Russian air defense systems intercepted several unidentified aerial objects over the Hmeimim airbase in the province of Lattakia in the late hours of May 19.
Local sources said that the objects were likely rockets or armed unnamed aerial vehicles (UAVs). The sources also confirmed that all the objects were shot down away from the airbase, causing no damage.
Following the attacks, Syrian Arab Air Defense (SyAADF) units in the coastal region were reportedly placed on high-alert, likely to counter any possible attack on Hmeimim.
If reports are confirmed, this would be the second attack on the Russian airbase since the beginning of the temporary ceasefire around Idlib. In the first hours of the ceasefire, radical militants launched a barrage of Grad rockets at the airbase, killing at least one civilian.
The situation on the frontlines around Idlib remained calm after the attack, which signals that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is planning to stick to the temporary ceasefire.
Jihadists cannot stay still.
WTF is wrong with Putin, doesn’t he know that repeating the same useless strategy over and over again with absolutely no difference to the end result is just a sign of pure insanity, it’s like banging your head up against a thick brick wall and hoping that eventually your head will bash it down, even though you’ve already tried it a hundred times before and it failed every single time.
We all know what has to be done to stop the rebels continued attacks on the Russian airbases, it seems Putin’s the only one who believes and hopes there’s an alternative way to stop them, but I don’t, I think no matter what Putin does to appease them and their master Erdogan, they will never stop attacking the Russians.
There’s only one way to really stop the continued attacks on the Russian air bases, and that is to remove the rebels altogether, which would mean they wouldn’t be able to attack any one at all, not the Russians or Syrians or anyone. Unless of course their continued presence in the region actually suited Putin’s grande strategy in some way, and there was some unknown benefit in keeping them there, then perhaps I could understand why the rebels are still alive and allowed to reek such havoc.
People like you are the reason why famous quotes like this were made:
“think white and get serious”!
You are thinking in terms of military tactics! But as we all can obviously see, you have no idea what is going on politically!
Therefore i think you are not “seeing the forrest for the trees”!
Did u stop for a minute to think that maybe there is a geopolitical constraint on Putin with Turkey? HUH? did u stop to think for one fucking second? or did your brain just go into beast mode?
Its Chess, not checkers you dumb ass!
So many fucking keyboard warriors on this site!
You think Putin with his advanced military intelligence groups and think tanks, Glonass satellites, drones in the sky, AWACS and spies with special forces doing forward observation and recon DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING? HUH?
DID U STOP TO THINK FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND? Or did you vagina start to bleed and then you got all hot and flustered?
It’s not that famous a quote, I’ve never heard of it before, and I also doubt that many others have either, and I also wonder what the hell it means, was it made by a famous teenager like Justin beaver perhaps?
“Did u stop for a minute to think that maybe there is a geopolitical constraint on Putin with Turkey? HUH? did u stop to think for one fucking second? or did your brain just go into beast mode?”
Geopolitical constraint on Putin by Erdogan, LOL, the US hates Erdogan and Erdogan hates the US, the EU hates Erdogan and Erdogan hates the EU, the Arab League hates Erdogan and Erdogan hates the Arab League, the Israelis hate Erdogan and Erdogan hates the Israelis, the Kurds hate Erdogan and Erdogan hates the Kurds, who’s the only person who loves Erdogan dickhead? Geopolitical restraints hey.
“You are thinking in terms of military tactics! But as we all can obviously see, you have no idea what is going on politically!
Therefore i think you are not “seeing the forrest for the trees”!
I can see the civilians hanging from those trees you talk about, and the women being savagely raped behind those same trees, so you’re right, I don’t think about things from a military or political perspective, I’m thinking about it from a moral perspective, the same way Putin should be thinking about it since he’s actually allied to Syria and all it’s people.
“You think Putin with his advanced military intelligence groups and think tanks, Glonass satellites, drones in the sky, AWACS and spies with special forces doing forward observation and recon DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING? HUH?”
Is that why all the leading Russian military commanders keep telling both Putin and the Russian media that they could wipe out all rebel factions in Idlib easily, and should actually do so as soon as possible, perhaps Putin should start listening to what his own top ranking military commanders are telling him to do, and not Erdogan. So your right, Putin should do what his own people are suggesting, I agree with that, but he doesn’t, or don’t you read Russian military statements or watch Russian media and have no idea what I’m talking about. The Russian military hierarchy is right and Putin is wrong, wipe out the rebels for good, they know much better than Putin what needs to be done and Putin should let them get on with it, at the very least he should stand aside and let the SAA do it by themselves, WHILST KEEPING HIS FRIEND ERDOGAN TROOPS OFF OF THE SAA’S BACKS.
DID U STOP TO THINK FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND? Or did you vagina start to bleed and then you got all hot and flustered?
I think you get too hot and flustered when you look at those pictures of a shirtless Putin, I think you should pull his posters down pronto and stop gratifying yourself over them, that’s what I think, it’s hard to think rationally when you’re sexually infatuated with someone, you become way too biased and irrational like you are.
“It’s not that famous a quote, I’ve never heard of it before, and I also doubt that many others have either, and I also wonder what the hell it means, was it made by a famous teenager like Justin beaver perhaps?”
there was no real point in debating me on this. you were butt hurt and needed a win! You exposed yourself here!
“Geopolitical constraint on Putin by Erdogan, LOL, the US hates Erdogan and Erdogan hates the US, the EU hates Erdogan and Erdogan hates the EU, the Arab League hates Erdogan and Erdogan hates the Arab League”
This is where you and i disagree completely!
Turkey is single handedly THE MOST IMPORTANT NATO ALLY! The black sea access, south of Russia and a strong influence in the Caucus region! You have got to be fucking kidding me here! there is no way that you cant know this!
Qatar (who is in the Arab league) depends on turkey (and vice versa) Turkey is deeply involved in the Muslim Brotherhood which makes them a secret ally to many arab nations! “Erdogan hates the EU” lol! Who gives a fuck about feelings u moron! its about common interests! Money talks and bla bla bla! Dont be a dumb ass!
“I don’t think about things from a military or political perspective, I’m thinking about it from a moral perspective,”
AGAIN, you show me a Moron’s argument here! We all know about war and civilians and innocence but has that ever stopped it? I dont know about you but i live in the real world! I dont PRETEND that suddenly all nations in the world are going to give up their geopolitical goals and greed and start handing out food and gold coins to the poor! You were the one making a military, tactical statement and now you want to do the opposite by making it all about innocent people! I would love it just as much as you to be about the innocent people but again, you fucking KNOW its about the end goal! Do you think u are going to win points in heaven for saying this? If u care about the innocent, then why even mention military tactics? Why not just send in hippies with flowers and hand woven baskets full of tulips and love! Get fuckin serious dude!
ok your last point about the military saying they could win this easily!
Again, any man and his dog KNOWS this! They could send in all their tanks, jets, bombs, iskanders, cruise missiles, tu-160’s, spetznaz etc etc and it would all be over in one day! But thats why i said to your dumb ass, “think white and get serious” lol!
Military think in terms of military! they are a hammer looking for a nail! Poiliticans think in terms of diplomacy and costs! They think in terms of making an ally rather than making an enemy! They think about Turkstream (you that fucking pipe thats gonna make russia rich? yeah that fucking thing) they think in terms of many factors! Remember when turkey CLEARLY was the enemy? Remember? they shot down a russian jet, transporting and buying isis oil, funnelling fighters over the border etc etc! Do u remember Putin exposing it? Then after Aleppo, Turkey switches sides! Do you think Turkey would have switched sides if Putin started openly bombing Turkish soldiers? HUH? did you think for one second about that?
Now Putin has Erdogan eating out of his fucking hands and you want to go and fuck that all up and give the USA exactly what they want?
This war has to be seen as Syria winning it! Turkey has to be seeing this as a costly and ineffective war where he can risk losing more than he can gain! Of course russia could just come in and clean up, but that would make Turkey a mortal enemy next to Russia! Would kill turkstream! How can Russia feed Europe if turkey (a NATO ally) says “fuck off”!
you got hurt by the “Vagina” comment! All it means is that you were behaving like a whining, impatient female! You got butt hurt again!
You exposed nobody but yourself in your response!
You were wrong! i have Russian intellect on my side (The actual war going on the way it is in reality) And you have your emotions! Thats what this debate between you and i is really all about! Smart political, strategic reality and YOUR EMOTIONS!
Like i said, your vagina is getting itchy and you are cranky! Go wash it!
“Turkey is single handedly THE MOST IMPORTANT NATO ALLY!”
Is it really, maybe you’re forgetting what happened with the US nukes stored at the Turkish facilities after the attempted coup.
Under Erdogan’s rule Turkey has become the most unreliable member state of NATO, Erdogan has caused the EU/US/NATO more trouble than all the other member countries combined, and is still causing problems, you’re right when you say Turkey is vitally important to NATO, but Erdogan isn’t, he’s a liability. “You have got to be fucking kidding me here! there is no way that you cant know this”. Moron.
“Qatar (who is in the Arab league) depends on turkey (and vice versa) Turkey is deeply involved in the Muslim Brotherhood which makes them a secret ally to many arab nations”
Qatar is still a member of the Arab League, but the whole League despises Qatar, some of the AL countries would most likely have gone to war against Qatar if Turkey hadn’t intervened and backed them up militarily. I think 6 of the Arab League countries now have the Muslim brotherhood listed as a terrorist organization, and btw Turkey and Qatar are the greatest proponents of the Brotherhood ideology, the Arab League hate Turkey and Qatar. “You have got to be fucking kidding me here! there is no way that you cant know this”. Moron.
“AGAIN, you show me a Moron’s argument here! We all know about war and civilians and innocence but has that ever stopped it? I dont know about you but i live in the real world! I dont PRETEND that suddenly all nations in the world are going to give up their geopolitical goals and greed and start handing out food and gold coins to the poor!”
China does and look where they are now, no wars from China, just helpful presents and cooperation, and they’re in geopolitical heaven right now, the US and Russian way of doing things isn’t the only way to do things,. “You have got to be fucking kidding me here! there is no way that you cant know this”. Moron.
“You were the one making a military, tactical statement and now you want to do the opposite by making it all about innocent people! I would love it just as much as you to be about the innocent people but again, you fucking KNOW its about the end goal! Do you think u are going to win points in heaven for saying this? If u care about the innocent, then why even mention military tactics? Why not just send in hippies with flowers and hand woven baskets full of tulips and love! Get fuckin serious dude!”
For me the end goal is the liberation of Idlib and all it’s citizens, the innocent must be freed and the guilty punished, it’s that simple. Of the 150,000 SAA soldiers in Assad’s army, the only ones not chaffing at the bit to get in and liberate Idlib are the ex FSA fighters [who were forced to join the SAA after the lost the Daraa/Quneitra campaign], most of the rest can’t wait to get stuck into the Rebels in Idlib, apart from the cowards that is. Believe it or not, some men feel a basic need to protect the innocent, they don’t do it for money, they don’t do it for glory, they do it because of a moral compulsion. Most of them just want to get back to a normal life you know, but they can’t yet, the war has to finish first. “You have got to be fucking kidding me here! there is no way that you cant know this”. Moron
“Now Putin has Erdogan eating out of his fucking hands and you want to go and fuck that all up and give the USA exactly what they want?”
Eating out of his hands hey, LOL.
The first Astana agreement Erdogan was supposed to set up 8 OB posts, he set up 12, 4 extra unsanctioned and illegal OB posts and one was placed in between the advancing SAA and the badly losing rebels halting the SAA offensive. Eating out of his hand, LOL.
Back in June last year all parties, EU/US/Arab league minus Qatar/Israel, all said Assad could stay in power in Syria, they even allowed him to take back all the south of Syria unhindered, only Erdogan kept saying Assad had to go, and also opposed the green light for the Daraa/Quneitra campaign, eating out of his hand hey.
And now we have resolution 2254 and the new constitutional amendments that come with it, they will most likely be the end for Assad, and guess who it’s greatest proponent is, Erdogan, eating out of his hand, LOL.
I call that biting the hand that feeds you. “You have got to be fucking kidding me here! there is no way that you cant know this”. Moron
“This war has to be seen as Syria winning it! Turkey has to be seeing this as a costly and ineffective war where he can risk losing more than he can gain! Of course russia could just come in and clean up, but that would make Turkey a mortal enemy next to Russia! Would kill turkstream! How can Russia feed Europe if turkey (a NATO ally) says “fuck off”!”
The US has economic and trade sanctions imposed on Turkey and are doing their level best to destabilize Erdogan politically, the Arab League are doing the same thing politically, especially the Saudis, and the EU is unhappy with the refugee situation in Syria, they want the war to end so all the refugees in Turkey can go home to Syria, that way they wont have to keep paying Erdogan billions to look after them.
Putin is the only real friend that Erdogan has that really matters, Putin has helped him reshape his economy for at least 2 years now, he’s organized mutually beneficial trade deals that have helped Erdogan avoid some of the damage US sanctions have caused, and he also helped broker a deal between Iran and Turkey and the US, to allow Erdogan to buy cheap Iranian crude despite the sanctions, he is the best friend Erdogan could ever have, why doesn’t he just pull his troops out of Idlib for Putin?
It’s because Putin isn’t making him, and I think he could if he wanted to, maybe not by threatening military actions, but by giving him incentives to leave, but he doesn’t, why not?
Do you get paid to abuse people who have contrary views to your perception of Putin’s efforts in Syria
Here’s a little excerpt from the past,
“In mid-March, weeks before this current crisis began, the chief of Russia’s General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, warned publicly that any U.S. strikes that threatened the lives of Russian servicemen in Syria would prompt Russia to fire on not only the missiles, but also their launchers —- implying Russia would potentially open fire on a U.S. warship that had launched cruise missiles.
That statement attracted notice at the time, seeming to impose a dangerous “red line” for Moscow itself. However, neither Russia’s military nor the Kremlin have repeated the warning since missile strikes have become a real possibility. That was, until Wednesday when the Russian ambassador to Lebanon referred to the warning again in an interview to Hezbollah TV.
“If there is a strike by the Americans, then … the missiles will be downed and even the sources from which the missiles were fired,” Alexander Zasypkin told Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV Tuesday evening in Arabic, according to Reuters — the comment that some believe prompted Trump’s tweet.
But the Kremlin itself has avoided repeating the shoot-down warning, when asked repeatedly about it Wednesday. Nor has Russia’s Defense ministry, which has not said what its response to U.S. strikes would be. So far, the Kremlin has seemed to avoid sabre-rattling. The Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov called for “all countries” to stay away from “destabilizing steps” around Syria, on Wednesday.”
Putin’s a brilliant diplomat but a crap military leader, the predators started circling the moment he failed to put Russian boots on the ground at the beginning of the uprising way back in 2011, that was his first and BIGGEST mistake, if he’d put boots on the ground before things got out of hand there would have been no Isis and no excuse for the US to come in and attack Isis, and no Turks in Syria at all either, but there were no Russian boots on the ground, EVEN THOUGH ALL HIS TOP RANKING COMMANDERS WERE SAYING YES, GO IN AND FINISH IT QUICKLY, way back in 2011/12.
Brilliant diplomat but shit military commander.
If all men thought like you Hezbollah would have been beaten senseless by the Israelis back in 2014, but they weren’t, they gave the Israelis a beating and gave as good as they got, they didn’t use diplomacy and you know why, sometimes it just doesn’t work, just ask President Assad, he’ll tell you.
Go back to your LGBTQI magazines and posters of Putin you idiotic wanker.
“Is it really, maybe you’re forgetting what happened with the US nukes stored at the Turkish facilities after the attempted coup.”
yeah i remember!
First they shot a russian bomber out of the sky and had sanctions placed oon them by russia and then they counter sanctioned russia! Then russia mobiled troops down to its southern border and flew attack helicopters and mig-29;s down to Armenia!
Then there was the US nuke thing (plus germany removing air defences) and turkey demanding money to keep refugees!
So we can say both USA/ NATO and Russia were pissed off!
“they despise qatar”
Qatar is the MOST wealthiest nation in the world (money talks)! Qatar bought 20% shares in Rosneft after Aleppo liberation! Qatar BOUGHT US protection! Qatar rushed turkish forces to its bases!
Who cares who despises who, money fixes everything!
Saudi arabia has ben quiet since!
“China does and look where they are now”
Do not talk to me about china until you know as much as i do about China!
Ill give you the short story because the long story is too much! China is the new Zionist Globalist headquarters!
China stays out because it is trying to overtake the USA economically and then militarily! Globalists transferred western industry to grow China and treasonous traitors and spies transferred the tech! Ifyou want more info on this i can send you or u can research it yourself! China IS NOT the good guy!
In the coming months you will learn more about this!
Ukraine, China and Turkey will be in the news BIG TIME soon!
Ukraine for its involvement with the Democratic and clinton and Biden crime family!
China for tech theft!
Turkey for corruption and involvement with ISIS!
Just wait and see! Actually it already started but you need to google it! it will be mainstream news soon! (to be honest im way ahead of most people on this site)
Russia vs USA?
Again im way ahead of you on this info! Sorry u dont know this yet! Russian and USA are unofficially allies! Officially after the 2020 elections in the US! I have written HUGE comments on this on this site on other pages and people LOVED what i wrote and what i showed them to prove it! And yes i used pictures, videos and statements made! So if u dont know this, sorry but im not writing is again! happy to send u a link tho! let me know if u wanna read it!
“Putin’s a brilliant diplomat but a crap military leader”
i now you would like me to respond and prove my own points but to be honest u are so blind sided that i fear u cannot see nor handle any information i can send you to wake u up! You are thinking 2 dimensionally! U accept what u see and hear and then make ur decision! Let me tell u, the geopolitical world doesnt work the way u think it does!
short example!: The CIA (under obama and leaders before) does not work for the USA! You think it does but thats why u are wrong and it is obvious u are not keeping up wiith any news in the real world! The CIA, mossad and MI6 are ot loyal to their own nations! they are loyal to globalists / zionist pigs!
The sooner you understand that and accept that the sooner u will figure things out!
i see u as a fish swimming in the sea questioning its reality based on the water being the universe! i feel like i am a sea bird who flies over land, air and dives into the sea to find food! my perspective is much greater than yours because i do not limit my knowledge based on what southfront reports! i actually know whats going on politically! You are clearly unaware of the intelligence war that is occurring between MI6, CIA, Mossad, MSM, Deep State and the military industrial complex! And in all honesty, this war is FAR greater and is above all u speak of! Because all u speak of here is a symptom / bi-product of the larger war! And because of this i have to leave u to your sea world universe!
if u want to know the real war, u need to leave the water (get off southfront and look at whats going on in the USA and Russia) Until then i will leave u for your “geopolitics for dummies” hand book and bid you a good day!
The LGBTQI emperor was in office, and even though he’s long gone now, all his henchmen are still working in the bureaucratic departments trying to pull the rug out from under Trump’s feet.
Trump’s just one of the three anti LGBTQI Emperors, and between him Putin and XI Jinping, Obama’s legacy is being destroyed.
You might see Zionist conspiracies, NeoCon subversion and manipulation, Geo political maneuvering, and whatever else, but I only see the fight between the old world order, and the new world order, and the new world order is all about the LGBTQI movement dominating the whole world with it’s new ideology.
Qatar may have wealth but that’s all it has, and wealth isn’t always as important as you might assume, if it was, Qatar would be one of the most powerful nations in the world, but it isn’t, it’s just the opposite.
If China was becoming the new Global Zionist headquarters it’s only going to benefit Chinese women and not the men, you can’t become Jewish unless you marry a Jewish man, and you can’t just convert to Judaism.
And why aren’t the Zionists buying up Gold like the Russians and Chinese are, that’s odd isn’t it.
And why do Russia and China have their own independent world monetary fund, that actually conflicts with the Zionist controlled world monetary fund. The Russians and the Chinese dish out heaps of low interest loans to poor countries, which means they take a lot of interest repayments away from the Zionists.
As well as that they’re both encouraging many countries to revert back to a barter system where no cash actually changes hands at all, it’s all goods or services swapped for a combination of goods and services, especially successful in circumventing the use if Petrodollars and avoiding sanctions if applicable, that’s not very Zionist either.
I’m not sure about all the countries you mentioned being sanctioned, but Turkey and Erdogan are definitely complicit with supporting Isis and always have, it won’t surprise me at all if evidence is brought to light.
I totally agree Putin and Trump have a secret alliance between them, maybe not in the traditional sense, but in the sense that, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” type of alliance.
Obama was a General in the New World Order and his main job was to destroy Putin. The New World Order has been trying to destroy Putin since 2006, he introduced 2 laws into Russian Legislation they didn’t like at all and that started the war.
Putin Trump and Xi Jinping all have one thing in common, their anti LGBTQI stance. The same people who tried to destroy Putin are also trying to destroy Trump, and to a lesser extent Xi.
People used to say Senator John McCain was a Zionist for years, but look at how hard he fought for LGBTQI rights in the US in his end days, he used to froth at the mouth and cry sometimes when he was advocating for their rights, he even wanted transgenders in the US military, he was no Zionist at all, he was really a rainbow warrior, sorry I mean general, Like Obama. Most of the people you think of as Zionists might be Zionists, but more importantly their also always something else too, not just Zionists.
When I look at how the worlds changed over the last 55 years I’ve been around only one thing stands out above all others, I’ve noticed that the people who never ever had a say in how traditional families behaved now get to tell the people who always had the only say in how traditional families should be behaving, dictate how families now should be, for the first time in human history.
That’s what I see, the New World Order is trying to destroy the Old World Order, and even though they all seem to be on different sides and have conflicting interests, Putin, Trump, and Xi Jinping are all Old World Order, and their common enemy is the New Word order.
If the Zionist were really trying to secretly take over the world they haven’t kept it very well hidden, scapegoats comes to mind.
“if it was, Qatar would be one of the most powerful nations in the world, but it isn’t, it’s just the opposite.”
i am not saying they are powerful! they barely have an army! but they have LEVERAGE! Money buys defence and leverage (sharing the worlds biggest gas field with Iran) allows them the leverage they need! Remember, this Syrian war was for a gas pipe from Qatar! Now it failed, they decided to give it up, buy Rosneft shares (profit from russian sales to Europe) and ally with iran who will sell to china! Remember, Qatar also supports Palestine! Saudi does not! Qatar does play games but they also have some fundamental beliefs! They are not prostitutes like the Saudi royal family who sell their ass to Israel! Leverage is key! Leverage is all the power you need! They can switch from one side to the other! They are literally the fly that lands on a balanced scale and can tip it the other way!
i disagree with you here! Again you are not seeing the picture from above! They dont care about LGBTQI
What unites Russia and Trump is Oil, gas, the EU Mafia, George Soros, Christianity, profits from the cold war, space, China being propped up by Globalists, anti- pedophilia, anti-evil, economic prosperity, US investment in Russian oil and gas and mineral excavation, global crime families, zionists etc etc!
“John McCain”
Both trump and Putin hated John McCain! John McCain was not only a FAKE patriot but he was treasonous! He sold out his own country! He Trafficked Human Beings, Controlled Republican politicians through fear, information, threat of murder, money and compromise! He was one of the people who sold tech to North Korea and China! His helper (who controlled the Dems in the same way he controlled the repubs) was Hillary Clinton! She had the “Clinton Foundation” and he had the “McCain Institute”!
do you see the Rothschilds?
Do you see someone in common? Who was this guys father? where did his father work?
John McCain did not die from Cancer! he did not tare his achilles heel either! (he swapped the foot brace from one foot to the other) he had a GPS tracking device on him! (just like hillary did at the same time) (you can read admit McCain openly admitting he swapped the foot brace to “give his foot a rest”! you do not rest a major tendon tare and even if you did, why put the foot brace onto the perfectly healthy foot? Better to use no brace in that case)
John McCain (who dumb ass Americans think was a hero) was actually tried and convicted by a military tribunal! He was sentenced to death for high treason and trafficking humans (including children) to profit from border crossings, sales of human body parts (this includes in north Korea, Haiti and Africa) and for sex! He also used this info to compromise those who purchased them! Thats what these institutes and foundations are for! To profit from human trafficking and to gain control of those who purchase them! Vatican does this also!
McCains death sentence and date and exact time of death (down to the very minute) was leaked to the public by the NSA on 8Chan (which by the way was created by the NSA now proven)(the NSA is in a war with the CIA who is controlled by Mossad)
Look at the times, look at the dates! Exactly 30 days before to the exact minute (witnessed by millions of people) McCain with hands up!
Like i said, Syria can be seen from an entirely different point of view when you begin to find out the Truth!
When i come to this website, all the comments i read are like words from children! They have no idea! Many of them praise China and Iran! They have no idea that China and Iran were working with the CIA all the time!
Why would obama drop sanctions on iran?
Who was his number one adviser? Valerie Jarrett! What powerful iranian family is she from? What about alwaleed bin talal? George Soros! How can you have a globalists zionist nazi jew, working with an Iranian Shiia Elitist with a wealthy Sunni Wahhabi Prince? How can these 3 things go together and allow Obama to unfreeze 130 billion in Iranian assets!
What is the relation between the CIA, North Korea and Iran?
What is Iran’s REAL relation to Syria?
What REAL targets did the USA hit in Syria (or were they all shot down)
Why did Russia allow the US missile attack to occur?
Where were the join Chiefs of staff (what country) when the first volley of missiles hit?
Where did Iran and NK get there Uranium from? (P>S it wasnt from Russia, all Uranium has a atomic signature that can trace its origin in the same way the chemicals used in Damascus were traced to the UK)
This info flips everything yoou know about Syria, Russia, china etc etc on its head!
And to make things seem even more crazy!
Google works for China because google is the CIA!
Same as for Facebook and twitter!
if u want proof of this, i can send but im sure u can find this out for yourself, the truth is looking you right in the face, you dont even have to look hard!
Im stopping here!
See you when you get there! (when u KNOW whats really going on)
The Syrian government coalition is winning the war at a fraction of the cost that the Jew world order miscreants are spending to lose it. The government foot print is expanding and the opposition foot print is contracting. Which has been going on for years and is unlikely to stop. As the government position strengthens and the opposition position weakens.
Correct me if I’ve misinterpreted your comment. But it sounds like you want much higher expenditures in money by the Syrian government coalition with a lot more death, injury and destruction using your adolescent Rambo tactics.
Apart from the cost of Russian lives, Putin pays not one red cent extra towards Russia’s military operations in Syria, and that’s according to official Russian government statements. The expenditure for the Syrian operations are incorporated into Russia’s annual military research and training budget, which means they would have spent that money anyway, even if they weren’t fighting a war Syria, but as a bonus the Russians now also get to test out and train in real life combat situations, but still only spent the same amount of money they would have anyway. They lose the occasional Russian life but gain huge amounts of influence, you may not have noticed the Arab League defecting from the Israeli/US side to the Russian side but they have, and it’s all part of the process Putin seems to be the mastermind behind. I think Putin has no real reason to end hostilities in Syria just yet, definitely not monetary ones anyway.
You seem to forget the fact I don’t give a F–K about military death and injuries, that’s what militaries do to each other, and the SAA have the ability to kick the rebels to high heaven if they’re actually allowed to, so most of the injuries and death will be on the rebels side anyway, I couldn’t care less about them, but what I do worry about is the civilian population stuck in Idlib, they’re stuck there under the rebels heels until the SAA liberate them, how much longer do they have to wait before someone ends their suffering, it’s gone on long enough.
Please provide verification that the Syrian war doesn’t cost Russia anything. I’ve never seen it. And while you’re at it Mr. sand box commander who couldn’t care less about the lives, injuries and deaths of your soldiers. Try to keep an eye out for getting fragged by your own men. Also please provide a budget for your escalation, and how many more civilians and soldiers you’re planning to injure and kill. And what the reconstruction costs would be from the destruction that you’re advocating. And who is going to pay for it all.
Just read the first 2 sentences of the comment you are answering again and find out who the “moron” i is.
You’re a truth hater. But feel free to prove your point with a quote and explanation, or make a bigger fool out of yourself trying and failing than you already have.
Listen you stupid little homosexual chimp, I don’t care if you don’t believe me.
Indeed, much of the funding for the Kremlin’s Syria campaign is drawn from the Russian military’s training budget. “Money for the war is taken from the combat training part of the military budget,” Vasily Kashin, a senior fellow at the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics, said. “All of the new equipment was combat tested there—even the types not yet approved for serial production, tens of thousands of officers got real combat experience. Spending the same amount of money on training would not get the same results.”
Regarding training and lessons learned, the Russians believe that the war is essentially cost neutral. “Of course, it is extremely important and, in a sense, it is paying for itself,” Kashin said.
There are 100 other articles if you bother to look, and from many different sources, and even official Russian budget figures are also available if you care to take some extra time. MORON.
“Putin pays not one red cent extra towards Russia’s military operations in Syria, and that’s according to official Russian government statements.”
Thank you for confirming that you’re a bald face liar with Jew shoe polish and used toilet paper on your tongue from shilling for the evil Jew pedophile cult.
Nowhere in your post is there any proof that the war isn’t costing Russia money. Even if a university think tank was an “official government statement” which obviously it’s not. It’s just one academic’s obviously analogous opinion trying to make the case that in a way the war isn’t costing Russia billions of dollars when obviously it is. You have no official government statement saying otherwise. Because you’re a lying hasbara troll.
“the Russians believe that the war is essentially cost neutral. “Of course, it is extremely important and, in a sense, it is paying for itself,” Kashin said.”
You’re a moron and a liar. Even Kashin is admitting that the war is costing Russia money and is trying to white wash the costs.
you’re way too obsessive, you need help.
You need to prove your points with legitimate proof and stop spamming these threads with lies and you won’t run into so much negativity.
I don’t need to do anything but ignore you you moron, that’s what I have to do.
If you want to correct your credibility deficit and not be taken to task for spamming these threads with lies you do. If you don’t care about your reputation then people will continue to out your lies and stupidity as they see fit.
I don’t have a credibility deficit with you, I couldn’t care less what you think LOL.
You’re a pathological liar.
No I’m not, you’re just insane.
Any rational person reading your comments can see that you’re a habitual liar and false accusser spamming these threads with lies and stupidity. You’re wasting my time with your idiocy.
Any rational person reading your comments can see that you’re obsessive and have a compunction disorder.
I have a solution for you, when you see my name above a post, just don’t read the post, try your best to ignore it, you’ll be much happier, and so will I.
This is easily provable in your case and is why truthers here object to you spamming these threads with disinfo and stupidity:
“Pathological lying is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.[1] [2] …
pathological lying has been defined as “falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime”.”
– Pathological lying –
You’re compulsively insane RichardD, I don’t need to link anything to make that assertion.
You’re a false accuser. What you lie about and what you can prove are two different things. I’ve repeatedly outed your lies. You’ve disproven nothing that I’ve written. You don’t even try to defend yourself from being sick in the head from your habitual lying. You just spew more lies further proving that you’re a head case.
You can’t even understand the written word properly, you misunderstood that article on Russian tech the Iranian missiles were using, and made that ridiculously stupid comment about the russian supplied missiles, if you’ve forgotten I’ll link your comment and the story to refresh your memory. talk about spreading BS and false info, and some half witts actually liked your comment, the blind leading the blind comes to mind.
Did you want the last word again did you, no not yet.
Quote what I’ve written that’s “completely insane”. And then explain what makes it insane. You can’t, so you won’t even try. Which further illustrates that you’re a disinfo troll spamming these threads with lies and stupidity.
Please verify it yourself you moron.
Putin told NATO what he’d do to them in his address to the Nation speech dickhead, specifically the countries allowing NATO to establish new bases, and then he showed them what he’d do when he launched that 1,000,000,000 strong tactical nuclear strike war games he and China had.
Blah blah blah, you’re a moron.
“Putin pays not one red cent extra towards Russia’s military operations in Syria, and that’s according to official Russian government statements.”
Just as I expected, another dodge. You have no proof from “official Russian government statements” because you’re a liar and a head case peddling disinfo.
Of course R&D is part of any hot war, it always is. But the Russians aren’t cannibalizing their R&D budget to pay for thousands of sorties and other day to combat costs. I doubt that they’ve even cut back on their R&D projects that would be funded war or no war. They have upwards of $500 billion in gold and foreign reserves with almost no government debt. They have no need to cannibalize their R&D budget to pay for day to day war fighting costs.
You don’t see much at all because you’re too busy trolling people dickhead.
You’re a liar and false accuser who can’t prove your points because you’re spamming these threads with disinfo. And there is no proof for your lies because they’re lies.
“WTF is wrong with Putin, doesn’t he know that repeating the same useless strategy over and over again with absolutely no difference”
First Putin is a politician, his job is to lay out the objectives of the military campaign which were to not allow a power vacuum in Syria by restoring the Assad government in Syria and to make sure the 25,000 Russian citizens fighting fir ISIS never return home.
Putin is responsible for Russian relations with Syria’s neighbours Turkey and Israel. His first priority is Turkey’s and Israel’s relationship with Russia. The Syrian objectives are important but wresting Turkey away from NATO and keeping good relations with Israel are more important than keeping Assad in power. The idea is to accomplish both objectives which IMO is a formidable diplomatic task.
Putin’s defence minister Sergey Shoygu is responsible for strategy which as far as I can see is to keep Assad in power with a minimum loss of life or cost in rubles. To this point this has been achieved by providing intelligence, training, weapons and support to the SAA and most importantly to provide special forces teams to negotiate with local leaders and military police to maintain order.
The Russians don’t seem too panicked about drone and missile attacks on Latakia. In fact I find it rather impressive that the Russians have such confidence in their defences. They just swat away the incursions rather than over reacting as other countries tend to do killing innocent civilians in massive air strikes.
Good points.
Back in 2011/12 all of Russia’s top military commanders were telling Putin to go in and finish the job quickly, they wanted to help Assad put down the uprising and actually put Russian boots on the ground too, but Putin the brilliant diplomat/politician ignored his own top military commanders advice and went down the diplomatic path instead, [military men understand what the term alliance means, politicians and diplomats don’t], and what does he have to show for it, be totally honest with yourself and reappraise what’s happened since 2011.
If Putin would have listened to his commanders and put Russian boots on the ground at the very beginning of the troubles, there would have been no Isis invasion, and no excuse for the US to invade [and pretend to fight Isis], and no chance in hell the Turks could have invaded at all, I think diplomacy works when it works, but when it doesn’t there’s really only one other way to solve disputes. How many lives would have been lost if Putin had listened to his Generals and military advisors and gone in hard early, not as many as we have now I’m sure, no where near as many, and we wouldn’t have had 8 years of misery either, just a few months of localized misery.
Currently according to official Russian statements the war in Syria is cost neutral, all current expenditures for the Syrian effort are coming out of the pre existing military research and training budget, and they’ve even boasted that not only is it not costing them a cent more than their normal budget expenditure, they’re now getting to test out all their new equipment and weapons in real combat situations, and they’re also boasting about all the combat experience all their commanders are getting as they rotate them in and out of Syria, THEY LOVE IT, please check for yourself.
“Putin is responsible for Russian relations with Syria’s neighbours Turkey and Israel. The Syrian objectives are important but wresting Turkey away from NATO and keeping good relations with Israel are more important than keeping Assad in power. The idea is to accomplish both objectives which IMO is a formidable diplomatic task.”
Your right but the Arab league is what Putin wants the most, he has the Saudis raising the price of oil and helping to make ‘Russia Great again’ as well as all the other countries highly dependent on Oil and gas revenue, he’s the new leader of a newly formed trading block that no one seems to want to talk about, but everyone can see it, and also feel it in the hip pocket when we buy our fuel.
And yes he does want good relations with both Turkey and Israel, but that’s going to be very hard to achieve. Erdogan’s been destroying the once very good relationship between Turkey and Israel for the last decade [practically destroyed it], and I don’t think it’ll be mended while Erdogan’s still in power, I wonder how could Putin maintain a good coherent relationship with these 2 particular parties [both so demanding and irrational] and keep them both happy at the same time, I don’t think he could, that would be a mountain way to high to climb. It would be far better to do what the Israelis and the Arab league want to do, help remove Erdogan from power and start again, and if you think a new Turkish leader wouldn’t be as helpful to Putin as Erdogan has been, I think you’d be wrong, I think no matter who the new Turkish leader is, they’ll be way more cooperative with everyone, and not be adversarial to anyone at all, least of all Putin, especially since he’s tied Turkey’s economy so closely to the Russian economy making them both dependent on each other since his newly formed partnership with him, they’d have to be on good terms with Putin.
45% of the Turkish population hate Erdogan, they want to lynch him and hang him from a tree, is he a safe bet for anyone to back politically.
About the drone attacks, in the month prior to the 120 sorties in one day, the Russians only launched about half or just over that many sorties altogether, and there were 11 other drone attacks in that same month, I think they got hot and bothered that day they launched 120 sorties, and that was the same day the rebels claimed they killed the Russian servicemen, coincidence?
Wouldn’t you call 120 airstrikes in one day Massive airstrikes, and they weren’t targeting rebels dug into bunkers either, they targeted possible factory and assembly sites, and where do you think most of them would have been located, not in the bunkers I suspect.
Syrialiveuamaps has an excellent timeline feature that shows what happened in the month prior to the 120 sorties in one day. The opposition run the site though but I still think it’s pretty accurate most of the time, it will show any casualties that occurred if any, and where the strikes occurred.
“Putin the brilliant diplomat/politician ignored his own top military commanders advice and went down the diplomatic path instead, [military men understand what the term alliance means, politicians and diplomats don’t], and what does he have to show for it, be totally honest with yourself and reappraise what’s happened since 2011.”
Putin runs a government and has a cabinet of which the military is only one ministry. The Russian government answers to the Russian people not the military or those of us on the sidelines treating this conflict like a video game. To suggest that Putin should make decisions based on military advise alone is tantamount to allowing the tail to wag the dog.
You can’t honestly assess Russia’s performance in Syria without taking into account Russia’s domestically or on the world stage.
So my opinion of Russia’s performance? FirstISIS or an affiliate of Al Queda does not control Syria. In 2015 before the Russian intervention Assad controlled isolated pockets of his country and the SAA was getting it’s ass handed to it …. today they are a well organized combined armed force that controls the west of the country except for a pocket that can do little but lob a few artillery shells at the SAA.
In 2015 Russia was under sanction from the west over Crimea and it looked like their only profitable gas pipeline was going to be controlled by the Ukraine. Today Russia is nearing completion on three pipelines … pone to China one to Turkey and one to Germany. They’ve just been readmitted to the council of Europe. Their GDP has risen substantially to the point where their arms industry is ramping up, they are expanding their markets for energy and they are self sufficient in food.
Would this have happened if Russia went into Syria guns blazing causing a huge refugee problem for the likes of Turkey and Germany?
Russia has managed to turn Turkey from a country ready to go to war with Russia over Syria to an ally, economic partner and market for Russian arms. Considering the strategic importance of Turkey to NATO and the USA this is huge.
Would this have happened if Russia went into Syria guns blazing?
My appraisal is that Putin has managed to engineer a strategic miracle. He’s managed to take Russia from being a defeated has been of a superpower to a military and economic powerhouse.
It was predicted by Washington pundits that Syria would become become a quagmire for Putin both militarily and economically …. it hasn’t …. quite the opposite.
The major problem politicians in the west have is overestimating what military force alone can achieve. Putin is a realist when it comes to military power …. that’s a sign of intelligence not weakness. Even if Russia was able to decisively win in Syria what would that have cost Russia diplomatically and economically?
Are you still thinking about stopping the SAA offensive ?, well, terrorists will try over and over again until they be successful in destroying or damaging Russia airbasis. Better to get rid of terrorists at Idlib and Al-Tanf. Putin must stop pleasing Turkey (NATO member).
I had heard that the White Helmets, and those who fund them, were planning yet another Chemical Weapon attack in Syria, in order to blame Russia and Syria. Thinking, would they be so stupid, as to try yet again, the same old false flag trick?
Seriously disgusted, with how they choose to plan it and so happy to share this article from Fort Russ.
MAJOR: Terrorists In Syria Preparing Chemical Attack To BLAME Russia
At night, May 17, the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria obtained the information about a provocation prepared by the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the Idlib governorate.
According to the locals of the Seracab village, al-Nusra terrorists are preparing a provocation with the use of chemical agents and parts of Russian air munitions, delivered from other parts of Syria.
The provocation is aimed at indicting Russian Aerospace Forces for using «chemical weapons» against the civilians in the Idlib governorate.
Simulation of «poisoning» Syrians next to the air munitions parts is to be filmed and distributed in social networks and the Western media.
The information obtained by the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria from the Seracab residents found confirmation via another independent channel.
The Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria continues to monitor the situation in the Idlib de-escalation zone and bordering areas.”
Good luck Russia and Syria.