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Originally published by AntiWar
President Joe Biden had a phone conversation with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shortly after the Israeli leader declared his country was at war. The American President pledged US support for Israel’s “self-defense.” Fighting that started with a Hamas offensive in southern Israel, has led to over 200 Israeli and 230 Palestinian deaths.
On Saturday, Hamas launched an attack from Gaza on southern Israel. The Palestinian fighters conducted a complex operation that involved thousands of rockets, paratroops, and taking over Israeli checkpoints on the fence that prevents residents from leaving Gaza. Videos showed cars and apartment buildings on fire in Israeli cities. The group was able to take control of several towns.
Hamas said it launched the operation because of the treatment of Palestinians at the al-Aqsa Mosque. On Thusday, 800 Israelis stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, while Tel Aviv’s security force prevented Palestinians under the age of 60 from access the third most holy site in Islam.
The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, with 2 million people living in 140 sq. miles. Most of the people living in the area are refugees from other areas of Israel. Human rights groups have labeled Gaza as an “open-air prison” because of the Israeli blockade severely restricting travel and trade.
Hamas claims to have captured dozens of Israeli soldiers. Unconfirmed reports say that the group also captured Israeli civilians. Videos show Hamas bringing captured Israeli military equipment back to Gaza. Israeli authorities say 200 people have been killed by Hamas.
Tel Aviv responded to the offensive by mobilizing its forces. Israeli warplanes have targeted dozens of sites inside Gaza, including multiple residential high-rises. The Palestinian Health Ministry reports that 230 people have been killed by the Israeli bombing.
Netanyahu said “We are at war, not an operation. Hamas has launched a murderous surprise attack against the State of Israel and its citizens.” He added, “I ordered first of all to cleanse the settlements of the terrorists who had infiltrated and ordered a large-scale mobilization of reserves. The enemy will pay a price he has never known.”
At a press conference later in the day, Netanyahu explained the objectives Tel Aviv hopes to achieve in the war. “Our first objective is to clear out the hostile forces that infiltrated our territory and restore the security and quiet to the communities that have been attacked,” he said. “The second objective, at the same time, is to exact an immense price from the enemy, within the Gaza Strip as well. The third objective is to reinforce other fronts so that nobody should mistakenly join this war.”
Biden called Netanyahu to affirm Washington’s support for Tel Aviv.
“I made clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu that we stand ready to offer all appropriate means of support to the Government and people of Israel,” he said. “Terrorism is never justified. Israel has a right to defend itself and its people.”
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that the Pentagon will work to ensure Tel Aviv has what it needs. “Our commitment to Israel’s right to defend itself remains unwavering.” He continued, “Over the coming days the Department of Defense will work to ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself and protect civilians from indiscriminate violence and terrorism.”
Washington sends Tel Aviv at least $3.8 billion every year in military aid.
Many American officials have condemned the attack on Israel as “terrorism” and assert Israel has a right to “self-defense.” However, the Palestinians are subject to violence at the hands of the Israeli state.
Multiple human rights organizations have deemed Israel to be an apartheid state. Tel Aviv often targets the basic needs of Palestinians. In the West Bank, the homes of Palestinians are regularly destroyed to make way for Israeli settlers. Tel Aviv has even poured concrete into wells.
The Israeli soldiers that occupy the West Bank are able to kill Palestinians, even children, with impunity. Two Palestinians were killed in the West Bank on Saturday, including a 13-year-old. By mid-September, Israeli soldiers had killed 38 children in 2023.
Tel Aviv severely restricts travel from Gaza. The prohibition on leaving the region is so intense that many children with cancer struggle to locate an adult who can accompany them for treatment outside of Gaza.
Israel often responds to activity by militias in Gaza by collectively punishing all 2 million residents. Israeli Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, MK Israel Katz, signed a decree instructing the Electric Company to stop supplying electricity to the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip.
In the past, Tel Aviv has often limited Gaza’s fighting territory and closed the crossing in and out of the region. A Palestinian outlet reported that the entire Gaza Strip is in a blackout.
brother joseph (biden) will have asked bibi why the mossad killergang failed so miserably!
conclusion: terrorists help each other!
monumental pr disaster for israel. where was the army? dead or captured presumably.
the aura of invincibility of the israeli army has been well and truly destroyed overnight. it would be utter folly for the idf to send tanks in to gaza.
goodness knows what surprises await there.
respect for and fear off nato and her vassals is gone after ukraine.
if the west bank and hezbollah and potentially syria get involved israel will be deeply exposed with iran waiting in the wings.
zionism was created by a russian jew
rt com news 561709-125-years-of-zionism
stalin helped establish israel
leftvoice org how joseph stalin helped create the state of israel
“in 1947, however, the soviet union surprised the world by announcing that it would support the un plan for partitioning palestine and creating a jewish state. stalin’s shift to support for zionism was vital — one could say that israel might not exist in its current form had the soviet union not offered its backing.
historians suspect that stalin hoped to weaken the position of british imperialism in the region — perhaps he saw the jewish colonists as a kind of national liberation movement. but in reality, the prediction of all serious marxists came true: the new jewish state became a gendarme for imperialism.
soviet support for israel was not limited to diplomatic means, either. via czechoslovakia, the soviet block sent arms to the zionist militia haganah, which used them to begin the ethnic cleansing of palestine.
in other words, stalin gave material support for the nakba. the soviet-aligned communist party, the maki, became an important conduit of support for establishing the zionist state.”
– fjc-fsu org president putin support israel
president putin: “i support israel”: (source: federation of the jewish communities of the cis)
– aljazeera com news 2022 12 30 russias putin welcomes netanyahu back to power in israel
putin calls for ‘strengthening russian-israeli cooperation in all areas’ in message to netanyahu as new israeli pm.
1000s of idf will die if they enter gaza.
they must have had some operation going somewhere.
too busy stealing.
this headline is all so very wrong as we are to believe no brainer could talk to mattress salesman whence in reality as mattress salesman could tell frail old man just how to try to sleep with dementia.
just like that piano prick as they both know but fuck all other than script offered by banker.
welcome to palestine johnboy, welcome.
– fjc-fsu org president putin support israel
president putin: “i support israel”: (source: federation of the jewish communities of the cis)
– aljazeera com news 2022 12 30 russias putin welcomes netanyahu back to power in israel
putin calls for ‘strengthening russian-israeli cooperation in all areas’ in message to netanyahu as the israeli pm
an embarrassing, pathetic scream and howl in german media. the brandenburg gate in berlin was designed with the jewish star, a single shame!
israel kills palestinian or syrian civilians on a daily basis, has there ever been a word of condemnation in the german media that has been put on the same footing?
i am ashamed of the german regime under the 25.9% dictator olaf scholz!
the german people since that war and that other war are but whore. german people have no shame, no shame as those stupid german will freeze this winter for their “american”, shoe master.
it’s not the germans, it’s those they fought against, who are now their handlers.
self defense as per american whore of dual american monkey in congress for israel as america and our world have long since become palestine.
moderate ye biotch, moderate for israeli whore.
it will be a massively disproportionate response with military weapons like tanks and air power against a few militants with small arms. god help the palestinians the extremist apartheid regime will show no mercy or human rights and they will use this uprising to commit more atrocities. those militants have every right to try and defend themselves from an occupying terrorist force such as israel that exists on palestinian stolen land.
not to worry really as american stoopid christian americana will as usual take up that tab as israeli will spit on christian american visitor to old jeresulama. oy vey as i hurt myself as i hur you american christian. oy vey. jus sing with me now.. jeruselama.
perhaps the zionist war planes will attaq the yankee fleet in the mediterranean, as they did in the 60 whit the liberty. hopefull they will.
lets hope that our enemies will suffer painful defeat.
we will shave you
surprise muthaf*cker!
god will not be mocked zionists are satan worshippers they don’t believe in yahweh, the judgement of the most high are on those that forment wars, pornography, atheism, lgbt, homosexuality and last and not least pedophilia. destruction and judgement has been decreed on babylon.
what a tard , a chicken have more neurons
this guy is a moron. they preach and teach all sins to the “goyim”, all sins are tools lgbt homos, pornography to weak the lower classes. the system in the western civilization always works this way, during x century and after didn’t not the church use the sin to acquire money, doesn’t the priest were the only who can forgive sins in exchange for favors, does not the church used woman’s to acquire intelligence information on the family. where is your god?
come on, idiots. if 6 mio. jews have to escape, where do they go. 3 mio. into the us & 3 mio. to germany. your so called palestinians were transported fom egypt to palestine. these palestinians had 2 times in the last century the chance to throw the brits into the meditterrrean. but these boneheads collaborated 2 times with the brits, bet on the wrong horse and were cheated by the brrits, like the zionists were cheated.
(2) wrong decision, bad luck, game over. the people of gaza will be deported to jordan. or what would you do as an israelian jew? i would do it, no palestinians, no problem.
listen matey… never mind what the fk you or any other squatter would do
just get off palestinians’ land..
there are no civilians in israel. all are military trained
daaaaaa you discover the sun 🌞, well done… you are so smart
clown speaks with clown. won’t watch anything from these clowns.
nada k explicar….. judíos por el pico…
so many clowns comments here… even jen holms will be an albert eistein here. someday i will write about the precious jewelry that some emperor created just to shine all over their empire and show how great the empire of the exceptionals are, even they put some worshipers there, and made a huge spell over their empire… someday i will write but not today :-) today is joe’s day, let’s go brandon!
so it turns out the idf were just a bunch of fannies..
as we suspected all along
one of this days a desperate palestinian will get his hands on a dirty bomb or worse and set it off, than the 200+ nukes that israel has won’t do her any good.
yeah? and what are they going to do with that dirty bomb? nuke themselves? have you ever heard of radiation?
how is america going to finance all these wars when it is literaly bankrupt?
…hmm, take on more credit as usual…?!