At least 800 Tunisian jihadists killed fighting for ISIS in Syria

Tunisia’s interior ministry said that at least 800 Tunisian nationals were killed in Syria since the war in Syria started in 2011.

At least 800 Tunisian jihadists killed fighting for ISIS in Syria

 REUTERS/Yaser Al-Khodor

Most of the Tunisian young men who have been killed were mostly from the ranks of Al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State (ISIS).

The spokesman of the Tunisian interior ministry Waleed Allouqini said in a statement that the authorities are prepared to take strict security procedures against returning jihadists, as they may pose threat to the national security of Tunisia.

An informed source told ARA News that most of the Tunisian jihadists have joined ISIS after the group proved its success in taking over large areas in Iraq and Syria.

Tunisian security units in cooperation with Special Forces have recently captured several pro-ISIS recruiting cells across the country, Allouqini said, adding that the authorities are pursuing other suspects to prevent further radicalization of Tunisian youth.

Mario Andrijasevic

South Front

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They won’t be going home to cause trouble.