fico crap allows civilians to raise funds to buy artillery shells 4 ukraine… 60k have donated and thus commited a crime (against peace). and the prosecutors, which are all under his control (like in stalin times) do nothing. that’s fico, folks
my understanding is that fico has refused to join nato or get involved in the ukraine conflict! also i see the hand of western intelligence services in this hit! the narrative will be that the shooter is simply a long nut or someone with mental health issues
ty retard prijebany.o com to tu pises?co ma on spolocne s peniazmi na ukrajinu?jesine co vy viete je rozsirovat nenavist a klamstva
takže ty zmrd podporuješ granáty pre ukrajinu? lebo fickovi prokurátori zjavne áno, keďže sa k ničomu nemajú. organizátori tej zbierky mali byť okamžite zatknutí, lebo viac na drzáka spáchať trestný čin ani nemôžeš.
don´t bother, he is just a insignificant provocateur, obviously a primitive one. keep your hatred boiling silently inside you and concentrate upon revenge. there are plenty of targets. let “them” taste their own medicine.
my advice was addressed to yzfr1.
thisis what happens when people cross nato, i hope the population wake up.
a 71 year old pensioner… who maybe was being fckd for 20 years by corrupt judges and decided to let him pay.
or who maybe was on drugs and manipulated by special forces. ordered by “freedom and democracy” , who decided to set an example and let him pay.
the people involved in this hit. would have knowledge of fico’s schedule his movements! that they walked him to his official car past a crowd in a public street! odd. it has set up written all over it
e posibil decedat la aceasta ora
e un om anti razboi
condoleante slovacilor!
sneaky britards
uk plots to murder politicians who want peace is the norm for ‘hato’.
tak toto je katastrofa pre sr!!! človek, ktorý sa zasadzoval za mier sa stal terčom útoku!!! presadzoval spoluprácu jak zo západom, tak i z východom.
prestaň s tými sprostosťami. fico má západ aj východ na háku, pokiaľ ho, lacka peňaženku a spol. nechajú kradnúť a prať si po svete peniaze ako kali, čo si s pičátkom kúpili kasíno v u.s.
a inak všimol si si ako všetci politickí mafiáni zrušili zahraničné cesty, aby tu boli, keby že náhodou don fizzone exne? aj pele aj peňaženka, kali musí doletieť z dovolenky…no peklo, keď sa veľkému donovi niečo stane
ty si riadne prijebany na hlavu.splietas tu blbosti jak aj cela opozicia.
ty si celá opozícia .. keď ti jedného pekného dňa prídu zasrani od bödőra s odznakmi finančnej správy ukazovať železo tvojej tehotnej žene a dcére, potom budeš inak kvíkať. lebo si “zobral” kažimírovi 200 mega € ročne tým, že ho kvôli tebe eukom donútil zrušiť ilegálnu daňovú licenciu. tebe sa to pri páse stať nemôže. tak radšej drž zobák
i smell cia behind this, no matter who did the dirty work.
a frustrated pensioner was the perpetrator. no connections.
that’s alone is a hint , there must be some serious background. slovakia is not usa where everybody has weapons.
unfortunately this old dick worked for a security company and they issue weapons to their contractors.
usa/nato satan bloodline is on working and are desperate as never before.
i hope he survives.
he has survived , let’s hope he will recover.
stop buying european cars,bmw,jeep,mercedes,gwv and stop selleing african,middle east oil,diamonds,gold to usa,france,britain,germany and turkey.their use income for bloodflow.
prime minister fico is attempting to save his country from the globalist savage’s who run and control the west! his opposition to nato and their wars have angered western political elites and this is the result! pray that he survives this evil murderous attack
unfortunately, no word of what you just wrote, is true. but his marketing is no. 1.
fico just received a fragment of what he should have for the destruction of the slovak state. i know him and his entourage personally and they are the reason i had to leave my homeland
retard kto zadlzil slovensko.kto nas zavrel jak pokusnu zver cez vymislenu koronu.kto siri nenavist na mitingoch.tvoja terajsia opozicia ty dement
prestaň tu kastovať hňupe, ja ich mám na háku, vagabundov. jednych aj druhých. ja som o.i. písal pôvodnú zmluvu na elektr. mýto a argumentáciu sr pred ek..pre smerákov. len potom som si dovolil žiadať zákonnosť a spôsobil, že museli prijať “balíček opatrení na podporu start upov”, čo ich stálo stámilióny, pripravené na rozkradnutie.
sa spýtaj seba, prečo ešte heger a spol nie sú v base. lebo sú všetci kamaráti (držia sa za gule) a spolu, každý chvíľku, vyciciavajú štát.
maybe it’s better for you. my impression is , you don’t really belong to this country. sorry.
you know shit. slovakia is not your homeland. israhell or jewsa maybe, but not slovakia.
sure, nazi fag. you are no better then them, the self proclaimed “chosen” ones. roma victor!
the wannabe assassin is a libtard, a supporter of the biggest filth in slovak politics – progressive slovakia party.
probably a kike. nation of murderers and assasins.
the wannabe assassin is a typical libtard, supporter of the biggest filth on the slovak political scene – progressive slovakia party.
correction, that he is a “progre” was just an unconfirmed rumour. let’s see what he actually stands for.
storybook was written by havel…
it is being reported on slovakia media that fico has been in surgery for 3 and 1/2 hours and is fighting for his life he was shot 5 times stomach leg and arm injuries! it’s not looking good pray for him!
jedem das seine.
fine , why then all the lamenting when russians kill some nazis in ukraine? jedem das seine.
fico in a way predicted the assassination. in a video he is speaking about a hate campaign unleashed by liberals against his national administration:
“the government politicians face obscene insults on streets. and i am only waiting when the frustration, that is so intensively fumed by media – deník n, smečko, aktuality, transforms into a murder of a leading government politician. saying that i don’t exaggerate at all.”
in the old times, “liberals” of today would be called jewish bolsheviks. no significant difference in agenda or methods. same bunch.
i wish fast recovery to fitso. fascists and sodomites against all reasonable people, it could be the start of war against all opposition in eu and uncovered fascisation of society. repressions are already going on, now they decided to murder people’s leaders to force people to become a cannon fodder like in rural reich. this is really bad sign.
though it could be lone maniac, like that one who stubbed governor of murmansk region not so long time ago. ordinary worker of railways, he said that voices in his head told him to do it. but that one, in slovakia, was a liberal writer, all liberals are maniacs, they are doing crazy things, because brainwashed and led by hatred. for instance, a lalf of liberals in russia are jews, and almost all of them support ukronazis who murdered their ancestors in 1941-45 in regions near kiev.
it’s xactly this kind of guy.
russia always fails its allies…heheheh
shut your mouth you little joo. slovakia is trying to be independent
yes , this is a struggle for independence in hungary , poland , slovakia and maybe some other countries soon, not the new dependence from russia.
what a dick. hehehe
this is how you know nato is losing
cia sleeper agent…the killer
nato tried to murder him.
(ursula von leyen & jens stoltenberg considered him one of imperial europes most urgent problems. in the end he refused their bribed. but. i guess, in the end, they have other means at their disposal…)
same as prime minister olof palme in the 80’s.
i also see the similarity
there is very little news coming yet as to the identity and motive of the shooter! if he acted alone or if other arrests have been made! this event is without a doubt the work of western intelligence services acting with the knowledge and approval of those opposed to fico in slovenia