Leopard II battle tank is pictured in action at the Oberlausitz training area in Weisskeissel. Source: Reuters
After weeks of hesitation, Germany’s parliament agreed on sending “heavy weapons and complex systems” to Ukraine.
The three parties in Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition and the largest opposition group — which combined hold over 80% of the seats in the lower house of parliament — teamed up to support a motion in a show of broad-based solidarity for Ukraine.
In the rare collaboration, the measure was passed on Thursday with 586 out of 693 votes. Only far-right and far-left parties not back the plan. The motion also calls for an end to imports of Russian oil and gas and criticized China over its support for Moscow.
Entitled “Defend peace and freedom in Europe – comprehensive support for Ukraine,” the Bundestag motion calls on the government to expand deliveries of “heavy weapons and complex systems,” which could partly be supplied via swap deals with NATO partners. Under the proposed mechanism, countries could deliver Soviet-model gear to Ukraine for immediate deployment and Germany would replace them with more modern weapons.
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Wednesday listed equipment she said Germany has already delivered to Ukraine. This included thousands of anti-tank rocket launchers, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, Strela surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank mines, machine guns, hand grenades and ammunition in the double-digit millions.
Earlier, on April 22, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with Ouest-France that France would supply Ukraine with several CAESAR self-propelled howitzers.
For its part, the U.S. has already increased arms deliveries to Ukraine several times over, including modern models and heavy equipment. Thousands of NATO soldiers are already fighting on the fronts in Ukraine in the guise of mercenaries.
A nuclear winter is coming…
germany supporting nazis, nothing new here
Well, Germany founded “Ukraine” intially. That was the condition for a peace on the Eastern front in 1917. The new is US and GB supporting the Nazis openly.That was actually Hitler’s dream and probably the reason for Hess flying to England back then.
I am ashamed and angry with the UK government. May the equipment and any manpower they send, whether covertly or not, be destroyed ASAP. This foolishness is heightening the prospect of a nuclear WWIII.
Wondering how are they going to get the equipment there since roads and train rails have been destroyed
yeah right, Hess being prisoner for the rest of his life and being murdered before being released was a part of the deal too right?
Could not have said in better, Nazis supporting Nazis, as expected. President Putin has been proven correct again.
liberal globotards and social democrats supported this, the so-called “extreme right” didn’t. Time to reassess your understanding of the ideologies involved.
Russia warns; do not test our patience
Russian President Vladimir Putin casts such large arms shipments as part of a broader plan by the United States and its allies to destroy Russia – and has promised that it will never succeed.
what are they sending, Panzer III:s? haha
This so called “German government” support whatever their masters in Washington order them to support. They are nothing but spineless vassals, even DDR was more independent and sovereign than BRD. Same as the rest of EU, but Germany (and Japan) are nothing but occupied territories under foreign colonial rule.
Ahem, supposed “Nazi extreme right” AfD did not support this outrage, neither Die Linke AFAIK. Labels like “nazis” don’t help to understand the issues here, as much as labeling ISIS as “radical islamists” didn’t either. Banderites and Wahhabis are both globalist, deep state funded death cults of drugged assassins, like the assassins of old. Their warped ideologies are just the excuse.
Germany has now violated its terms of surrender in 1945.
Nobody cares, you stuck in soviet era mentality. Russia is losing this war and nobody want to be in same team with loser :D
You stuck in Joe’s toilet you total loser and reject.
They have violated the 2+4 treaty that was the condition for reunification in 1990. Russian troops are now legally welcome back in former GDR. North stream piplelines will be needed for the heating.
Have we closed the cauldron yet?
Yes !! 500+ Ukro-Nazis join Bandera on a daily basis…… Send money to the GoFundMe to buy coffins for your dead heros…..
Awesome! That means i Will have full Victory and my Kiev parade by the 9th of May
Very nice, we will deliver any weapon that ukraine need in order to protect ukrainian citizens against russian child rapists and civilian killers. Time to cut any connection with russian shithole.
Zeit für Entnazifierung bis zum Rhein.
Da gibts sehr viel zu tun!
??? I don’t speak Danish.
“hans raus” Fake “German”. Just some pathetic wannabe nazi probably from Poland or Ukraine. Ukro-Untermensch.
German only deliver German Trash tank’s like leopard 1A5 that tank have only 105mm cannon and poor amour. Than Gepard old trash. The only good tank is the Marder
More target practice for russians
So Tom Sawyer aka hans raus u live in Germany ^^ did ur dad raped u so much in ur childhood? Ur scum pathetic looser faggot get out ur mum basement or are u to afraid of the new Germans from Africa and Asia^^ which gangbang ur sister on a daily basis^^ dont except mercy it will be ur 3rd lose in a row, “wir haben es nicht gewusst nie wieder Krieg” and now leave and suck some dick u waste of life!!!
Germans are dumb racist trash of Europe and were soundly defeated by Russian in 1945 and the bastards are now occupied by degenerate US racist rapists, so they have a slave Stockholm syndrome and zero self respect. They are also slaves of the Zionist Jews who are milking them for holohoax extortion money.
Cry baby, thats why 90% of world population want to live here in western world? russobot aka russolover copium at its best.
They “like to live” in the west until the FED printers go brrrrrrrr. You can bet that “like to live” will change in a second to “we live in a Potemkin village?” mentality once the FED printers stop / world stops accepting the US toilet paper.
1990 – usa is dead
2000 – usa is dead
2022 – usa is dead
Wishful thinking and russian propaganda at its best. Surprise me and try something else…..
your monkey brain is dead if you ever had any…
Over 120 Trillion USD in debt. They are dead. They just too shy to tell everyone.
hans, halt die fresse.
More five years and you will go anywhere to flee from misery.
Where do you live “Jorge”?
Go ask Langley.
I live with your mom. “hans”
Hah tell that to the 1.4 billion chinese, they will laugh at you.
They helped develop and fund Israel’s nuclear force and built them the submarines for it, which Germany itself does not use. In exchange… we can only speculate what they got in exchange.
RIP Russia. If they are having big trouble to even fully secure the Donbass region, what more could they do once they encounter NATO face to face?
The only thing holding them back is nuclear weapons, you take it away and Russia will lose in a few months on conventional war vs US and western Europe.
Nothing has changed since the first week of “special military operation”. Tanks and APC are still getting blow up left and right.
Like in 1941-42 they were not able to secure Stalingrad or Twer. You have the typical mindset of a German general or an Austrian postcard painter. Congrats bro ;-)
1940’s USSR is different from 2020’s Russia and its already a short distance to Moscow now that Kiev is in NATO’s hands.
Let it go man, the former occupied countries of Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Moldova have chosen to be free and move on to 21st century. I love Russian history but they are only hurting themselves by attacking Ukraine and the glorious days of the Russian empire is gone forever.
Nope. NATO has fuck all going forward. They can only roll with complete air supremacy which would be a very costly battle against Russian air defences. Strike aircraft are very expensive and take a long time to build …. unlike losing a T-72 which are cheap and plentiful in Russia. The USA is having a hard enough time keeping planes in the air due to maintenance and age without losing a ton of them to the Russians. The USA has no heavy armoured forces in Europe … they have light infantry and strykers.
It’s one thing to defend yourself in bunkers and trenches but something else to move a force across an open battlefield when your enemy has air superiority and a shit ton of arty … especially in light armoured vehicles.
Russian air defenses hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Stop screaming bitch while Hunter and Zelensky rape your butt in that brothel.
shut up dumbass.
russia has the largest an strongest air defense network in the world.
if you weren’t a total idiot, you’d quickly discover that the targets neither move nor shoot back, the time and location are unknown and the target monitor is written in arabic all around.
Germans degenerate like milk. So many German friends turned out to be Hitler supporters. I was shocked when they ignored all the facts about Ukrainian shelling of civilians in the Donbass for almost 8 years. “The Russians will invade Germany”. That’s what I hear from 40-year-old people. Why did the Russians, or more precisely the Soviets, invade your country in 1945? Remind us, please.
I’d say you are right. In particular Catholic germans have never been denazified. In the former slavic regions of Germany I’d expect some support of Russia though.
Germans have to be the dumbest idiots on earth, how could a third rate military attack the USSR and expect to win? No wonder Russians drove all the way to Berlin to have a house warming party with the frau and the same fate awaits the German occupied slaves again. Now US Negros and Rednecks are raping them.
Third rate military? You seem to have absolutely no clue about military matters and history. So everything you utter about the current war is nonsense as well.
Sending some old soviet garbage, nothing to see folks, can’t deliver cause railways are out of order. Can’t send newer stuff cause requires training a year at least and there is not enough for German army nevermind export
Russkie 1980s Scrap Airforce have already lost in barely 60 days:
-9 SU-34 fighter/bombers
-9 SU-25 CAS jets
-5 SU-30SM multirole
-1 SU-35S advanced air superiority jets
-12 KA-52 alligator
-5 Mi-35
-2 Mi-24
-3 Mi-28
-11 Mi-8
Outdated soviet IR countermeasures, outdated electronic warfare defensive jammers, poor radar warning receiver RWR technology, and very poor missile approach warning systems (MAWS) on Russkie jets and helicopters are costing them dearly.
Meanwhile Israeli Airforce has carried out over 1000 airstrikes against Syria (largest most advanced air defense in world) in the world, and lost only 1 F-16 in 4 years of airstrikes. And NATO lost only 3 jets against Serbia in 3 months of airstrikes in 1999. Clearly Western radar, jamming, electronics and microprocessor technology is vastly superior to Russkie junk.
At this rate, Russkies wont have an airforce left by next April! Ha Ha! :-)
Israël never enters Syrian airspace it fires from Lebanon and the hides behind civil aircrafts. West is garbage , your weapons don’t work.
Ask the saudis for confirmations. They rushed to Moscow to beg for S-400 batteries after the Houthi attacks on saudi cities.
Umm, Russians fly 200-300 sorties per day ! So your 1000 strikes is in couple of days.
You’re fucking clueless.
Lets look how western airpower worked against a moderately armed military force instead of terrorists armed with fuck all.
Gulf war 1991 against the iraq army coalition lost 52 fixed wing aircraft and 23 helicopters.
USA lost:
6 – A-10’s
4 – harriers
2 – F-18’s
3 – F-15’s
3- F-16’s
3 – A6 intruders
3 – OV-10
1 – F-4
1 – AC-130
1 – F-14
1 – F-111
The USAF didn’t start their air campaign until after 250 Iraqi aircraft were destroyed on the ground and Iraqi radar stations were destroyed by cruise missiles and stealth aircraft.
US military sources at the time claimed the losses were lower than expected and Iraqi air defences were surprisingly ineffective yet the coalition still lost 75 aircraft.
Yea Russia doesn’t shoot down Israeli aircraft but why is Israel scared to attack Iran even after they killed all those Israeli’s in iraq with a missile attack?
jud jacob is lying again and again and is the hasbara copy paste master.
But it’s fairly obvious Germany and France can’t just pass over such first rate material and expect the UAF to operate them flawlessly and win battles
You have to send a contingent of ‘advisors’ along with the equipment for training and maintenance (and maybe front line guidance?)
It’s just a EU/NATO Vs Russia war without a declaration
NATO member states also thinking about supplying F35, Rafael, Eurofighter etc. to Kiev forces.
dont bullshit around.
the pilot and tech crew training for them will take 2 years.
the needed infrastructure, hangars, airfields, tec support and spare parts will also need years and cost billions, also a few squadrons of such aircraf aditional billions.
who will pay all this and what sense would that have?
russia will achieve all of its strategic goals, eastern and southern ukraine, including a land connection to transnistria, in the coming months.
All that stuff is going to be destroyed by the branches of army of Donetsk, Luhansk. Kherson, Zaporojie and Kharkov (by the momentum), with a great and decisive help of their oldest brother. In the end, we will have a denazifyed multiethnic UKraine.
So the krauts are sending their few working weapons to the ukrops. In the hope that uncle scum will send them new shiny toys. Good luck with the last part.
And keep in mind that uncle scum and his minion pedo-albion are opening another front in the Pacific. It is clear they haven’t read Sun Tzu about the fastest way to lose a war being to fight on two fronts.
And didn’t learn from more recent history, WWI and WWII
At this point, cutting off the gas to Germany, and then wiping out the zio-nazi politicians in Kiev seems like the best course of action. No more dancing around, time to hit hard and wide, damn the precision, take down who city blocks if need be, annihilate the American puppets! Killing simple daft soldiers isn’t getting the job done quick enough.
They would if they could. They can’t. They’re getting their barbaric Russian asses kicked.
The idea is most likely that after Donbass, there would be a peace deal that would give Ukraine the respite to equip itself with Western weapons before resuming the war again in a few years. The West is going to plead for a peace deal soon with the goal to retrain and equip Ukraine during it.
Russia’s best course would be to continue the war after the destruction of the Ukrainian forces in the Donbass, with the goal to causing a decisive defeat to Ukraine after which it must admit the war is lost. The West wants the war to go on and on until it extends all over Russia, but would happily agree to pauses so it can give more weapons to Ukraine. Ukraine appears to be gradually weakening and the quality of troops, deteriorating, which is why the West will ask for a pause in the war. If there is no pause, Russia will reach Kiev again and the quality of troops defending it will be poor and exhausted.
There’s no chance Russia will reach anything with Ukrainians being supported by the mighty West.
As I remember Germany stopped the production line for Leo 2. All newer models are repaired older models, just like US is doing with Abrams. Giving Ukraine Leo 1 models wouldn’t change much on the front, also it goes with Gepards. I think Germany will lose more with this stupid move, that was enforced by USA, than it makes some goals
the weak armor and weak maingun of the leopard1 is chanceless even against older russian t72 variants.
not even to speak of t72b3, t80 or t90
SIEG HIELL you worthy scions of the 4th Riech.
The great thing about the Leopard 2 is a grunt can fix them easy under fire with just a pair of vice grips and a hammer. Hopefully the Germans send a roll of duct tape and some wire for repairs. Any problem you have with them can be fixed by googling “DIY leopard 2 tank repairs” on Youtube … provided the trench you’re cowering in has internet and you can hear over the artillery going off around you 24/7.
German equipment is well know for being simple to operate and cheap and easy to repair after all.
Please send them weapons to be blown up. This is how we sleep-walk into WW3. You’d think sane people would try to stop it.
Yeah, especially like how Putin is doing all he can to stop it, with his 50 mile tank convoys going into Ukraine and such. GTFO moron, lol!
With 7.4% inflation from april to april, great Germany.
oh come on commie
Now imagine the inflation in Russia. Hahha those mofos’ clocks are literally running backwards and will stop around 1980.
Many russians will be sent to their graves because of this!
What will russia do about it?
dumbass, they will not get leopard2, only old leopard1 with ridiculous armor and weak 105mm armament, as well as cheetah anti-aircraft tanks so far without enough ammunition.
and all the other promised heavy weapons have to get to ukraine first, let alone make it to the front.
nice targets for smerch, iskander, kalibr and many more.
They can’t do shit. All they can do is complain and threaten. The West will dry them out like dry plums. Hahaha. Glory to Ukraine!
This Garbage will never make it to the front = No Trains, no trucks. No diesel fuel, no electricity.
if putin sleeps further, the generals should put this coup away, then take off their kid gloves and bomb all connections in western ukraine and destroy every transport route, train station, airport and every plane as soon as it reaches ukraine.
could german nazi be able to move heavy machines to uknazi’s land?
both nazis will see nukes over their heads even before they are crossing border.
Yeah yeah yeah, nukes here, nukes there. Tanks are already coming to Ukraine. Now where are your nukes? Hahaha, Putin’s pussy.