BREAKING: Game-Changing Attempt On Russian President Putin In Kremlin

BREAKING: Game-Changing Attempt On Russian President Putin In Kremlin

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On the night of May 3, the Kiev regime attempted to strike at the Kremlin. Explosions were reported in Moscow after two drones targeted the Kremlin residence of the President of Russia.

The Kremlin’s press service reported that Moscow assesses the attack as “a planned terrorist action and an attempt on the President of the Russian Federation.”

“The Russian side has the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees necessary,” the Kremlin concluded.

Russian President Vladimir Putin was not injured. He was not in the Kremlin during the drone attack.

Russian security forces disabled the drones. Judging by the footage, the wreckage fell on the territory of the Kremlin. As a result, there were no casualties or material damage.

The drones were likely equipped with explosive devices with concussion fuze and were launched at pre-set coordinates without connection to satellites in order to complicate their interception.





Before the incident, Moscow Mayor announced that it was prohibited to launch drones in the capital, except those used by the decision of the authorities.

The drone strike at Kremlin is a game-changing incident which could be compared to attack on the White House in Washington. The Russian military has all the necessary means to destroy the main decision-making center of the Kiev regime. However, Russian missiles are yet to strike at the governmental facilities on Bankova street in the Ukrainian capital.

Earlier, in a conversation with the Israeli Prime Minister, Putin promised that Zelensky would not be touched by Russian forces. Despite all the attempts by Zelensky’s PR managers to create an image of a brave Ukrainian leader who is forced to carry weapons with him to defend himself from the Russians, Moscow has repeatedly demonstrated its commitment to Putin’s statements. Zelensky is safe and sound.

In its turn, the Nazi regime in Kiev elevated by its patrons from London and Washington launched a dastard war against the Russians, while the Ukrainian military has no chance to win Russian soldiers on the battlefield.

If for more than a year of military operations, Russian missiles have not struck Bankova Street, then one should not be surprised at the dastardly attempts of Ukrainians to attack the Kremlin. Time will show if today’s attack changes Kremlin’s position.


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Smells like a false flag but ok.
Moskow needs its entertainment too and a dome is far cheeper than an old battleship.


It’s not a false flag because the timing is perfect: The clown decided not to fly back to Kiev today. And when the attack happened yesterday he was already outside of Ukraine. In fact, the Kremlin needs to tell Washington and London that Zelensky must NEVER EVER enter Ukraine again if he wants to live.


Make no mistake this couldn’t happen without Nato help, Russia needs to wipe some of those bastards out.


Not just nato help. Russia just like the rest of the world is full of people eager to do anything for the mighty dollar.

William White

Already got 300 plus in the bunker, they must be scared shitless!


Putin promissed to israel that no one will kill ze thats more important than every russian live to putin.


Get a Life IDIOT!

AM Hants

Also, one of the Ukraine Ministers posted a tweet, five hours before the attack, showing something was planned. Not forgetting the Ukraine Defence Minister and isn’t he bragging that Russia will have to withdraw over some nuclear power plant disaster, in the coming days? Remember a few days ago, Germany was stating that Ukraine tried using a drone, to take out President Putin, when he was visiting a village? Only it got lost.


lol and then you woke up , right ?

helene matz

why should russia do a ff and provoke all out war when thats what the west wanks off about 24 24


Did you just work out how to copy and paste? Get a Life IDIOT!

Biden has AIDS in his mouth

You jewshits are kings of false flag ops. STFU



Michel LeBlanc

Get a life nato laid loser.

Just me

Best comment I’ve seen here in a long time. Thank you my friend.

Just me

You should never trust a politician, no matter how good their PR is. For me, the KGB agent of hearts is no different than the coke clown on duty for his people. In the west they are all heroes and in the east too. In the end they laugh at us in their palaces and force us with their hired criminals to the front, for example.

Uncle Ho

There is no kgb for the past 32 years imbecile. Sorry about your party getting tossed out of power in your previous Empire of Lies.

Chris Gr

In Belarus, there is KGB still.


I love reading these eloquent comments as if Russia is the voice of truth and freedom, go tell that to the Russian people who earn 1/10th in wages of what they earn in the West and who cannot use the word WAR


zerohedge reporting on a Ukraine Oligarch / banker offering US$500k reward for anyone who hits red square. Seem a good fit to explain this. Ukraine intelligence know Putin does not sleep in the Kremlin, but maybe in his private residence 35km outside Moscow. Or other secret places but not the Kremlin for sure.


Did you just work out how to copy and paste? Get a Life IDIOT!


False Flag or not this does not end well. But Stupid is what Stupid does without thinking of the consequences!🕛🕛🕛 they are blinded by hate!

Last edited 1 year ago by FOAB

Who you don’t kill won’t let you live


Bye bye Bankova street. You are now a crater.


the solution is killing nazis faster. Wirhout cannonfodder and poor losers the ukro regime is over…

Russia For Victory From Finland

Very bad news but good news too !? … if finally Kiev’s neonazi-fascist regime will be bombed by Russia to ashes… and a bunker buster gift to Zelenski hiding place.
If Russia doesn’t do this then almost the whole world will laugh and ridicule them for many decades.


If this terrorism doesn’t warrant a massive response nothing will, Ruusia should take out Zelenskey his entire command along with those Nato bitches embedded and every official building in Ukraine.

Peter Jennings

Is the Kremlin, president Putin’s Reichstag? Either way it sounds as if things could get busy for the Kiev junta. Still, there are plenty hospitals and schools to hide in.
Isn’t it interesting that Netty, of the isreali apartheid regime, doesn’t want the Russian admin to harm a hair on Zelenksy’s head? Lots more going on there. Maybe the ‘greater isreal’ extends to Ukraine itself. That would keep the USadmin happy, after all it was their money that paid for the attack on Maidan, Ukrainian democracy, and the futile war with Russia.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peter Jennings

Waste of time worrying about it. Russia has massive land borders and a weak air and space paradigm. US MIC model is for a continental power with two oceans. British Admirality had the same problem when the first planes carrying bombs. Their is the infamous legend that 2 years before the Write brothers Lord Kelvin said that heavier than air flight was impossible. Point that out to a bird….

If you understand how much the British will lie and pervert the course of technological process for their bizzare madness russia needs to think clearly about how much damage drones can do on that border and how little the kremlin matters. Man who invented the diesal Enginer vanished and Tesla died penniless. Its about innovating to your strngths not trying to replicate theirs….

Jamiroquai – Automaton
Veteran of the psychic wars (Freya)


Got news for anyone reading this BS…

After losing every battle in this war since last year against Russia with NATO’s full support with Ukraine’s infrastructure being pummeled into the “stone age”… If the Ukrainians have the capability to fly drones more than 300 miles inside Russia’s seat of government looking for it’s titular head to whack -then somethin is terribly remiss with Russia’s defensive military capabilities and more importantly it’s intelligence community that would allow such a prodigious attack!?… All the more reason for raising the question(s) why Russia didn’t demand the removal of it’s diplomatic community from F-U.KU.$./I$rael and return the foreign service of each of those 3 to their home(s) after Maidan 2014 and the subsequent death(s) of Mikhail Lesin and Vitaly Churkin in Washington and New York that should have “rung the dinner bell” for departure of it’s dips from those 3 countries and Russia’s announcement that it would be leaving the UN to start it’s own after that coup!…

Been wearing my “hip boots” ever since (3 buildings 2 planes) and the U.$., China. India and Russia’s silence ever since these magical pretext(s) just keep comin…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

I believe it was Nato using that clown Z as cover,maybe time to wipe Ramstein off the map.

William Wallace

It’s just some amateur haters who live there with a little drone and a grenade targeting the Russian flag lol.

Mexican Czar

The Russians respect Zelensky’s life because they are not a terrorist organization unlike nato. Russians win the battles negotiating and with truth and reason. Not empirealistically through force using raptors and loitering munitions to cowardly murder leaders like Soleimani and Gadafi


Well the time for playing nice is over, its a war not a cricket match.


The Russian have been playing to nice ,they should have been target and destroy all the Ukrainians decisions making center . Ukraine is a terrorist state and how many more terrorist act they must carries out before the Russian label them that.


Russia need Prigozhin& Kadyrov as the old staff have failed.


They might spare Zelensky, but there are plenty of other key figures in Kiev that could be targetted.

Jimmu Tenno

Si ese ataque al kremlin no es la última de las líneas rojas de Russia entonces a Putin solo le queda las líneas de sus nalgas, hace tiempo eso se veia venir, Putin optó por las picadora de carne matando soldados rasos que solo obedecer órdenes o son forzados a ir al frente en vez de acabar y exterminar a los centros de poder y mando ucronazis incluidos sus asesores OTANoides el toda ucrania y no solo en el donbass, Russia se está quedando sin respuestas a las graves provocaciones OTANeras por ejemplo en Polonia dónde prácticamente han obligado a su embajada a elegir si permanecen allí o se van a su país, lo peor viene de Finlandia que también se unió al coro russófobo invitando a las tropas anglossajonas a desarrollar infraestructura de ataque a Moscú y el ataque al kremlin es de nivel tan peligroso que Putin ya debería preocuparse por su vida, el mensaje es claro, te vamos a cazar dónde estés.


If that attack on the Kremlin is not the last of Russia’s red lines, then Putin only has the lines on his buttocks left, that was seen coming for a long time, Putin opted for the meat grinder killing ordinary soldiers who only obey orders or are Forced to go to the front instead of finishing off and exterminating the Ucronazi centers of power and command, including their NATO advisers, all over Ukraine and not just in Donbass, Russia is running out of answers to the serious NATO provocations, for example in Poland, where practically They have forced their embassy to choose whether to stay there or go to their country, the worst comes from Finland, which also joined the Russophobic chorus inviting Anglo-Saxon troops to develop infrastructure to attack Moscow and the attack on the Kremlin is of such a level dangerous that Putin should already worry about his life, the message is clear, we are going to hunt you down wherever you are.


Shoot the messenger for translating! I did not post the above just translated it!

Last edited 1 year ago by FOAB

Zelensky’s minions, raising the likelihood of big Z getting directly snuffed in the course of the festivities.


This wasn’t an attack on anybody this was just a PR stunt from UAF to show that their drones can reach the Kremlin and to show that it’s possible to attack the upcoming military parade. Zelensky’s timing to be out of the country at the time of attack proves it was planned. Awaiting Russian reponse, they can’t let this go unnoticed but to launch a massive missile strike on governmental buildings I doubt.

William White

The drone might have been launched from a block away, how would they know?


A Jewish troll stealing my avatar

Player Unknown

Still no mass production of gerans nor kalibr cruise missiles , thousands of tanks and IFVs wasted in ineffective fire support so there are no left to stop UKR offensive … russian war effort and strategy is utter clownshow


So different to putin who promissed to isreal to not kill ze it seems not the other way around.
Just like the descition to not blow up trains seems to not be mutual.

Russian soldiers should tell putin to either give them full free reign in urkaine or they will go home and visit him in the kremlin. Holding back just costs russian lives.

AM Hants

Interesting, owing to the fact that Zelinsky left for Helsinki last night and has no intention of coming back to Ukraine. Allegedly for his own safety. Then you have the Ukraine Defence Minister bragging that there will be some form of nukie power plant attack and Russia will have to give in, to keep their people quiet? Now that is disturbing, the day after Odessa Trade Union and just before Russia remembers defeating the fascists. Seems like the US are needing some NATO Strength Pampers, as they try walk away from the actions of Ukraine.

Biden has AIDS in his mouth

Unfortunately Pootin worships his zio terrorist jew God, Chickenshit Satanyahoo, who forbids Pootin from killing any jewshit

Chris Gr

Putin is not even alive and no drone can pass from Ukraine to Russia with that ease. False flag.

Michel LeBlanc


Drones can be launched from any field in russia.

Trust me there are lots of those.

You probably never seen a field from your mom’s basement, poor greek virgin.

Chris Gr

When did you start basement dwelling? In 1991 when your paradise fell?


False Flag or not this is the next step to escalation to this SMO (WAR)! In the end every day civilians like us pay the ultimate price on both sides of the fence – We the people now pay more with higher fuel prices and food prices and some of us will pay with our lives!

They Lie We Die!

Last edited 1 year ago by FOAB
Chris Gr

That’s right. The neoliberals in Moscow and Washington want more clashes and the military industrial complex will get rich for that.


Correct WAR is Game of business for depopulation is their objective, Agenda 21/30 don’t trust the narrative!

They Lie We Die!

Harry Taylor

Looks like some kids shot off a roman candle. Putin is destroying Ukraine for the Khazars. Go to Bitchute and search “Heavenly Jerusalem”

Harry Taylor

Southfront is obviously allowing these spam posts. I have gotten warnings for trying to post comments. “Post is too long” and I have to chop it up into replies to myself to continue. They probably want to discourage anything that exposes this false flag event.

Harry Taylor

well well, they removed them . . .