New Cauldron For Ukraine: Battle For Ugledar Begins


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New Cauldron For Ukraine: Battle For Ugledar Begins

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New Cauldron For Ukraine: Battle For Ugledar Begins
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The Russian army is rapidly advancing on the frontlines pounding Ukrainian rear regions with constant drone and missile strikes. Expanding their zone of control, Russian forces allow their aerospace forces to reach more targets with heavy bombs.

On the night of September 23, a series of explosions thundered in the Ukrainian rear regions. Russian strikes destroyed targets in the border Sumy region, where Ukrainian forces accumulated reserves necessary to support operations on Russian territory. In particular, strikes destroyed targets near the towns of Konotop and Gluhov.

At night, more Russian strikes were reported on the outskirts of the eastern city of Chernihiv.

A large explosion thundered in the west of Ukraine. As a result of the attack, the city of Ternopil and local industrial facilities were cut off from electricity supplies.

The Russian military is heavily pounding Ukrainian forces in the war torn eastern and southern regions. Thanks to the ongoing advances on the battlefields and Russian military specialists who upgrade bombs and missiles to increase their range, Russian tactical aircraft can now reach targets on a wider area. At night, Russian aerial bombs struck the Ukrainian military in the city of Zaporozhie for the first time. According to local Ukrainian sources, at least seven Russian upgraded heavy bombs with planning and correction modules struck targets in the city, including the local energy substation.

The increase of Russian strikes in the southern direction may predict the upcoming new Russian offensive. After the Ukrainian military withdrew several reserve units from the Zaporozhie front, Russian forces launched attacks and expanded their zone of control. Russian troops are already approaching the village of Makarovka.

In recent days, Ukrainian positions in Ugledar have deteriorated sharply. The city was semi encircled. To the north, Russian forces took control of the Southern Donbass mines number one and three, as well as the wide area between them. To the west, Russian troops broke through the Ukrainian defense, advanced on a wide front and approached the road to Bogoyavlenka, the last way for the Ukrainian grouping to retreat. To the south, Russians crossed the river in Pavlovka and destroyed Ukrainian defenses on the outskirts of Ugledar. To the east, Russian forces launched an assault on the city. After heavy artillery shelling and airstrikes, Russian troops gained a foothold in Ugledar. If not allowed to retreat, the Ukrainian garrison will be surrounded soon and ground down in another cauldron.


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Crocus Shooting Gallery

another “complete collapse” of the rf and yet the war continues…ukrozz need a new lie…heheheh


swept 23 equinox
ancient egyptian arabic order of the nobles of the mystic shrine….. aka shriners.
isis horus set.
order out of chaos.
macaroni calls for a new world order.

Sam Adams!

macaroon? the french chocolate? ordo ab chao? oui! silver spoon french chocolate prez, smooches his mother, i mean wife. i dare say he comes to “mother” for advice.

homer saxon simpson

my lgbt hillbillies in my amereikunt trailer park happy as hunter biden sell us fentanyl at discount

Sam Adams!

i’m a rube. guessing but, i think the russian’s are going to take everything east of the dnipro river. kherson and the rest of the black sea coast. transnistria hello! the russians are mostly “waiting.” please correct me if i am wrong. the last (major) offensive surrounded kiev. they pulled back. during/before ankara talks and here we are!

Last edited 26 minutes ago by Sam Adams!
Sam Adams!

they (russians) certainly want odessa.