On September 30, Bellingcat, a web portal widely promoted by Russian and Western mainstream media, published another ‘five-star investigation’ targeting the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism.
Over the past few years, Bellingcat has become widely known due to its publications on supposed ‘Assad regime chemical attacks’ in Syria, the MH17 tragedy and other topics. Many independent media organizations and even mainstream media outlets criticized these publications for multiple mistakes, far-fetched conclusions and false information.
We, the SouthFront Team, have always treated the activities of Belligncat with a smile. We understand that the main goal of this resource is not investigating important developments or waging ‘informational warfare’ against competitors of the so-called West and the global bureaucracy, but rather making business. The key purpose of Bellingcat is to suck budgets from entities linked with the West and the global bureaucracy.
However, the September 30 investigation caused not a smile, but consternation. We will not comment on any opuses written by Bellingcat about the Serena Shim Award, one of the few real awards that support independent media without pre-conditions, nor demands to publish articles supporting particular points of view or attempts to influence the editorial policy of awarded media organizations. We will not comment on angry words and false allegations towards multiple alternative media outlets published by Bellingcat.
Let’s focus on the false information about SouthFront.
![Bellingcat's Five-Star Investigation Reveals Identity Of 'SouthFront Founder' Bellingcat's Five-Star Investigation Reveals Identity Of 'SouthFront Founder'](https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/1-3.jpg)
Source: bellingcat.com/news/2019/09/30/pro-assad-lobby-group-rewards-bloggers-on-both-the-left-and-the-right/
1. SouthFront has never been a pro-Assad website. This fact is an open secret for people interested or familar with the conflict in Syria. In its coverage of the conflict, SouthFront has covered and is covering points of views and statements of different warring sides, including the opposition and various militant groups. SouthFront has repeatedly been criticized by more politicized entities for this stance.
2. Paul Antonopoulos has never been a founder of SouthFront. SouthFront’s founder is another person and all members of SouthFront’s Steering Committee know very well who he is.
3. Paul Antonopoulos has no links to SouthFront. SouthFront had a short correspondence with him in 2016 when he was one of Al-Masdar News’ contributors. Al-Masdar News is the news agency that also covers the conflict in Syria, with a bit more of a pro-government agenda. As to the views of Mr. Antonopoulos, SouthFront can declare with all responsibility that during the correspondence with him, he did not express any kind of neo-Nazi views or political preferences.
UPDATE: Bellingcat reacted to SouthFront’s article by removing the part of its investigation claiming that Paul Antonopoulos was a founder of SouthFront.
Source: bellingcat.com/news/2019/09/30/pro-assad-lobby-group-rewards-bloggers-on-both-the-left-and-the-right/
In this situation, the SouthFront Team feels itself obliged to assist Bellingcat in its investigations against SouthFront. We want to recall that southfront.org’s domain obtained through the Russian domain registrator Reg.ru. Therefore, the logic of mainstream media and investigators says that SouthFront is a Russian propaganda. We also recall that SouthFront has repeatedly stated that there are some Russian-speaking members in our team.
It looks like the claim that Paul Antonopoulos is a founder of SouthFront is not merely a mistake. This is a new informational attack on SouthFront. In this way, fake-newsmakers from Bellingcat attempt to label SouthFront as a kind of neo-Nazi organization by association. They were probably triggered by SouthFront’s video mentioning the “struggle against the neoliberal globalist dystopia”.
In general, SouthFront is satisfied by the reaction and actions of Bellingcat-like organizations to our work. We hope that Belligncat will continue its work further in their fascinating style of ‘investigative journalism’.
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If Southfront is in Bellingcat crosshair it is “highly likely” we are in the right place to get real news.
No one place contains the “real news” and even if it did it could be compromised overnight and be singing a different tune in the morning.
Errare humanum est sed in errore perseverare stultum.
The very FACT that Southfront has rattled the Zionist MSM BS media of lies and fabrications, should be a badge of honor. The other reality is that even some segments of brainwashed and braindead “western” populations are getting fed up with Bilderberg corporate Jew lies, warmongering and destruction of societies. The more they oppose and try to stifle independent objective media, like Southfront, RT, Sputnik, Al-Masdar, Press TV etc, and Chinese Xinhua is now on their hit list, but their pathetic efforts are backfiring bigtime like the Americunt Patriots over Saudi Arabia:)
forget those guys, keep up good work
Well done to South Front for being impactful enough on the media scene to warrant an “investigation” (read: hit job) from these clowns linked to the extremely incompetent british agencies.
I am intelligent enough to tell for myself whats accurate reporting and whats propaganda, that’s why I keep coming back to this site for news.
Good work to the SF team and keep fighting the good fight!
Also – If in the year 2019 you don’t yet understand the NWO is real as are the satanic globalists then there’s just no hope for you.
So now that SouthFront is being pilloried for NOT parroting the lies of the US and UK in particular, we can see in real time, how real facts are a ‘ Significant threat ‘ to the fake democracies of the US Coalition of Terror.
I dont see that at all. A lot is not at Soutfront at all, because its TABU.
In the areas it covers, it ´s quite sober even I often dont agree. Most writers are doing well even too many talk from the old days only.
Saw an article about breaking up MSM’s online monopolies. This attack on competition is related & revealing.
The freedom of the press is way more sacred than Democracy. Especially since Democracy is dead and buried. Alternate sources under siege. Has any one heard any MSM news on SA losing 3 brigades? It illustrates their priorities. Oh my god they broke our refinery versus, 700 dead, billions of equipment destroyed, or lost, eh didn’t happen.
Trump should be impeached because the Ukraine tried to steal our election? Hong Kong, Hong Kong but don’t forget, Hong Kong. I say Opium wars.
For this generation ancient history is before their last meal. So hurrah for South Front. I recently, finally, ok I admit I am a cheap fuck. But I finally signed up became a subscriber.
First time in my internet history of decades I actually paid for a subscription to a news service. My online chess addiction notwithstanding.
” For this generation ancient history is before their last meal. ”
I did laugh at that, Frankly, thank’s.
I bet their last meal was from a fast food joint as well :)
You really dont get the vitals for Democrasy. NUMBER ONE IS DEBATE BY FREE SPEACH.
Its typical for muslims. You blame for things You not even try to understand and has no vocabulary for.
Improvements for You are like better hay for cars.
huh? I wish we could talk in your native tongue. I am sure you make more sense that way. Trying to figure out how to respond to your gives me a headache.
I am not Muslim but know many that I admire. I do not consider Wahhabis Muslims.
I essentially agree with your all caps sentence but would say free (informed) speech. Debating with a brainwashed by propaganda ignorant twit is too common. It is very difficult to filter out all the noise in our culture.
I dont think its diffucult to see the main linbes for whats what.
A lot is never debated here at , because its tabu. A lot always 99% has only one side because the Goverments control and punish anyone they find, which has.
But those MEs can say anything about western, CNN, FOX, BBC, Jews or as the other day blaming Macron not giving the poor(muslims) jobs. None asked hardly anyone of them to come and settle as passive countries in countries to pay for every day.
Well, you only attack those who are a threat to you, so if SF is a threat, it means that SF is doing something right and should continue with that.
if the BellingCat is against you, you must be doing something right.
I read an article that I just looked for and can’t find. I think it may have been on Wikipedia. That South Front was a Russian military intel site. Set up as a counter and alternative to the western propaganda theme to try to shed some light on what is really happening. The article didn’t come right out and say that specifically. But that was the conclusion that I drew from reading it. It did clearly say that SF was a Russian military outlet. I haven’t seen anything on South Front that would dissuade me from that. Though I don’t know one way or the other. But it was a well written article and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was true.
I’ve never sent an email to South Front or received any correspondence from them other than what’s on the threads here. My view is that South Front is unique in it’s social media format for it’s freedom of expression, within reasonable limits. As long as you’re trying to get what you think is the truth out. The Disqus platform that they use on their comment section is highly developed. And adds a significant additional content to their site from the commentators using it.
Greetings, RichardD. Thank you for the feedback. We would like to look at this “well written article”, We hope it includes at least some evidence. So, we will finally be able to send an official email to the Russian Defense Ministry for a monthly paycheck.
While this great fact-based article remains unrevealed, we kindly suggest you other investigations of this kind that you would like: https://southfront.org/southfront-is-run-by-the-russian-military/, https://southfront.org/politico-veterans-today-southfront-turn-american-servicemembers-veterans-fifth-column/
Sincerely yours,
SF Team
I saw that article when I was looking for the one that I couldn’t find. It was a couple of years ago and I think that it was a Wikipedia article. But Wikipedia doesn’t currently have a South Front article and I’ve been unable to locate what was probably a deleted article. Though there is probably one cached somewhere.
I don’t remember what the footnotes were supporting the conclusion that Russian military intelligence was the probable operator of the site, but I’ll keep looking.
I couldn’t find anything using Google but I did find this on Nexus Newsfeed.com using Bing. I’m not sure if this was the exact article. But if I find anything else I’ll post it.
It says that you have Russian military backing.
– SouthFront censored at wikipedia.org –
I don’t think I give a crap and neither do readers here. SF gives us the truth and that is something that YOU, as a g*ddamn Nazi, know nothing about. Rot in hell.
You’re a truth hating false accusser. If you disagree with what I’ve written that much, then disprove it. You can’t so you won’t even try.
I’ve contributed money and well researched thoughtful truthful commentary to SF for years.
I’m a truth loving accuser, pig, and I accuse YOU of being a fascist.
Making false accusations only makes you look like the moron that you are. I knew that you wouldn’t disprove anything that I’ve written. Because you can’t and are a two faced liar.
Once again, dumb a$$, we don’t care where this site gets money. It is a LOT more honest and informative than monopolized, spy agency controlled, lying US and EU propaganda media. Now, go the f*ck away. No one here cares for your crap.
I have 12,655 up votes here. So obviously a lot of people agree with my comments. You’re a loser who can’t disprove what I’ve written. So you post obnoxious false accusations to prove what an idiot you are. If you want to provide more proof of your immaturity and stupidity. Then just keep typing.
The problem, moron, is that you cannot prove what you’ve written. I don’t have to disprove a thing. You’re an idiot attempting to limit freedom of the press. I don’t endlessly argue in circles with idiots. I’m done with you and no one cares how much money you’ve given to anyone.
Great, good riddance.
Rot in hell, fascist pig.
You’re an anti social head case.
Statements from the Russian foreign ministry, Minister of Defense and an undercover journalist who worked in a government internet center are all proof that the Russian government are running these types of operations. The Finish journalist who wrote the article is qualified to testify as an expert witness on the topic. That’s all judicial quality evidence.
Or for someone as brain dead as you are, proof.
“Statements”? According to whom? Again, I don’t care whether they are 100 percent funded by Russian intelligence. They beat the $hit out of any corporate US or EU “journalism”.
If rather than running your mouth to illustrate what an immature brain dead antisocial miscreant you are you went to the article that I posted and read the footnotes and followed the source links you could read as many statements as you like. Do you even understand how judicial quality evidence works? Judging from your comments I’m guessing not.
So you actually believe this? Then i have to side with the Russian-American. Judicial quality evidence my a$$
He is for SouthFront, he is exposing the hypocrisy of western media lies.
He supports SouthFronts work.
You miss understand the conversation he is having with SF admin.
If so, I apologize. He should write in a more direct, clear style.
Your inability to understand the English language may have to do with your head being in the gutter. Everybody else understood it. Try getting your thumb out of your mouth and maybe you won’t be distracted by it.
And i apologize too. But remember: you should read with your eyes and your brain and be patient till you finish reading and make sure you understand.
SF is a game changer in the process of the internet replacing the legacy msm as the new msm. The internet would be worse off without it.
Try reading people’s posts to the end before commenting, or if reading is not your forte, keep your silence.
This may have been some of the source information:
“South Front … a professional info-war project run or backed by the Russian military.”
– The Cyberspace War: Propaganda and Trolling as Warfare Tools –
A statement made without presenting any facts is nothing but illusion.
She’s quoting the Russian Foreign Ministry, a purported Russian under cover investigative Journalist, and the Russian Defense Minister as part of her research:
“Information warfare has various definitions, and in this article I use the most common one: a state-conducted, strategic series of information and psychological operations that influences the target’s opinions, attitudes and actions in order to support the political goals of the state’s leaders. In 2000, the Russian Foreign Ministry defined ‘information security’ as the ‘protection of [Russia’s] national interests in the information sphere’ (Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2000). In recent years the Russian state’s information warfare capabilities have developed rapidly to match its intentions (Giles 2016).
‘Trolls’ are part of the Kremlin’s propaganda system and technique of information warfare: these recruited commentators distribute the messages of Russia’s political leaders online. The Russian investigative journalist (Garmazhapova 2013) who went undercover in a pro-Putin social media commenting office in St Petersburg in 2013 dubbed the commentators ‘trolls’ and their office a ‘troll factory’. Prior to this discovery, the Kremlin had already taken the traditional media under its control to serve its interests, with Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu calling the media a ‘weapon’ (Interfax2015).”
– The Cyberspace War: Propaganda and Trolling as Warfare Tools –
My view is that if she’s right about SF having a Russian military nexus, that it’s a good thing. Because it gives SF improved defenses against attacks. I don’t agree with her conclusions about SF disseminating disinfo the way that the western msm does. But I wouldn’t dismiss the conclusion of a Russian military nexus from what I’ve seen over the years.
Thanks man. Others cant see the forest for the trees.
And you “two” can’t see that crap from Richards’ “source” (written by some cheap paid propagandist from Finland), is pure, 100% garbage without a single true, or intelligent word. “Hordes of russian trolls from KGB caves working for Putins regime, forcing people worldwide into submission, attacking our freedom, supporting Assad the butcher while he is eating babes, influencing people to vote for Trump the russian puppet, all preparing russian ground invasion of the planet! That’s why we must have another 1000 american bases, american rockets and tanks in our backyards, and nothing but CNNATO approved ‘truth’ on our media! Because US occupation of Europe means freedom. If you are disagree you are a russian TROLL!”
That’s basically what she said.
Living right next to Russia, like Sarah Palin. She can even see Russia when the coast is clear. She should know, huh?
That’s apples and oranges. The Finns have much more extensive contact and experience with the Russians over a long permeable land border. Than the Alaskans do over the narrow rarely crossed Bearing Strait. Of course you know that and are just being stupid to show what an idiot you are.
Richard, are you a Finn? What do you understand about our history with Russia? It´s much more complicated than the question of Palestina.
It´s clear that we have lived with Russia as long as Russia has existed, sometimes as an enemies, sometimes part of it, sometimes as a trading partners etc.
The main point is that the western powers has always tried to use us as a bridgehead against Russia. And characters like Jessika Aro are their tools.
It seems to me that you are intentionally or unintentionally using this tool.
I’m looking at the evidence and drawing what I feel to be rational assessments from it. She’s done a lot of quality research and raised valid points worth considering. I disagree with the thrust of her Russia bashing conclusions. But the evidence supports the indication that SF is a Russian anti smear campaign information operation.
Quick on the draw are we? You are just as quick to go ad hominem as the Russian-American was, to yourself. Anyway, do you mean permeable border in the Russian Empire, in the Soviet Union or now? In the Russian Empire, Finland was part of it, the grand duchy of finland. In the Soviet Union and now, since the fall of the SU, the border is sealed tight. I mean, there are three of four checkpoints through which visa-holders may travel but that’s it. I live here, a$$hole. Born and raised in Vyborg, now St. Petersburg.
If you want to provide more evidence of your stupid two faced sarcastic idiocy, just keep typing.
Yeah, whatever…
Try behaving in a rational sensical manner rather than wallowing in immature stupidity and you won’t get your nose rubbed in it.
“Sensical”? That’s a new one. So, not a native english-yakker, or somewhat illiterate?
I work nights. Of course you’re to stupid to figure that out.
Sensical dictionary definition | sensical defined – YourDictionary
(neologism) That makes sense; showing internal logic; sensible. … common-sensical.
You know, any insult from a person who seriously maintains that Southfront is a Russian military operation is just water off of the duck’s back. So keep it up, pal. I don’t mind.
It’s called truth. If it bothers you you might want to ask yourself why.
Hi Richard. I live also close to Russia, in the same country than Jessika. Read my above comment about her. She´s far from being a reliable source. If you try to prove something, try some other sources.
As a Finn, it´s impossible to believe anything that´s connected to Aro. Even many pro-NATO folks in Finland don´t take her seriously.
I don’t agree with a lot of her Russia bashing conclusions, but if you look at the abstract and support sources that she uses. A lot of it is solid material that supports the existence of a Russian information operation to counter the Zionist lies.
Im in agreement. You’re bringing an unbiased perspective to this discussion! but one thing remains missing from your calculation. The fact that every lie is spun from a grain of truth…she had to start somewhere and that somewhere must be based in truth in order for her foundation ( accusations ) to seem plausible.
Not really, some people just lie knowing that it’s a lie and everyone knows it. But they prefer the lie to the truth.
If ” everyone knows it. “, the foundation of the statement or accusation crumbles.
In situations such as this, the truth ( foundation ) holds. The narrative ( spin created ) around the truth is what creates doubt in the full truth of the matter for the person seeking out the facts. This, in turn, leads to situations such as this, creating confusion and doubt in the truth sayer.
Is it plausible, possible what she has investigated and found to be true? Of course it is. Is it probable she has spun it to cast doubt? Again, yes. Once doubt is seeded in one’s mind, the truth becomes obscure…mission accomplished!
Save the Orwellian psycho babble for those who’re into that nonsense. I’m not.
Lmao…said the guy with an IQ of 84.
You know what’s stùpid about you, you actually think you can destroy an idea by outlawing it.
Try and keep up with the pace. You’re being told your inquiry as to whether Russian psy-ops operate SF is irrelevant, it matters not who’s behind SF, as long as it is presenting its readers/ followers the truth. Your assumptions are based in non evidentiary circumstance. Facts can be created out of thin air, something you seem to consume heavily. In other words, wake the fùck up, dumass. Rofl
I’m familiar with what is and isn’t judicial quality evidence. Judging from your reply either you’re not or you are and are lying.
Your Orwellian psycho babble rants shows that you’re an irrational head case. Trying to conduct a rational debate with a moron like you is a waste of time. If you want to provide more evidence of that, then just keep typing.
One thing most of us have noticed about you is this. Whenever you feel you’re being disagreed with you turn to personal attacks…zio-troll 101. Your inability to comprehend anything countering your viewpoint leads you to be belligerent. Again, zio-troll or simple idiocy of someone with low IQ. Keep sticking to your bs argument.
Your out of your depth. Quoting number of ” likes ” proves you’re also narcissistic. You seem to equate it to, proof of fact.
You dwell in fantasies of your own making.
You haven’t disproven anything that I’ve written. All that your twisted Orwellian psycho babble and false accusations prove is that you’re a liar and a head case.
Typical zio-hasbara reply. Keep it up shekels boy.
It’s called truth. Your rejection of it shows that you’re a liar.
Btw, for someone who is so-called anti zionist you sure quote a lot of zionist media. And we all know how wiki works, another over quoted source. You must be one of the higher paid trolls, 25 shekels a day.
When you can provide proof disproving what I’ve written I’ll look at it. Until then, it’s a waste of time trying to engage in a rational debate with an irrational head case who degenerates into nonsensical Orwellian psyco babble.
You havent written anyrhing that cant be found in a neo-liberal, left wing Israeli zionist rag. You’re a legend in your.own mind.
You’re a habitual liar who hasn’t disproven anything that I’ve written, you haven’t even tried, who degenerates into false accusations when you lose an argument and can’t prove your lies.
So what? Why are you so obsessive? Where are you trying to lead this conversation? Your thinking is somehow allusive: “there must be a Russian info-operation and Aro knows it and…”
If the final conclusion will be that SF is part of it, then there must be some other similar sources and then…
You see, this takes you to paranoia. I´m not saying that it´s impossible that SF is part of Russian info-op, I have no idea about it. But why should I care about it? If you can´t recognize the truth, then you get lost.
Facts and the truth are two totally different things. I´m sure you are aware how MSM uses facts to twist the truth.
Your post is conflicted, poorly written and confused. Is English your first language? If it’s not you’re butchering it.
” Is English your first language?”
Didn´t you understand that I´m a Finn? Finnish is my mother tongue.
“Jessikka Aro” some paid bimbo bitch, professional liar paid by Deutsche Welle (german propaganda service basically owned by CIA). Literally everything from that ‘source’ is full of retarded antirussian hysteria, made for braindead imbeciles who believe in russian collusion, evil ruskies everywhere and other moronic bullshit.
I’m not even going to read all that sick, evil, pile of feces, let’s see just a first few ‘claims’
“Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime has taken control of the traditional media in Russia: TV, radio and newspapers” first sentence- 100% utter nonsense. As I can see there are TOO MANY antiruissian media in Russia, I’m not sure why Putin allow all that crap, they are all traitors working for the same masters as this bitch.
“As Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has stated, the Kremlin sees the mass media as a ‘weapon’. ” sickly twisted and completely out of context; he said the West use mass media as a weapon. But this piece of shit Jessikka deliberately portraying him as a villain. Reminds me of Goebbels’ quote: “repeat the same lie 100x and people will believe it’. But he actually said that for jevvish press, not as his personal motto.
“Now Russia’s leadership is trying to take control of social media too, and for this massive operation a new information warfare tool has been mobilised–-an army of fake social media Putinfans, known as ‘trolls’” -pure fantasy and moronic CNN mantras: everyone who disagree with anglozionist quasiliberal globalist tyranny is a ‘russian troll’! Yeah, we all here are russian trolls, I’m KGB general Nicholas Romanov and you must be Ivan from Novosibirsk, right?
“My investigation has discovered that coordinated social media propaganda writers are twisting and manipulating the public debate in Finland, too. ” There was no investigation, she just made up all of this crap for a few buck and propmised US reward. Yes, she is from Finland: FInland, Baltic states, Poland, Romania and now Ukraine are under complete US occupation, all media are controlled by proNATO criminals and they poison their people with these brainwashing russophobic crap again and agian. These countries are designated to be ‘the first wave’ in new NATO Barbarossa, their population must be 100% controlled and brainwashed.
“Aggressive trolls have created a feeling of fear among some of my interviewees, causing them to stop making Russia-related comments online.” hahaha this is just pathetic, Hillary Clinton’s style retarded bullshit. Who the hell believe this nonsense. Russian trolls forcing people into submission on internet…
“The question is: how should the Kremlin’s trolls and disinformation be countered?”
This NATO paid hooker is the real troll. And yes, her lies must be countered by the free people. I don’t know if Russia use trolls, bots, I don’t even care. I don’t fight for Russia, I fight for truth. Against scum like this Jessikka or Bellingcrap.
This reminds me of the VERY often used quote attributed to Ahmadinejad that claimed he said that Iran wants to ‘wipe Israel off the map’. Which, of course, he never said. Yet you can search for him and destroy Israel speech and that is all you will find unless you look hard. Every MSM outlet in the world peddles this crap. His actual quote is: “The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time” https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-wiped-off-the-map-the-rumor-of-the-century-fabricated-by-the-us-media-to-justify-an-all-out-war-on-iran/21188 He was quoting Khomeni from years earlier.
Exactly. Dirty liars using the same tricks for 100 years of more, the same patterns brainwashing again and again, from Pulitzer and Hearst onward. And sheeple believe them.
But this Jessikka Aro is something special (she looks like an ex-porn star), no wonder even CNN likes her ‘brave fight for freedom and truth’ lol she even accused Trump to be ‘russian troll’ ?
None can rely a man or woman which one day takes a half made nuke out of the closet and next day back and next day out.
I read the footnote on the defense minister’s statement. I think she’s right about the Russian military running an information war. I don’t agree that they use the same tactics as the pax judaica mass murdering liars. But it wouldn’t surprise me if SF is part of it. The evidence isn’t conclusive. But there is credible evidence in her article.
Excellently said! And yes, the media-scape in Russia is pretty much liberal globalist-controlled, with very few exceptions and those are not mainstream media.
Extremely good comment, and so true. I´m from Finland and I can tell you that everything that AlexK wrote about Jessika Aro is true. She´s well known NATO-troll in Finland.
If RichardD tries to prove, with the help of Aro, that SF is a Russian intel site, then it´s absolutely ridiculous. It´s the same than trying to use Hillary Clinton as a reliable source!!!
What´s the most outrageous thing in Aro´s claims about Russian trolling, is that she herself is very probably working for the CIA or some western NGO intel org. As mentioned above, a real paid troll. Professional liar.
I can draw my own conclusions from her research and sources. And it provides credible evidence of a possible SF/Russian info op nexus. It’s not conclusive but it is indicative and I wouldn’t dismiss it until further evidence becomes available either proving or disproving it.
Russia is the target of a massive smear campaign. It’s foolish to think that they wouldn’t have counter measures in place to negate it. It’s obvious from her quality research and source material that they do. Her trying to put a negative spin on it and misrepresent it as something other than what is. Doesn’t disprove the evidence that she’s provided that it exists.
You are no Nato troll, if You support Nato being affiliated with Finland.
Thats not trolling at all. Thats being open and allowed to speak. You are not from Finland at all.
Kranskej gora is russian transplantation into finnish.
I didn´t say that everyone who supports NATO membership of Finland is a troll. I was speaking about Aro. And I´m Finnish, ethnic Finn. Jatketaanko tätä suomeksi?
You can ridicule Richard all you want. He is a loyal, year long reader, saying what EVERYONE who is able to see your 100% pro Russia viewpoint and research SF 5 minutes on Google is thinking.
But at least you dont censor him.
You are as full of it as RD is. If you want to be censored, go to Breitbart. As for RD, I blocked him long ago and he is generally full of it. It’s your opinion that SF is 100% pro Russian, speak for yourself. Maybe the truth only appears slanted to you. BTW, RDs upvotes are 11837 and posts are 12663…less than 1 per post. His position he is going on with is as far as I am concerned more in line with undermining. That too is a propaganda war tactic. The people he is citing are not those I would…and most others would not as well, due to their association with MSM. He is doing what is tantamount to what the Zionist propagandists do…assertions or nuances to create doubt and confusion.
So why is he loyal to something he believes is a russian military operation site (or whatever nonsense)?
100% pro-russian? Ah yes, if you are not 100% ANTI russian, then you are “pro russian” – ‘Murican mainstream media ‘ logic’.
btw you seriously believe these texts were written by the russian army?
Dear Southfront Mod, please consider banning Rocket Nose. Thank you!
Greetings. In general, SouthFront has a very soft moderation policy. Nonetheless, if you think that there is a sensible reason to warn (or even ban) some person, please, contact us via info@southfront.org with a link describing the case.
Sincerely yours,
SF Team
Why amigo? rocket nose and the other little Jew Simon Bernstein are pathetically entertaining. They live in a world of fantasy. I think it is good to hear their frustrations, it gives an insight into how low the Zionist scum and Americunts have sunk :)
I agree with Zionism = EVIL, Rocket Nose is unintentionally hilariously entertaining. and his MEGA foreheaded sidekick Simon shitstain is even funnier. I swear I haven’t laughed harder at comedy shows than at Jacob’s BullShit
and a convicted felon, much loved by the black brothers at Chico State Pen to boot :)
South Front Wikipedia page was proposed for deletion on 27 February 2017 and was deleted on 7 March 2017
Well said richard, top notch comment! Sums it up quite nicely for all of us.
They manufacture the stuff that Brittish media needs to push their agenda.
Well, it was only a matter of time.
Still: You could all avoid this theater, if you would be open and honest about the people (what you call steering committee) and funding behind SF. Make a video showing your workplace, routine, and everyone can judge for themselves, if you are an unbiased, international team solely funded by readers, or a GRU info war operation with funding from Oligarchs like it has been rumored for years on Reddit.
Sadly you have censored me several times before when i asked for more openness because i feared this day would come. And this only raises more questions. I get in this time of info war you want to hide your Russian origin and funding. Okay. But it is an open secret for years, even if belling cat is to stupid to find the info.
And yes, you are no Pro-Syrian Site. You are always pro Russia. And we readers here have no problem with that. Only with being shady about it.
One can and must criticize western NGOs. But sadly most are even more open about their structure and funding as you. Change that, or accept that Bellingcat will use this to project their wildest lies.
Smile all you will, but this does hurt you. Bellingcat has the ear of the MSM, and this will prevent future readers to trust you. And this affects the important messages you have, no matter if GRU operation or not. The truth must the known about the lies of MSM. But new readers need to trust you. And the only way to that is to be open and honest yourself.
I think that you’re missing the point. Deliberately or out of ignorance. None of the CIA or MI6 front sites advertise that they’re tax payer funded, if SF is, why should they?
Right…. give the CIA-civilian contractions information for (accidents) to happen or for them to be the target of Zionist-Malware or to have the NSA use APT to upload illegal files onto their PC’s to frame them.
Rule #1 When an enemy is actively killing people, you do not provide that enemy an easy to access hit-list.
Their bank accounts will be emptied by the IMF and next time they fly somewhere they will be arrested on trumped up charges.
We know the same the the UK and US have been playing for the last 200 years.
AND I GOT CENSORED.. Thanks SF! You are true speakers of truth.
And spit your loyal readers in the face.
SF lets more people speak more freely then any MSN or CNN or ABC or FOX or MSNBC or JPOST will let anyone else comment or speak. I have seen them allow everything from Communist postings to Arab-Nationalist postings and everything like Libertarians in-between.
So don’t know them if they occasionally have to sensor an outright threat, or lower then rude derogatory words or entire sentences of cussing.
Just speak nicely and express your viewpoint.
Well, actually You write on Twitter or Facebook right here. So there is some kind of freedom in the kind of world, You dont like.
I dont see You are correct, because those newssites are commented by organs like fx facebook and Twitter all over the world and most things even automatic can be translated more or less well to almost any language.
That Bellinglard sucks a lot of high cholesterol cock.
It’s Billingsgate
The U.S is becoming like the USSR before the collapse, the difference is that the U.S will collapse socially.
All the truth must be suppressed in an empire of lies.
Bellingcat has never been correct about anything.
Probably beside the point as their porpuse is to introduce false narratives which corporate media can echo without being responsible.
Eh, take it as a compliment SF. Bellingcat is full of crap. If they are playing games it probably means they are nearing end of life. Ignore them.
SF has been an excellent source of information that the msm stays silent about. Thank you!
Bellingcrap = CIA/MI6 cheap imitation of WikiLeaks, created exclusively to spread fake garbage and fabricate these kind of sick fabrications.
I find Southfront to be an excellent source of Journalism with integrity.
Here in America the People aren’t as easily deceived by certain dishonest politicians as they fool themselves into believing…
Time will tell and eventually the warmongering swine will lose their status quo and Truth and Wisdom will prevail and the People will get tired of being lied to constantly.
I see it already.
23 American veteran and active duty service member suicides EACH DAY are a testament to the Truth you are reporting.
Never, ever give up or give in. The Creator that made us ALL, who loves all peoples, despises the dishonest and the murderers.
Wow! Thanks Bellingcat for the heads up of places to go for the truth. Idiots.
Nobody should take BellingCrap seriously, no one. It’s founder Fag Eliiot takes about 5 zionist/saudi cocks a day
Southfront is best. Meanwhile BellingCrap founder Fag Elliot believes and loves retarded fake news sites like ynetnews and debkafile
These days being called a neo-nazi by the MSM is a badge of honor. It gets used so often its become meaningless. Also these leftist leaning journalists and activist should be reminded at every opportunity that national socialism is still socialism. That Austrian guy with the mustache, that snazzy dressed bald guy from Italy, they’re part of the left wing family. Just a different flavor of left wing extremism.
“Shoigu: Information becomes another armed forces component
MOSCOW. March 28 (Interfax) – Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has described the media as a type of weapon, which cannot be used “in a negative way.”
“The day has come when we all have to admit that a word, a camera, a photo, the Internet, and information in general have become yet another type of weapons, yet another component of the armed forces. This weapon can be used in a good and in a bad way. This is a weapon that was involved in various events in our country in different years, both in our defeats and in our victories,” Shoigu said at an award ceremony of the MEDIA-ACE journalistic contest instituted by the Defense Ministry.
Over the past year, the Defense Ministry has tried to work in such a way that there should be a reason to report a lot of interesting things about the armed forces and has done a lot to improve the image of military service, Shoigu said.
“I would like to remind you that it is time now when the media incorporate a lot. And, on the one hand, this is truly a weapon. On the other hand, this is something that can cause serious injuries. Nowadays, this is something that can act simultaneously as an investigator, a prosecutor, a judge, and an executor in bad hands. I wouldn’t like to see ourselves gradually turning into those who use this weapon in the most negative way,” Shoigu concluded.
The all-Russian press festival MEDIA-ACE-2015 is the Russian Defense Ministry’s new project arranged to encourage media outlets, journalists, military experts, other members of the press, online journalists and bloggers who have made a significant contribution to strengthening the Russian armed forces’ positive image.”
Yeah, BellingCrap, whohoho, whom the f…. cares, I dont even bother to go there, like a lot of other sites I have cut down to few, since I am old enough to look for quality and not clickbait shitholes as BelligCraut and the what we know to day as Dha MSM.
Some adivice, in all humbeless, never, never, never apologize, I never do that unless I am dead wrong, and then if you make an misstake, explain it, amditt it, but dont bother to drool much more than just that, we all make misstakes, I have done that many times, but thru the years I have also leaned that the depth of the lies, forgerys and so on to lies about history and science, is much deeper than most think of to day as we speak, and that is what I have discovered thru the years, and have changed my perseptions on many things, etc, to what I am writing to day, I only apologize for my dyslecia, because my wife needs this PC on Norse, since Her English is not good so I dont have the correction program up an running, hehe.
Second, I dont give an rats ass, if you got payed by Putin him self, and the idiotic haggle about been Trolls is to me an hall mark of ignorance, period, used by people whom is either lying, because of been an eh…. brigade memeber (hashaBrats the league of snotty little f….. etc) or simpy isnt informed enough to differentiate, and to be conected to Russia is for me again, totally irrelevant, I dont care, the reason I have stayed and stil read whats up, is due to quality, and also some other aspects like, facts, like the downing of the plain in Ukraina, etc, to the pro-Assad acusations witch again, despite all the lies that have been onging for decades, like Lyiba and Iraq, to Venezuela to Africa, a.s.o. we have learned to separate bullshit from whats facts, this is again what the MSM whines about, that we dont bite into their idiotic propaganda, and Your site is one of the few whom is operating in real time, of course some articles is based upon what may be missinfo, but I have no problems with that either, its an part of the reality we live in, and to give an clue about what the oponets think or pimps, etc, regarding issues as Syria, etc.
Third, this is difficould for many people to gett into their heads, I base everything on two pilars, like Christianity and Islam do, just two, justice and truth, alter this, and reality derailes, and I usually tries to ballance them, and whatever consequences that have, to people whom is either countering this with propaganda, or just yapps ignorant nonsense, I really dont give an f…. about that, since I consider that to be their problem, not mine, and then we have some people whom is dumb enough to think that since we have hammering one side, and thinks that their side somehow is an night with shining armore, and is untuchable, will of course be schocked with I beat them to, like when I write about Sovjet, and Hitler Germany, while I do this also because of somehow, Germans are consdiered to be evil even to day, just because they are Germans, is to me an sign again of imaturity, the inability to differentiate historical events and use that to explain the present, I may acuse Sovjet for things, but I havent taken that to acuse Russia to day for that at all, but that rule dont aply to Germans, do you understand, a lot of people cant see that, and again, I do it because I think we need it, to get an grasp on the past in an explanation to highlight the way/s we where/been lied to, or the history have been altered to an way witch fits the present narratives, but I never use it to be nasty in any way of form other than fighting propaganda. I know a lot of pro-Russian sites that cant handle it, because it somehow hurts, to scrapp the fabric of reality witch we all have been hammered with for decades, incl my self, you are not alone, belive me. And on top of it, there is much, much more, I and others have just scratched the surface of it.
SO, to sum it up, its been an jurney, from the begining, what changed was the Palestinian conflict, because, and thats where I learned the ugly truth, the MSM is rotten to its core, one sided and lies about much of the other side, if not lie, they just dont print it, like our Norwegain MSM says, they are not obliged to print everything, chapice, so they print something, andd that is where I got my eyes kicked open, decades ago, and since the national MSM kicked us out, because of AGW to Vaccine scams, I desided, when I realized the worlds MSMs where equally rotten to go outside, into the world.
And I have waded thru a lot, and I always recomend people to do that, you need to know what the oposits think, or what they write, like I could link to the WebBot Harbarah, its just that, they use an Webbot, and so on, and have been acused for been everything you can think off, and to be frank, I couldnt care less, because they dont alow anyone to contradict their perseptions I had to find sites where I could, and I have no spesific agenda, other than doing what I can for my own region, the artic north and Finland/Russia.
Apart from all this, again, I knew of course, that SF would be more pro-Russia, in it self an non issue, since most of the oponets are pro-western and overly pro-johoho, but the difference I hope will be into the future, is to not be hysterical about what some of us writes about things that are controversial, I have used years just to man up my self to cross the lines, from Germany/Bolshewiks to Islam, to day I have no problems, not because I have an agenda, but because of the two pilars I have mentioned above, and even to day, I could wirte if I find articles with comentary fields not to much cencured issues about lets say, Christianity, witch would provoce a lot of people, to Islam, witch would provoce even more to Juadism, witch again will raise hell, Yahve is an Female diety, did you know THAT.
hehe But again, dont bother to apologize, just dont forget what made you to what you are to day, an really good site, go for what you have, dont piss down the well, like others, as I have said before, I if I watch propaganda/videos/events/etc, look for inconsitencys, where I can take an misstake, unintentionally or not, depends on whats written or to what event/s its covering, but to me, the damage is already done, and thats one of my few rules of thumbs, the next time, its not inconsitency, but an deliberate atempt to giud the readers, and then I usualy have no mercy and will kick back.
So, tell BelliCraut, that we dont gave an f…., Russian or not, I usually holds Russians to be far better educated and learned than the average Wankeedoodle shitheads incl their MSM, and thats why I have no problems, also due to political issues as not been a imperial dick, etc, and if any critic of the present Russia, is more to been to much Amerikanised, greed is everything, than anything else.
My wife whom is Russian, dont like the way Russia is heading, not as an nation nor its people, but the society, the strugles of ordinary people, witch is more and more like the west, some aspects really good, others not, but to me, Russia have morphed, from backyard to front seat, and hopefully will continue into the future, and one thing I would never understand nor aprove is why on earth are some of you so bloody conserned about been western, huh, that, Russians is an mental clap trap, to me, you are Russia, 11 time zones, an f… big country, with an diversity almost unparraleled, keep that, for forget the west, we are going down in flames.
Cheers, I “joke” with my wife, that one day we may move to Russia, but for now, njet.
I have walked by the river side of what I define as the Mother of Highways since the dawn of man, and Russia, Volga, and I felt like Home.
Since I am an forest wolf.
I can close my eyes right now, and stil see her.