Bosnia Is Coming Apart At The Seams. The Dayton System Is On The Verge Of Collapse

Bosnia Is Coming Apart At The Seams. The Dayton System Is On The Verge Of Collapse

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Republika Srpska’s quest for greater autonomy and subjectivity is perceived by the West as a destabilizing factor in the Balkans. At the same time, the unwillingness of Washington and Brussels to respect the rights of Serbs is at the root of Banja Luka’s actions.

The quasi-federal state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, created by the Dayton Agreement of 1995, has been called a failed or zombie state in Western political science. Over the past nearly thirty years, the two parts of the country – the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska – have failed to fully integrate. Interethnic tensions between Serbs, Muslims and Croats have not disappeared. From time to time, society raises the issue of a new war, which is feared but not dismissed as a real prospect. The reason for this situation is the systematic violation of the Dayton Accords and the pressure exerted on the Republika Srpska by Western envoys. This ethnic group, which, according to Brussels, is showing “excessive” independence, is trying to be restrained.

Bosnia Is Coming Apart At The Seams. The Dayton System Is On The Verge Of Collapse

Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik

Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik is known for his pro-Russian orientation and has not given up on his plans for close cooperation with Serbia. Recently, his proposal to send young men from Republika Srpska to serve in the Serbian army caused a stir. The neighboring country introduced compulsory military service in 2025, which was abolished by the liberal leadership in 2011 (obviously not without the influence of the European Union). In Sarajevo, the RS leader’s proposal was considered a “blow to state institutions” and a violation of the Law on Defense, which is punishable by up to eight years in prison.

Of course, Banja Luka’s initiative is unlikely to find a practical realization, because thanks to Western policies, many important institutions, including the army, have been dismantled in the post-Dayton period. Since 2006, the armed forces of the Republika Srpska have been abolished, and Serbs serve in the common armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Arms depots and military facilities came under the control of the “peacekeepers” and were partially sold. Weapons from the stockpiles of the Republika Srpska army have been found in various parts of the world, from Georgia to the Syrian Arab Republic by the anti-Assad opposition. Milorad Dodik’s September 2021 proposal to rebuild its own army, judiciary and prosecutor’s office has failed.

Bosnia Is Coming Apart At The Seams. The Dayton System Is On The Verge Of Collapse

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All attempts by Banja Luka to assert the sovereignty of the Republic are met with fierce resistance from the so-called High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina. In fact, this is the officially recognized Western overseer of the state’s affairs, who has enormous rights, including the right to make decisions that are binding on both the Federation and the Republic. In addition, the Supreme Representative has the power to remove undesirables from their positions, including among the Ethnites. As of August 1, 2021, the Supreme Representative will be the German politician Christian Schmidt, a representative of the Bavarian Christian Social Union (it should be recalled that it was Germany that played a key role in the disintegration of socialist Yugoslavia and the “Satanization” of the Serbs in the 1990-2000s).

At the same time, the mechanism of governing Bosnia through the High Representative has begun to falter in recent years. On September 14, 2023, the Bosnia and Herzegovina Prosecutor’s Office proposed to the Court that Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik be removed from office for refusing to comply with Christian Schmidt’s instructions. Dodik flatly refused to obey such a decision, reasonably pointing to the illegitimacy of the foreign representative. In 2021, Schmidt’s candidacy was not approved by the UN Security Council, with Russia and China opposing the German politician. Moscow and Beijing do not recognize the authority of the High Representative – the same is done by Banja Luka.

On November 8, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Glushko at a meeting with the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republika Srpska, Nenad Stevandic, advocated the abolition of illegal methods of governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“From the Russian side emphasized the principled support of the Dayton Agreement on Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1995, its principles of equality of the three state-forming peoples and two entities with broad constitutional powers, pointed out the need for the early abolition of the neocolonial regime of external protectorate over independent Bosnia and Herzegovina,” – said in the official report on the meeting.

This kind of neocolonial governance is carried out not only through the institutions established by Dayton, but also through the economic penetration of the European Union into the country.

“The very fact that eight of the nine banks we have are foreign banks is indicative. The West has set up a system of correspondent banks with us, so that all the money flows that go into Bosnia and Herzegovina or out of Bosnia and Herzegovina at some point go through Western banks like Deutsche Bank or some other banks. This is a kind of occupation,” Dodik said recently.

In order to free itself from the economic chains of the West, the Republika Srpska has embarked on a course of integration within the BRICS and wants to obtain observer status there. In October this year, Milorad Dodik defiantly attended the BRICS summit in Kazan, becoming the only representative of geographical Europe at the event (apart from Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin). On May 9, 2025, the President of Republika Srpska intends to attend the Victory Parade in Moscow, which is also perceived in Brussels and Washington as a challenge to the Western system of global domination.

The processes taking place in Bosnia and Herzegovina tend to alienate the two parts of the semi-federal state from each other. And the reason for this should not be sought in “Dodik’s provocative activities”, but in the long-standing violation of the legitimate rights and demands of the Serbian people. Since the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Balkans has been called the “powder keg of Europe”. The crisis in Bosnia led to the outbreak of World War I. The attack on Yugoslavia in 1941 preceded Hitler’s aggression against the Soviet Union. The disintegration of Yugoslavia and NATO intervention in the 1990s became the prologue to a new round of confrontation between Moscow and Washington in the 2010s. Peaceful means are still available to resolve the situation, but the question remains: do those who created an artificial state in 1995 to suppress the subjectivity of the Bosnian Serbs need a peaceful outcome?


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Just me

crises, wars and the like as long as there are still politicians and governments. the nazi faggot schmidt shows what politicians really are. liars, criminals, nazis, child molesters and faggots.


germany is ziomafia occupied territory. the entire political system in the western world is controlled by the ziomafia parasites. 97% of the western mass media is owned by jewish supremacists who used their control over the politicians and media to foment hatred towards everything serbian just like they are doing today against russia.


germany -bosnia and herzegovina 7:0

still have questions 🤡 😆😆😆


lol they are despair …russia site of desinformation and propaganda


your slogans are as hackneyed as your communist streak, you october child 🤡 😆😆😆

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

bosnia is one of many european artificial states however it is beyond the normal artificial. the only future for the people there are to join with other countries. and the only future for the serbs is to join brics and form a military alliance with russia. once odessa is liberated there will be an international waterway connecting the two. covered by russiais unmatched nuclear umbrella none of the hyenas will ever dare lay a hand on serbia and serbian lands again.

Last edited 3 months ago by Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

if russia is successfull its still enough time to make any moves hopefully no stupid ones. but right now its to early it will just pull the attention of the west onto the balcans which is never a good thing.
and the best future for bosnia is one of peace and cooperation accept the differences but dont let others use it to cause conflict.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

serbs have long ago accepted the differences. it is their genocidal counterparts that are still chomping at the bit.


to continue about international court of justice (icj) sentencing,
chapter xii. operative clause “the court,…”
“(6) by fourteen votes to one,
finds that serbia has violated its obligations under the convention on
the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide by having
failed to transfer ratko mladic´, indicted for genocide and complicity in

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

is that the same kangaroo court that issued a warrant for president putin? the genocide of serbs during world war 2 by the croatians and slavic muslims of bosnia is well documented and not simply a nato propaganda piece.

Jewish pimp

how about all genkcides and masacres seevf did to the others? how about that? servian killed a wolloch franz ferdinad and his 9 months pregnant wife.


that was the black hand a french operation in serbia cause the brits and frenchies wanted to pull germany and austria into a war they thought would come out as victors but the only victor was the usa and the bolshevics.

Jewish pimp

servians did that and occupied bosnia ever since. balfour declaration copied. while 33 years back bosnians defended servia from bulgars. thank you, sir!

Last edited 3 months ago by Jewish pimp

to continue about international court of justice (icj) sentencing,
chapter xii. operative clause “the court,…”
“(7) by thirteen votes to two,
finds that serbia has violated its obligation to comply with the provisional
measures ordered by the court on 8 april and 13 september 1993
in this case, inasmuch as it failed to take all measures within its power to
prevent genocide in srebrenica in july 1995;.”


“finds that, as regards the breaches by serbia of the obligations referred
to in subparagraphs (5) and (7) above, the court’s findings in those paragraphs
constitute appropriate satisfaction, and that the case is not one in
which an order for payment of compensation, or, in respect of the violation
referred to in subparagraph (5), a direction to provide assurances
and guarantees of non-repetition, would be appropriate.”


once upon a time there was hitler and nazis doing genocide in europe.
then many years ago serbs decided to do genocide again in the heart of europe.
and “ghost man / raptar driver” is lying about it. wonder if he is related to joseph goebbels spreading rumors and lies during ww2


finally, here is how to find the icj document sentencing of serbia and montenegro. (links are blocked by southfront so you will have to search)
in google type
icj sentencing judgment of 26 february 2007, and then find the pdf document

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

you are drowning in the vomit of your own stupidity.


yet the leader of montenegro was left free in exchange for leavin yugoslavia and preparing his country to join nato/ eu. the one that ordered the shelling of dubrovnik to improve the tourism of his own region by damaging the croatish tourism.


finally, icj… “(5) by twelve votes to three,
finds that serbia has violated the obligation to prevent genocide,
under the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime
of genocide, in respect of the genocide that occurred in srebrenica
in july 1995;”. if you want to believe “ghost man / raptar driver” it is your choice

Janne Kankaanpää

russians have quite hard to bring any troops to defend inland country surrounded by nato.
all they need is 100.000 turkish troops which bulldoze any serbian village/city assaulting bosnians.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

the time of your reckoning is at hand!


international court of justice in 2007: “(5) by twelve votes to three, finds that serbia has violated the obligation to prevent genocide, under the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, in respect of the genocide that occurred in srebrenica in july 1995;”. if you want to believe “ghost man / raptar driver” it is your choice

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

you are an ignorant shill and you think that by your many useless words you have proven something?


are you done? its the same like in ukraine or in the middle east.
the othre is guilty so i have the right to commit any crime kill as many people as i want ans stay innocent …. arrest all serb polititians and putin if you need to but dont set the world on fire in the process.

Jewish pimp

putin doesn’t have to do anything with servian criminal politicians. there is your beloved mr. karadzic in island of white.