Breaking: Russia will use Air Force to support Syrian army’s fight against ISIS

Russians are coming…

Breaking: Russia will use Air Force to support Syrian army's fight against ISIS

Russian President Vladimir Putin requested the Federation Council upper house of parliament to authorise the use of a Russian Armed Forces’ outside the country, the Kremlin press service reported on Wednesday.

“The head of state signed an executive order to appoint chief of the Russian presidential administration Sergey Ivanov, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and State Secretary – Deputy Defense Minister Nikolay Pankov the president’s authorised representatives during the consideration of the request to the Federation Council for allowing the use of a Russian Armed Forces’ contingent outside the Russian Federation based on the generally recognized international law norms and principles,” the official website of Kremlin informed.

After considering the issue, the Federation Council has granted permission to the Russian president to use the country’s troops in Syria.

Kremlin chief of staff Sergey Ivanov said that Russia will use only its Air Force in Syria against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on Syrian President Bashar Assad’s request.

“All our partners and allies will be informed today about the decision [to use Russian Air Force in Syria]. Specific information will probably be shared with defense ministries as well,” the Russian news agency, Tass, cited Ivanov.

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the liberation of syria is start!!! :)