Syrian soldiers walk past a portrait of President Bashar al-Assad during a government celebration marking the first anniversary of the retaking of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. FILE IMAGE: George OURFALIAN (AFP)
The ongoing Turkish military operation against YPG/YPJ in Afrin is a part of Ankara’s strategy to support terrorists, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on January 21.
“The brutal Turkish aggression on the Syrian town of Afrin cannot be separated from the Turkish regime’s policy from the first day of Syria’s crisis, which was essentially built on supporting terrorism and terrorist organisations, whatever their names,” Assad said, according to the state-run news agency SANA.
Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan blamed the US for the support of Kurdish militias.
“Do not assault our frontiers, do not provoke us. Otherwise, we’ll not have enough patience. I said this to the respected [former US President] Obama. It is a pity that I did not receive an answer. We said: “We’ll come unexpectedly at night.” We waited, waited, and then struck. Those who say that the US is behind them will not cope with the Turkish people. This is our people’s struggle,” Erdogan state speaking at a women’s congress in Bursa province.
Erdgogan once again recalled US military supplies to Kurdish forces and said that Washington had sent 5,000 trucks with weapons to them.
Well at least these terrorists Assad can attack. I say this because Assad can’t seem to attack PKK. They captured tens of oil fields.
why should he! the turks doing the job for free! and uncle sam dare to bomb a nato member! its like god mode in real life!
“We’ll come unexpectedly at night.” – Unexpectedly after making 35 000 statements, declarations and announcements, and threats, yes, very very unexpected lol.
Let the Turkman Turks deal with the Kurdish Turks, then clean-up what is left.Eventually Turkey will benefit fro a free, Soveriegn, stable Syria. They must rialize that.
Yes, Turkey could benefit from a free and stable Syria, but Erdogan has to realise this. At this moment, he appears to be blinded by dreams of a neo- ottoman empire.
It look like erdogan just want to clean his hand by feeding his hts and other terrorist to fight with kurds and let what left to saa, so those hts terrorist had hardtime to revenge at turks cause they already to weak for that in the end saa will win, and turks just left syria for good
This is good for the Assad regime. Let the turks take away all kurds in syria and then the regime can take away the free Syrian Army and still make a deal with turkey that no hostile kurds will be in the area and make peace between syria and Turkey. Kurds will get their land in irak because the iraki government will not attack the kurds there because the Iraqi qovernment need the US.
they may take russia and china over the usa!
Iam not sure how you mean. Explain
Are you from Sweden? What is Swedish regime’s offisial position regarding this events? Why do you call a legitimate elected government a regime?
Does not matter where iam from iam just thinking military strategy. And I I was there are millions of sweeds with foreign orig and so what where I come from. And no iam just saying my thoughts and not my governments. My personal opinion is to get of terrorist without those it is possible to have an normal country. The terrorist does not only exist in syria the make things in Europe to and does not let other have their religion.
That was about calling Syrian government a regime. Sorry if I seemed to offend you personally – not intended.
Regime: a government, especially an authoritarian one.
The Syrian government isn’t authoritarian?
No more than Tel Aviv, Washington or UK – that thing that you call democracy is a sad joke.
The UK is not that bad
becaue is reginme. in russia is oligarch regime. in switzerland is liberal regime.
rigged elections! assad is a dictator
How badly rigged? Like in US? Was it russkie hackers again?
No it has nothing to do whit that story
True story? But US elections were rigged? Does it mean that foreign powers are free to invade and restore order in US? Sounds familiar?
Why are you talking about USa elections? It has nothing to do with the fake elections held by the dictator assad!
Matty, matty.. you’re helpless :)
yes i am helpless, but i am right as well
“Yes I am helpless, but I am right”
You remind me of bicycle riders in cities who defy autos in any given situation because they are “in the right” . They may have been “right” , but they were “dead right” , so no longer on the road . You and the Kurdish logic in general are just like those cyclists .
A “Kurdistan” developed through autonomous provinces in Syria , Iraq , Iran and Turkey over time , without threatening the stability of their respective federal governments might fly , but the US and Israel pushing its creation should awaken you to the facts . There is an agenda the US and Israel are following that is not in the best interests of the Kurdish people , actually it will land them on the road like the cyclist , “dead rights” , hundreds of thousands of them .
Is that what you want for your friends.
matt ; Tudor is correct , UN observed and approved .
He is wrong, fair elections can never be held during a civil war
so, the ukrainian government is illegitim?
The ukranian government are a bunch of criminals
There isn’t any democracy in the Arab world except maybe Tunisia. There isn’t any democracy in Middle East at all. There’s only different type of dictators or extreme-type of govt’s in the region.
I’m just pointing out… What is your point? You don’t have any. Assad is the most legimate ruler of Syria there currently is, as the repesentative of the legitimate govt of Syrian Arab Republic.
And only people that come within the country itself can change that by peaceful politics, and I’m not so sure they really want to, at the moment.
The election for the Syrian Government was observed by the U.N. and deemed fair. The elected Government of Syria chose Bashar to be President. Why do people not call the Prime Minister a dictator? Or the Minister of Trade?
Show me a UN report that said that
And where do YOU take that knowledge from? You only call it “rigged” because he has won the elections. Surely you can’t deny that Assad is extremely popular in Syria, rigged or not rigged? Syria asked the international community to make the 2014 elections as transparent as possible but what did they get? Syrians in most western countries and in terrorist occupied areas were prevented from voting. I find it rather cynical that you have chosen Fidel Castro as your profile picture – you have nothing in common with this great man.
Syrian government. Use the correct term.
Syrian regime: use the accurate term
Officially Kurds are not enemies of Syria.
Becomes enemies only if they side with US to create a US puppet statem
all hell will break lose especially from the fierce Iranian general who said ‘Get out or be forced out’
So until then Assad is waiting for aTurkey to do whatever need to be done which is put the Kurds down to size .
Kurds would really make the biggest mistake to take on Iran and allies
I think the kurds could make a deal with Assad and this is to give some of the land back to Assad and then I mean areas in the eastern part. I don’t think Assad would mind of letting them have some parts in the north just as long as they give back the oil rich and resources areas.
In order to do that Assad and Russia will most likely say that their condition is for them to accept a unified Syria, give up their dream of an independent Kurdistan but maybe offer a form of self-rule like Chechnya has in Russia and most importantly drive out the US forces which I doubt the Kurds have the guts and resources to do. In a worst case scenario US will declare war on Syria if they are being kicked out by force
The Kurds are in very precarious positions actually.
Turkey as part of guarantors will more likely to just ensure no Kurdish force next door
and once Kurdish agree to be under Syria without separate state will appease Turkey.
When that is somehow achieved, US just have to leave under International law. US would not dare to take on ASSAD’s forces as it is just plainly impossible to defend.
No country will allow such loss of country to a hostile foreign power especially US with officially declared bad intends for both Iran and Syria.
Actually US cannot do anything
US just announced their “Border Force” , the preamble to announcing the new “Kurdistan” , effectively partitioning Syria and threatening Turkey Iraq and Iran .
The question is , are Turkey and the US working together against Syria , which is likely , or is Erdogan going after the Kurds all along its southern border, including east of the river ?
Let me be very Frank.
Does US’s unilateral announcement that they are forming a force and their intentions to stay means it will materialise in spite of having no means to impose it?
Look at the forces arrayed against U$ misery few soldiers and the Kurds are itself no match for Turkey not to say mighty Iran ,Hez and entire Syrian population.
How is US going to impose it’s will over Russia, Iran and even Hezbollah which I believe US would not try to engage
How? On top of that it is illegal in the face of the world especially when US has effectively lost the Syrian war.
How ,tell the rest of the world.
Another look at the map ,how is US forces able to defend surrounded from all sides.
So just like Jurusalem issue, just declaring does not mean it will be done or accepted by the main victorious side over a losing side.
It’s so ridiculously ridiculous to even think it is possible.
I believe in Sochi the Kurds will co.e to their senses and be truly Syrians against
Joe ; no disrespect intended , but the US does what it wants , legal or not .
They own the media , so they tell whatever story fits their plan .
Using their air force they could hold “Kurdistan” in order to defeat one nation at a time . Probably the only chance Syria Turkey Iraq an Iran have , is if they can act together economically against “Kurdistan” .
Well that is what most people thinks ” using US air force they can do what they want.
My take is no … it will not work in certain circumstances and this is one.
1. Air force alone cannot win or defeat any enemy in a war . It damages alot yes, but cannot win a war . Proven so many times.
2. Russia will not allow it. Russia has stated many times already although in a gentle way as usual calling US partners when US do not even respect them.
In this case , I believe Russia will say “nyet ” and US will not risk any fight with Russia .
It is impossible for Russia to accept this in my opinion.
3. Impossible for Iran to accept it too and my , Iran is not scared of US air force for sure. Iran can field far far more powerful force in double quick time before US even blink. Having US bases right in Syria permanent is a certain no no enough for Iran to fight to the last Iranian.
4. No Syrian in their right mind will allow US to take their land … impossible . If Assad does not stop it , he will be thrown out.
5. Kurds are not suicidal and will definitely not take on Iran or Syria or Turkey .
Impossible .
… all for just hot air from US saying they will stay ?
Come on …. on top of that it is against international law and Assad need to bring this to UN and US has no ground.
Look right now just Turkey alone makes the Kurds crying for help from Assad not to say ..Russia, Iran , Hez, and entire population of Syria.
My take is that , all will have to wait for Sochi.. and depending of the Kurds war or peace .
Assad father give them some place to live when turks hunting them, then now they trying to rob that place, it still the same with you help your friend by lending one your room in your house for him suddenly someday he declare half your house as him, and they diffrent with chechnya this sack of shit just declare near half part syria as them when syria at torn by war, so they need to respect assad father by choosing united rather than making any evil deed, join syria unity or we will feed you to turks
That is not what happened, study history more carefully before you make statements about it.
The Kurds hold a region where they are outnumbered 8 to 1 by the arabs in population. You can’t create a kurdistan with 85% of the population non kurds. Do you see how stupid this is? This is the reason why a lot of people say the americans have no strategy in the middle east beside creating chaos. Who does it benefit? The US? certainly not. The only one benefiting is Israel.
Oil and gas. It was always the plan to make routes from there to Europe through Turkey. They try to cut off the dependance on Russia which they haven’t succeeded with so far, and they might lose Europe in the long run if their plan fails. They are so desperate that Israel has told that they are ready to invest billions to make an underwater pipeline through Cyprus just to cut off Russia. They are really trying their damn hardest lol
There is no such thing as giving some land back. Every inch of Syrian land has to be given back.
Assad can let them have some form of autonomy but would have no say on defence etc.
As Assad seems to outplay the kurds, i don’t it’s a valid point anymore. Technically speaking he is providing support their people to be killed, so it seems to me the beginning of the start of the state fail. Can you ask, what do you pay to tax to any goverment, if your rights discriminated by law. (Assad or Erdogan rule does not matter) I have asked in a more abstract way, even if you look at a western-european country. Would you be willing to follow the policies, if your right gets harmed?
Pete that sounds like the perfect description of the evil Zionist monstrosity know as Israhell. Fifty years western sanctioned financed apartheid. Seventy years of ethnic cleansing and genocide. One hundred fifty years of plotting and manipulating and 2000 years of racist arrogance, Chosen-ness. And since the Zionist monster through the central banks occupies and controls all western governments, I would say the cancerous scenario of taxes and no rights you laid out has metastasized to the point the world is in critical condition and on life support. So are the Kurds (a) working for humanity, (b) clueless or (c) aligned with the Beast?
They have the right to form their own country and not follow any superpower agenda, as they will loose as Hungary lost when the war did end. Slovenia, Croatia has been formed in 1991. (they are relatively new countries, and as a hungarian, i was not against that they are forming his own countries (Hungarian politicians were against them a hundred year ago), where they do live – they are very small portion of hungarians, serbians left there anyway)
Svenne, why do you think Syria should give its land to anyone? I have to say that even Golan heights are bound to be back within Syria – it will take time but it may happen sooner than we expect.
why did this the soviet union? whiy should do this kishinev with dnyester rats? why should do this kiev with donetsk/crimea?
you are simply idiot, tumor moron!
There is no such thing as “Assad giving” or “Assad letting them” etc. Syria has a government and it’s not Assad who decides on his own what happens, in fact it’s the Syrian people. If a Kurdish state comes to happen between Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria, clearly the smallest part of it would be in Syria.Kurdish forces occupying most areas north of the Euphrates doesn’t mean that these areas are Kurdish – they are not. The occupying Kurdish forces can’t and won’t suddenly re-locate hundreds of thousand Kurds into the area. If you were a Kurd living in Eastern Turkey with a house and a farm, would you move to Northern Syria because that might help to construct a Kurdish state? If you were an Iraqi Kurdish refugee living in Canada, would you be happy to move to Northern Syria for that reason? Until the local population isn’t overwhelmingly Kurdish I don’t see how these areas suddenly will become part of a “Kurdistan”. To keep non-state armies functioning someone has to support them – at some point the support will silt up. Why should the SAA be bothered with them at this point – there are more pressing issues
Assad and the Kurds already have a deal in place that was made long ago since the two sides really didn’t fight each other and only had a few minor encounters that resulted in few casualties. The Kurds told Assad that they were only interested in running off opposition groups and ISIS to restore civil and economic stability to the regions while waiting for the eventual outcome of the civil war. Assad thought that was reasonable since that freed up troops that were sorely needed elsewhere. Assad also had to strike a deal with the Coalition Forces and the US to bomb ISIS inside Syria and provide the Kurds with assistance. He didn’t have any other choice if ISIS was to be destroyed quickly since he lacked the men, equipment and munitions to do so himself.
If Assad however says that it is ok for Turkey to bomb Syria, he would imply that it is ok for the US to be there as well. So he will be condemning this act but in reality he is just waiting for the actions that the US will take, because as of now Turkey is more of an ally than US ever will be. The Astana talks were not for naught
Let’s see what will happen, but we are not really talking about terrorism, just about some freedom fighters, who hasn’t any choice just make “terrorist” attack in Turkey. I bet that next front, would be far more wider, than even Syria. If Kurds feels that Afrin / Manjib and everything else, what they fighted for in the last 7 years will be lost, i think Turkey as a state will fail sooner or later. Kurds has only one problem that they are not uniting, but i guess that after Iraq, they are really starting to cooperate with each other pretty soon. I’d would love to see that is happening. The problem that kurdish-turkish war cannot be avoided. Kurds needs to focus on Turkey, so they can have a safe heaven against Iran. (Assad does not really support Turkey to import more terrorist, and sooner or later Turkey needs to go, what will happen after? I think a new war inside Syria, because Assad played out his own nation) So just purely looking the facts objectively, i think it will be a very serious issue later on, if they don’t halt Turkey. As Turkey cannot kill all the kurds, and the kurdish territory does not really support Assad, it will be a very major issue, as they cannot be called as a next ISIS. It will be simply a freedom fight for the survival of all of the kurds.
May I ask which country you are from? If you love Kurdish rights so much – are you willing to give them part of your country to establish independant Kurdistan?
I think the only resolution in this war, if somebody would hack all the hydrogen and atomic bomb on the earth and the following cities would be destroyed.
New York, Washington, Moscow, Ankara, Istanbul, Damascus, Jerusalem, Tehran. I’m living in the country inside the EU which has been invaded by the west and east, and at that time nobody talked about my grand father as a terrorist, when they dropped a Molotov cocktail to one of the Russian tank stayed at the center of the city, where i live.
I cannot accept even Turkish or Kurdish people to come to my country as a refugee, thus kurdish people needs to win on this battle field.
In the European history even in the west there were terrorist who weren’t really terrorist, like IRA.
50 years of battle, you cannot outnumber 30 millions people will. I don’t think that other side of the border that calm. (Turkish operation happened there also)
If YPG won’t exist, than Turkey would attack on something else.
There are no representatives of Kurdish people in Turkey. It’s like how Assad ruled the country.
If Kurds won’t win on the battleground, that Turkey will be the new Syria, as Erdogan has even more power. Erdogan has already threatened already his own citizens today, don’t protest.
“Terrorist” = somebody who is unable to fight differently.
To be honest i don’t think about terrorism general. I have lived in 40 countries in the world.
The country of mine even if 60-70 years has been gone, never really healed from his own tragedy. I don’t think there is any bright future if the present situation stays. Where the majority of the supporters was the opposite party on one land, it might have taken a hundred years, but they have got the freedom. I think kurdish are the laziest people on earth. Even 1 million inhabitants was able to fight Russia, as the price was much more heavier. It does not matter really whether Iran or Turkey is there. 30 million people simply should be enough to be able to create a country either way, but if US Assad outplays their own people, it will be a serious issue later on. The country will never unite again. So Turkey really made the opposite, as Turkey won’t stop at Manjib.
Can i have a question, who is terrorist?
HTS/FSA/YPG/SDF or Turkey/USA/Russia/Assad
I think the second bucket, and the first ones are not exactly.
My last comment has been removed, so it’s not a democratic forum, but i have to say that kurdish people does not have the right to flee to Europe, there is no free land for them elsewhere, thus they need to figh their own battle. Kurds are a nation and that’s all, like turks. If the turks are pushing them hard at some point they cannot flee elsewhere, so it will be the battle of Leningrad sooner or later. My country in Europe was invaded by Russia and the west decades ago, and we used Molotov cocktails inside the city against Russian tanks, and nobody called us as a terrorist at that time.
Then on to accept west rule? Notorious for all kinds of destabilizing acts?
They rather choose to betray than winning over the population through hard earned diplomacy and peaceful political strife. They’re very popular back in the 2012 to the Iraqi population. Now did they get any support from the kirkuk that’s wrested from them? Nope.
Here’s how it differs.
Turks, syrians, Iraqis, and Iranians can be arab, yezidi, turks, kurds, or even jew. But what of the country called Kurdistan?
I think you misunderstood, i would say according to my countries history do not rely or accept any policies, what west or any super power would like to accept. Live your life, unfortunately the pain is even more and slowing down a natural process when superpowers tell you what you need to do.
Your last comment is above. Go to the words “sort by” under your log in name, tick the down tick and choose the way you want to sort. I am assuming this is your last comment. Cheers.
It states “Let’s see what will happen, but we are not really talking about terrorism, just about some freedom fighters, who hasn’t any choice just make “terrorist” attack in Turkey. I bet that next front, would be far more wider, than even Syria. If Kurds feels that Afrin / Manjib and everything else, what they fighted for in the last 7 years will be lost, i think Turkey as a state will fail sooner or later. Kurds has only one problem that they are not uniting, but i guess that after Iraq, they are really starting to cooperate with each other pretty soon. I’d would love to see that is happening. The problem that kurdish-turkish war cannot be avoided. Kurds needs to focus on Turkey, so they can have a safe heaven against Iran. (Assad does not really support Turkey to import more terrorist, and sooner or later Turkey needs to go, what will happen after? I think a new war inside Syria, because Assad played out his own nation) So just purely looking the facts objectively, i think it will be a very serious issue later on, if they don’t halt Turkey. As Turkey cannot kill all the kurds, and the kurdish territory does not really support Assad, it will be a very major issue, as they cannot be called as a next ISIS. It will be simply a freedom fight for the survival of all of the kurds.”
It was not my last comment. :) Last comment was talking about my countries history, and overall, how my country has been outplayed by the west and the east, and never really healed from that tragedy. So if the present situation stays related to the kurds, i don’t think that Turkey can survive as a country in a long term. Turkey can win and go, and what next, there will remain kurds there either way. No worries, i’m recreating my account every minute with the same name.:)
I have the feeling that you do not want the Kurds to “invade” Europe. Fair enough. My question is: why they had no problems living in Syria before the usa started arming them? Why are they co-operating with ISIS? Do you also call ISIS freedom fighters? And was it not Russia that saved your European _ss from the refugees?
I think there is also reasons, why an organisation has been formed. ISIS formed on something called right deprivation of Sunni population after Saddam era. If the population wouldn’t have accepted ISIS at first, than ISIS never became a state. Has Boko Haram formed any state in Africa?
I’m not sure who is cooperating with ISIS, but i do think that to not able to smash ISIS within a month by the whole world, there is reasons. Fighters was going here and there by switching uniforms, which does not mean that SDF or even HTS supported ISIS, it means that nobody really did know on which side to stay. (that’s called civil war, and that’s why it’s so long lasting)
I would suggest that you broaden your knowledge before posting. There is only one ethnic group, not a nation but an ethnic group that was interested in creating ISIS. Please, do not tell me that you don’t know what I am talking about.
I’m a logical thinker only, just mirror some facts about an other country’s history. I think at the moment nobody really knows what will happen, and what was or will be going on. Some history book will tell you later (when the lock will be cut off from the Kennedy’s secret), when all the politicians from superpowers sits together and decide how to explain this war to the masses. Syria is a little bit different in a way, that Kurds is not the absolute majority in the region, but it’s not an excuse not to form their own countries as they are tragically living in many areas even in all European countries.
It is not that simple, i suggest YOU broaden your knowledge, before believing that fairytale the jews invented ISIS
Oh, but I have, straight from the horse’s mouth. Didn’t Hillary Clinton state: “we crated ISIS?” How can I not trust her?
I never heard her saying that, but she is not trustworthy at all!
that was al quaeda, not the same as isis.
Hitlery Clitoris is innocent.
I think the only option remains, what i’m always saying don’t follow policies created by superpowers, follow your heart, and i think the natural progress will speed up.
ISIS is nothing but a criminal organization that was created by former officers in Saddam’s military and is using radical Islam to entice recruits.
So hillary clinton belongs to an ethnic group????
You dont really understand the Kurdish issue do you?
” i wouldn’t call even HTS as a terrorist organization, they have been organized because of reasons.”
Do you even take yourself seriously?
Pete, I do you refuse to tell us which independent and free country you are representing? You say that Kurds have no right for European lands but do have rights for Syrian, Turkish, Iranian lands? Interesting…
Another revelation – HTS (Al Queda mind you) is not a terrorist organisation? How about we move this “freedom fighters” to the area next to you? Or they are “freedom fighters” only while they kill Syrians, Russians or Iranians? Look in the mirror Pete.
It is not interesting, but to form a kurdish state makes more sense in the area were kurds live then somewhere in europe
Makes more sense to you and Pete? It doesn’t make much sense to Syrians or Iranians to give their land to Kurds. Are saying that you and Pete are somehow better than Syrians and Iranians who’s lands you’re willing :D to give away? “Chosen” nation?
Stop your bullshit tudor miron, you know damn well we are right!
Right about what? That Syria should tolerate Kurds grabbing Syrian lands and forming Independent Kurdistan? Please clarify.
Right about an independent kurdistan should be formed in the areas where kurds are living!!!
Omar oilfields? You never tell me where you are from (I remember Israel’s flag on your avatar but not sure). If you say where you are from I might find a nation which might have a right to form an independent entity within your borders. This may sound crazy but how is it different than your desire to give parts of countries – Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq (not your countries btw) to Kurds. There are UN recognized borders. Those who want to keep changing it is asking for trouble for humanity, his asking for war and war is what Kurds are reaping now. They have a choice – be loyal to their homeland state and have support from Syria and its allies or they can sell their souls to devil (as they did with Turks and now try to do with US and Israel) and try to grab land from sovereign state of Syria. Being US puppet state – is that your kind of freedom that Kurds should fight for? Fighting for greater Israel is not in the interests of Kurds even if zios are promising them thick and thin.
It doesn’t matter where i am from, the flag was not israeli, but an example flag of a one state solution it resembles both israel and palestine symbols and colors
There is nothing wrong with changing borders, it has happened since the beginning of human cultures and will keep on happening untill we will have a planetary government, wich will eventualy happen
I know that this is what yuo’re working for – planetary government :)
It is not my work, i am an architect, it is my dream. We are moving into that direction, even our conversation is part of that process
I agree that globalisation is an objective process but how it is implemented may be very different. Those forces who’s agenda you are pushing here – their agenda is dressed with nice words and “values” but reality shows that their dream of prosperity is at the cost ordinary people.
you should stop accusing me of pushing agendas, its bullshit, i am an anarchist, and i don’t support any agenda that make the rich more rich and the poor more poor
Do you know Kropotkin? He is one of my favourites
Sure I know about Kropotkin but I can’t say that I agree with him :). However things that you seem to defend here… Only lead to haos and that’s what leads to tirany.
that is because of the corrupted rich sociopaths, but i still believe the people can rule themselves
I am so glad you have moved our from your mother’s basement
My country Ireland had changed borders but not by choice. Your comment if true is through blood loss and misery.
No country gives away its sovereignty
Should Cuba have continued under its dictatorship or breathed the live and laughter of its future generations in freedoms offered today
most borders have been drawn with blood, unfortunately, not only the changes in borders. There was a time without borders, do not forget that
Lets change the borders of Israel today. First give 95% of Israel to the Palestinians. Next give 4.5% to the US Citizens since we have paid for it over and over again for the last seventy years. Finally give 0.5% to the Zionist and rename that small peace of real estate to Pedophile Island
I will tell you that i am from west europe, that is all you need to know. I support the EU and a federal Europe, therefore i don’t want to tell you my nationality, it means nothing to me, i need the passport unfortunatly, as long as the world is divided by borders and passports. Did you know that before WW1 people could freely travel trough most of the planet??? Only the Russian empire and the Osman empire did not allow it.
what country do you represent?? Go and fuck your dead mother… you piece of shit
Please R3mba that’s to bad stay calm don’t insult him convince him either.
I do not represent a country, and my mother still lives asswhipe
so you live in space..fucking jihad lover.. go fuck your live mother than you inbreed fuck..
you are a pathetic idiot, i feel sorry for you
go and blow your self at your family meeting..
you are the reason aborts are LEGAL
A lot of Kurds are illegally in Syria or are descended from Kurds illegally in Syria.
Kurdish Majority Areas:
This map is not updated.
Today we Kurds got everything East Syria of Euphrate and US/Israel are our friends backing us with all the weapons we ask for and give us dollares.
What you give us? Nothing.
Thats why we want Kurdistan because the Americans said they would make Kurdistan richer than you poor guys with your demolished houses and your “national feelings”……………….LOL.
Then disprove the map.
LMAO, just because you defeated some rag tags you say it’s your land and Assad allows you to keep …… Wow everyone would love to grab theirs.
Just why you guys with the Americans are so shallow is beyond me
That’s comedy gold, you’re obviously 12 with a comment like that
So that means all over the world minorities can form their own state .
Is this what you are saying?
Which country you are from
and those minorities with high concentration of a community can form their state.
If you look all over the world many counties have ethnic minority populations. When the central government fails to take these areas needs into consideration that is when problems arise. An example is the Basque region of Spain or the Catalonia area of Spain. The people in these areas feel the government in Madrid doesn’t represent them. They pay taxes, but they don’t see the money being spent in their area. The Basque like the Kurds don’t share the same language as the other areas of Spain. China has this problem to. Their solution is to forcibly impose controls on their ethnic minority areas. The ruling ethnic group is Han who speak Mandarin. China was divided by the Yellow River. In the past the area north of the river where Beijing is was Han. The area south of the river belongs to many different ethnic groups who speak their own languages.
Assad (Ba’athist) have had 6 years to find a solution to the country’s ethnic minority problems. As far as I have read they have not. Afrin is made up of Kurds and Syrian refugees. This is a test for Assad.
No my friend, states are not created merely by mismanagement or discontents.
It does not work that way and Matt’s opinion is lame really without any doubt.
Hey the Eskimos can create Eskimogistan too lol
90% of Chinese is Han with Y chromosome O8 who was originated around Yellow River and started migrating down south about 8,000 years ago and they say that they owned Tibet 500 years ago. Tibetan has Y chromosome D3 if my memory is correct. I have no knowledge about human migration history in Middle East but do hope human being would find a way to live harmoniously some day. My country, Japan has the stupid history. Our ancestor eradicated indigenous Ainu lineage inhabited in Japan Archipelago since 30,000 years ago taking 1200 years from 600AD to 1800AD and we took Ryukyu Kingdom(now Okinawa) 400 years ago. Quite a few Japanese including the current administration somehow discriminate Okinawans in one way or another as we did to Ainu again, although many are fighting for the fairness.
however brutal, asian tradition of expansion is cultural unification, rather than west’s colonization. why, in the last 1000 years, two out of 4 ruling ethnics were minorities, mongolian and manchurian, who have less than 1% of han’s population.
the world should learn this lesson from china’s qing dynasty, which ruled china by culture, not force, and turned out to be the greatest dynasty ever. minority rule, like the previous iraq (by saddam hussein) and now syria, might be the best way to reach ethnic harmony.
that’s why i m advocating unification of korea, japan and china, with koreans taking the top leadership position dictation the cultural direction, but china should still control the defense of the country and japan the livelihood of the people.
yes that is what i am saying
The kurdish had autonomy in Syria when Saddam gassed them in North West Iraq, which country gave them shelter, anew home a homeland in Syria
They’ve pissed on there corn flakes now and in time, the areas of Syria they stole will have to be given back under international law as Syria is a United nations member the turds are not. Its within there rights to put down the terrorism of the turds in Syria if they don’t agree to withdraw to the semi autonomous region in Northern Syria they lived before they became traitors and land thieves for the US regime
not true
Thanks for your factual response
Paid for with US citizen tax dollars.
Israel is the biggest welfare queen on the planet,
Israel is the biggest welfare queen in history.
You need to learn about the Hungarian history a little bit more bro. (somebody coming from US or Germany might not really understand the whole thing)
We have a very tragic history and we had also a country, which was bigger than Germany at some point (including Poland). Sooner or later it will happen with Syria also. (Next trianon, and yes, Syria will loose territory where Assad supporters are living, think about Erdely inside Romania – it’s like Hasakah)
If kurds don’t win now, will win later. Hungary were also occupied several times. Russia or German empire, or Austrian Monarchy has deviated the outcome, but the country exist and it has got less population than Kurds. Hungary also ruled several nation, and now they are split up 7 different countries, and i’m not against that Croatian or any other nation has the rights to create his own country where they do live (the painful situation here, that the super powers are slowing down the process, and says that there is a policy which anyways harms people rights). Regarding to Syria it can happen also.
I’m not a genius, but i do think, that organisations formed because of reasons. The basic reason might be covered in deep know, and i’m not against the fact that HTS has been radicalized a lot.
ISIS was also some sort of root of the right deprivation of Sunni population.
Pete ; you need to learn the difference between Sunni and Wahhabi Sunni ..
I will do. :), but i think that simple Sunnis at some point has supported ISIS, like in Mosul, as they didn’t really liked the present Iraq, so the story goes all the way. We can talk about anything, but i think every living person and organization has a purpose on the earth, just the act how they achieve it is different. End of story.:)
In both Iraq and Syria , generally the local Sunni Muslims fought against the Saudi and Tunisian Wahhabi Sunni Muslims ( jihadists ).
He is playing around for attention and a chance to spread his propaganda.
Pete, sorry but I would not waist time explaining such basic things. If you can’t comprehand what is Al Queda (HTS) or ISIS (nothing other than irregular armed forces of US/Israel/UK) than there’s no point in further discussion. For now (as a sitizen of “independent” country) prepare to welcome more refugees into your country (according to European values).
I agree.You are definitely not a genius
Tudor…..Sorry mate, the kurds lived there before the Turks arrived…..only problem with the turks is that they feel threatened because the majority haven’t been “turkified”…..and are not willing to “BE TURKS” that is the problem.
The Ataturk wanker used them as militias to help the turks get ride of the new turkish states undesirables, christians ,assyrians,armenians… so the turks could look innocent in all this.. with the promise he will give the kurds their rights……..turkey is a country built on conquest, forced conversion, theft, repression and genocide…..it will never have gods grace as it is built on blood and death……what we are seeing here is the continual demise of the Ottoman/turkish state, where it has to kill people to remove the evidence of its ugly past ……..
That doesn’t make sense, unless Pete is living in Iran, Iraq, Turkey or Syria. This is were Kurds live for thousands of years, it about time they can govern themselves!
It makes a lot of sense; the Kurds in Syria and Iraq lived in autonomous regions, they were given what they wanted and due to the Yankers they turned into insane puppet cannon fodder. Also in both Syria and Iraq, there are many different factions and beliefs – where the vast majority do not want an independence Kurdish state.
Autonomous??? NO WAY! Under Saddam the kurds were massacred and under father Assad as well. Under Assad junior it wasn’t any better, look what happened in 2004. The autonomy of kurds in Iraq was created with the help of USA and the autonomy in Syria was created by the Kurds themselves in 2011.
Again, Matty – how about Tel Aviv as new capital of indepedndent Kurdistan?
Just explain me why? Tel aviv is were other people live now. As you should know, i support a ONE state solution for Israel were jews, christians, muslims and atheists can live peacefully together in a democracy with equal rights for ALL
This last phrase and similar nice sounding words are constantly proclaimed by US establishment, Usrael occupiers and other scum of this Earth. But “judge them by their deeds” will help to see your true faces, snakeheads :)
Wich US establishments???? WRONG! They always talk about a TWO states solutions, something very diferent and not fair. It would mean the zionist regime could survive!
Well you are supporting something no Jew on earth does… nor does our US ZOG
Is that so? Did you ever listen to Norman Finkelstein, or Noam Chomsky, or Gilad Atzmon???? There are many more decent jews, you must be a dumbo that never took the time to look further then your little NAZI circle shit worldview
Well the World wants a two state and us Christians are p1ssed off now, so set your clock and enjoy it as you will, whilst you can. Tick tock.
whos asshole are you licking?
obviously he isn’t licking anything Jewish, you however would lick peanut butter off anything Zionist.
What is the problem of you people that whenever someone does not agree with your distorted worldview, he or she must be a zionist?????
Sure the hell not yours!!
In Iraq, the Kurds revolted because the Yanks fed them crap that they would support and protect them – then as usual, the Yankers left them to die.
The autonomy of Iraq was actually created by Saddam – it had fuck all to do with the Yanks. In Syria it was done by Assad.
Take your stupid, misinformed Yank propaganda elsewhere; I am done with you, you sanctimonious shyster.
Mate!! dont you know when youre talking with an idiot.You wont win.
Let him give away what isnt his.He can go and live there in the dirt with his buddies
Matty, for you personally I suggest that you give them Israel’s lands – is this close enough for you for historically Kurdish areas?
No, does not make sense, just give them the land were they currently live! And yes they are occupying way more land in Syria now. This is not right, but they did a good job fighting ISIS
“This is not right, but they did a good job fighting ISIS”… Are you delusional? The took Eastern Euphrates side of Syria just as fast as they could drive it as we(US) stood ISIS down.
I am not delusional, i know kurds personaly and journalists that went there as well. How many people did you talk with that come from the area or/and went there?
Sure did,,,,,As SYRIAN CITIZENS! If they want land,give it to them,but NOT the richest OIL producing areas which the US etc would just love.Why do you think the US is there?
Give them the central areas where there are few in habitants and good luck to them
Kurds were traditionally nomadic tribes – and they have surprisingly few major historical settlements or notable historical monuments connecting them to a number of the areas they are attempting to lay claim to, or expand into, today, in the nexus of Iran-Iraq-Syria. For example, the Nineveh Plain in north Iraq which Iraqi-Kurds are aggressively laying claim to – but which in contrast, is actually loaded full of historic Assyrian towns and historic monuments.
Nomadic or not, it doesn’t matter, they lived in the area for thousands of yhears, way longer then the turks and the arabs. And even if they would have invaded like a few hundred years ago like the turks, they should have rights!!
‘…they lived in the area for thousands of yhears…’
No. The problem is that as nomads they passed through the areas, they did not necessarily settle or lay any historical formal claim to them. Others equally came along and settled and built cities and monuments that staked out a formal historical claim. This is very common problem for former nomadic tribes that are now constrained due to the age of the modern nation state. Incidentally, your representation of Mesopotamia is grossly simplistic in terms of a Kurd vs Turk or Arab territorial equation. Armenians and Assyrians are equally of the same regions and they do not necessarily wish to be subordinated into a Kurdish regime that prioritizes the Kurdish ethnicity and language.
People do not have to settle to live somewhere, there is a lot of historical evidence that kurds lived in the area for many many centuries. Are you trying to sat that the native americans had no rights on american soil because they were nomads??
Salaheddine said I am not a Kurd but an Arab, when asked to lead the Kurds in their wanderings from his estates in Egypt. He knew he was a dweller of the land and not a mountain wanderer.
fsb agent, dont ask such questions!!!
The Syrian Kurds don’t want anything to do with the Turkish Kurds due to political differences, have been pissed off at the Iraqi Kurds for allowing tankers carrying oil sold by ISIS to pass thru their territory to Turkish refineries and are far removed from the Iranian Kurds who seem to be content with their lot of life there.
The PKK are just ‘freedom fighters’ and not terrorists then? That would be a novel surprise to most international intelligence agencies and to most middle east/ central Asian regional police services. The Kurds run many major smuggling syndicates – at the top of these are hardcore criminal enterprises that smuggle narcotics and launder cash – and a decent slice of that action is taken straight off the top by the PKK warlords to pay for their militias and weapons. Non-state militia’s don’t procure arms by magic – it is by criminal activities and/ or foreign patronage.
It’s a surprise to me also.:) I can send you some if you want, you can pay by bitcoins.:)
That is the case with a lot of guerilla organisations, if they are not funded by some foreign government. That doesn’t make them terrorists automaticaly. The thing is that governments can do terrorist acts and kill innocent civilians without being called terrorists, or do shady bussines as well, but when some rebels kill innocent civilians, and they make money illegal, they are branded terrorists. This is not really fair is it?
‘The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by several states and organizations, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the United States and the European Union.’
The point is whilst Turkey and the PKK have been engaged in a viscous civil confrontation since 1984, with constant stream of documented human rights violations and repression, the PKK are not simply some plucky little band of freedom fighters. They were initially a hard-line Marxist-Leninist separatist faction, that faced an equally hard-line Turkish response, and eventually altered their demands toward autonomy and a somewhat garbled, ex-Marxist-Leninist, and fuzzier left-wing ideological basis. But throughout that time they had a distinct propensity for violence and self-financing through the proceeds of regional criminal activity.
What is your point? I don’t see any point here, except a one sided view on reality
Did you ever take the time to study the work of Ocalan? Read it, it is very interesting and progressive
You must remember that the Turkish forces also encompass terrorist groups as well ie the SDF – this is from AMN which may explain it better than I can:
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:50 P.M.) – One of the largest US-backed rebel factions has announced its official defection from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to the Turkish-backed Euphrates Shield.
Jaysh Al-Thuwar was considered one of the largest factions in the Syrian Democratic Forces before they announced their intention to break away from the group in favor of an alliance with the Turkish groups.
With the loss of Jaysh Al-Thuwar, the Syrian Democratic Forces no longer have a large Arab rebel group in the northern countryside of Aleppo to aid them in their battle against the Turkish forces.
On Sunday, the Turkish-backed rebels seized their first town in the Afrin Canton, following their official entrance into this region in northwestern Aleppo.
Fucking back stabbers!
I hope you don’t mean me; if you mean them, I absolutely agree.
stabbers is plural isn’t it?
Plural backstabbers you are very clever.Why not Rural backstabbers.
Plural, rural, camel fffucking backstabbers ?
Got it.
The commander of Jaysh al Thuwar said that was a lie and they remain allies to the SDF. The only group that joined the FSA was the so called rehabilitated ISIS who didn’t even have time to see the front of the prison door. LMAO!!
Jaysh al-Thuwar Commander: We are fighting alongside YPG/YPJ
Revolutionary Forces Commander: “Do not heed the Turkish media and their followers. The Army of Revolutionaries is taking place in the defense of Afrin alongside YPG and YPJ.”
So the media propaganda war has begun!
Cheers for the link. Who exactly is ANF news ?.
Kurds and other groups and minorities seem at odds because of the Kurd ethnocentric behavior which had always been at odds with other groups and especially the Christians.
They have done all their biddings on the US as Partner who provides security. It is sad that the kurds dont learn anything from their iraqi kudish fellows, and the fact that US done nothing to support them after the referendum.
I pity Assad but most of all the innocent Syrian citizens. We hear Putin, Erdogan, IRGC Soleimani, Lavrov, Putin, Gen Dunford, Adel Al-Jubeir, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah everybody seems to be busy maneuvering, wheeling, dealing, making threats and counter threats , making battle plans but only once in a while does Assads name surface as if he is no longer relevant in the battle for his country.
All I can say is that Assad won this battle but he lost the war and his country to Russia, Turkey, USA/Kurds already. I am more worried about Russia and US occupation of Syria as I see another repeat of Afghanistan all over again. Some will not agree with my assessment because they appreciate and the “help” of the Russian against the imperialist ambition of the US but in actual fact both the Russian and US are equally dangerous.
How’s weather in Tel Aviv?
fuck yourself, drunker!
Solomon, you should not increase consumotion of heavy drags mixed wit alcohol. It shows in your posts lately. Or is it just a next shift of zio troll posting under this account?
Hilarious :)))))
tawarishtsh iwan, poyti damoy!!!
I think it is all aboute resources. Im Afghanistan the war was a different cause it was fighting the terrorist and they took them away from power but later no one like to stay and make the country safe. In Syria they will stay because of the oil and other resources. Assad will cooperat with Russia and kurds with the US. But us can’t fight Turkey because of UN and Nato. So the Russians can make deal with the Turks to get rid of the kurds. Just speculation
Afghanistan is all about Copper & Opium and driving a wedge between Arabs. The terrorists were paid by the West.
Assad has been allied with Russia for over 30 years . US , Saudi , Israel , Turkey have waged a seven year war against Syria , that they disguised as a “civil” war . Without Russia , Iran , and Lebanon , Syria would be a Wahhabi Saudi like “Kingdom” . But you are right the Syrians have suffered big time .
Ah, still better if they can be country or wahabi kingdom, look libya they already fucked up inside out, that they cant be a country or kingdom anymore, unless very powerful foreign country help them by sending a forces
They already are a country , 20 % Shia ( Muslim ) , 60 % Sunni ( Muslim ) , and 20 % Christian . The are together in the SAA , fighting the Wahhabi jihadists , ISIS , FSA , HTS , Al Qaeda , sent into Syria by the US etc. Russia and Iran are supporting Syria .
poor bashar, you put yourself together with satanist kremlin and ayatollahs, you should not be surprized. russia is not friend. friendly country would never tell, he will be neutral during turky attacks syria.
In other words, Assad is trying to say : ” Work with me as the legitimate government of Syria and the Syrian Army, not the so-called ‘Free Syrian Army’ against the U.S.-backed traitors. I consider them both as terrorists.”
More like unite with us or we will feed you to turks
Kurds chose to side with the US in splitting Syria. The same plan is ongoing in Iraq, Iran and certainly in Turkey. I say let them sort it out with the Turks and will know who is a worthy negotiating party in Sochi.
It is backfiring now, please look at my comment to Joe below.
The following is a challenge to duplicitous money-grubbing Arab and Western thinking destroying the ME.
The fundamental long-range objective of the US-British-Israeli axis (supported by other NATO and hanger-on nations) is regime-change to fragment and occupy all stable ME nations from Syria to Iran. the fragmentation of stable prospering Arab nations which are not “client” nations of this axis is primarily for resource control but the plan obviously includes the fulfillment of the Zionist Oded Yinon greater expansion of Israel. Anyone who says or thinks that by the US and Britain planting the most ruthless, monopolistic, megalomaniac group of Zionists the world has ever seen in the ME, in the creation of Israel, was just to provide a homeland for the Jewish people, is either hopelessly naive or an outright liar. This axis will continue with their objective of occupying and controlling more Syrian turf until the Arab people, and mainly Sunni sects, wake up and stop taking the bait – the money and promises of riches – to divide and conquer these nations. Since the early 1990’s the concerted regime- change campaigns of this axis has not been defensive but entirely offensive – with invasions and proxy terrorists insurgencies to destabilize and disrupt government services and order, to destroy infrastructure, and to displace millions of people. Both the politically right and the left arms this axis are working together to effect these ends, with the right arm of axis directing, supporting and funding the regime-change insurgents, alleged freedom-fighters using terrorism and axis air forces to destroy infrastructure and displacing millions of people, while the left arm has been herding hundreds of thousands of “refugees” from the war-torn FSA, ISIS, ISIL regions of Syria and Iraq into Europe (which operation can only be described as “land clearances”). This is the biggest scandal, the biggest war crime, the biggest act of treachery, the biggest story, of the century and what do we have everywhere in the media, but politically correct silence. The UN which itself is a totally corrupt, scandal-redden farce says nothing and does nothing.
If Erdogan is invading Syria for any purpose other than to restore peace and sovereignty to Syria, and even if he wants a share of the spoils in any fragmentation of Syria, then he is a tool of the US, British, Israeli axis, and his own nation should also be fragmented by the Kurdish cause. If so, then let that be the will of God. If, however, he is honorable and sees the great crime which has been inflicted on Syria to destroy its sovereignty and disperse its people, and he uses his forces to restore peace, stability, and sovereignty, then he will be a great champion of justice to the entire world, and his own nation will have peace, prosperity, and security as well. And may that be the will of God.
The very very worst option for the Kurds is to trust my US ZOG at all. They are part of Syria, make peace and work with that. All we want from them is cannon fodder to establish the Greater Israel Project. LOOK at what we have gotten from the Zionists, 2 world wars, the USS Liberty, 911, US federal reserve, the Bolshevik mass murders, and the stupidest least news aware people on earth. The Kurds need to learn from us.
It is interesting to read this article from a Turkish newspaper:
It notes that everyone seems to line up against the Kurds:
– the Syrian government has not used its air defenses. Turkey said it had directly contacted the Syrian government – what would be the first time in years – to give it assurances
– several high level Turks visited Russia shortly before the attack. Russia is withdrawing its troops and military police from Afrin
– (most surprisingly) even the US seems to support the Turks. The PKK and Syrian Kurds have made accusations that the US is “siding with Russia” and NATO has adopted a resolution in which it stresses Turkey’s right for self-defense.
The goal may be a government take-over. According to the NY Times
The Syrian government and some Kurdish militias were negotiating to raise Syrian government flags over public buildings in Afrin to try to avert the Turkish bombing, the lawmaker said. The lawmaker added there was a split among Kurds about whether to accept the Syrian government’s retaking of Afrin, in a bid to end the Turkish offensive, or whether Kurds should maintain control and resist the offensive.
I don’t think that there’s any doubt that the balkanization of Turkey is on the Jews to do list:
“Israeli strategists have long wished to balkanize the Middle East to make it easier for Israel to dominate the region. These efforts to break up the surrounding nations into smaller units were described by Moshe Sharett in the 1950s, by Yinon Oded in the 1980s, and more recently by the neocons in the Clean Break document.”
– The Mossad’s role in the Kurdish Independence movement –
The Turks for 1,000 years have supported the jew, until Erdogan. From the first Turks battling the anti-jewish Christians… to the freemason, jewish and Donmeh (((young turks))) who gave orders to the turks to genocide the Armenians… to ataturk, a jew and freemason… turks have been serving the jew. Except on two occasions in turkish history. The first and greatest deed of the Turk was when the goblin jew sabbatai zevi, the false messiah of 1666, who all the jews of Europe believed to be the jewish messiah to bring about an age of darkness for humanity. sabbatai zevi believing that its goblin singing voice could defeat the sultan by singing before the sultan and the sultan would give up his throne to a goblin jew, sabbatai zevi, because the sultan would be amazed and mesmerized by a goblin singing. This jewish plot did not work out, the Sultan forced zevi to convert to Islam or face execution. Zevi converts and so did thousands of jews, giving birth to the donmeh crypto-jews. jewish occultists still follow sabbatai zevi, these are sabbateans and frankists. It is said that the jewish leaders are among these occultists jews. If the jew could not get Palestine from singing, the jew agents of the (((young turks))) did enough damage to the Ottoman Empire during the WWI that the Balfour Declaration could be eventually realized. During the Cold War, turks prided themselves as loyal slaves of the jewnited states. Erdogan has reversed this course. Erdogan is anti-jewish masonry, communism and zionism. Where Erdogan is wrong is he thinks being this, he deserves Syria and other arab allies just for being good. The problem with this line of reasoning, is Syria is already fighting the jew world disorder, Assad has done a tremendous job. So the coalition of Syria, Iraq and Iran is far better than a coalition led by Turkey who is friends with the Great Satan (jewnited states) and Satan (Israhell). Such a Syria allied with Erdogan would be a huge step back, considering many sunnis are not too bright in figuring out all sunni terror groups are led by the CIA and Mossad. There are some sunnis like sufis and others that have things figured out. Most sunnis are too easily tempted by a false god of Islam, someone named “Hula-hoop snackbar”. Sunnis say “Hula-hoop snackbar” while they murder Shia civilians, and they are supposed to get a 72 year old virgin from their god Hula-hoop. Or some such nonsense. So Erdogan in supporting the rebel terrorists in Syria thought he was going to get a new arab sunni friend in getting rid of Assad, which was completely evil. Even worse than replacing Assad is the formation of a zio-Kurdistan, a colony of Israhell where the Kurds openly fight for Israhell, not just the leaders, like Sisi and King Abdullah. Where the leaders of Jordan and Egypt may fight diplomatically for Israhell (like Sisi’s blockade on Gaza), it would be nearly impossible to get the army of Egypt and Jordan fighting for Israhell, I am sure the Mossad agents are working on it, but it would take decades or centuries for that. The kurds are already with Israhell as much as the ‘mericans. Kurdish troops today would fight with Israhell for capturing Al Quds, Mecca and Medina to be jewish occupied. Kurds are insanely evil. Erdogan fighting the kurds is something good. Very good. The jewnited states was preparing a zio-Kurdistan.
Dejudification in Europe, the near east and north Africa 1946 to 2010:
What an imagination, or did you just copy paste this from some other mad man?
Is not that more of a compulsory news for the press? As head of state of Syria, he has to comment on the Turkish action, of course he can not endorse it.
The statement that Turkey wants to support the insurgents makes no sense, there is also already a lot of room for possible support. Erdogan would just have to pour it over the border.
I think President Assad may find it right that the US and Turkey alienate each other, the Kurds are subdued or will be, we will have to wait and see, and their transatlantic protectors are exposed just like they got exposed during the referendum of the iraqi kurds.
It will be easier to negotiate with Erdogan than with the Kurds who are driven by the US to accept nothing from Assad and the Russians? Any doubts?