Belarussian Lovers Of Nazi Collaborators Pretend To Be Victims Of ‘Modern Holocaust’ To Fight Lukashenko

The Belarussian opposition has been trying to weaponized the Holocaust agenda for the propaganda battle against the government of President Alexander Lukashenko.

In a new propaganda video staged by opposition media, alleged ‘residents’ of the Serebryanka neighborhood of Minsk was involved in the Holocaust-styled event. Actors wore six-pointed stars with numbers 23.34 and white-red-white colors. By this move, the opposition propaganda likely tried to convince the international audience that there is a kind of the Holocaust-styled developments are ongoing in Belarus.

The numbers 23.34 refers to the propaganda project of the opposition designed to ‘collect and promote’ information about ‘human right violations’ during protests in Belarus. At the same time, the white-red-white colors refer to the flag used by the Belarusian opposition to oppose supporters of the government that use the red-and-green national flag of the country.

Ironically, the white-red-white flag is especially popular among the radical nationalists, which are the core of the ‘strike force’ of the opposition and are linked with Belarussian collaborators with the Nazis during the World War 2. Summing up, the lovers of the Nazi collaborators try to use the Holocaust agenda to promote their ideology. This is how the modern propaganda in the interests of the ‘democratic opposition’ really works.


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paid by $oros, cognitive dissonace or both?

Jens Holm

Haha. You are Zeros.


Haha we smashed miseducated chump 5g conspiricest dissordinant/ libby ziewz out of wa goverment running for good,yes real men of national security reforms are
baack,infact q theorist like not about stupid unelect usa but rather,Commonwealth,
massive infastructures rollout out announced,labour allready admits defeat and next election,hasten to try to counter lnp/nationals,sacking useless green wasteds and putting perspective to creating lots of new jobs,roads,rails,buildings,mining,you name it even production of euro6 volvo/scania trucks and buses,its beyond comprehension,but atleast the truth is back on the map! More of that where it came froim too.

Fog of War

The collaborators worked with the Nazi thugs because the Soviet thugs treated them even worse. Basic logic.

Rhodium 10

“Basic logic” is to turn Minsk in ruins by German Nazi army and later support them….


They have tried with the wars but couldn’t do it..
Germany has conquered EUrope with EU – Disneyland – Promised land story much, much, much easier than with the weapons in the past…
So now they try same bullsh*t in Belarus.

Jens Holm

We in EU dont see that. Geermany also dont try “same thing what ever” in Belarus.

We do prefare those Belarussians shoulde decide themself as we do.


Take them take them all,even in Auatralia,We don’t need their kind!


It’s time for Russia to sancrion Genrmany by halting NS2 ;) Germany needs it more than Russia after all.


Well form a economic point of view germany needs it more since it benefits them more Russia can affoard to halt it since they have options while germany dosent really why do you think they still havent sanctioned the shit out of the project and pulled out?


Germany has loads of options, they just need a bit of help from sanctions, to see them.


Errrrrr no not really they dont Russia is the only nation that can provide the nessesary quantity and quality of natural gas for german industrial and comertial needs at a reasnoble cost.


It’s the other way around. Gas is the only quality product that can provude to Russian nation. Well… and oil. Or they would starve cause they don’t produce shit :D


……sooooo you are gonna just ignore the other 50% of their none peroleum based exports and claim that thats the only thing they manufacture……oh and saying they wuld stave is a bit ironic when you look at what they actually export XD i dont give a shit aboit Russia but your butthurt over anything Russian is so retarded that is amusing.


Next are minerals, wood, diamonds… And some crops and steel. Nothing that can be seen in a grocery.


yes cuz all of that is tottaly oil right? W8 i forgot in your world LHD’s are full blown CVN’s right? XDDDD m8 your butthurt over anything Russian is so retarded its actually amuseing like i said and i love how you littearly mention 6 compleately diffrent industys and act like its nothing skipping over so mutch more detail in the procces just cuz you dislike Russia so mutch this is aproaching Ukrainian nationalist or baltic nationalist levels of retardation xDDDD


All those are natural resources, actually 91% of Russian exports, like any other banana republic. Bur ofcourse, full of golden palaces, and 100 billionaires whom are adored by a natiin of slaves. Hungry but happy with nukes, like North Koreans.


Bruh XDDDDDDDD wow you really are a retard.
m8 i suggest to take some of this×1080/1x1x0/24743e6acb5d/5c9de0ceae653adcd6264036

plz for the love of god if you dont wanna look like a complete retard at least speak some facts instead of just beeing butthurt and speaking complete bullshit. XD


These comments make me feel people here really care about me. But unlike 99% of tards here you was original. Made me smile :D keep the memes coming


Germans dont give a shit about belarus


If you really think so….in that case I don’t give shit about your opinion.


Their is nothing opinionated about my statment its a matter of fact the germans dont care about belarus it has no economic or strategic value to them (even if it did they dint have the military to try and take it or influance it).


Belarus has “strategic value”above all, to be used to create problems to Russia, just like Ukraine.
Belarus military capacity is equal to Poland’s… because they have best Russian weapons.
Leave me alone please


Yea…annnd what does germany have to do with that? The US has intrests ij destabeliseing (and failing to do so) belarus and even ukraine is slowly going back to Russia atleast ordinary ukranians are they see they are nothing without them.


Germany by US “blessing” is boss of Europe in their name (but Germans work for Germany not only for US-NATO interests).
German imperialist interests are not destabilizing parts of Europe for the sake of destabilizing .But for pushing out Russian influence ( Balkans and destruction of Yugoslavia – bombing Serbia (where Germany had leading role) is the best example).
Taking control of all Europe (Hitler’s dream) is the objective.
US-German interests converge in pushing out Russia and isolating Russia completely.
But US doesn’t care if that starts another war (they prefer wars in Europe) while Germany prefers NOT starting new wars in Europe.
Comment on “ordinary Ukrainians” is of no importance, since they decide NOTHING.


Errrrr that dosent make sence at all again belarus is fermly under Russian influance and the germans cant do anythibg abpit it nor do they want to they are to buisy with their own problems ro care aboit belarus of all countrya also yeaaaaaa you do realise that quite a bit of odinary ukranians did not like yanukovic thats why he was ousted but things are tirneing back.
Also plz stfu with the yuglavia thing you have no clue aboit it the reason yugoslavia fell apart was cuz the sebs are arrogan assholes abd wanted to control evrything and evryone else said fuck off. I wuld kbow i live in a former yugo nation.


Recognition by Germany of the Croatia and Slovenia has triggered civil war in Yugoslavia.
They did that BEFORE U.S. and they have forced (blackmailed) other members of EU to recognize Croatia and Slovenia …. “if not – if they refuse” Germany has threatened to leave EU….

For the rest I can’t bothered to waste my time for somebody who is obviously pro NATO western imperialism and pro-Germany…of course you can’t see any of German or NATO responsibility or hidden imperialist ambitions.



WTF are you talking about??? Littearly the sebs asked for a civil war when they tryed to control evrything. But i dont expect you to know that since you are nether form this region and have no idea the deep roots the problems ygoslavija had/


If New Mexico, California and Texas declare independence and Russia and China recognize them as independent states…..that would start civil war in US immediately…
It is called “civil war” and it is normal that one side wants to destroy independence and other to destroy unionist country to gain independence from that country!
US had exactly the same type of civil war in the past (for different motives) !!!
South was for independence North for Union !
I аm аnti- NATO аnd pro-Russian to the bone…so you аre not going to sell me your usual NATO propаgаndа :”Serbs deserved NATO bombing to protect Bosnia and Kosovo independence”
This forum is not pro NATO forum so you are at wrong place.


well yea no shit the retarded sebs called NATO’s bluff and got blown back to the stone age most of their industry and infrastructure in Belgrade was destroyed thats what i call play stupid games win stupid prizes and no dont talk about yugoslav things you have no clue about it as it is apparent if yugoslavia was sutch a good nation why does littearly almost evry former yugo nation not want it back?

Fog of War

Soviet supporters are similar to the Khazars as its ” never the Soviets fault “. They never seem to explain why so many people from Soviet occupied lands turned on the Soviets the first chance they got. Lithuanians, Estonians , Latvians, Ukrainians , Moldovans, Belarussians and so forth. I guess all those disparate populations are just evil Nazis who hated the poor, altruistic, peace loving Soviets.

Jens Holm

Khazars dont exist


Ashkenazi,don’t insult intells,that is detrimental to feminists mental health.


Yes cand no,depends if were socialist ne-liberal khazar(royalty murderers) or patritotic after the fact communist given no choice but to entust in lenin and stalin,so what we got is almost identical to todays,except soros is not communist nor patriot but rather the former abovementioned,same for each country all over the world,they whom defund them,reject them,abhore them and their corporation fascist sects,will be the ones whom recover sooner than later,if not never depending which comes first.Stay safe:

Fog of War

I wish I could understand what you’re trying to say.


Good point, all the nations are sinners. Russian nation talks dirrectly to God.

Jens Holm

Not msnyh was Nazis at all. Many was right wing konservatives like old Hindenburg in Berlin.,


In war. Soviets targeted mostly unarmed civilians. Learn the difference.


can you provide valid evidance for what you just claimed cuz this was a statment so stupid that i am quite sertan that it wins over even your comment about how LHD’s and propper aircraft carriers are the “same”.


Your comment is shit. Can tou provide evidwnce that it isn’t?


Acting like a retard dosent help your case.

“yOuR CoMenT iS ShiT uga booga” xD
At least try to defend yourself in a argument its not fun when you act like a tard.


Unlike Russians time, mine is valuable.


Yeaaaaaaa tottaly its valuable cuz acting more like a retard on other comments on evry thread on south front is soooo productive……xD


Your comments, among othe thousands, make me smile so a bit of fun didn’t kill anyone


Cope xD


Yes granny


“Holocaust-styled event” that kind of BULLSH*T can come out of ROTTEN JEW BRAINS ONLY somewhere in the United States !

They think that today somebody gives F*CK ABOUT “”Holocaust-styled event””?!?

Jens Holm

News to me Jews are Nazis:) hat must come from You brain. I can recpmmen fx CCleaner.

Tommy Jensen

Hitler put 6 million into gas ovens and some people wants to remember us about these attacks on freedom and global peace. Thats all.


Where are the remains of those 6 million Jews?


Alive n well in the middle east,Sta;lin exiled 6 million there after all,theoir bubble has been burst,our policy has been adjusted appropriately,not because of ccp money,
but because they have been founded to be part of the evilution along the likes whom were eliminated out pof governance,and this is just the tip oif the iceberg.


Jacob de Hass, The Boston Sunday Globe, September 26th,
1915, page 46:

Indeed the only point that all warring elements are agreed
upon is that at the end of the holocaust the Jews and
Palestine will be more closely related than at present.

What “holocaust” was the Ashkenazi talking about and what
connects the Ashkenazi to Palestine? They were using the
bible to grab free Arab land, were they not?

Jens Holm

And Your next rapport probatly will be svimming lessons for Moses in his little boat at the Nile.

Jens Holm

Its very strange the author dont know, that Bellerussia from 1919 to 1939 was a part of Poland and those poles used that flag.

The rest is incorrect too as well its forgotten how many, which died as well as Poles was deported West ad Russian was deported into the Bellarus and borders was changed too.

Much as geografi and history lessens are used to make cigarettes with hay:(

I allow me to woder where Jews are in Your “UNITED QUAGMIRE
