BREAKING: Israel Struck Beirut Targeting Hezbollah Commander

BREAKING: Israel Struck Beirut Targeting Hezbollah Commander

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On the afternoon of July 30, the Israeli military launched strikes on civilian areas on the southern outskirts of Beirut. According to preliminary reports, at least two people were killed.

The Israeli military confirmed the attack, claiming that the target was one of the commanders of the armed formations of the Hezbollah movement, responsible, according to Israel,for the shelling of the Druze village of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights, where 12 Israeli children were killed.”

Israeli reportedly struck the Bahman hospital, which is located on the southern outskirts of Beirut. The headquarters of Hezbollah is reportedly located at a distance of 100 meters from the medical facility.

BREAKING: Israel Struck Beirut Targeting Hezbollah Commander

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BREAKING: Israel Struck Beirut Targeting Hezbollah Commander

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Chants in Beirut calling for retaliation and in support of Hezbollah:



Earlier, media reported that the United States warned Israel that a possible strike on Hezbollah bases in Beirut could bring the situation in the Middle East out of control. Any further escalation by the IDF could lead to an all-out war as Hezbollah is guaranteed to step up its attack against Israel.


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Here's To Hope

i really hope hezbollah pummels the bast’d kikes..


dont worry, the israeli bastids talked up a big response and nothing like that happened. it means the resistance delivered deterrence is working. all the jews can do is talk big and bomb women and children and people with no air force. israel is absoutely pathetic

Last edited 7 months ago by Kikemobile

swarm of drones is on the way to west jalil, according to reports on the ground


why not russia ? putin promised protection to assad million times. golan heights are syrian territory occupied by israel. let me guess. rothchild is more valuable ally for putin then assad. or more precisely. if putin attacks israel, he would be ousted, overthrown or assassinated in no time. it is not about justice. it is cold, ugly, dirty and cowardly calculation from putin and his cronies.


there are a few intelligent commenters in these threads but you are not in that group, rather the contrary, in the section of dumb dumber dumbest – suggest you tryvto find a thread for your group of dumb dumbest etc, cnn maybe!


israel is a shitty country. based on theft, lies, ethnosupremacist racism and brutality


basically the usa hence why they sponsor them.


you know israel almost killed more children than bashar assad?


kind of like nazi germany which rothschilds and other zionist jews were 100% instrumental in making and shaping. it gives new meaning as to why adolf rothschild left britain alone after finishing it militarily. to win the war wasn’t the goal at all.


yep there must be an end to the criminality of the jews, a final solution is begging to be acknowledge by the world. once they are dealt with the jews accumulated wealth, primarily stolen from the row during the last 200 years, must be used to de-debt the rest of the world (with thecexception of the disunited states that has provided the wherewithal for the jews to steal with impunity!!


yes but not only. hyh is right when stating that jewtin and his cronies are fully in cahoots with the jews, chabad lubavitch & rothchild. just viewing the jewnited states as evil but jewdssr (renamed into rf) as “representing the opposite” is too short-sighted. as jews are ruling both jewsa and jewtins russia. 1917 revolution was done be jews (trotzky aka leo braunstein/bronstein) send into russia by jewsa wallstreet. its just two sides of the same coin.

Last edited 7 months ago by Teresa999
Conan M

worth repeating. “limited” in hebrew means the opposite!… with this attack on lebanon we are one step closer to the realization that our world will be ending soon whether wwiii starts in lebanon, or ukraine!… and we have “the $tate” of i$rael courtesy of it’s north american host that facilitates this parasite since 1949. along with the ***ish lobby in russia (alive and well) that merely looks on…

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M

exactly and still you find here dozens of idiots flaming against the “nazis” resp. german nationalsocialism. despite old ns-germany being the only nation on earth !! that ever dared to directly confront these evil hebrew scum of the earth – called world jewry & tried to destroy these demonic pest of the world…

Last edited 7 months ago by Teresa999

but instead of blaming the parasite, lots of braindeads here are still flaming the parasitehunter, calling him names & damning his acts of defending mankind& white race against the hook-nosed alien worms & all those low-lifes who collaborated with them. it’s really embarassing how stupid the masses in the west as well as the east are. the jewish brainwashing indoctrination medias and eduction system have done real harm to the mind of these masses, sadly.

Last edited 7 months ago by Teresa999

idf retaliates on a false flag orchestrated by idf. makes sense. it is like .. i killed your brother and now i will kill you as a retaliation. interestingly, no headlines are in mainstram about golan heights whatsoever. especially that they are pro syria and these killed kids were arab kids, not jewish.

Conan M

and yet we see nothing from the likes of turkey (ith israeli foreign minister israel katz taking to x to say that erdogan could go the way of saddam hussein) sending troops alongside iran even russia with it’s base in tartus will to tell the un that these attacks must stop “or else”!… would russia ever use it’s tactical cruise/iskanders/kinzahls to teach i$rael a lesson like they have the zionist partners in ukraine?…

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

not as long as russia stays leash bound at the kennel located at 405 east 42nd street, new york, ny, 10017, usa.

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M
Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

revenge🔥revenge🔥revenge🔥! the answer be ruthless!
let there not be one stone upon another in israel. tel aviv, haifa, kyria schimona, galilee, ashdod, berscheba, dimona, eilat, all the cities stolen by the zionists, know the devouring fire of the invincible resistance.
hezbollah is a hurricane of fire!

Last edited 7 months ago by Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

pick up your rifle and get going then you might benefit from the element of surprise, and they would never expect it was you.


people on earth have turned justice into a dirty word. revenge is when you go overboard. justice is when eye-for-an-eye is delivered. most people don’t even mean the extant of justice when they say revenge. maybe this lax attitude towards wanton evil is why there is so much of it?

Icarus Tanović

alright my man, you read my mind.


targetting a hezbollah commander with a bomb for a city block. after their shit tech killed some innocent syrians. after they murdered thousands of children. after they murdered their own people and blamed it on gliders. after they murdered thousands of us citizen. rub some chicken blood on it and the blot goes away! jews.

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers

yes and all the people around the world – to which the jews just refer as – subhumans resp. goyim – accept it, stand by idle, speak with lowered voice behind hand before their mouthes at best, and do not revolt, rebell and start killing these unbelievable despictable scum of the earth right away. instead they follow the dumb jewish propaganda saying “nazis” are the enemy “muslims” are the enemy ” palestinians” are the enemy. it’s jewish bullshit. lies of satan and the children of satan.

Last edited 7 months ago by Teresa999

to restore humanity & lasting peace on earth every christian, every muslim and every buddhist on earth should kill at least 1 jew per day. this way, finally also those prime-buck jews like rothchild, warburg, adelson, soros, satanyahu,merkel, larry fink, bill gates and all these diabolic creatures will get what they deserve. to save mankind, to save the future of our children and hence our people, every one of us has this holy obligation !

Last edited 7 months ago by Teresa999

noone can coexist with creatures who steal all the money and wealth, & who constantly try to murder all other people and conquer earth for satan. these psychopathic brute needs to be annihilated point blank as fast as possible. every one of them ! jeder von denen ist sofort vor ort mit der waffe zu erledigen. dies ist die klare und einzige lösung !!!

Last edited 7 months ago by Teresa999

it’s hard to feel sympathy for the state at all, but there are some good jews who have suffered already taking a stand against the majority psychopaths in israel. the number of good jews is a definite minority. most people in most nations are actually decent at best, where they keep themselves from committing crimes against others, but never do anything really good, and deserve nothing good but common decency.


hezbollah needs to level tel aviv. start with the international quarter.


incinerate tel aviv.


i’m beginning to think that the israelis target hospitals, mosques and churches as priority targets. not an accident.


they torture the palestinian youth in their dungeons because they are little bitches who can’t win in a fight with adults, too. whenever the palestinian resistance makes any progress, they do go and bomb some civilians intentionally to feel better about themselves. passive aggressive women, but comparing them to women is an insult to women. most 5 year old girls have more bravery.

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers

what do you expect pf a shitty tik tok army full of zio diaper head kiddie killers (40% of them zio bitches.)


it’s an outright lie that the target was a hamas leader. it was the excuse the jews offered in order to bomb lebanon, never mind children or women or other civilians. hitler netanyahoo is stricken with prison fear and thus acts like a deranged friggin jew – off with his head!!


satanyahoo is far from the only problem in the barbarian parasite state of israel.


yes but insulting german reichskanzler adolf hitler by puting his name in the same line with, the scum of the earth, satanyahu, shows complete absence of history knowledge.

Last edited 7 months ago by Teresa999

it is time to finish these israel animals. only understand force.


jews poisoning the wells used to be an “anti semitic trope.”
except now they are filming themselves doing precisely that in gaza.


yes, from an unbiased lens the state of israel have been genocidal scumbag maniacs from the beginning. the more i learn about nakba and the rest, the more everything in the world makes sense. the rothschilds have been engineering wars since they took the name. nakba was one more simple continuation of their family’s behavior. they have murder rituals to know who their allies are, like the masons and their gangs. gangsigns and mason handsigns galore. they are the rot.

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers

genesis 12.3