The MH17 saga still continues, and it is unlikely that it will end anytime soon, regardless of what common sense and evidence is applied to it. Attempts to fit the facts to the narrative, and not establish a narrative based on factual data is evident.
In the most recent “episode” of the saga, Bellingcat, the “investigative website” went to “online” war with the opposition in Ukraine, since its representatives attempted to provide factual data that some of the evidence was very obviously doctored.
The SBU’s credibility was questioned since it released the faked recordings, and the Volodymyr Zelensky administration continues its questionable policy supporting radicals and employing the Poroshenko-like policy of sabotaging the political settlement of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
The party of opposition figure Anatoly Shariy is gaining popularity and is bringing to light the misconduct of the SBU and Zelensky, and Bellingcat, with its ties to MI6 immediately jumped to the rescue. And it is hardly a coincidence that Zelensky visited MI6 Headquarters for talks in his visit to the UK in October 2020.
On October 18th, Ukrainian politician Anatoly Shariy released a video which attempts to shed light on who is actually behind the Bellingcat “investigative website.”
Notably, in the video Shariy provides evidence that the tapes in which Igor Bezler was allegedly implicated in downing the MH-17 were actually doctored.
He confirmed that the Ukrainian security service – SBU edited the tapes, they were recorded during the hostilities in Eastern Ukraine, but the original tapes had Bezler and others speak about Ukrainian Su warplanes, and not about the MH-17.
This is a main point in Bellingcat’s investigation on the matter.
Over the last several years Anatoly Shariy has come a long way – from a journalist and blogger, turning into quite the influential politician in exile.
This is primarily thanks to his unrelenting efforts and everyday work that seem to never stop. He, almost single-handedly, took apart the narrative of former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, and is dismantling that of the current president – Volodymyr Zelensky, and he did all that online.
He is an expert in debunking media fakes, and this turned into a sort of activism, through his network of avid supporters.
Local elections are to take place in Ukraine on October 25th, and the Party of Shariy is to take part.
Back in the general elections of 2019, his party got 2.23%, which is approximately 330,000 votes, but didn’t pass the 5% threshold to enter Parliament, since then it appears that his popularity has risen.
The work he does is evidenced by the fact that his supporters, relatives and party members have repeatedly been subject to attacks from structures affiliated to the Azov Battalion and other volunteer battalions.
They are often subject to abuse or attacks by radical individuals who are quite openly being supported by the Ukrainian government. And still, Shariy’s party remains as a thorn in the side of the current Kiev government, shedding light on its questionable activities.
Currently, Shariy is one of Zelensky’s key adversaries, and at the core of that are mobile groups of Shariy supporters who quite literally followed Zelensky on his travels across Ukraine.
Everywhere the Ukrainian president appeared, Shariy’s supporters were present there, organizing protests and demanding for Zelensky to react to political persecutions, censorships, attacks and attempts on the lives of opposition figures and more.
Zelensky, expectedly, wants to do very little of what they’re demanding of him, since that would be to his detriment, and there are numerous videos showing the Ukrainian president being dissatisfied by Shariy’s supporters protesting.
Most recently, Zelensky visited the United Kingdom, and that’s when Shariy began sharing information.
He also said that Bellingcat may claim that he received his information from the Russian military intelligence – GRU, and in response he would sue them and prove that it wasn’t the Russian intelligence services that contacted him.
Если @bellingcat попытаются утверждать, что я получил запись от ГРУ, я подам в суд и в суде без проблем раскрою свой источник, фактически, с пруфами подтвердив ложь @bellingcat и показав, что запись была у голландского правосудия с 2014 года. И предоставлена была голландцам СБУ
— Анатолий Шарий (@anatoliisharii) October 18, 2020
Of course, there are those who disagree with what Shariy claimed, and attempt to prove otherwise.
2/ is the part of the "information"(actually disinformation) support that Mi6 promised to Zelensky, when Zelensky met with Mi6 head during his recent trip to UK in October this year.
So, Bellincat was given the task to discredit Shariy,whom Zelensky consider the biggest threat— Elena Evdokimova (@elenaevdokimov7) October 18, 2020
3/ And Shariy did it well. He showed that #Bellingcat manipulated the facts, trying to pass one Rozovka (now Aleksandropol) for the another Rozovka, that was actually mentioned by Bezler people, the one, which was located on the territory of DPR
— Elena Evdokimova (@elenaevdokimov7) October 18, 2020
4/ Rozovka , Bezler people were talking about on the tape
— Elena Evdokimova (@elenaevdokimov7) October 18, 2020
5/ Bellingcat trolls attacked Shariy, insisting without any proof that he received the full wiretap he aired- from Russian GRU. Though this full record was in possession of JIT & SBU for 6 years.
— Elena Evdokimova (@elenaevdokimov7) October 18, 2020
The entire situation has turned into a fiasco on Twitter.
“Of course, JIT has had this record for 6 years already. Bellingcat just worked the order for me. But very clumsy and stupid”
Конечно же у JIT эта запись 6 лет уже. А Беллингкат просто отработали заказ по мне. Но очень топорно и тупо
— Анатолий Шарий (@anatoliisharii) October 18, 2020
“So @bellingcat tried to work the order for me, but it turned out very stupid. I concealed the terribly secret shelling of Rozovka, although Rozovka is different (village), and the record has been at the disposal of the Dutch for 6 years already. They are idiots, these @bellingcat”
Таким образом @bellingcat попытались отработать заказ по мне, но вышло очень глупо. Я скрыл ужасно секретный обстрел Розовки, хотя Розовка другая, а запись есть в распоряжении голландцев 6 лет уже. Они какие-то идиоты, эти @bellingcat
— Анатолий Шарий (@anatoliisharii) October 18, 2020
He also alleged that it comes out from Bellingcat’s investigation that the settlement of Rozovka, and its airfield are actually 16 km closer to Gordovka, than it actually is.
bellingcat claims that Rozovka was moved 16 km closer to Gordovka by a special order of the DPR
— Анатолий Шарий (@anatoliisharii) October 18, 2020
All Shariy did, however, was say that Zelensky met with MI6 in his visit to the UK, and this was confirmed by the Ukrainian authorities themselves.
Bellingcat, who have proven ties to MI6, are simply attempting to attack and discredit the data about the MH17 that continues being released.
What’s notable is that Bellingcat’s article attempting to discredit Shariy is riddled with factual mistakes, and very apparent and weak attempts to cover the SBU-produced fake tape.
For example, as mentioned above, they claimed that a village is located at a different location than it actually is.
They also claimed that Shariy’s tapes were wrong, because he didn’t release the part related to local clashes, which is entirely beside the point.
As mentioned above, Shariy allegedly received the tape from the GRU, and in response he said he would sue Bellingcat and prove in court who his source is and that it wasn’t Russian.
The situation is such that the YouTube version, released by the SBU allegedly proved that Bezler and others were responsible for MH17. At the same time, the Netherlands’ JIT had received the full tapes from Bezler himself and the had them for, at least, 6 years.
Then, it turned out that the SBU simply made an “accidental mistake” and they should be forgiven.
Finally, the article attempts to paint a picture of Bezler in which he ordered an execution of Ukrainian troops, but the entire tape contains evidence that they are alive and well.
This, of course, is entirely unmentioned in the Bellingcat article.
In conclusion, the Twitter fiasco with Bellingcat-affiliated trolls simply making wild claims are showing of the sad state the MI6-funded propaganda has reached.
Integrity Initiative was always a joke from day one, transparent MI6 BS for which Bellingcat was the main cypher. Bunch of children sat in their mums basement playing big boys games on their laptops They will be exposed in the end and pay for their crimes, like LeMeasurier. MI6? What can you say, marginally less incompetent than the Americans, that’s about it. I see another jug eared public school prefect has taken over from the last one at MI6, lets expect more ‘novichok’ from Porton Down eh! All this propaganda is squarely aimed at the domestic audience though, they know it has zero effect on anyone outside the UK which is why its so pathetic. Shameful waste of tax payers money.
Death to Zelensky. Death to Ukraine.
Shut up Nazi!
You’re the ones supporting Azerbaijan and Turkish Nazis. Death to you all.
Really, For Life is the way to go, Rabinovitch is the brains here (Strana) and he is smart. Russia is supporting business ties to friendly businesses supporting this party in UA also.
Death to ukropnazis and their CIA/MI6 handlers.
Put your money where your mouth is, stable boy
And how many ukropnazis died?
And counting…
Kremlin source?
In your paralel reality.
Truth hurts, try to handle it.
You stole my comeback
Actually that’s mine.
I stole it back ??
I was joking. I give it to you.
I thought Ukraine was already dead as a functioning state…
Appears to be now nothing more than a whore-state for Islamists and neoNazis (strange bed fellows) to aggravate the Russian Federation with, on behalf of Anglo-Zioniost interests.
More Billingsgate from Bellingcat.
Hahaha, brilliant. Belingcat and his fishy tales.
Perhaps it is possible then that in the land of the mad there is still someone in their right mind, congratulations on that Anatoly Shariy.
CIA trolls and ukropnazis will cry and rage ?
Your Dad is handsome…
Too much vodka makes you like random men, glad you came out from the closet.
I had to, your dad was knocking on the door.
My dad is a mother fucker, did he pId your mom before?
I dont think so, my Mom was never into waffen ss guys.
Indeed, waffen ss guys were inside her.
You only wish Trollstoy.
But clearly your mom couldn’t avoid it and you are the result…
Better than Ivan the rapist. I consider myself lucky.
Nazis raped 10 million slavic women.
Soviets raped less than a million.
About the same as Amercants in west Europe and Japan.
Lucky CIA/Soros troll fake toyboy nazi, sums you up…
No, they didn’t. 10 million Russian women were happy willing to intercourse with the german officers because they offered money and food and were civilised. Then, Ivan the rapist mongol, came from Siberian stepe and raped and killed many of them Russian women because Russian army didn’t have enough food so Stalin thought partially paying soldiers by letting them rape and plunder, like Mobutu Sese Seko, Pol Pot and other shithole dictators.
Cool soros lies…
Too bad non of it is true.
Those 10 millions rapes by german soldiers, indeed are soros lies and you are a soros admirer who pretends to side with russians, just spreading hate around.
Projecting much…?
You are the one doing it except for Ukropnazis…
Historical facts.
Ruskies have nothing in common with objective htstory, they change it how it fits the current political needs.
Sounds more like the U.S…
They still teach how they won WWI and WWII lol.
They won both, gelly much?
Is disney movies, they sure did.
Russian history is more objective than anything in the west.
Indeed U.S. is.
Remind me, but, how much does Russia spend on her media budget and then remind me how much the US, UK, NATO, Atlantic Council and EU spend on their media budgets?
Which reminds me, I so need to remember how Russia was, back on 31 December 1999, the night before the Millennium, when Yeltsin was handing the reigns over to the only politician he could actually trust, Dr Vladimir Putin:
Obama and Putin: They’re just different…
The Unknown Putin. Part 1 Vladimir Putin Russia’s leader….
The Unknown Putin Part 2…. (20 minutes into video shows what happened to the Soviet Submarine Industry)
Best Putin jokes (0:49, Berlosconi and his love life. He would have no problems if he had many same sex relationships, just gets in trouble with enjoying the company of females.
1:19 – Germany, what exactly do they want, with regards energy needs? How will you heat your houses? “You don’t develop nuclear energy, you do not want gas. Are you going to heat with firewoods? You can go to Siberia if you need firewoods. Do you understand, you don’t have firewoods?” Vladimir Putin
1:59 the anecdote about the spy.
4:00 Answering question on same sex relationship propaganda.
04:10 About Trump
05:56. About Snowden
06:20 The anecdote – pessimist and optimist.
7:03 honest old man.
7:30. Poroshenko
8:10 Austria
8:45. About Sanctions
9:20. Wedding night with Angela Merkel.
13:22. Wives and love mates.
13:55 Once more about Snowden.”Did you know I also used to work in security Forces?”
From what I know, in capitalism media companies have private ownership, not a budget alocated by the government, NATO or EU, but let me know your numbers.
Well you do not know much then do you. As I crack up laughing. You have no idea that all nations have a budget that finances state media and also works with the 6 corporations that run International media. Have you never asked why they all sing the same story?
Over in the UK, we have the TV licence, which pays for the BBC. Plus Channel 4 and Channel 5 receive state funding for their news programmes. That is just the BBC.
Now look at the US State Department and how much do they fork out for US Media, including Voice of America and broadcasting propaganda in other nations.
The list goes on and on and on.
6 organisations own the corporate media and how much do they also invest in State Media Channels?
I know cnn is funded by the state but you extrapolate to all media outlets.
Wasn’t $ ooo $, the Hungarian, born of Jewish faith, who now believes himself to be God, and brags about his atheist faith, going back to 1944, found it to be the best time of his life, when he was a Nanzi Collaborator. Watching his friends, neighbours and community boarding the death trains, before he would go around and loot their homes? 60 Minuted – 20 December 1998.
P.S. most the Soviet rapists were from the Ukrop division…
Mostly the rapists were muscals from siberia, even white russians were hating those, the same as wermacht soldiers were hating ss
Than look up maybe what army units rolled in first in Berlin.
You will be surprised…
Yes most the wehrmach hated the Waffen SS, thats true.
But that doesnt mean they never dud warcrimes, only less than the Waffen SS.
All did but in this order: Japan, Russia, Germany….so on. Anyway Russian soldiers raped everything, including Russian women, anyone from Eastern Europe prefered German occupation over Russian occupation.
Wrong the real order is
Germany, Japan, Russia-U.S. in a tie, France, UK.
Your list is still good but in another context, it reflects the total number of rifles given to soldiers by each army in WW2.
Nobody produced more rifles than Russia.
Or tanks for that matter.
With tools and steel send by USA
I doubt that.
Land lease program contributed 8% to all Russian war efforts while they defeated 80% of the German armed forces.
Soviet bs
Ukropnazi bs*
Thats why they throw roses on the Russian liberators.
Good things there are things like film from that era…
Propaganda movies, those were actors. Normal people were throwing stones at the Russian occupiers and rapists. They were hiding watches, and alcohol from savages.
Propaganda movies, those were actors. Normal people were throwing stones at the Americant occupiers and rapists. They were hiding watches, and alcohol from savages.
Some things never change.
I have only two questions…
If what the ukropnazis say is true why are there zero radar data from the ukrop side from that day even after 6years, they say it doesnt exist.
U.S. says they have sat intel of that region but wont show it to anybody.
Why not?
The Su-25 pilot who was accused of downing the jet comitted suicide eventho the ukropnazis and cia said its fake news, but if its fake news why is he dead…?
Let that sink in for a moment…
And USA never landed on the Moon, Russia instead has multiple secret bases in Cuba.
Im glad you are catching on…
I’m glad Russians are still understanding sarcasm despite vodka induced depression.
Lay down the Oddka…
No, vodka is mine!
You have only Oddka…
You seen the Stanley Kubrick video of the US landing on the moon?Was it created at Pinewood Film Studios?
And all the scientists, astronauts, pilots from Russia, China and the rest, how come they didn’t observe such evident scam, but it was so simple for you to see clear, are you smarter than all tjose people together?
Russia, back in 1969?
Have you never heard of the Bolshevik Union?
Riddle me this, but, how did they manage to navigate the Van Allen Radiation Belt?
Cannot find the old video, but, this one made me laugh:
So Russian and Soviets are a totally different race, when Soviet union collapsed, Russians were not already there. And all the Soviets scientists were soo foolish they couldn’t observe the Moon landing is fake, despite they sent the first satellite… Still yoy are smarter than all of them cause you see the truth.
Well, there were 15 independent members that emerged when the Bolshevik Union fell, back in 1991, were there not? Plus, remember Lenin, back in 1917, who led the Bolsheviks that overthrew the Russian Empire? Who was he related to, by marriage, allegedly? Then you had his good mate, the GEORGIAN Stalin, who took over on Lenin’s death bed and launched the Bolshevik Union.
Lenin gave Novorussia to Ukraine, which is now known as Eastern Ukraine, over in the Borderland. Stalin gave Lyev to Ukraine, which he took from Galicia and the Ukrainian Bolshevik Leader took Crimea from Russia and gave it to the Borderland, to say thanks for voting him into position. What other territory was swapped around between the 15 independent members that made up the Bolshevik Union? Why did so many of them, when it fell in 1991, run, complete with begging bowl to the Bolshevik Union known as the EU, run on exactly the same ideology as the Bolshevik Union that fell in 1991? Why is Poland so determined to colonise the members of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact nations, under the guise of the Lublin Triangle?
Wondering why you capitalized the word Georgian, what makes it so important to you?
The fact that Stalin was Georgian and not Russian, as the propaganda agents so try to insinuate.
Find it weird with regards who created the Bolsheviks, and yet over a century later, Russia, who were overthrown back in 1917, still gets the blame for thei actions of their foes. Even weirder that the same crowd also created the National Socialists including the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (together with the fascists and national communists) have managed to stay discreetly in the background. Pulling the strings as the puppets play out the show.
Everybody knows that Stalin was Georgian and Lenin – Jewish. Wondering why you didn’t apply the same on Lenin.
Anyway these are people who gave the orders, the soldiers who executed them were Russians. For a Russian there is no responsability in murder if someone told him to do so. The same for the Chinese. They are animals.
Every single soldier, fighting on behalf of the Bolshevik Union, were Russian??????? Really?
With regards Lenin and not saying where his origins were, I very seldom use the J word, in any of my comments as I do not generalise. You have biblical members of the Jewish faith and you have the Nomadic Turkic Tribes, who adopted Christianity, Islam, Judaism and learnt Hebrew; whilst having no Semetic DNA, but, hiding behind the Jewish religion. If you check out the DNA of those living in Israel and those living in Palestine, you will find the majority of Palestinians have Semitic DNA and the majority of the people of Israel do not have any Semitic DNA whatsoever. Go back over 2000 years and Jerusalem was an outpost of the Roman Empire. The Vatican, Washington DC and the City of London, all independent nations, squatting in independent nations, but, with their own rules, laws and taxes, based on the ideology of the Roman Empire. Khazarian and Ashkenazis, are no more than the old Nomadic Turkic Tribes and don’t both Lenin, Stalin and $ ooo $ all link into those Nomadic tribes that link into the Turkic area of Central, East, North and West Asia, parts of Europe and North Africa? In fact, doesn’t Boris Johnson originate from the same tribes that operated over in the North Caucasus?
No, all the Soviet soldiers were jews :) of course not every single soldier was Russian, only 90%. Those minions pulled the triggers against their own people, the same like the Chinese.
How many Russians were killed during the Bolshevik era, especially mid-30s to mid 40s, but, did they ever whinge, whine and moan 24/7 about it?
Why moan if they were executed by their own people? Germans executed criminal orders against other nationalities, Russians executed their own people. Because they are brainless zombies who blindly follow orders, no matter who gives them.
Were the Bolsheviks Russian or were they made up from 15 member nations? Who created the Bolsheviks?
Who pulled the triggers, guarded the gulags and entered from house to house to arrest people and size the food. These were 90% Russians.
Ukraine had no primary radar working on the day and they let a civilian plane fly into a war zone, with no primary radar. Yet, Russia is meant to take the blame. Crazy isn’t it?
But Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe after Russia, during Soviet times an extensive network of radars were built to monitor its airspace.
You really belive every one of them was offline?
On the day that NATO was finishing an exercise in the Black Sea, using the Aegis system? Funny that and NATO was not sharing images either.
Yes, indeed.
Putins plane was also flying back that day through Ukraine…
Too man conincidences.
Dutch are spineless bastards, and ukropnazis well…I wont waste words on them.
Didn’t the pilot, who committed suicide state that they took down the wrong plane?
I have been reading John Helmer, with regards the Dutch Trial. Cannot get over the fact you can have a trial, but, deny the defence a voice.
You are right.
But…the whole thing is a farce, I dont understand how Russia could cooperate with these trolls on a trial where they have already pre determined the results, its a rubber stamp.
Also Russia has the Worlds most powerful ground based radars.
They know what happened and can prove it.
They showed the evidence but was discarded for no obvious reason.
What I dont understand is why this radar telemetry wasnt sent to every news agency world wide.
I remember watching the Russian General Press Conference, with the seriously impressive presentation. Do believe it showed the US satellite capturing what happened at the time. didn’t Belingcat try to put their spin on it all, using fake images and a load of BS?
They always do that, they also tempered with the phone calls and radio transmissions from that day.
BS experts…
Who funds them?
UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Atlantic Council (which receives large donations from Burisma Holdings and Open Society Foundation)
etc, etc, etc, etc
How did Eliot Higgins start out? Wasn’t he a housing officer, who specialised in accommodation for refugees, before being made redundant and investing in a Google software course? Just like his mate over at the SOHR, who reports on Syria, despite not being there, since the last century.
Hydra is real.
“What I dont understand is why this radar telemetry wasnt sent to every news agency world wide.”
Simple. What they have proves only that they lied from the very beginning.
You mean ukropnazis did.
No, he didn’t. At least not on July 17th. Falsely accused and declared guilty by people like you.
Really? It was not me doing the reporting of what he said, when his military jet arrived back to base with it’s air to air missiles missing, now was it? What was it he said to the groundsman, about taking out the wrong plane? Who were they expecting to be flying through Ukraine airspace, in a similar coloured and shaped plane? Why did President Putin change flight path details after a phone call with Obama, when he was flying through Swiss airspace?
Why did Ukraine send a civilian aircraft into a war zone and demand it lower it’s height, to the same height of the ceiling zone of a SU25, that had been upgraded and the pilot was flying with oxygen assistance?
“Putins plane was also flying back that day through Ukraine…” No, it wasn’t. It never entered Ukrainian airspace and never came closer to the point where MH17 was taken down than a 1000 kilometers.
Ukropnazi photoshop propaganda.
What a dumb comment
Yours was indeed.
Well, kid, you insulted Mr Putin more than me. You think that Mr Putin and his staff would have been so stupid to fly over Ukraine? That is what you are saying.
Nobody thought about Ukropnazis going full retard…
But they did.
Full me once shame on you full me twice shame on me…
Never take Russian bots as humans :)
Thanks for the wise advice :-)
Welcome, not wise, learned the hard way :)
MH17 was shot down by a Ukrainian airforce SU25 fighter and covered up by Western criminal governments. UN/NATO/EU are all international criminal organisations.
I could never work out why MH17’s course was deviated over a war zone. Now i know it was so that NATO could occupy the Donbass. Cold blooded premeditated mass murder, NATO purposely shot down MH17 as a cover to place 9000 troops in the Donbass.
Was Singapore Airlines flight SIA351 also “deviated over a war zone”, doom? And what about Air India flight AI113, coming from the opposite direction? Was that course also “deviated over a war zone”? And deviated by whom in the latter case? You know, doom, both were just 2 minutes away from MH17. You “could never work out”. Well, here you have some simple questions to begin with. Next you can study Malaysia Airlines flight plan for that flight. Then perhaps the radar images. There is a lot more to study, like if a lousy SU-25 would even be able to down a Boeing 777, but try to get an answer for what you “could never work out” first.
The leading independent investigator of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 disaster, has revealed breakthrough evidence of tampering and forging of prosecution materials; suppression of Ukrainian Air Force radar tapes; and lying by the Dutch, Ukrainian, US and Australian governments.
The Malaysian Government also revealed how it got in the way of attempts the US was organizing during the first week after the crash to launch a NATO military attack on eastern Ukraine. The cover story for that was to rescue the plane, passenger bodies, and evidence of what had caused the crash. In fact, the operation was aimed at defeating the separatist movements in the Donbass, and to move against Russian-held Crimea.
It was revealed that a secret Malaysian military operation took custody of the MH17 black boxes on July 22, preventing the US and Ukraine from seizing them. The Malaysian operation, revealed by the Malaysian Army colonel who led it, eliminated the evidence for the camouflage story, reinforcing the German Government’s opposition to the armed attack, and forcing the Dutch to call off the invasion on July 27.
Why was MH17 altitude reduced? For the record the SU25 manufacturers have indicated that a variant of the SU25 sold to Ukraine can operate at the height levels that MH17 was reduced to, that of course is the point in asking why the decrease in altitude, ie to make it within strike range of the variant SU25 sold to Ukraine.
For the damage to occur on the left side of MH17 (as it flies) it is impossible for the damage to occur as it has if it was BUK missile fired from the location indicated, ie a missile cannot go through the fuselage and come out the other side. The JIT report is complete fiction.
Also why was a large group of air defense systems deployed to the militia-held regions just before the tragedy? Especially considering that the self-defense forces have no planes. Also on the day of the crash Kiev intensified Kupol-M1 9S18 radar activity, key BUK targeting system components. Where they providing targeting information to the SU-25’s?
That is a lot of distracting, copied-pasted together, blah blah,doom. And I see that you have posted this at several occasions. Which makes me think… No, not going to say that. Notgoing to respond to that bs either. First things first, doom. I wrote about thealleged “deviation” “over a war zone”. So, doom, have you studied the”deviation” of the flights that I mentioned? Conclusion? Have you studied MAS’s flight plan? Conclusion?
Let me help you: here is the situation at the moment of the crash (Flightradar24 image)
And in case you don’t trust Flightradar24, this is an image from Russian radar in which I marked the flights for you:
And here is an excerpt of MAS’s flight plan:
Now, was the flight “deviated” yes or no. And do you have any other evidence for your claims?
Zzzzzzz… Are you doom’s assistant?
Ah no, you are “AM Hants”. A “house wife from Hampshire”. Why are you so obsessed with Ukraine?
Darling is there a law saying that your average, middle aged, female, who happens to be a housewife, cannot comment on Disqus? If so, must have missed it in the terms and conditions.
Comment whatever crap you want to comment, housewife hants. I just asked a question. Why is “AM Hants”, a housewife from Hampshire, so obsessed with Ukraine?
Well Bruno darling, it was going back to 2014, when things kicked off. I was a mere zombie, in her induced media diet led coma, when I woke up. I was led to events that were happening in Ukraine, particularly on 21 February 2014. Now that was not nice, was it, when you had the EU witnesses, watch Yanukovich sign an agreement to stand down, bring forward the elections, due in a few months, and going back to the old 2004 Constitution, in return for a peaceful transition. He happily signed, that he would stand down, in front of the opposition and the Polish, French and German Foreign Ministers, on behalf of the EU. Then the next thing he knew, Russia were rescuing him and his family, from an assassination attempt. Which led to him taking refuge in Crimea.
The signs of the English social worker, who was once the treasurer of the UK CND (nuclear disarmament) around the time she was the partner of the leader of the UK Communist Party. Good friend of Blair, who ends up as Head of the EU Foreign and Defence Agency Office. Well, sorry as I ramble, but, going back to Catherine ‘Gosh’ Ashton (remember her phone call with the Estonian Prime Minister, regards the Ukraine snipers not being who they were reported to be?). Anyway going back to ‘Gosh’ Ashton, but, still have nightmares of the images of her, in pure adulated hysteria, embracing old Julia ‘nuke the 8 million Russians’ Tymochenko. Not the greatest tag line, when you are trying to get votes in an election campaign, now is it? The same Ashton, working with Barrosa, if I remember correctly, and both so desperate to get Julia ‘Gas Princess’ Tymochenko, out of prison. In fact if you look at all the EU Neighbourhood Agreements, with Ukraine, they insisted the ‘Gas Princess’ had to be released from prison. Weren’t they also the same crowd that completely messed up the Nabucco Pipeline Project?
Anyway, by February 2014, I was coming out of my media induced zombie coma, as Ukraine was kicking off. Then what did it for me, was watching a young, heavily pregnant young female, who was just a cleaner at the local Trade Union Building. Well, on 2 May 2014, whilst Obama and Merkel were stood in the Rose Garden, of the White House, this young women, whose crime was to turn up for work, whilst heavily pregnant, ended up being raped, strangled and then burnt alive, during the Odessa Trade Union Massacre. I watched the horror of the massacre via live video links. Watching young kids, set on fire, by use of accelerants, jumping from the building, whilst being trampled on, when they landed. I simply could not believe such savages were being supported by my Government and the 6 corporation controlled media of the day. Seeing the young girl, heavily pregnant, made me ask what I could do in her memory. To give her a voice, and the only thing I had was communication and a keyboard. So over 6 years later, I am still more than happy to give the young girl and her child a voice. The foetus, which if the mother had gone into labour on 1 May 2014, might have stood a chance with life, even if premature. However, the insane savages, supported by my Government and media, made sure that was never going to happen.
So yes, this simple, average, middle aged woman, living in Hampshire at the time, was more than happy to comment on the Disqus forums, with regards events in Ukraine and still is. As stated, there is nothing in the terms and conditions of the Disqus Forums to say your average, middle age, simple female, is not allowed to participate in the discussions, now is there little Bruno?
Did I say that a “simple, average, middle aged woman, living in Hampshire at the
time” would not be allowed to post her propaganda crap? No, I asked a question. Why is “AM Hants”, a housewife from Hampshire, so obsessed with Ukraine?
AM Hants a housewife from Hampshire, so obsessed with Ukraine.
So how would you describe a basic, English Housewife? For me, I would happily describe your version of moi as just a simple, average, middle aged woman, living in Hampshire’ – which is who and what I am.
Obsession with Ukraine – well explained that, going back to 21 February 2014, when I was almost out of the media led, zombie induced coma, to 2 May 2014 and the image of that poor young mother to be. What time of decrepit savages, raped, strangle and then burn alive a heavily pregnant young woman, whose only crime was to turn up for a job, paying the minimum wage, if that? Why would my Government support that behaviour and reward those involved in the crime, for their efforts? Why on earth would I not be seriously affected by it all and want to give the young girl a voice? How on earth do families, loved ones and friends get their heads around something so evil?
How do you know who committed that atrocity, housewife hants? On what facts is your obsession actually based? Does it justify the twisted stories that you post?
Darling, going back to 2014, decided to check out both sides of the story, before making my mind up. Do believe in two sides of a story. Could not believe the insanity found within Kiev politicians and their backers. Plus, horrified to find out my own Government was fully supportive of so much corruption and crime.
Do like the video of President Putin, on his state visit to the UK, where the Queen provided Bed and Breakfast in Buck House and a decent State Dinner. What did the Ukranian comedian and his wife get, on their visit to Billy Bro*Dee’s Offices in SW1, when they popped into Buck House, for a coffee break? Was it afternoon tea with young William and the wife? Anyway, I digress. So loved the video of President Putin, talking about the ‘liver eating, head choppers, over in Syria’ and the look on Cameron’s face.
With regards ‘what facts feed my obsession’:
NATO Final Report, Kosovo In An International Law Perspective, Self Determination, Territorial Integrity And The NATO Perspective.
United Nations Charter (based on Self Determination)
1994 prime Minister UK Classified Papers, post release.
24 October 1970 – United Nations Treaty Collection 2625 (XXV) – Resolutions Adopted On The Reports Of The 6th Committee (e) The Principle of Equal Rights and Self Determination… (B). The Powers of the Security Council Under the Charter.
EU Papers, regarding EU and Ukraine Neighbourhood Friendship Agreements.
EU Papers relating to Nabucca Pipeline.
Crimea Constitution.
Ukraine 2004 Constitution.
Krushchev Crimea Transfer, following 10 minute lunch time meeting, with 13 out of 27 members of the Senate.
I could go on, with a far longer list of classified papers, that were released to the public, or further Governmental/Institutional Official Papers, that can be cited in Academic Papers. Plus, a wide range of articles, written for alternative media sites.
This very simple, middle aged woman, does like to check out the story, all sides, before deciding where she stands or does not stand. I owe it to the young, heavily pregnant, young girl, who was taped, strangled then burnt alive, by the people my Government supports.
Malaysian Airlines Confirms that it was Instructed to Fly MH17 at Lower Altitude over East Ukraine.
“MH17 filed a flight plan requesting to fly at 35,000ft throughout Ukrainian airspace. This is close to the ‘optimum’ altitude. However, an aircraft’s altitude in flight is determined by air traffic control on the ground. Upon entering Ukrainian airspace, MH17 was instructed by Ukrainian air traffic control to fly at 33,000ft.”
The regular flight path of MH17 (and other international flights) over a period of ten days prior to July 17th ( day of the disaster), crossing Eastern Ukraine in a Southeasterly direction was across the Sea of Azov.
Yeah… copy-pasted cherry picking from news reports and Russian disinformation from the first days. Lazy and pretty boring, doom. The flight plan, the point where the plane came down, the ATC communication, the CVR and the flight recorder provide the real facts. Fact is that there was no significant deviation from the flight plan. Yes, there was a minor deviation, as requested by the pilots, for bad weather. Eventually not more than a few kilometers outside the margins of the planned air way L980.
And when MH17 was downed, the plane was well within those margins , just a few kilometers away from center line of it. Like I said, doom, flight SIA351 and AI113 were very very close. Does that mean that they were “deviated” too?
Yes, this image really came fro the Russian MoD
Ah, speaking of the flight plan, the altitude. This is what the flight plan tells you about the altitude:
It tells you that they were supposed to climb to 35,000 ft at way point “PEKIT”. (I’m sure that as an honest debater you want to look up where that is… LOL.) From the communication with the ATC we know that they were asked to climb, but the pilots preferred to stay at 33,000, which was allowed by the ATC. Anyway, doom, 33,000 or 35,000, what’s the difference? It was above the altitude that was considered safe. And for what extremely picky weapon does that difference make a difference?
Anyway, doom, I am quite sure that the defence will not discuss the “deviation” and/or “change of altitude”.
Nice one Doom. Brilliant comment.
It isn’t.
Oh yes it is, just not to your liking, which makes it even better.
soon Biden’s son will be president of cocaine/ukraine…he will provide a few oligarchs in krachatik some of his dirty hrivnya and steal what remains of the economy and send it to the caymans
Mind your vodka and improvised stove. No worries about caymans, weather is warm enough there.
The Institute of Tell-Tale-Titters (ITTT/ix3T) are having a woeful time of it.